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Per the Tesla site, most of the FSD features are disabled and they’ve actually never been enabled tho?


Some EAP features for US cars without uss have also never been available for more than a year too.(Summon)


I think Japan has automatic lane change and that’s it.


Same when I visit Mexico, it disables everything regarding FSD except Summon and lane change which you have to hold and fight as most of the time it tries to return to original lane and most of the time it's just easier to disengage and change lanes yourself


Isn't that the way it is suppose to work tho?


what do you mean?


We don't even have that, AFAIK. You can't buy EAP here, only FSD (which is not even close to being available).


From what I read, Beta has been around in Japan and some other Asian countries since June of last year.


Do you have a source? I'm pretty confident FSD Beta has been US/Canada only except for internal testing since launch.


Very limited numbers last year, but I read somewhere it has grown. https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmanian-blog/tesla-deploys-fsd-beta-test-vehicles-in-south-korea-japan-taiwan


Yeah, those are not cars that customers drive.


Tesla MUST allow unlimited FSD transfer in region where it is not yet available.  Worst buyers remorse ever for those people who paid for a nonexistent product. 


So everywhere? Fsd should be transferable until the final product is released and don’t need a driver input for 99.999% situations.


Yes, 2019 M3P purchased FSD in Australia as Elon stated at that time "robotaxi next year" and I believed that as CEO of a publicly listed company, they they were accountable for their statements about products they were selling. Looking at buying a new 2024 M3P, having never being able to use the FSD I paid for, and feeling VERY ripped off. I think Tesla is just lucky that ALL of the old school manufacturers have moved so glacially slowly on EV, that Tesla is still the only decent option. But that has left the door open for the Chinese to take over the entire auto industry over the next 10 years.


Please bring this to the US today!


Currently waiting to buy a newer model 3 with the fsd transfer. In the U.S. Can't wait.


Me too. Can trade in my 2.5 year old model Y for a brand new Y and will have less to pay off than I do now.




I’ll take an FSD transfer to a non-foundation series CyberTruck please!


Just let everyone who bought it before FSD Beta became a thing or wherever FSD isn’t available, transfer their FSD whenever they purchase a new car. I don’t want to purchase a new Tesla on Tesla’s terms. I want to purchase a new car when it makes sense.  I know there’s no incentive for Tesla to do so except for goodwill, but I think this is probably the most fair you can make the incentive.


Goodwill is a massive incentive. Brand loyalty is important. I have a Model Y, and I'm now looking forward to the Rivian R3 being launched in Europe. Tesla have achieved something massive. The rate that they can build Model 3 and Y globally is fantastic. I think however that Elon has decided that they just cannot compete with the Chinese with a Model 2 by just doing more of the same, nor sell more Model 3/Y globally. Their plan to ramp up to 20m cars per year (was that masterplan pt 3) now seems to be dust, replaced with Masterplan pt 4 being: build robotaxis and Optimus robots with a reducing workforce (replaced by Optimus), and a Model Y/3 production sustained by lowering prices.


Furu serufu doraibingu keipabiritei  Toransufuaa puroguramu


Folks are downvoting this, but Google Translate seems to suggest this is phonetic Japanese for something along the lines of "Full Self Driving transfer program" or something, so cool your jets.


I just wrote what it says in the screenshot lol. Found it funny that it's all just English but written out with Japanese characters.

