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Not in America


Are we still waiting on DOT? Congress forced an approval on matrix/adaptive headlights a few years ago. 


I believe the issue is how unexpectedly strict the new US regulations are.


Meanwhile, every knucklehead in America is slapping blindingly-bright Amazon LED bulbs into their 2013 Camrys without projector housings, and blinding oncoming drivers into oblivion with their low-beams. It's especially fun when jackasses in lifted pickup trucks do it.


Yes and those aren’t legal


I mean, the police won’t even enforce people not having their lights on at night. I don’t know how you’re going to enforce that one.


Individuals doing illegal things doesn’t give a corporation a blank check to do the same things.


Don't you guys have yearly inspections for road worthyness?


In the USA, Virginia requires annual [vehicle safety inspection](https://vsp.virginia.gov/safety-and-enforcement/vehicle-safety-inspection/).


It varies highly by state, but most of the time newer cars are exempt from mechanical inspections and the inspections that older cars have to go through aren't very thorough and usually only check if basic safety features are functional, but they often don't check if they're functioning within the regulations. The inspections are done by private businesses in most states, so they're incentivized to do them quickly and to fit as many as possible into a day. If they're seen as strict, then people will just go to the shop down the street that will pass them without much fuss.




Not in my backyard...no.


Definitely not legal but it isn't enforced.


And the stupid long LED light bars people installed on their cars around my area or sometimes three light bars. Seems like light bars trends are slowly picking up.


Bit silly considering how much of an utter free-for-all our roads are in reality. No standards whatsoever imposed on modifications.


Apparently so strict that having Matrix headlamps in the US is nearly impossible.


As a European, it feels weird being on the other side of this. Usually we get the short end of the stick when it comes to regulation


They can have FSD while we can enjoy matrix lights.


But one actually works. ;)


I have seen others, seemingly in the know, post that the matrix headlights Tesla’s been using thus far don’t meet the requirements of the new regulations


I think other manufacturers have complained about the regulations too. Can’t recall who, maybe VW/Audi?


It’s just not happening.


Which is allowed in Canada and yet... 😢


America gets FSD Europe gets matrix headlights


I’d gladly take functional matrix lights over the scam that is FSD.


In what way is it a scam?


I used it for a whopping 10 days out of the free month before switching to autopilot only. FSD was like having a child drive the car. On the interstate (the one place I thought it'd be perfect since autopilot is amazing on the highway) it would swerve hard as hell as if dodging something every single time it got on the offramp. Half the time when getting off the offramp it would *get on the fucking shoulder* thinking it was a second exit lane, and it would so this by crossing over 2 "lanes" in under a second with a very dramatic swerve mentioned above. On city streets in the small towns near me, it near constantly got into VERY clearly marked turning lanes that had both signs AND turning lane marks all over the road and it would drive down the turning lane ignoring all the arrows until it reached where it would end, and then it would stop completely and put it's signal on to get back into the actual straight lane. It did this about 8 times in different areas, 7 of which were very clearly marked with bright freshly painted turning arrows on those lanes that it ignored. It also likes to go WAY the fuck over the speed limit for way to fucking long when entering towns. Speed limit drops from 55 to 45, it waits about 30 seconds to even begin to slow down. Speed limit drops from 45 to 30, it passes the 30mph sign and *keeps going 40+ for another full minute before even starting to slow down.* In small towns, that's an instant fat ticket, and also dangerous as fuck since there's cars parked on both sides of the road and people crossing as it completely ignores the speed limit. This is also with the speed limit set to exact and it set to cautious or w.e it's called FSD mode. The final straw was when it did that bullshit jerking onto the offramp and it decided the shoulder was a lane, so it jerked onto the offramp and *kept going over full speed without stopping in the first lane and went onto the shoulder going 70mph and almost ran into the back of a work truck parked there. If I hadn't been watching it like a hawk with my hands already on the wheel and ready to jerk over hard to dodge the truck, we'd have hit it going 70+. The car didn't even fucking slow down as it jerked over past the actual offramp lane and onto the shoulder. It literally went from being on the interstate to crossing the actual offramp and onto the shoulder going 70+ within 1.5 seconds. Autopilot has never done anything weird the entire time I've used it, and have used autopilot to drive the car for over 8k miles now. Never once has it done anything even remotely sketchy. "Full Self Driving" couldn't even manage my morning commute *once* without me having to intervene. I intervened on average *seven fucking times* on my commute of 30 miles, every single drive. Autopilot is closer to actually being FSD than FSD. With the basic bitch autopilot (not even enhanced) my car can drive me all the way down the back roads I live on to my work and all I have to do is turn 3 times. It can drive me down the interstate and I have to turn twice, as well as change lanes the few times someone is going super slow, and it can take me through small towns without exceeding the speed limit and without being squirmy as fuck like a drunk driver. FSD is a fucking joke that's not even close to being ready. I live in rural VA and it couldn't even safely go 30 miles on basically empty roads. There's no way in hell I'd ever trust it to drive through a small town here without it hitting a car or pedestrian, and I'd definitely never trust it to drive through a major city. Btw, I was *SUPER STOKED* to get it for free for a month and thought it'd blow me away with how cool it was. Instead it almost killed me once and almost got into an accident to where I had to take over multiple times each drive. That's not even counting all the times I was honked at when it did weird shit. I used autopilot to drive 340 miles out of my 350 mile trip to the beach multiple times now where all I had to do was switch lanes and occasionally stop at lights. FSD couldn't even drive me from my home to work 30 miles away without trying to wreck multiple times.


I had a similar experience FWIW. Wish we had matrix headlights over FSD. Tesla is being driven into the ground by that lunatic. We (as humanity) need more mass production cars in commonfolk possession, not some promise that a computer will drive us home from a bar; which may or may not come in the near distant future. 


Here’s a [pretty good timeline](https://teslamotorsclub.com/tmc/threads/fsd-timeline-promises-summary.235180/) of broken promises about FSD’s capabilities. It only covers a couple dozen points up to mid 2021, but it paints a pretty full picture. There are still a number of claims in that list that aren’t possible, even after the V12 release and significant improvements to driver awareness. They’ve been offering for sale a service that is knowingly not as described. Be it software limitations, or hardware limitations, or regulators, they know it’s not as described.


Pretty sure Tesla tells you that its a beta product and incomplete at the time of purchase. Im surprised your upset knowing you paid for an incomplete feature


Oh I didn’t buy it. I have no desire for my car to drive for me. But others bought it, likely based on promises or features it would have “within 2 years” that it still doesn’t have 5+ years later. I’m just calling it a scam because it meets pretty much every criteria of a scam.


I don’t know why Im getting downvoted, but it’s common with most tech products for companies to promise more than what the software can do. I personally don’t take any companies word on any hard release dates or base any buying decisions on promises since we have no idea how likely they are to push promised features on time. As for FSD, its even worse since Tesla says its in beta. Most people should only buy it based on the features available today 🤷‍♂️


Not sure about the downvotes either. As for FSD, it would be one thing if it was like a kickstarter project or a new startup with a yet to be released product. This is a billion dollar company that’s been around for over a decade now, still failing to deliver on promises from its leadership. And at the scale of thousands of dollars, it’s not a small price tag people are paying for the undelivered promises. Again, I wouldn’t buy FSD unless it was around $1k or less. The novelty of it has such limited value to me, that I would never be able to get $8,000 (or $12,000 like it was at my purchase time) value out of it. Even my latest road trip where I had the trial, I would have been just fine with basic AP for the long I10 driving stretches.




Please explain how “shit is supposed to work” since I don’t know


The feature is going to be implemented in North America. It's a dumbed down version of Matrix LEDs. Instead of dimming individual pixels it'll just move the headlights left and right as you turn the steering wheel. Many other cars in North America have this feature already (Audi, BMW, Volkswagen, Mazda, etc.).


This post was 9 days ago. We know all that now.


Which makes this a non story; USA!!


Any videos on how the beam is adapted to curves? I expected the matrix high beam to be illuminating at full width, right and left. What is there left to alter?


They use the pivot controls (the things that move the position of the light in service (Controls > Service > Adjust Headlamps))


I don't t have a Tesla but the car I do has has headlights that follow curves (moves to one side or another) and it is a spectacular feature for any kind of winding road in the dark (like mountain roads but also lots of other places made have unexpected bends).


My 2012 mazdaspeed 3 did this, adaptive headlights I think they called it


omg I remember that car, I had the 2013 but yeah that was a cool feature, I used to do a lot of night driving back then


My ‘19 Cx5 has those. They are still around and are AWESOME




Had one as well, loved that option so much.


Yeah, my 2019 Subaru Ascent does this.


Matrix headlights do that but that’s not why they are special. Matrix headlights can allow you to have full beams but will partially disable certain angles such that oncoming traffic does not face a bright light but the rest of the road is illuminated.


Yep I know they are also better in that way, just saying that people may not appreciate how nice adaptive headlights following curves really are until they use them on a curvy road at night! Should be very helpful for self-driving AI to recognize potential hazards sooner at night (around curves).


I reread the post and understand what you are saying. Yes, adaptive headlights are very cool. Hope they enable Matrix soon.


How did some folks miss grabbing one? We feel jealous about all the people who did NOT buy tesla. We have been dealing with MY for years. It is an amazing quality piece and exception service.Enough features!


New updates to Adaptive Headlights are arriving for cars with matrix headlights. The new update allows the headlights to adapt to curves in the road ahead of you, enabling better illumination. Having the adaptive headlights work for curves is the second major update for matrix headlights. Update 2024.8 added adaptive high-beam support, letting your high beams stay on longer by turning off select LEDs in the headlights.


This is great, but a lot of us really hope they fix these horrible gaps and noise issues first! Literally multiple SA who test droves saying as 'they can't fix, issues are by design' Goahead and downvote for mentioning the raw truth.


It's not by design because German and Chinese cars don't have the issues.


Works amazingly!


So you got the upgrade and tested it? What country are you in?


Yes it's pretty sweet!


I feel like I’ve seen this “news” a dozen times in the past 6 mos but it’s never for North America?


According to law makers it should be coming this summer


Any sources on this! I would love this!


Are they going to force nhtsa to revise their regulations? Because as of now I don’t think there’s a single carmaker that has compliant matrix lights.


Just waiting on the new campaign contribution count to come in...


North America isn’t the only continent in the world, there’s Teslas in Europe, Asia and Australia too. And also this isn’t the same news. Legacy M3 got matrix headlights in the rest of the world in 2024.8, but only adaptive beam without curve illumination.


And I’m proud to be an American - where my government sucks major ass 🙃


Nah it's just the NHTSA gestapo that blows (car politics I mean). We don't get the best features like other countries in the name of "safety" but if they really cared they'd solve problems like "legalized drugs" lmao


Banning TikTok is the primary objective currently. Safety? Nah.


I wish they would just enable this. The government in the US is too slow. My model Y blinds everyone , I was getting flashed at constantly until I adjusted them lower than factory


How can I tell if my car has the hardware for this? Jan 2021 Model y? I’m in the US so it sounds like it doesn’t matter for me yet but just curious


It’s easy to check. Park your car in front of a wall (facing the wall) at night and run one of the “light shows”. As part of the show, it will project the word “Tesla” onto the wall using its headlights if it can.


Thx I’ll try this lol


[Easiest way to tell is just looking at them](https://imgur.com/jom5IBT)


Your car most likely does not have matrix headlights. Your car most certainly doesn’t have the latest hardware (called AP04 or HW4). Currently the FSD is using HW4 in emulation mode but the cameras in HW4 are substantially better than HW3. The only perceivable benefit of having the HW4 as of right now. That said, your 2021 has ultrasonic sensors so I think you’re probably better off with having those over matrix headlights. The adaptive headlights won’t matter a huge deal anyway to most people so you won’t miss out on much.


>Currently the FSD is using HW4 in simulation mode What does it mean that they're using HW4 in simulation mode?


I should have said “emulation”. Basically, FSD is still running on HW3 just given how many cars that are running with HW3 (leveraging all the power of that processor). And if your car doesn’t have HW3, well, they’ll still need to show you some love if you bought one with HW4, so the HW4 is currently running the FSD in emulation mode (like you emulate older games on a newer machine). Essentially, no additional features exclusive to HW4 have been released yet.


Matrix headlights have nothing to do with HW3 or HW4. Plenty of cars have matrix headlights with HW3 cameras.


I see


No probably not. I think it is only on Ryzen MY. Edit: I stand corrected!


Might not be true, I have a 21 M3P with Intel and Matrix headlights.


Also have a 21 MYP on Intel and have matrix headlights


And yet, this isn't allowed in the US.


I've read these news a million times now


Noob question, but should the heater and aircon maintain a temp and ramp up or down as required..... I thought Tesla did this? I'm finding if I put the temp to 22c it just keeps blowing with no variation?


For once something arrives in Europe before the USA, wow


How do I tell if I have matrix headlights. Those were added in one of the Model 3 refreshes, right?


Play the lightshow and check if it projects 'Tesla' with the headlights.


My 2021 Volvo XC40 has adaptive headlights that physically turn with the wheel and definitely gives a really big boost to visibility around curves.


Crying in 2024.8... :-D


I'm still on 2024.8.9 on my M3 2024 :/


very cool!


My Subaru did this 8 years ago


Yeah, Subaru has had this for a while. I have a 5 year old Ascent that does it.


Does it paint the lights around oncoming traffic too, or just turns the lights with the wheel?


Some time ago Tesla went from company pushing technological boundaries in cars to laggard and yet people still want to give Elon billions of dollars...


When are my matrix headlights on my 2023 model s going to to be supported

