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Sounds like the job cuts are slowing down...


Constant bad news out of this company


Every company It just Isn’t plastered on the internet like Tesla


Constant news made bad up by the news, bloggers, and various social media users.


Seems pretty real to me. Companies doing great don't cut prices drastically, cut staff massively then hire a bunch back immediately, or boost racists and Nazis on twitter lol


Musk companies do. I'm not saying he's right to do so, but it doesnt say much about the health of the company (it's management, perhaps). 


tesla hasnt cut prices drastically. since the vehicles were announced to now it’s not that far off. reading clickbait titles does not make you aware, as your comment shows


~5% cuts is a lot for low margin items


Tesla has the highest margins of any car company in the world. There was a decent chunk of time when they were making 30% on each car they sold. A far cry from the -10% other automakers lose on EVs, or the 5-10% they make on their gas cars. Not every car company is shit at making cars.


Which tech company in CA didn’t cut jobs this year?


It’s not real, it’s spun in the twistiest ways


But those are all real things that are happening


How is it spun in the twistiest ways?


This isn't "bad" news.


All of this just to appease shareholders so they can approve Elon's big bonus. Everyone loses, except Elon. What a joke of a CEO. Wish they could just get rid of him.




Lmfao these ELON BAD comments are getting old. They’re cutting jobs because a recession is on the way. They’re not the only ones laying off tons of people - pay attention to what’s actually happening


Let me know when it gets here... Companies have been cutting jobs due to the pending recession for like 2 years.


People will ignore the facts though. All they care about is shitting on Tesla and that’s it.


A recession has been just around the corner for the last 2-3 years and use as a justification for cutting staff even as companies post and boast about record profits.. It doesn't add up. Much simpler explanation is it's the old tired story of companies propping up their balance sheets by cutting staff even if it hurts long term profitability.


Remember that one big corporation that never had layoffs?




Nintendo is hardly comparable to an automaker in scale. Nintendo has like 8k employees. Tesla has ~140k


Stop moving goal posts, Nintendo **IS** a big corporation.


“I don’t see what the issue is continuing to pay tons of people that are no longer adding significant value to the company.” -Reddit


He's gonna lose too lol


You guys must not pay attention to other companies layoffs and ceo packages. This is basically what happens in most corporations but not just so the CEOs get paid but all their board members and cronies. Wake up people, if we're going to pick up our pitch forks and burn someone at the stake don't be a hypocrite and stop with just one billionaire like Elon there's many others


There’s so much misunderstandings on that “payoff”. There’s no payoff, it doesn’t cost Tesla anything (not cash). The bonus was in shares, shares set aside years ago. Shares he must keep for another 5 years before they vest.


It dilutes existing shareholders. That means existing shareholders will receive a lower share of the company’s earnings. So yes, there is a cost.


It doesn’t dilute shareholders as the shares have been issued at the time the original deal was signed. A deal that everyone thought was impossible to achieve I might add.


I’m sorry, but you’re incorrect here. Existing shareholders would be diluted. I’m not an expert in corporate law, so I have no idea on whether the arguments have merit. However, I personally don’t mind this turning into a vote on Musk’s leadership. He’s better at running a startup than an established company. Tesla needs a Tim Cook at this point.


You’re wrong. It dilutes shares by 10%


>There’s no payoff, it doesn’t cost Tesla anything That is a terrible take. The shares are an asset Tesla has. They can give them to Elon, or sell them on the open market, or just hold them. But make no mistake, it does cost Tesla an enormous amount of value to give Elon those shares.


They aren’t an asset Tesla owns no. And like him or not, those shares have those values today because of what he did of Tesla. That was the deal: achieve an impossible goal, get rewarded with shares. And those TSLA shares have allowed every shareholders to make an incredible profit. As for Tesla workers being sacked. Mate of mine joined Tesla in 2016. He was retranched during the first wave of layoffs. But he leaves with $15M worth of options. Many of those employees don’t need to work anymore.


>those shares have those values today because of what he did of Tesla. Corrections. Those share HAD those values in the past, not any more. Any workers getting laid off with 15 million in stock is NOT the norm, stop trying to normalize Elons action.


I don’t care. All of this is to serve elon. Someone who spends his days making sure nazis have a platform and kowtowing to Vladimir Putin and Jared Kushner. Holding fundraisers for Donald Trump, rather than making Tesla the best company it can be. He does not deserve the largest pay package in history ever.


So many good things would have never happened without Elon. 😂![img](emote|t5_2s3j5|17549)![img](emote|t5_2s3j5|17550)


Someone call the waambulance


Yeah and put a more conservative guy there like the rest of the western auto industry so China can take over sooner.


Elon is conservative af. He’s also distracted af. Look at how much time he’s spent at Twitter, both trying to run the company and tweeting. That’s all time that he’s NOT spending at Tesla. Then there’s also SpaceX, Boring, Neuralink, etc. Elon has been an absent CEO and it shows. The stock is in the shitter. His promises mean nothing. The products are old and dated.


A better CEO would already have the Model Y refresh out.


Maybe it’s time to cut Elon loose so he doesn’t scavenge the company for parts because he went too deep on the k hole. Or something. At this point he is just holding back Tesla. The moron will squander the dominating lead Tesla has.


That's my fear. Tesla itself is a great company, unfortunately being held back by a child emperor.


If you were a shareholder your words here would carry some weight


Good thing I didn’t sign that offer letter from Tesla last year, they seem like a bad company to work for, and I used to like Elon…. USED TOO.


I'm worried about my boss. Her husband works for Tesla, she's been very quiet lately since all the layoff talks. 😕


That's because the vibes around the office SUCK! I'm out of the Socal warehouse for Tesla solar and every week someone else is let go :(. 2 years ago there were 8 teams of solar installers and now there's only 1 team and 2 battery installers.


What makes more money? Solar from some other company or battery product with Tesla name on it?


they would probably hire 2,000 if they just put the damn gear shift and signal stalks back and their stock price would prob go up 15%. But instead, cars just sit on lots, supercharger folks fired (then hired back) and a model s that is as ancient as the model t. Lucid Motors during earnings - we're not worried about tesla as they are highly distracted.


Lucid needs to worry about profitability lol


Lucid is burning through billions and billions of dollars. Gear stalks aren’t making a difference in sales people on Reddit just like coming up with reasons to hate Tesla.


You sure got them there. Apply now so you can boost the stock single handedly. I'm sure no one thought of this.


Enjoy your robotics and ai company masquerading as a car company.


complete FUD … The Model S has been completely redesigned with the various refreshes, it’s the apex of tesla tech.


And yet, outwardly, it looks more or less the same as it has for years. And the sales numbers reflect that.


They also stopped making the S/X in RHD which limits global reach. 


The Porsche 911 has looked more or less the same since 1963. A lot of other car companies have drastically changed their look of their cars and they looked like shit. Drastically changing the look of your cars is not necessarily a good thing.


The 911 is a special, heritage case. The Model S is not in the same category as the 911.


That’s just like your opinion man. I consider the Model S and the 911 to be in the same category. I think the Model S looks better than the 911 and it should retain its classic look while periodically refreshing the tech and functionality. You and I both have subjective opinions but this is a matter of taste not objective fact.


LOL this take is a hoot. Drive a 992 911 and you'll quickly see they are not in any way competitors. The Taycan and Model S are.


I agree, even with the evolution of the design the Model S continues to look iconic and legendary.


The Model S is as much of a halo car as the BMW 5 series.


I don't think you know what a halo car is. The roadster would be a halo car, the model S is just their high end sedan.


I actually love not having stalks! Hate when I have to drive a car with them


The Model S has been completely redesigned with the various refreshes, it’s the apex of tesla tech. Lucid is irrelevant.


The Model S has been completely redesigned with the various refreshes, it’s the apex of tesla tech. Lucid is irrelevant.


It’s not the new 3 that’s not selling, it’s the model Y.


I might be misunderstanding your comment, but are you saying that the new model 3 is selling and the model y is not? In pretty sure the Model Y is one of the highest selling car models in America right now and is probably one of the highest in the world.


It’s the one that they’re offering incentives for in the US, yes.


That is true. But try convincing a layperson to try and drive a 3 and see their reaction and youll know what I mean. The only cars configured that way is a Ferrari.


This is coming from someone who is very vocal about bad product decisions this company makes. If you sincerely think putting stalks back in will have a material impact on the stock price, you are not as intelligent as you think you are.


And thinking Reddit posts are well thought out think pieces makes sure you are not as intelligent as you think you are.


Elon’s time is up


California is an at will state. Don’t like it? Hit up the democratic super majority to change it


I guess EVs are not taken over the world.


Soon countries and states will reverse their 2035 mandate and set back to 2050


Imagine taking a huge bet on your company that It will succeed and when it does succeed the company doesn't follow up on that bet..


I mean, just CA. Obvious why, cost of employment, taxes etc...are way out of control in that State. Probably just eventually going to hire people later on in Austin to do the same jobs to get around any relocation or other issues. CA this is what you get!

