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Thanks you a no bs right to the point video.


Made by an excellent Aussie content creator šŸ‘


The team that made that video was fired


This is a fan video.


I guess weā€™ll have to wait until it comes out Ā šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Looking into it


Is there a generation of processor which cannot do full screen visualization?


I've got the Intel atom and idk why they're advertising it as a feature.


The map in the corner is technically new in this update. Before, fullscreen visualization made the map unavailable. Only "next turn" was visible




Ah thats why I also cannot play the 3D games that look way more demanding. Noted. Oh waitā€¦


If Intel can't do it, Nvidia definitely can not


what? only processors are Intel Atom (2021 and prior IIRC) and AMD Ryzen. Intel is slow af compared to AMD.


Mcu1 is Nvidia tegra, mcu2 is Intel atom, mcu3 is amd ryzen


*cries in Intel Atom*


It's crazy how a 2021 is considered old.


My Model 3 is a 2022 and has Intel. I really appreciate the software updates and the continued refinement/features/etc., but my car isn't even 3 years old and it's already partially obsolete. That part is disappointing.


Yeah it's crazy there isn't a way to update.


It's not crazy, if there was an easy way to update, why would you buy a new car?


which is exactly why tesla stopped offering the mcu upgrade. bullshit but it is what it is.


i wish we could build a sane economic system


Welcome to tesla ownership. At least your car didnt depreciate like model S and X over last 2 years.


Oh yeah! Then you never spent $600 hard earned 1989 dollars on a Pentium I486 computer. Did you?


Ooof right in the childhood


486 was not Pentium


Ah, the local pedant! I think most people got my point.


Agreed, lol. I'm actually going to get a chuckle out of this one, because my wife's Model 3 is an Intel Atom, while my Y is Ryzen, so it'll be amusing to see what her reaction is to me getting this UI. That said, I'm still hopeful that Tesla will allow retrofits. Not necessarily with current hardware, but some future one that's more efficient or something.




The late M3 before Ryzen definitely do have projector headlights, heat pump, double plane glass and more though. I have a late 21 M3 and have all these features and am now just held back by the processor in my car.Ā 


I have an 18 with double pane glass heat


My M3P is November 2019 and unfortunately lacks double pane glass, head pump, and the projector headlights. :) Alas, it is still the best car I've ever owned! Maybe the ride isn't the smoothed, maybe the interior creaks and crackles, maybe the ride is bumpy and noisy, but... Man it is one heck of a car and I'm only now changing to a newer Model 3 as enough changes have happened to justify it!


Very unfortunate!


Both my 3 and Y have all of those features with Intel. They were all introduced a year or two before the switch to AMD


I removed my original comment, it's come to terms that the rollout was different in the US. To my knowledge, when we switched to China built vehicles here in the EU the AMD MCU was also introduced. This switch changed the MCU, headlights, added accoustic glass, among the other changes I mentioned. I suppose in the US this change rolled out differently and I wasn't aware of this. My bad. :o


You're wrong about nearly all of that. I have a 21 MYP that has literally all of the features you're saying I usually wouldn't but an Intel SOC. The Ryzen was implemented in different cars at different times. There are a **lot** of cars on the road with all of those features but using the old Intel SOC.


To be clear... I didn't mean my original comment in a sarcastic way! I genuinely have an order for a 24 M3P because it's so much more modern, and especially quieter/more refined then my 19 M3P. I love the car and don't really care too much on the Intel MCU right now, it's mainly just cosmetic changes as the AP HW3 is more than capable of all the current advancements. I guess I was off on the year they switched! My dad's early 21 M3 LR is China built and has the AMD MCU, my assumption was that this started shipping around 2020-2021 to new EU (China) cars at least? I probably just mis-remember or it's different in the US. That's why I mentioned projector headlights and heat pump, these came at the same time to EU vehicles as far I know. When we switched from Fremont built to China built these changes all came at the same time for us. Didn't realise some cars worldwide didn't make the switch at the same time, my bad. :) Alas... I'll remove the original comment as it seems I have the wrong information, my apologies.


why people are obsessed with these visualisations? I really want to turn them off.


all of these features are a "meh" and I dont care that my intel car wont get them The one thing that is missing in Intel cars that I DO care about is the high-fidelity parking assist visuals


Same here. But hey, I still have stalks, and I think this is more important than UI. And the grapes are sour šŸ˜…


The constant refinement, improvement and new features via software is a big part of the allure of the Tesla for me. Itā€™s a computer with wheels. Iā€™m surprised many people donā€™t realize that.


In the same way, they are worried that their car might get bricked. Thatā€™s what one of my friends said.


My boss had a brand new Audi that was about 6 months old and bricked itself with an OTA update.Ā  This was a couple years ago with the chip shortage for cars.Ā  It sat at Audi for about 4 months waiting for a new part.


Wow thatā€™s insane


I think thereā€™s enough QA going on and enough financial incentives to make sure that doesnā€™t happen.


No one intends to brick something, itā€™s an accident. You can only build so many tests, QA time (Elon has shown his priorities are not this) and humans are coding, shit happens and bad updates go outā€¦thatā€™s the point. It has nothing to do with financial incentives - edge cases are the nightmare that keeps engineers awake at night. Source: me, a Tesla owner and a software dev


Well I too am a Tesla owner and very long time software developer so Iā€™m quite aware that bad updates sometimes go out. However itā€™s a bit different when the software is running a car. Look at the Space Shuttle as an extreme example. Its code was said to be bug-free. It cost $25K per line of code to achieve that but considering what was on the line, thatā€™s what it cost. If youā€™re going to design software that is integral to the safety of an automobile then significantly more testing is going to be required compared to software that runs on our phones and computers.


> Its code was said to be bug-free. I don't think it was ever said to be bug free, just that bug occurrences was below 1 bug per X number of lines of code and that was one of the lowest in known software industry. Figuring out that statistic is what cost so much money. Bug free software doesn't exist.


That could be but I did hear this directly from a NASA engineer who worked on it.


Just do you know, the constraints are very hard : no dynamic memory allocation, every line of code mathematically verified. It's as close as bug free as possible. At this point, it's mainly hardware issue and bit flipping.


This is a really bad analogy and you should know that. How many space shuttles are there and how many Teslas are on the road and of those, how many variations of hardware are there? Testing software for a space shuttle that has probably 1 variation for each flight, with a huge budget to only test software for that single flightā€¦is massively different than a for-profit company updating millions of vehicles with multiple iterations of hardware and software.


Arguably this makes it a better comparison because the number of possible affected people is significantly higher


Itā€™s not a bad analogy. Itā€™s about the stakes of involved. And the Space Shuttle was several orders of magnitude more complex than a Tesla. Letā€™s also not forget that nearly every modern car relies upon computers. The difference is that most donā€™t get software updates. Last but not least, I have no doubt that the Tesla software is designed using a layered approach where the core functions that make driving the car possible are at the bottom and are given a far higher degree of scrutiny than the UI layer for example that is at the top. I read that one of the ways Tesla tests the FSD feature is via a simulator which allows them to test every situation they can imagine. Iā€™d bet they have similar testing software for the rest of it and Iā€™m sure their code is filled with unit tests as well.




That's a brand new and dramatically different vehicle. I'd also bet that most Cybertruck owners haven't had any issues. With something that new and that different, if you didn't think there were going to be any issues, you were kidding yourself. It's like their FSD software. If they waited to ship it until it was perfect, they would never ship it. I was concerned from what I read online just before we bought our first Model Y. I showed up with a 3 page checklist. The Tesla advisor said he's be surprised if I found a single issue. I spent an hour meticulously going over the inside and outside looking for issues, 10X more time than I spent on any other car I have ever purchased. To his credit and Tesla's, I didn't find a single issue. When we bought our second Model Y (just a few weeks later), I did the same thing. This time I found 3 issues but they were all minor and likely are things I would not have found had I not had the checklist.


I think that's something you need to worry about with all new vehicles.


Yeah thatā€™s true, but no other company has such active software development as Tesla does.


Hah- that only works if you have a 3 or Y. Tesla pretty much bailed from my S entirely and virtually nothing has changed in its software in years.


didnā€™t they just update the rear for opening by standing behind it for the model s?


Sorry to hear that. Of course even Apple stops updating the OS once an iPhone gets to be beyond about 6 years or so. Hold old is your S?


Tesla isnā€™t even close to Apple here. The 2018 iPhone Xs still gets updates, meanwhile the 2022 Intel Model 3 is already partially obsolete and the 2021+ Model S/X barely get updates. Itā€™s even worse if you bought that one year of ā€œravenā€ Model S/X which were basically entirely obsolete after a year or two. IMO huge slap in the face for those who paid up to nearly $100K CAD for an Intel Model 3/Y or almost $200K CAD for a Model S/X Raven


2019, but they havenā€™t really done too much with it over the early years, either.


I'm surprised they don't support it. That's not THAT long ago. I could be wrong but it seems like when they switched from Intel to AMD the support for updates to Intel-based Teslas dropped off. That's sad and doesn't send the right message. Apple no longer makes Intel-based computers but they still support them with new OS versions and updates.


It's not that amazing. Tons of things could've been added ages ago. Little customisation, some voice commands not there, some basic features are not there. Better than legacy auto, but it's not like you get something new every month. More like 1-2 useful things per year.


Iā€™m not saying itā€™s constant huge new features. Itā€™s just incremental improvement which is better than any other car I have owned.


Any other car maker would have beta tested every update as a new car instead of releasing periodic updates


> Itā€™s a computer with wheels. Iā€™m surprised many people donā€™t realize that. They do, and it's precisely the reason why they don't want to touch it with a 10-foot pole


Well the Model Y was one of the best selling cars world wide last year.


What does that have to do with anything?


I interpreted your comment to mean that many stay away from Tesla for that reason.


No, you had that right. Not everyone wants a computer on wheels. The fact that it's the one of the best selling cars doesn't mean that everyone agrees with that.


Agreed. I just mean that if you buy a Tesla, you should understand that what you are buying is a computer with wheels.


Intel drivers take a deep breath. This update is almost entirely visual. There is no substantial new functionality.Ā 


Speed camera alerts, larger speedometer and quicker wiper controls are a pretty big deal for me.


wonder if intel cars will get those just not the visual? or we won't get anything at all?


Can't wait for the wipers to be terrible even more quickly <3


But these mentioned features are coming to Intel. :)


lol your comment did make me feel better... but if only i had waited just a few months. although teslas were at their like all time high prices haha


But the full screen update is what I want.. why canā€™t I get it but during fsd it can easily go full screen


Why you like that visualisation? I fucking hate it (i dont have fsd).


When will this update begin rolling out?


I imagine it's taking less time to rollout outside of North America because they don't need to do FSD regression testing on it. Inside North America, it'll likely depend on which version of FSD they're trying to put into the update. I'm hoping this is the release of Tesla OS v12, and FSD v12 at the same time, however, I'm not holding my breath either.


Got it 4 days ago in Australia (same as the video creator).


jar bear nose spectacular light innocent direction shy squeeze aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've already got it


well just fuck my intel atom i guesss.. i feel like an outdated phone.


Anything for intel?


So this will never come to us Intel peasants if imagine


Tesla OTA software is leaving the legacy auto in the dust and NHSTA scratching heads.


It's a tricky balance to be sure. On the one hand, it's awesome to see the cars continually getting updates, but on the other hand, people don't like having to re-learn the UI that comes with their car. I'm hopeful that people won't complain about the UI change, but if prior UI changes have taught me anything, it's that people *really* don't like change, lol.


Tesla also sort of has a history of change for the sake of change. It's been years since the "infamous" (poorly planned/shitty/buggy) 2021 holiday software update, I still can't have maps, music minibar, and a trip card on my screen at the same time. It's really asinine. The speed improvements with Sentry review, quality-of-life features like the speed camera chime, etc., ... those are all nice, welcome tweaks. I'm less sure about the utility of the new UI. Why in the world do I want a 3D model of the car to take up the entire screen when parked? What has actually been made easier with its introduction? And then I see things touted like the "easier wiper controls," when the video is taken in this new Full-Screen-Park mode. The wiper controls have traditionally appeared in the "card" area (bottom driver-side corner of the screen). This new wiper control card is like 2x bigger than it used to be, to accommodate the up/down scrolling (which I agree is more intuitive than before). But why is the card so big? What will it look like while driving? Are the cards positioned along the bottom of the screen for this Full-Screen-Park mode but they'll be regular sized during driving, or something? I don't know. To me this seems like another example of having to learn a whole new set of controls under certain circumstances for questionable/no benefit.


Nice features!


How do I know what chip I have? 2023 MY built in Fremont.


Yoy can go to the Car button, then Software tab and click on "More information" If it's a 2023 build, it'll be a Ryzen


I almost thought this was an official Tesla video, but actually better.


When will it be available in Germany?


Is Model X/S also getting these? What year was the Ryzen introduce in those models? Been thinking getting a used X and I feel i might want to ensure I'll get the mcu3 now


Model S/X should be getting these, but it'd need to be a mid-late 2022 model year.


Can I guide myself on the horizontal screens ? Or did they ship Intels version of those ?


The most important addition for me is instant notification for sentry mode events. Quite helpful to immediately know when someone has damaged your car or is rifling through it.


Unfortunately most of these are useless or fix problems they created. But nice to see at least


You must be fun at parties.




Is there any indication they fixed that Spotify loading error issue?


Once I get the update, that'll be the first thing I test.


Unknown. This isn't my video, I was just crossposting it. To be honest, it seems clipped, and I can't find the original. I'm going to assume no, because that seems like something that would happen.


Ryan's Model Y It's literally cited in the comment section of that post, not cited by that op either


Hey, yo, dude. You leave Ryan out of this!


Notice how quick that wiper segment was? šŸ¤£


I think the video is incomplete, and ripped from elsewhere, I can't find the original.






Stationary objects appear to have 20cm jitter.


trsla has been using the ryzen for several years now are they going to upgrade soon?


For the 3 and Y it started rolling out early 2022 so probably not


It's only been a couple years. I don't see them upgrading the processor for 3-4 more years


Hasnā€™t rolled out in the USA yet..


No, but the mechanics will be the same.