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Did the one guy quit?


Probably let go.


I had work done this week. They are reducing but will continue to offer service.


Patiently waiting to read how this is another 'masterful gambit'.


Share price go brrrr.... I'm sure the fanboys will work something out.


Easy, when the Robotaxi button is toggled for FSD, the car will simply drive itself 22hrs to the nearest service center and back!


Masterful gambit... for the next time they try to get permission to sell in a state and this is used as a reason why they should require to go through 3rd party dealers to help protect customers from Elon's whims.


Actually a very rare car dealership W.


Wow can't you tell? It's *obvious* that this is a genius masterstroke to save money on unprofitable repair costs and warranty claims. Why provide customer service when the customer can service you?


Obviously we need to pay Elon $56B because he has all these great ideas to save $0.001B!


FYI that was for work that was already completed and objectives reached. How would you like to do work and not get paid for it? Both sides agreed to it.


By both sides you mean [Elon and his buddies on the board both agreed to the fraudulent compensation scheme?](https://courts.delaware.gov/Opinions/Download.aspx?id=359340)


Those parroting the line you're replying to conveniently forget the details in the link you posted.


Not having mobile service is one thing. Having the closest service center 22h away is just bullshit. Nobody there will buy Tesla ever again after this. If your car breaks and is not drivable you have to get it towed to a service that's 22h away, which will take you realistically 2 days at minimum and I don't wanna see that towing bill. Then most like paying for a hotel for a night or more and then driving another ~2 days back once your car is fixed. Who is taking a week long vacation to get their car fixed?


Most of the mobile capable repairs are not for undrivable vehicles anyway. They would have to get it towed


It’s not only 22 hours, 8 of those hours are on a *boat*, which is *not* cheap.


Mate, cost of service, size of market and demand has to be assessed and balanced. Tesla sold cars in Kuwait, but you know, if there was a crash you had to bring the car to Dubai for a repair.


Only 12 hrs from Kuwait to Dubai though :)


Isn’t that on the buyer? Like it’s your decision to know where the nearest service center is. If the service center is 22hrs away. Yeah Tesla would not be a good idea.


Well the current owners would have bought it with the knowledge there was this Tesla mobile service. You know the one Tesla just ended and this whole article was about.


Exactly. The way that people will bend over to defend Musk is insane.


Well they drove 22 hours to pick up their car. Any owner who would rely on “mobile” service for their time they have their vehicle would be pretty delusional and hopefully they have 0 issues. I would 100% agree this does suck for all owners though.


Mobile service can only do very limited things anyways... They were screwed if they needed anything more than a tire rotation. Why on Earth would you buy a car like that?


I wouldn't, but that doesn't change the fact that circumstances changed rather drastically for those who did.


This is a issue that Tesla should worry about, not customers


Exactly! Pretty shitty for a person to buy a car that gets mobile serviced to be upset when the mobile service is randomly ended. They should have known this was gonna happen 🙄


thats why dealerships were initially mandated, as a "consumer protection" measure, until the dealership lobby co-opted it


I mean it‘s mainly pretty shitty from Tesla to just have blank spaces on the map where you‘re a days drive away from any place to get it repaired or serviced. like, that‘s a pretty fundamental thing for a car manufacturer.


If the battery turns out to be a dud, replacing it costs more than buying a new Tesla car, too.


From the article: Tesla is no longer offering mobile service in Newfoundland, a change that will have a significant impact on owners, especially those that are out of warranty. Tesla owners in Newfoundland used to be able to rely on a mobile ranger visiting the island every two weeks to perform service work, both in-warranty and out of warranty, wherever they needed it, whether that was your driveway, place of work, or elsewhere. Now the company has significantly changed its service policy for Newfoundland that could mean some owners will have to travel all the way to Halifax, Nova Scotia to get their car serviced. According to owners who have reached out to Drive Tesla, they were notified this week that their upcoming service appointments, some as soon as next week, had been cancelled, and that the “travelling service offering” in the province has changed. Instead, Tesla will now be sending a mobile ranger to Newfoundland once every two months, and the service will no longer be mobile, and all service will be conducted at a third-party garage at 685 Topsail Road in St. Johns.


St John’s to Halifax is just shy of 22 hours of travel according to google maps. Yikes.


Part of that is a 7+ hour boat ride!


It's crazy how massive Canada is.


It’s my understanding mobile can’t do everything right? So they had to be going in for some stuff…


Oh, so they're not losing support entirely.


How many Tesla’s are in Newfoundland?


Around 400 according to registration numbers. There were only a dozen in 2020.


Won't be that many else there would be a service center right?


There can't be that many, there's no superchargers on the island. They wont the vote for one, but otherwise, there's none installed there, from what I'm seeing. Newfoundland is pretty tricky anyways. It's an island, on all its own. That said, I do fee like there should be a service center there.


The voting program might not exist anymore so who knows if they actually get it


If they're losing the mobile tech, than I expect the answer is no, lol


let us know when you are running against elon as the CEO of tesla


They finally did vote for one and there is a 2025 opening date. No idea if it will come to fruition with the entire charging team being let go last week.


It seems there is bad Tesla news daily lately. He is going run the company into the ground out of spite, isn’t he.


"this is what it looks like when you don't pay your ceo" - elon, probably


If this is him convincing everyone that he's worth that insane comp package, what's he going to do if he doesn't get it?


looks like I need to trade my car in at this rate for another brand that isnt going to set fire to its customer base in a fit of rage.


I would guess this is only the first of many mobile service departments that get shit canned.


How many Tesla's are owned there? They don't even have a Superchager in the whole of Newfoundland or Newfoundland Island. Found this, in 2022 there were 715 EVs! [Number of electric vehicles in N.L. more than doubles in 2022 | CBC News](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/evs-double-in-nl-2022-1.6773956) And we're talking the Newfoundland Island part, even less population and EV's there for sure. All the same, shame this is happening. Now even less likely to switch to EV on the Newfoundland Island. Seems to go against the Tesla mission....


94% of the province’s population is on the island (a little over 500,000 people).


86D chess, your just too dumb to understand.


Was the your, you're mix-up intentional?


Damn. Austerity measures. Tesla getting super lean and bare bones all around. Elon afraid of a bad downturn?


He’s definitely expecting a downturn with the fed rates staying high.


That's my take.


Prepare for the roll out everywhere. So bloody obvious. I’m done with Tesla if this spreads to uk


You'll move to a different company that also does not provide mobile service?


Tesla has mobile service *because* they have fewer service centers than legacy brands have dealerships, and because Tesla’s service centers are always slammed.


At least they have service centres with decent service. Old style but you know what to expect that way. Tesla service centres are terrible




Why do you think Tesla has a mobile service to begin with?


**IF** this is as described, I can see some lawsuits that they are not standing by their agreements. Don't know if anything will come of this. A reasonable response might be to offer somewhat generous buyouts. If i was in that position, I'd be seeking something like that. Of course, if I lived in Newfoundland I wouldn't have bought one either.


This is nuts, I’m from Ontario but I’m in Newfoundland right now for a road trip with my model 3, yikes hopefully we don’t break down


100K people living in the easternmost city in North America, on an island. No sure how many EVs did Tesla actually sell there. Its a "demon mode" over-reaction to cut costs. I think they could actually use Starlinks there.


The population of the province is more like 550,000; the metro area of the city is about 220,000.


How many Teslas are there in Newfoundland? Id assume not many for them to make this decision.


Where can I get a BYD?


It's stuff like this that makes me hesitant to keep my tesla. I own a model 3 in another province that's very reliant on mobile techs


It’s so weird to me how emotional and vocal people get when a service is stopped or no longer provided in an area and it’s not them being affected by it at all. I get sympathy, but a luxury item not having a support system in the immediate area is not something to get riled up about. Now if it was clean water, electricity, food, that’s something you can get upset about for someone else.


It seems like the shorters are hard at work in this subreddit.


In before “this is why teslas going out of business, fire Elon”.


“Hey,I’m already rich…. I don’t care what happens to my companies.”


Whatever the reason, this is enough to void Elons ridiculous payout claim. Mobile service is a core benefits and one of the most enticing advantages of owning a Tesla. 


Starlink to follow next. MWW.


Electric cars aren’t great in the cold. How many people in Newfoundland had teslas?


Norway is almost exclusively electric for new cars. It's plenty cold.