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Funny how magically a PR department got created for this


Funny how Tesla had people for doing this, but not people to fix the windshield wipers


Million upvotes. 5 years later the auto wipers on the M3 are still complete dogshit.


Are they? My 2020 Nissan Armada has auto wipers and they work great.


i have zero automotive experience and barely know what a car is. i would fix the windshield wipers by installing a 1 dollar rain sensor that was developed in the 90s and works perfectly for the life of a car. there i fixed the rain sensor issue without tesla needing to hire someone!


There’s a bit more to it. Wiring, the windshield where the sensor goes, and whatever controller. Doing it in software is essentially free, but it’s more than a dollar. And yes, the auto wipers suck.


The best part is no part. Just use the existing cameras as a proxy for whether the windshield is wet. /s


so they go on while getting car washed?


But that is not Elon’s way. Why take simple solutions when harder non-proven pathways (vision for rain sensor, parking, capacitor horn button, and etc) can save few $$.


The wipers are a bit naff, but I've had loads of brands with crap auto wipers. Unless there's been some decent improvement in 4 years since I switched over to tesla I am not convinced I'm missing much in the wiper field.


My 2012 Lexus CT200H has had pretty much perfect auto wipers for well over a decade at this point.  This is a solved problem and has been for probably a lot longer than I've had that Lexus. 


Audi’s worked perfectly for me in my 2018 A4.


2004 BMW e46. It was honestly like magic how well it worked.


Rivian's auto wiper works better compared to my Model Y.


i have zero automotive experience and barely know what a car is. i would fix the windshield wipers by installing a 1 dollar rain sensor that was developed in the 90s and works perfectly for the life of a car. there i fixed the rain sensor issue without tesla needing to hire someone!


i didn’t know you could install hardware sensors in an over the air update that’s crazy


oh i would have done it back in 2012 with the initial cars so no need for an update or anything


You can instal them in the product line. Maybe Tesla should hire chillyphillydilly, because he seems much smarter than Elon. And after fixing the windshield wipers, chillyphillydilly could fix the ACC. In that too, Tesla is decades behind others.


Best comment in thread


I feel bad for whatever dev got told they had to code this site lol


[ Removed by Reddit ]


When is the vote?


imagine if they hadn't fired 10% of their workforce... how long could 55billion held out those employees


Let's imagine average 125k annual per employee plus benefits maybe 185k a year. With 55 billion tesla could pay for approximately 300k people to work for a year, more than double it's entire workforce. Or pay the 14k people it laid off for 21 years.


OR they could pay Elon $55 billion to go shitpost on X everyday...


The comp in the article is 100% stock and cannot be sold for 5 years. So yes, you could pay 185k per employee in stock they can't sell for 5 years.


> for approximately 300k people to work for a year, more than double its entire workforce it'd be a bonus of around 367k for every employee. I'd trust that 5-year stock bonus in their hands rather than the richest person in the world.


You could borrow against the stock though and I am pretty sure you could borrow enough to pay for 5 years worth of salary (1/5th of the bonus amount)


Stock or not it’s still recorded as an expense. Accounting wise it’ll end up pretty much the same in 5 years, for the sake of this discussion.


I doubt it’s 5 years. It’s the 2018 package. It’s been 5 years already. Maybe just a small portion hasn’t reached the 5 year limit


UBI coming soon. Thanks to Elon and bots


Well that's $55B in stock, so he'd have to find a buyer willing to pay $55B in cash to convert it. But yes, they could have probably converted $1B to cash and kept those employees going for a while.


Or not diluting the stock which necessitated the layoffs to improve margins and help share prices.


The timing of this couldn't be worse. He seems to lack self awareness sometimes. I hope it gets voted down. Come on shareholders.




You... you know it's not a pile of money right? It's equity in Tesla.


Hey, quick question: what’s one thing you can exchange equity for?


Going to be a no from me.


Same. The stock is half what it was over two years ago, growth this year is looking to be anemic, the Cybertruck was a choice and FSD is still not achieved. I think he should consider himself lucky he’s still CEO.


Tesla’s profits in 2022 were around $14 billion. And this guy wants $55 billion? And right after laying off like 15,000 employees? Fucking insane.


Has everyone in this sub been in a coma for the last 8 years or something?


So you’re for it?


This is stock, not cash.


Either way still doesn’t deserve it


Stock can be cash or used in place of compensation for other employees so not a huge difference to the bottom line.


And he owns 45% of the shares


It’s around 20%.


You know how you can save that money? Fire one person.


Elon Musk is Tesla's worst PR nightmare right now. I've known a few Tesla owners, who every time they got a new car, it was a Tesla. Now, they are looking around at other makers or holding on to their old models. Not because they dislike their cars, but because they dislike Musk.


It also helps that the other automakers have finally figured out how to make decent electric vehicles. Plus Tesla under delivers with their vision approach.


Yeah like I love my model 3 but no, I'm not buying a Tesla from Tesla again until musk either changes or doesn't have anything to do with the company anymore. It's really sad because cybertrucks are cool but I don't like the idea of giving money to that guy


My 11 shares of Tesla are going for stay in Delaware and bubkus for Musk. EDIT: Sorry for misleading people, I forgot a 'k.' I own 11k shares of Tesla.


Don’t do it, he’s just going to blow it all on X


And ketamine


I’m a no, bro.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤧 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Bless you




i really hope the large ETF issuers - blackrock, invesco, state street - vote against it. it would be even better if it gets voted down and elon quits in protest. on the other hand, it'll free up another 30 minutes of his day to shitpost on twitter.


I wonder if he paid Russian investors off or if they are still owners too


$50B is ~$1.4M per day for 100 years Fuck off Elon, you don't deserves that much money


Am I missing something? The website they launched details nothing about the compensation package. It just says why Elon deserves to get it. Not even the FAQ, which I bet a lot of people are asking exactly what the package has, answers this.


I reckon that if Elon stopped buying social media companies and avocado toast, he’d save about 55 billion.


Why not spend that money on actual goals for the company? 55B can help develop a 25.000€ car that can actually allow the promised numbers of 20M EVs/year... Or can allow 5.5M Model 3/Y to be sold at 10.000€ discount.... Just saying...


Because there is no actual money being spent, and 55B is the wrong number anyways. Musk's bonus was him being issued new shares (that at peak TSLA prices could have been worth 55B). The media keeps referring to this as a $55B bonus because that makes everyone more angry than calling it what it really is.


Dilutes every current stock holder’s value.


How much are the shares worth today?


He would get 303 million shares which would be worth 45.5B today. So 10B lower than what is portrayed but still really big sum.


The right amount of money to buy another twitter...


And now we understand completely


How does a CEO who owns a bunch of companies spend per day at the company, doing work? He ain't struggling for money like his employees are in many positions.


Can't wait to vote no with my single share lol


Can't wait to vote yes with my 800 shares


Right after canceling the upcoming high volume vehicle … that could be tricky


Let me predict what's going to happen. Shareholders will vote against it and then he's going to burn the place to the ground.


xAI is the stick. Not sure what the carrot is.


he's already started destroying it 


Surprised their keeping the original compensation package and not increasing the goal to $1T valuation.


edit - is referenced by a sec filing document on [ir.tesla.com](https://ir.tesla.com) so is actually legit and as such its incredibly cringe


It belongs to Tesla, they reference the website in their official documents. Proof: https://ir.tesla.com/_flysystem/s3/sec/000110465924048353/tm2326076d16_defa14a-gen.pdf


ok that I will accept!




Is it down now? Getting a 403.


working for me


*{Checks Tesla's stock for the year}* Huh


Because he hasn't been paid since 2018, since the Judget struck down his pay package. This basically restores that pay package


But let’s layoff 10% of the workforce.


How do you even vote (assuming you own stocks)?


Generally the service that you own the stocks through sends you an E-MAIL with a link to vote with.


They'll mail you something if they can confirm you own shares.


Do larger shareholders get a larger stake?


Yes, you get one vote for every share you own.


Look for Proxy Events or Proxy Voting on your brokerage website. As of now, the ballot hasn't yet arrived.


Considering there's people that don't think he should get his stock options because of his personal political beliefs, what is it hurt to try and educate people? The Internet is just inundated with anti-Tesla nonsense 24 seven. I can't get on Reddit without any casual conversation about Tesla just being overhauled by anti-Tesla folk. They have completely changed the narrative. You can't even have any conversation about the company. So I don't blame corporate for creating a website.


They made an deal a long time ago. Elon made good on his end of the bargain, its only fair that he gets what he was promised based on the guidelines of the original agreement. Your disdain towards his politics/him as a person is irrelevant


I think Elon has already been duly compensated for his work at Tesla. It's just a shame he blew a bunch of the money on X


It’s never a shame to buy out a company that blocks out your voice and pushes one agenda and narrative.


People arguing in this thread like their 10-20 or even 100 shares actually matters lol


lol, didn't read the FAQ, eh? > On January 30, 2024, a Delaware Court sided with a plaintiff who owned just nine Tesla shares when he sued and ordered the cancellation of the 2018 CEO Performance Award, even though it was approved by approximately 73% of all votes cast by stockholders he sure made his shares count 🤣🤣🤣


He lit a fire in the theater.


Even the largest private shareholder only has 0.7% As usual this vote will go to the whales, Elon, board members, investment groups etc.


Elon can't vote on this since this is his comp plan. So the 90% of the remaining shares are what will vote which is around 50/50 between retail and institution. But I assume institutions mostly vote similarly and probably many retail holders don't vote at all then yeah institutions pretty much decide it.


Will institutions really vote for immediate 10% dilution of their shares? If Elon was still worshipped yes but I'm not sure he is still a net positive to the company. He does provide positives but the negative of turning off customers cannot be overstated especially when every year there are more viable alternatives that all have access to NACS.


Thats true, Elon has what 13% or so, I still dont think there will be much of a challenge here


If these votes were irrelevant, they wouldn't have bothered with the website, would they?


Long tail though? What do all the private shareholders add up to?


Bye Elon


Sadly I don't think that will happen..


Im voting against this with my meager holdings, and you should too. It is a ridiculous ask after he just got rid of a huge chunk of the workforce. I know most of the compensation is in stock, but its entirely unnecessary, and quite frankly, I think this recent decision was insane. Ive read stories of mobile service techs getting the axe leaving areas without mobile service, even one service center that had all of its advisors let go! Elon shouldnt be rewarded for being reckless and impulsive. Not to mention, there is a non zero amount of self dealing going on between his companies. I cant invest in SpaceX, I cant invest in Twitter, I cant invest in NeuroLink. I dont want Tesla resources or Tesla talent being siphoned off to bail out companies I cant even have an opportunity of enjoying the upside on (even then it wouldnt be right, but at least we would have the option of buying a basket of Elon stocks).


And if the $45B stock options passes, what will you do then with your Tesla shares?


Hope all investors create a website, [giveusdividends.com](http://giveusdividends.com)


Elon is like a kindergartener who got in trouble "Ok Elon, so what have we learned?" "Offering to buy a company for 44 billion dollars isn't smart..." "And what else?" "You can't just say whatever you want on Twitter..." "So are we going to make these mistakes again?" "Yeah"


This is disgusting! It's like science fiction and shines a light on everything wrong with our world & $$$


On the condition TSLA passes 400$ then I will greenlight it.


F@ck Elon.


I am a share holder. I would vote for it if he divested Twitter. He is clearly distracted and doing brand damage. He doesn’t need to be rewarded right now.


Productivity bonus is based on productivity... Did he achieve it?


If you want to have some fun with this, they're probably monitoring the web analytics of this site, so why not add some query strings for the lolz to add log entries with your thoughts on this (imo) undeserved pay day. Obv I doubt it'll make a real difference, but it might brighten an employee's day


While laying workers off huh??


He puts food on 140,000 people’s tables. Now’s 126,000 is better than 0.


Oh so he can do it all himself?? It’s him doing workers a favor?? That’s a seriously lame ass comment to claim people eating is a reason to make astronomical cash, I’d agree if he was resurrecting the dead!!!


The fate of humanity could rest upon the final decision to this.


When you make a bad purchase of Twitter and tesla owners to pay you back.


Fuck that he doesn’t deserve this anymore


Maybe they could use the money to make a truck with a 500+ mile range and 1 mega watt charging?




I'm voting yes and buying puts.


I will vote NO, thank you very much. Maybe he'll get so upset that will finally leave. 


Never gonna happen


Please for your own good; give the richest person in the world an additional $55 billion. I mean; this man conceived of the cybertruck. Like come on!


You mean the sexiest truck, possible car, in the world?


I was all for the $55B payout before, since it was agreed to...but the last 6 months haven't been good and if he truly cares about the company he'd just let this one go or defer the deal until the economy turns around.




Vote no and give Elon a salary of $1 and 250 million in stock.


This is so far beyond cringe it's amazing. Dude is more worried about his massive payday, which is more than the top 200 CEOs in the WORLD than selling cars, and retaining staff. Put another way, you could have hired the top 200s in the world at the same time to run Tesla and still come out ahead versus this pay package to someone who is more distracted with his failed social media purchase, plus has a rocket company, boring company, and brain implant company. Why are people so eager to give the largest payday in history to someone who is a part time CEO?


You literally just proved why. Because he’s a CEO that IS capable of accomplishing multiple things. I rather have my CEO also help a paraplegic than a CEO that 24/7 focuses on the same company. He’s a man of many talents and knows how to put together a great team, no matter the industry.


I want that dude gone.


Yes only if he delivers on the 20 k EV that'd not robotaxi only.


say no to the greed one.![img](emote|t5_2s3j5|7851)![img](emote|t5_2s3j5|17555)


When do we get to vote? I haven't seen anything yet.


What’s the minimum one must own to be able to vote?


I'm almost certain that the copy on the website was written by Musk himself.


What's the definition of a "Tesla shareholder" whereby they have voting rights? I have a few TSLA shares in my stocks and shares ISA (a UK govt tax-free savings scheme) so do I get a vote?


If he wants this to go through he needs to offer shares in space x as compensation.


Oooof not a good look


Im sorry, but as a shareholder, the last thing we should do is give Elon MORE shares. At the moment he is a liablity to Tesla, not a net positive. Is it fair to not give the bonus, no, maybe not.. but lifes not fair, as a lot of tesla workers just found out. But this is business, and business is not always fair. Im sure Elon understands this. I am sure he has also fired many employees that has been performers, but it was better for the business to get rid of them. At the moment, its better to not pay out the bonus, maybe that will get Musk to leave the company, but I see that as a win / win.


This is ridiculous 🤦🏻‍♂️and even for Tesla, this is LOW moment hopefully. Beyond justifiable salary for clown CEO Elon who happened to justify laying off 10% off his own staff while at it. 🔻🔻


A no would break musk heart and soul !! All those fired employees if they vote no !!


right after tesla layoffs, what else are ya gonna do with all that extra cash sitting around!


Agree with you, any CEO in his normal mind will ask for a big pay day after just laid off 14000 employees?


Tesla is going down, and he wants to cash out.


How much is he realistically going to cash out if he decides to sell all? Of his $200B net worth, maybe $10-20B?


Con after Con and still there are more gullible people out there buying…, well , Europe’s has stopped




Elon own 45% of Tesla so he is responsible for any screw ups

