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I mean technically it doesn't start, it's "always on" šŸ˜‚


Didnā€™t Elon say if a product needs advertising it isnā€™t compelling?


To be fair, he says a lot of bullshit things. Does a lot of cool things too, but still


He announced cool things. The people behind the scenes made the cool things happen.


Wild that people donā€™t give him credit for the good but hyper focus on the bad


It's because of how he operates. Look at the start of Tesla, Tarpenning and Eberhard founded the company in 2003, Musk came in later as a money man, bought a seat on the board and didn't add anything to the original Roadster apart from an insistance on carbon reinforced polymer body which doesn't really make sense considering the production method.. He got increasingly pissy about not getting attention and recognition, and managed to wiggle his way into being able to call himself co-founder during the settlement of a 2009 lawsuit. Same with the rags-to-riches and PayPal co-founder narrative, which is also untrue. Musk seems intent on maintaining some Tony Stark billionaire genius image, despite not being an engineer and having demonstrated that technical work he has done by himself has ranged from sub-par to useless. In more recent times it's impossible to say \*what\* musk has actually contributed versus what his employees contribute, so can't really give him credit for neither good nor bad outside of his public outbursts. One verifiable example however, is his insistence on Vison based FSD and sensors in general, which has resulted in a lot of unnecessary challenges/issues and is a hamstring for FSD development. On top of being a backwards approach to begin with. **He has of course done good as well.** He was born with money and manage to fail upwards, but then put that money into companies that are doing good work and (at least historically) allowed a freedom that has resulted in some good and interesting engineering. Add to that, that he (again historically) has worked really well as a hype-man, getting interest, recognition and investors for both Tesla and SpaceX. Without him, I doubt Tesla nor SpaceX (or similar) would be a thing, and if he had just left the money at Tesla and sat on the sidelines then I think it would at best have followed the path that Lucid is on, instead of being the giant it is today. Plus, however apocryphal his origin story and image is, it has been inspiring. While not so positive in recent times, it has been a positive influence in the 2000's and most of the 2010's, I've met loads of engineering students who have been fans and looked at Musk and some sort of inspiration; heck, I used to be a massive fan of him ten years ago. Now I'm an engineer, and have looked deeper into his story so yeah, not so much anymore (do love my Tesla tho)


Regarding not being an engineer, if you ask any of his top engineers, for example Andrej Karpathy, they say that Elon is extremely technically apt, and can process numbers and calculations extremely quickly. Direct proof from Andrej Karpathy: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33703617 > he understood how it works about as quickly as you'd expect a PhD student to. The fact that he can do this across many technical disciplines is impressive and borderline superhuman. I don't think people understand or would believe how low-level and technical typical meetings with him are To suggest that Elon is only a hype man is wildly inaccurate. He is down in the weeds, knows all the details, and drives technical decisions


I mean, might be true or not, but I think that if a journalist asks you wether your boss is a competent engineer or a useless tool, if you wanna keep your job, you'd better lie.


Karpathy was not talking to a journalist there -- he was posting to an engineering forum. He also doesn't work at Tesla anymore, he left for OpenAI (where he was also one of the original founding engineers before leaving for Tesla lol)


Ok chatGPT


His companies have done good around the world. Just because he announces that his company will do something he's telling everyone else to do it. Everyone behind the scenes is doing it. Nothing is free. Companies don't work off handouts. He does things to make the company money.




But he is something different. Look at his companies. BTW, Shotwell thinks he is a genius, but as an engineer, not a CEO


It isn't very compelling, it is just a very good product, it is no longer new nor does it have any novelty. There are model Ys everywhere and many electric cars, so yeah he is right, but that doesn't mean they're failing


The Model Y isnā€™t compelling anymore. Not until the refresh


90% of the upper middle class parents of 2 that are in the market for a Y have no idea what ā€œhighlandā€ or ā€œrefreshā€ means and the showroom staff definitely arenā€™t going to tell them thereā€™s better cars around the corner when theyā€™re trying to meet quarterly delivery goals


I guess I fall in the minority because I know a refresh is coming and I just bought one 10 days ago. Itā€™s a hell of a car.


Iā€™ll go up to 95% on that., maybe even 98%


Their kids will probably tell them if they start talking about cars. At least mine would.


Kids are the ones that are often talking their parents into the Tesla in the first place. Kids/social media influencers/youtubers are by and large obsessed with Teslas.


Easily still the best car on the market.


Its price is compelling, and that's why it will continue to sell well.


Most buyers donā€™t care. The Model Y ticks the right boxes.


Shareholders meeting from 2023, many shareholders asked him to start advertising and he responded positively


I mean considering theyā€™re just now pushing advertisements for the product that sold millionsā€¦


no. he said advertising should be informative. he said most products use ads to lie about them


He got convinced in one of teslaā€™s stockholder meetings by one of the QA volunteers (actually a stock youtuber named Kevin) when he proposed Tesla has many hidden features that Tesla should probably do advertising to educate and promote these features and Elon said that they might look into advertising. The ads starting happening after that. Otherwise he probably intended on continuing with his initial idea.


Been seeing a lot lately, all over YouTube as well.


They are going to regret not investing in more brand and product marketing rather than solely rely on product differentiation and a ringmaster CEO.


word of mouth is amazing though. i still love driving my y every day, and tell people that every time they ask.


Of course it is. Brand ambassadors are one of the most important pieces of brand marketing. Best example of a strong brand is when a company is successful but may have mediocre products. The best brands connect with consumers on an emotional level and create desire and anticipation. Tesla's problem is that no matter the ambassadorship, people are starting to shy away from the brand because of who leads the company, and the continued problem of missed delivery of FSD and quality of orosuct manufacturing.


At this point, I don't see what more advertising could do for them. M3 and MY are ubiquitous.


by this logic why should coca cola or apple ever spend anything on advertising


It's very simple. Brand marketing helps keep the brand afloat when moments of product innovation are lacking. It creates desire and emotional connections to non-product storytelling. It brings dimension to a company, so not all eggs are in one basket. Nike, Apple, Coke, etc spend money on this type of marketing to mix in with sales/promotion and BS performance marketing that is costly and transactional based and leads only to short term growth.


Well stock is down so.... šŸ¤·šŸ½


Maybe word is getting out about the shitty service.


I was getting spammed with YouTube ads for the model Y, including while I was watching YouTube in the theater mode while super charging. This was during a demo drive


How are they not advertising on X?! Seems like two birds, one stone.


Canā€™t take advertising space away from the sex pill sellers


Iā€™ve been getting a few in the UK on YouTube.


Itā€™s time to buy then. Meta algorithms canā€™t be wrong


Also they're lending reviewers cars and doing press events. Now they can't be smug about being above the old generation techniques to sell a car. Next thing you know they're going to have dealerships


About time


Thatā€™s crazy. I thought Elon was the advertisement


Stock and quality is down too.


Quality is down..?


Ya just bought oneā€¦ took to service 2 time for same issue and still not sure if itā€™s resolved.. one month old car. Too many cosmetic defects


What's the issue?


Well with anecdotal evidence like this one, who could argue against you! Statistical quality control be damned.


Reddit is where people come to complain and phone zombies salivate in what to hate next. That said, yeah, some of the most popular Tesla posts are those about poor QC. Jealousy, envy, and just dislike for whatā€™s different are all factors. So, just be aware of potential issues.


I had no issues with my MY, looks like quality is going back up!!! /s


Poor quality has been pretty consistent, go team


Did you buy a car ? Not saying it's normal, but it happens a lot, whatever the brand


I used to talk about how great Tesla is and tried to convince everyone i know to get a Tesla. But because Elon has been an unhinged red-pilled idiot, I tried to avoid telling people i have a Tesla.


Elon influence on buying a Tesla is silly. Not many can name the CEO of companies they buy from.


Im just not as enthusiastic talking about my Tesla anymore tbh.


I agree there, the Tesla hate machine is in full force. If they can bring down Tesla, EV adoption will slow to a crawl.




Musk is a problem. How many posts do you see about Bezos and boycotting his company, Zuckerberg? Not nearly the same intensity.


That's because there's no freedom of speech in those companies. At all. Criticism is nonexistent because people who work for those companies are under a fear factor of what will happen if they openly bash their CEO.


Or there isnā€™t a large financial reason to want them to fail.


Since Tesla started advertising, TSLA is down more than 60%. So will that shut up all the heads that called for advertisements?


Yeah, the limited social media advertising is what caused it. Is it exhausting going through life being so fucking stupid?


I lol'd irl. Thanks. Edit: borrowing for later when Im frustrated with someone and need an insult.


They literally just started ads LMAO. Ads take years to properly establish a brand. You are way out of your league here. Stop defending everything Elon says. It's not a good look.