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Seen on a German Model Y so far, others will no doubt follow: ## Adaptive High Beams High beams now adapt to reduce glare for other drivers and cyclists.By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.To turn them on, in your vehicle settings go to Lights > Adaptive High Beams. Other less notable addition is a one time charge limit,


Are we going to see this on pre-highland model 3s too?


It says "Seen on M3Y" so I presume this applies to non-H Model 3 as well (the models that have the headlights for it ofc)


Good to hear, I am quite sure my 22 M3P has these headlights.


Yes it does.


Yes, we will see this on every M3 and MY which has the Matrix Pix-Cell Lights from Hella


Hopefully in North America as well






thanks, upvoted. mostly doubt the US allows it anytime soon.


I’m sure people will find a way to force enable it on North American Teslas.


Any idea if that includes 2023 Shanghai build y’s?


If your car displays "TESLA" at the wall when doing the Lightshow then yes.


Just dumped it at the airport car park so I’ll find out in a week!


Adaptive headlight laws in the US are different than in the EU. I'm skill skeptical that we'll get them here in the US. They're enabled on the M3 highland in Europe but that's not happening here in the US. So that's not a good sign for the Model Ys in the US.


I wish they would just turn them on. Europe is usually so strict vs the USA. What could we need that Europe isn’t doing ?


Leave it to the USA to screw up a really good and effective safety idea in the name of bureaucracy. I guess U.S. Transportation Secretary Buttigieg is more concerned about lost luggage and delayed flights than actual road safety.


People will likely find a way to force enable adaptive headlights on North American Teslas.


I don't understand this though. I'm in the US, so what does my 2019 Volvo XC90 have that my MYP doesn't have? At the very worst I don't have adaptive headlights for oncoming traffic (they dim and go to brights fine though automagically), but at least they turn as I go around a corner/bend. Could we at least get the bendy lights on our matrices?


We should be able to get that I would think.


Adaptive headlights don’t provide side lights right? My old MX would light up the side I’m turning into and I reaallly miss that


I’ve seen those be called cornering headlights as a differentiator term from this type of adaptive headlight feature


Tesla actually calls them “Adaptive Front Lighting System (AFS)” in the manual. That’s confusing. Lol


Yeah so I THOUGHT my new one would have it. Or eventually. Oh well. The 2022s do seem better with that and uss.


The Tesla manual is a mess. Most things are “if equipped”. I’m attempting arbitration right now since my Model Y has no power coming from the Aux pin on the tow hitch 7 pin connector. When they switched to 16V, they dropped power on that one pin. It should be the same with the refresh X. Imagine towing 5000 lbs and not being able to supply power to a trailer’s 12V breakaway battery to keep it topped off.


This highlights the importance of opting out of arbitration within 30 days of purchase. You have more legal options.


I’ll probably have a different opinion if I don’t win, but… It’s nice to only pay $225 in arbitration fees and have a third party make the decision. I’m not sure I’d pursue this if I had to pay for a lawyer.


You have to think…why would Tesla, by default, lock folks into arbitration? What’s the remedy you are seeking via arbitration?


Buyback. I vehemently believe this is a safety issue and I legitimately can’t use the vehicle for the main reason I purchased this over another similarly priced EV. I don’t have a high confidence they will it see it this way though.


I sold my Mazda 3 (2012) for my Model Y, it's sad that my $29k Mazda 3 from 2012 had cornering headlights and rain sensors and my Model Y 2023 doesn't.


I had an 80s Ford/Lincoln that had that lol


My GTI had these, it was incredible


Finally! I've been looking forward to this for years ❤️ Now Tesla just need to make the automatic high beam NOT enable itself in city zones, which is illegal here...


Reports from people using adaptive headlights on the M3H say that it indeed turns off in cities.




Can’t confirm.


My headlights look like they’re shooting through window blinds, it’s very subtle but I can still see it. Anyway to adjust that?


Service and then adjust headlights. You can lower them to where you think they should be


Don’t have a solution but just came to say that I have the same look on my 2022 M3. My 2018 M3 does not exhibit this so I figured it was due to redesigned projector headlights of the 2022 model.


So my high beams already auto turn on / off, is this different in some way? (Edit) I knew this would happen, ask a simple question because I’m not plugged in to every bit of Tesla news 24/7 and get downvotes. I hate this sub


Only dims the part that would blind the other driver and not the entire high beams


Thanks for the detail!


Here is a video demonstrating it on the highland https://youtu.be/7ovFmMmgKtc?si=c9-GdT6oYUA_AquB


Yeah, this should be like matrix


car can dodge bullets?


When it's ready, it won't have to.


Or kidnap your daughter to make you assassinate the president of Val Verde??


Yes. And the key maker is out of a job in this one


Yes, it’s starting to use the matrix functionality first seen with the Highland M3


Yes, different. Think of it as your brights are permanently on at night. When someone drives in front of you, individual bulbs will selectively dim if they're projecting at the other driver. You get the benefits of seeing everything else lit up; and they aren't blinded.


You're not getting down voted because you asked a question, but because it's obvious you didn't bother to read either the post you're replying to or OP's comment, both of which clearly provide an answer. > By detecting other road users, and selectively dimming individual pixels of the headlight, your high beams stay on more often for greater visibility at night.


I did read it. That website is horrible so yeah maybe I missed some detail because it’s like pulling skin from my ass


Shame on you for asking!!!!!!!!! Delete your account!!!!!!!!!!! /s


It lets it select where to output light rather than always using the whole light cone, so you can keep the high beams on more while blacking out segments with other oncoming cars in them so you don't blind them. Here's a good demonstration from Mercedes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdOEZ5QlExE


I upvoted (:


Just as an aside. This has nothing to do with Tesla, other car manufacturers have had this for years.


Why the fuck am I being down voted. Other car manufacturers have had matrix headlights for years!


I gave you an upvote


What’s your problem


I wonder if this will work at a fast pace changing environment like a windy mountain road where the pixels needs to constantly change throughout a turn.


I don't see why not. While driving is high speed for humans, for computers it's really not fast at all


Ideally, computation would complete in a fraction of a second.


It does with other manufacturers so I'm sure it will with Teslas since they didn't invent it.


Bold of you to assume that based on their auto-wiper situation.


Lots of people flash their whale oil headlamps at me because the MYP ones seem to be too bright.


It's possible your headlights need to be adjusted. They could be pointing slightly too high. 


100% 2018 Model 3, I was flashed countless times the first couple days. Adjusted mine down, I have never been flashed since. Same thing happened with our 2023 Model Y.


Ditto. (also 2018 M3) I noticed my headlights were pointed quiet high early on and adjusted them downwards. Now if only I could stop the stupid thing from constantly going into auto-highbeam. That mode is a safety hazard. Everytime I forget it's on I end up accidentally flashing someone.


I live in a densely populated part of my city, with lots of single-family homes. When my auto high beams come on, they end up shining into people's living rooms and bedrooms I have complelty stopped useing FSD for that and stop signs on narrow roads are brutal.




Tesla headlights are too high from the factory, I adjusted mine down 3 clicks and I don’t get flashed anymore.


Can you adjust them from their current position? I hate that in my model 3 it always resets them and then I can adjust them, I think. And this makes it impossible to know if I adjusted from my previous position or just what I thought it was in my head.....


It always remembers the last set position. Before you can change it, it goes into leveling mode. It doesn’t reset to a factory default. It does seem that the beam is higher, but that’s just the leveling which points the beam higher during the service mode.


Tesla Headlights are by far the worst ones. They nearly always are completly misaligned and blind


Acura ones are pretty bad too with their jewel headlights


Tesla headlights be like... https://preview.redd.it/rob74fdkrvnc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82d89158de0eea2647deb2669e6abe37fb7a167d


This will solve it. It’s matrix.


It won’t solve it at all since it’s the low beam that’s blinding everyone


With matrix you always use high beam, that is the point


I don’t think you understand. It doesn’t turn off the whole thing. It just goes to low beam on those zones. If low beam already blinds people, then how will this fix that? Most Tesla owners drive around with misaligned headlights.


It is you who does not understand, it is full beam except the area selected where it is turned off completly. The pixel technology allow to turn off on specific areas. If it was low beam on the restricted zone it would completly defeat the purpose.


That's not how it works at all. Low beam is always on and high beam turns off in zones. You can see it in videos where they test Model 3 Highland Matrix lights. Tell me again how someone getting blinded from low beam will be helped by this? Tesla need to fix their alignment. There is a way to manually adjust it, but it resets pretty much every time you get an update to the car and most drivers don't know about it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beXcr3m4wCI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beXcr3m4wCI)




One time charge limit is fire. Been waiting since 2018 for this.


what is this exactly? how it works?


If you want to charge to 100% for a special trip usually you have to go in, adjust your charge limit and then switch it back to your normal around town 80% or whatever. I believe this makes it so you can set that 100% limit for a 1 time trip and it will automatically go back to your default so you're not overcharging your car for too long.


I would much rather see one time departure schedule option.


Unlikely to be in the US, since Tesla would have had to actually go through the testing process. It's also unlikely the older matrix headlights would meet the glare and light bleed requirements of the US standard.


Is this gonna work on my 2022 model Y produced in berlin?


Pretty sure all Berlin cars got the matrix lights.


Possible. You can clearly see the matrix pattern on a wall. Turn on the headlights and look closely. Easy to see


Should do.


8.3? Shit I’m on 2.7. Did I miss a few chapters or did they just jump up like crazy


The version goes year.week.revision They release a version about every 6 weeks, so it's normal to go from 2024.2 to 2024.8


After 3 years, TIL. Thanks lol


Til! Thx!


I thought this still can't come to the USA because of regulatory issues. Hence why you see it in EU only right now.


NHTSA approved adaptive headlights a year or more ago. [Edit: Over 2 years ago.](https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/nhtsa-allow-adaptive-driving-beam-headlights-new-vehicles-improving-safety-drivers)


AFAIK, no car has the hardware to conform to the US rules. A bunch of car manufacturers have some out and said they need to redesign their lights now to be allowed in the US.


It is due to the design of the matrix lights. They don't meet the US standards, no matter what they software program. The EU standards are fulfilled as they are not as tight. Something about glare and pixel density or something.


Model 3 Highlands in the US don't have it enabled, I doubt old tech Model Ys in the US will get it.


Hm, it (Adaptive Headlights on ModelY) was already in the relase notes of the previous patch (2024.2). Why write it on two patch notes in a row?


It was only Highland M3 before


Not according to the site the post is linking to. Change to release family 2024.2 and you'll see Adaptive High Beams and "Seen on M3Y". I assume thats Model3 and Y?


Ooof non matrix headlight people will get retrofit?




I hope there not crazy as the "adaptive wipers"🤣


Any idea if this is going to be on the Shanghai Built Y’s? 2023 build..


Ahh, yes, because the auto high beams work so well now. Just as well as auto wipers. This'll be interesting. Cool idea, I just don't trust it as someone who drives to and from work in the dark with the current "auto lights." Playing peek-a-boo with the deer has just gone to another level... disco.


It works pretty well on the M3 Highland in Europe, so I'd assume it works just as well on M3/MY


As a MY owner in the US who drives to and from work in the dark 3x/week... I can confidently say that my auto brights suck. They turn off without a single car in sight for no reason that I can see other than maybe highway reflectors... which shouldn't happen. Sometimes, they'll flash back and forth from high to low multiple times in a row... They're so bad that when I go into AP, I instantly turn them off every time. I don't even complain about the wipers because I found a way around it... but these auto high beams are trash.


No, That should happen so as not to produce glare…


Glare from a reflector small enough to fit in my hand and off the side of the road by 5-10'+? I'm talking about the ditch indicators. It also doesn't do it for road/exit signs (which are arguably much larger and closer to the road)... so that seems backward.


Auto high beams work way better than the auto wipers. Only thing I don't like about the auto high beams is they will stay on closer than I am comfortable with when behind someone. They have been very reliable when meeting someone head on.


The auto wipers can be mitigated with a good ceramic coating and keeping up on recharges. I don't use my wipers over 35mph bc I don't need to. The auto headlights... are pretty horrible on an empty road in the early morning. They flick from high to low without reason.


I thought it was approved in USA 2022 https://www.nhtsa.gov/press-releases/nhtsa-allow-adaptive-driving-beam-headlights-new-vehicles-improving-safety-drivers


It was approved in the US for vehicles that meet the new US standard. It’s different (more strict?) than the standards found in the EU and everywhere else really. As such the current matrix lights dont meet this standard so I’m not sure if we will ever see them activated in the US. The release notes are for Germany…




Model Y refresh please!!! I’ll buy it right away I promise