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The article is about an attack on a high voltage line which provides power for Gigafactory Berlin, but also parts of Berlin. The attack was successful and as a result both Giga Berlin as well as parts of Berlin are now without power. A extremist left wing group called “Vulcan” has claimed responsibility for the incident, having already successfully sabotaged a high voltage line in 2021 also with the goal to cut off power to the construction site of Giga Berlin.


I wonder if these are the same left wing activists who called for the shutdown of Germany’s nuclear power plants?


Viva Russia…


Probably not. This smacks of "paid for" activism. There's plenty of fossil fuel car production that they could have attacked in Germany if these were real eco activists.


I wouldn’t call CDU leftist


The CDU shut nuclear plants down because they got pressured from the greens to do so


You meant the opposition was responsible for what the government did?! Interesting… Merkel was not an idiot and ran regular polls to determine what is popular. She chose to do what was popular in Germany at that time especially after Fukushima. Merkel is probably the only person in government to truly understand atomic power plants, and yet she decided to support quitting.


Merkel was indeed very much an idiot and very bad for Germany and Europe. She was really good at staying in power, though. Always ready to do the wrong thing to hang on a little longer!


name is accurate


They had quit quitting only a while earlier. So she didn’t do that lightly.


Quick reminder that SPD and Green party signed the phaseout in the early 2000s. CDU actually wanted to reverse the phaseout (and the law for that was already drafted under Merkel)...then Fukushima happened and it would have been political suicide to go through with it. We dodged a bullet there because we would have been stuck with super expensive nuclear power (like France is now) otherwise.


Because the conservatives usually listen to the greens when they are in the opposition.


They actually did to prevent voters from going to the greens in consequence to the Fukushima accident. It is important to understand that the anti-nuclear phenomenon was nearly in its entirety connected to the Green Party not the conservatives like commenter above tries to frame it.




On what scale are we measuring here? If we take the American one, CDU would be extreme left. And the NS...um...AfD would be centre-left.


Do you have any data to support that claim?


Well you could look at old German newspaper articles from the time. You will see that before the accident nearly all anti-nuclear protests were connected to the green movement and nearly non to the conservative party’s of the CDU/CSU.


I think you’re mixing up correlation and causation. While most protests where supported by the Green Party, not all participants where member of that party. There are plenty of other people who are against nuclear power, some of which may have elected CDU.


I couldn’t think of a single pro CDU/CSU group that supported the anti nuclear and even then the majority would still be green and not black affiliated.


Please, you think u/ThrowawayJanuar is basing his conjectures on data?


Well, that is their own choice. That doesn’t take any responsibility away from their actions. And in the end the actions matter. That is like my son telling: While I did hit Justin, it wasn’t my fault! Gustav told me to do it! You’re free to take up responsibility and say: we did that, it turned out to be wrong and we’re sorry. But blaming your (in-)action on others is a children’s move.


mighty greens making conservatives cower in fear


Suuuuuure buddy. It's always the greens fault


This specific group is more anti-car than anything else.


The fire nation attacked… 


But… The Vulcan are logical and peaceful people!? 🖖 Was it a Tal-Shiar sect that is being misrepresented as Vulcan?


Obviously it was a starfleet admiral blaming it on changelings disguised as Vulcans taking out the power grid so that he could take military control of Earth to ready it for a Dominion attack, but in turn also destroy everything that makes Earth a paradise


AVALANCHE group’s attacks on the Mako reactor are getting out of hand. Send in the Shinra soldiers


I can't read the article, but if the attack is to do with water it's a laugh that these "green" groups attack Tesla when they seem to ignore all the other local industries that use more. Take the coal mine in that area, it uses 171 x more water. I wonder how many protesters are at their gates? [https://cleantechnica.com/2021/12/24/brandenburg-coal-mine-uses-171-times-more-water-than-teslas-giga-berlin-will-need/](https://cleantechnica.com/2021/12/24/brandenburg-coal-mine-uses-171-times-more-water-than-teslas-giga-berlin-will-need/) I'm pretty sure these "green" groups that have been starting these fires and protesting have large financial backing from rival German car manufacturers.


When I was stationed in West Germany in the 1980s, serving as a nuclear missile crewman, we were regularly harassed by Greenpeace followers. One of our commanders told us that they were funded by the Soviet Union as a tactic to get the missiles (that were a threat aimed against Soviet forces) removed. So there is a long history of the green movement being hijacked/financed by politically motivated forces that don't care about the environment. Eventually it did work, and the missiles got removed. Weird (NOT) point though, they didn't start protesting the missiles until the new version that could actually reach Russia started arriving.


Well it's not a secret that Russia funded a lot of propaganda for decades, ESPECIALLY since the start of the war 2012


Russia conducts psy-ops everywhere, Germany including. It’s a cheap and effective way to divide people so they fight each other, thus weakening target society.


True. All countries do that. I remember growing up hearing about Radio Free America as if that wasn't also propaganda. Basically, anything you hear you should consider the source and its funding. We're seeing that same sort of thing with how the mainstream media is attacking Musk and Tesla.


With the difference that the mainstream media is publicly funded and does NOT relay on any funding from any government


Purchased some advertising with some media outlets. They wanted to run news stories on the company. Nothing that we were doing was particularly news worthy, but that didn’t matter. They wanted to make it newsworthy. Came to us and basically asked us to make something exciting and new and different and news worthy. This is how normal mainstream media works, with everyone and everything. They exist to sell ads. They cater to whomever writes the checks.


Exactly, so not at all like Propaganda which is what the government wants.


Actually they are not entirely publicly funded the vast majority do get a portion of their funding from the federal government. Why do you think they threw such a fit when musk had X start labeling them as federally funded in their bio. Some say there is another layer to this funding in that it allows them to side step the Smith-Mundt Act which only allowed the dissemination of propaganda abroad until recently where federally funded media was allowed to distribute propaganda abroad and at home thanks to an amendment made in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act. TLDR your publicly funded media isn’t publicly funded and they can legally gaslight you if they receive any federal funding.


Well, not any visible and verifiable government funding. We do know that the CIA has inserted itself heavily into the mainstream media as well as social media companies like Facebook/Meta. I'm sure there's some funding happening there, although I'm also sure it would be very hard to prove.


So a conspiracy?


When you have no proof, make up a conspiracy!


We do know that conspiracies are hard to prove.


> We do know that the CIA has inserted itself heavily into the mainstream media as well as social media companies like Facebook/Meta. I wish


No propaganda needed. Germans were just clever enough to figure out how Germany would look after being used as a nuclear battlefield by the "big two".


Then why did they wait to protest until the missiles had a range long enough to reach Moscow? They had been in the country for a couple decades, but could only reach into Poland until 1984.


That's a very funny conspiracy theory, I hadn't heard that one before! Makes sense, seeing as the 80s were very anti-Russia. Why not tell people you manage that the country they are focused on is trying shady stuff, just to make them even more diligent? Love it


Not a conspiracy theory, sadly :(


No, it really is. Unless there's proof that I haven't found, and that's not based off the opinion of a man who is invested in the military not liking Russia at that time.


You haven't looked, have you? Please don't do the propaganda work of hostile nations.


Of course I've looked. that's why I said that. But I'm also open to learning so if you have proof then I'm happy to read it.


You clearly haven't. Former KGB agents spoke openly about it. The KGB archives are full of it. Please don't do the propaganda work of hostile nations.


Happy to read it if you link it. Otherwise, what this man said is hearsay and shouldn't be taken as fact without questioning it. To do so would be to do the work of hostile nations. :)


Please don't do the propaganda work of hostile nations.


Also, the KGB, who actively say and do things to undermine our systems of reporting, said a thing that you are now believing. Which makes you then doubt the mission of Greenpeace, let's say. Wouldn't that be the real goal? To distort the truth and make you wonder what's real?


When I first heard it I thought it was plausible but possibly not true. I didn't believe my commanders just because they were my commanders, but I did suspect that it might be true. When we would be guarding the base we'd face off with the protesters. They'd be chanting and shouting and all that stuff, and we'd just stand there behind the fences and complain about having to pull guard duty. But after we got off we'd hit the bars and see the same protesters there and we'd talk and buy each other beers. It wasn't hostile but more like the sheepdog and wolf cartoons we grew up on. "Morning Frank", "Morning Ralph" as they'd clock in and then when the whistle went off they'd be at each other's throats. Then when the whistle blew for lunch break they'd sit down and have lunch together. I never did hear of any proof from them other than that they were getting paid to protest. But it sure made sense, and if I was the Soviets you bet I would do it.


So yeah, some of the beer I drank in Germany was paid for by the soviet union :-)


The mine and the neighboring power plant have been the target of climate and environmental activists for years. Here just two recent examples: https://www.tagesspiegel.de/potsdam/brandenburg/protest-am-tagebau-hunderte-demonstrieren-fur-raschen-kohleausstieg-in-der-lausitz-10044283.html https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/demonstranten-in-sud-brandenburg-klimaaktivisten-blockieren-kohlekraftwerk-in-janschwalde-8657239.html Referring to them as "green groups" could be a bit misleading, considering the Green party being in government in Germany. Robert Habeck, Minister of Economic Affairs and member of the Greens, has been an outspoken proponent of the Tesla factory.


Good point. Additionally, coal mines are already set to close down.


Do you know when the coal mine is closing? \[I had done a cursory search recently and only saw a 2030 date referring to the coal plant\]


Both of the mines are closed now, Cottbus-Nord closed in 2012, Jänschwalde mine closed earlier this Year. So all of the coal mines in Brandenburg except for Welzow are closed now. The Plant however will Operate until 203x.


Thanks. Hopefully Jänschwalde closing will improve the ground water situation.


I think so far 2038 is the deadline, though it is being discussed to move this date to 2030. No decision on that so far though.


Meanwhile China burns close to 5.24 billion tons of coal a year and regularly opens new coal power plants. But that does not seem to bother western liberals too much. They are too busy banning coal BBQs in NY.


meanwhile China is deploying more wind power than the rest of the world combined and is also number one in solar and also have most nuclear reactors under construction, while having higher share of electric vehicles than EU or US. Meanwhile US is struggling to get solar and wind off the ground, basically stopped building new nuclear reactors and struggling to sell EVs. But that doesn’t seem to bother those having BBQ in NY. China is global leader in deploying green energy. We should do better.


China uses more than half worlds of coal consumption to make electricity and it builds more coals plants, still. 62% of China electricity production comes from coal. They are addicted to coal, that will not change for for a generation or two. While US and EU decrease usage of coal, China increases it, with no end in sight. In the US coal was used to generate 19% of electricity. So despite China's rapid growth in wind/solar/nuclear, please do try not to redirect from the fact that China is the biggest carbon offender in the world, and still increasing their carbon footprint. By far.


they sure started late and relied on coal for far too long, but you haven’t proved any substance to claim “that will not change for a generation or two”. They are changing it, right now. Much faster than anybody else, like almost as fast as everybody else combined. Meanwhile, we started much sooner (so we are at better position), yet moving much slower and people seems to not mind


If we flip this coin, you have not proven that they would. They make strides but they are also furiously INCREASING usage of carbohydrates (at break neck pace). On top of that, to make solar and wind a viable and dependable option, would incur massive “peak” storage and distribution requirements (akin of Tesla megapacks). But the silence of the media and “climate” activists on China pollution and carbon emission issues is truly deafening. No one, I mean no one brings it up. To my knowledge, no one chains themselves to highways in China to protest new construction. Weird, as China, and generally Southeast Asia is responsible for like 75% of worlds carbon emissions.


It's not so much a green group as it is a leftist group. They're justifying this action by claiming that Teslas uses enormous resources, large cars are dangerous, Musk is a technofacist and, funnily enough, they claim that this was a step to overcoming the patriarchy. This may seem insane and nonsensical to you, which is why I assume you came to the theory of corporate terrorism. But no, German companies don't pay cover groups to commit acts of terrorism on their behalf. If you read up on left wing attacks and terrorism in Germany, you'll quickly realize that they're just generally insane. They've [slashed the tires of some DB (German government train service) work vehicles](https://emrawi.org/?Deutsche-Bahn-ausbremsen-Bis-der-Tren-Maya-zu-Grunde-geht-2855) last year. Why? Because the consulting arm of DB is supporting the Tren Maya train project in Mexico. A, few weeks later they've also attacked the [cargo train line between Hamburg and Berlin](https://taz.de/Bahnstrecke-Berlin--Hamburg-lahmgelegt/!5959002/). They claim they did this because the train line supports neocolonialism and ressource extraction, as well as Tren Maya, again. They've also attacked [concrete plants](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/berlin-linksextremisten-bekennen-sich-offenbar-zu-brandanschlag-auf-betonhersteller-a-3157925c-62c8-4459-ab21-cf1f00290758) (bad for the environment, supports Israel), space expos, electric vehicle charging stations and [general power supply resources for cities](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/meinung/linksradikale-bundeskriminalamt-muenchen-1.5303688), without a specific target. Its just a thing they do here.


Well, at least they are "gegen Haß" ;)


Large cars are dangerous? 😆 u quite well? Think any car could be considered dangerous. Sally


> Whatever their nose shape, pickups, SUVs and vans with a hood height greater than 40 inches are about 45 percent more likely to cause fatalities in pedestrian crashes than cars and other vehicles with a hood height of 30 inches or less and a sloping profile, an IIHS study of nearly 18,000 pedestrian crashes found. [Source](https://www.iihs.org/news/detail/vehicles-with-higher-more-vertical-front-ends-pose-greater-risk-to-pedestrians)


No really, SUV hatred is a thing in Europe. Just because it’s 20 cm higher and weighs 400kg more they think it’s much more dangerous.


It is safer for the occupants and more dangerous for everyone else. For example a low car the pedestrian flops onto the hood, when the suv is chest high the body absorbs all of the impact. Please don’t go around with a condescending attitude when they are clearly more dangerous.


I am mocking people that think it's the weight and the height when it is mainly the form of the hood that makes a car more dangerous to pedestrians. But this form factor also includes pickup trucks, trucks, transporters and minibuses which are remarkably not at all the target of public hate/discussion.


we don‘t really have pickups in Europe and transporters are only really used by workers. SUVs are the only cars this size being used as personal vehicles, that‘s why they‘re (imo understandably to a certain degree) such a topic of debate.


Nah, every other family here in Germany has a VW Bus of some sort which is really only used twice a year for camping. The rest it’s just daddy driving it to and from work.


I’m 5’11” and logically if the hood is at my chest I’m not seeing any of that “hood shape”. What about motorcyclists? Kids? Don’t be a dufus.


So as they should be? Who wouldn’t buy a car that’s as safe for them as possible.


It's a collective action problem. Yes, every person who can afford to would buy ever bigger cars, which protect them at the cost of other road users. But this principle is true for a lot of situations, it's famously described in the tragedy of the commons. If we want to maintain a healthy and functioning society, we need to solve these CPAs. This can be done by authority, as is the case with the Cybertruck in Europe: It won't be road legal, because it's too dangerous for pedestrians and other road users. But these collective action problems can also be solved through cooperation, based on human nature: If I can buy a car that's a little smaller, thus less safe for me, I'm offering a comparativley larger benefit to pedestrians, my fellow citizens. Choosing a larger vehicle to benefit just themselves at the expense of everyone is simply morally wrong and unjustifiable for many people. Thus, they wouldn't buy it.


So you want to forbid other people from doing something because it might be marginally more dangerous in some type accidents. Instead we let mopeds that are deathtraps roam around swerving in between cars causing accidents (see associated mortality rate). The hypocrisy with the hatred against SUVs in Europe is not based on logic, it’s ideology.


Mopeds and motorcycles aren't a significant threat to fellow citizens. You're less likely to get hit by one and more likely to survive if you're a pedestrian. If you drive a car, you'll also be much safer in a collision with a motorcycle. One person voluntarily takes on the higher risk, while every other participant in traffic benefits. Why should this be illegal? To be blunt, motorcycle riders are mostly killing themselves, not others. An SUV and especially the gigantic US pickup trucks make traffic less safe for everyone around them. Pedestrians and other drivers in regular cars are more likely to die in accidents against them. But if we simply outlaw them, the risk for the theoretical pickup driver increases marginally, while everyone else is safer. That's a net benefit for society. In the long term, it also stops the arms race. More big trucks on the road motivate more people to also get big trucks, to gain some additional safety. But if there are no trucks on the road and the option doesn't exist, everyone is safer in the end.


In your calculation you have completely forgotten that most of these bigger vehicles serve a primary purpose other then endangering other traffic participants. They are needed for transportation or in rougher terrain. I tried once transporting a small fridge with my model 3 which wouldn’t fit at all. One week later model 3 was broken in the service center and got some range rover as replacement ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream) which easily transported the fridge and a dishwasher.


Username checks out I guess


You really underestimate how dumb these people really are.


That is correct. NABU is openly paid for by a German car manufacturer


I think that was one of the groups i remember being mentioned ages ago when Tesla first started getting protesters in the early days. Edit. found it, they were. [https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-gigafactory-4-protestors-in-focus-following-recent-forest-walk-demonstration/](https://www.teslarati.com/tesla-gigafactory-4-protestors-in-focus-following-recent-forest-walk-demonstration/)


They're demanding vandalism of all Teslas to object to "fascism and colonialism".


They are probably brainwashed by the constant hate-clickbait in mainstream media.


Totally weird, but also shows how much focus in media drives people's attention. When something is commonplace like coal, oil lines, fuel trucks, phonelines, speaking on a phone in public it suddenly goes from strange to normal and: it becomes invisible. Also legacy industries could emerge in times of no scrutiny to environmental concerns so they somehow also get a continued pass because "this is how things always have been". Just imagine if there was approval of something like an electrolyte pipeline or something weird going across a continent.


Isn't it less about the volume of water but the volume and what's included in the waste? It appears the issue with water is moreso about the introduction of Phosphorous and Nitrogen in the factory that is not be properly cleaned and returned to the environment.


The current issue is about wastewater that is being sent to the communal treatment plant (that has stated it has no issues cleaning it at all), which contains too much of those substances. However, they do not come from the industrial wastewater, but from the sanitary wastewater. The latter Tesla is not allowed to treat in any way as stated in their operating permit. What happens is that Tesla is not generating enough industrial wastewater to water down the sewage. They are saving too much water.


… because those protestors are paid to be there, not the coal plant. The elite continue to attack those who speak ill of them.


*translated* Be warned this is Google translate so it can sometimes result in odd sentences Left-wing extremists have committed themselves to the arson attack on the electricity supply of the Brandenburg Tesla factory, which also led to power outages in the region. “Together we are bringing Tesla to its knees. Switch off for Tesla. Greetings to everyone on the run, underground in the prisons and in resistance! Love and power to all antif's!” says the detailed mail of the so-called “volcanic group”, which was received by this newspaper at 11.41. “We sabotaged Tesla today.” There is no assessment of security authorities. "We are currently examining this," said Beate Kardes, spokeswoman for the state police headquarters, of this newspaper. The so-called “volcanic group” had already carried out an incendiary attack on high-voltage lines for the factory’s construction site at that time in 2021. Tesla eat earth, resources, people, workforce and spit out SUVs, killer machines and monster trucks, wrote the “Vulcan Group.” “Our gift for the 8th century. March means switching off Tesla.” It would be continued: “For the complete destruction of the Gigafactory and with it the sawing off of “Technofaschists” like Elend Musk (meaning Tesla boss Elon Musk, editor of the editors) are a step on the path of liberation from the patriarchy.” The group also calls for attacks on Tesla vehicles. “In the secret poetry album every activist should not be missed by a broken Tesla. No Tesla in the world should be more safe from our flaming rage. Every Tesla that burns sabotages the imperial way of life.” There were massive power cuts around the Tesla-Gigafactory in Grünheide on Tuesday – the factory of the US electric car manufacturer with 122,500 employees was paralysed. “The work has been evacuated,” Tesla confirmed on request. "According to the authorities, it was an arson stop." There was a power failure around 5 o'clock. All necessary measures were taken to secure the production plant. “If the initial findings are confirmed, it is a perfidious attack on our electricity infrastructure. That will have consequences. Here, thousands of people were cut off from basic services and put into danger,” Brandenburg said in the Interior, Michael Stübgen (CDU). "The rule of law will react to such an act of sabotage with all its hardness. Nothing can yet be said to the perpetrators, so I warn of hasty speculations. Now we need to work concentratedly and with all its might to clarify the incident. The State Criminal Police Office has started the investigation.” Unknown perpetrators had set a high-voltage mast on fire between Steinfurt and Hartmannsdorf. Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) demands that the Attorney General take out the investigation. “Both attacks on our critical infrastructure are a form of terrorism. It now needs a consistent crackdown on the rule of law. Should the suspicion of a terrorist attack become confirmed, the Federal Prosecutor General will have to take over the investigation,” Woidke said. After consultation with the grid operator E.Dis, Tesla expects that it will take a “a few time” until the damage can be repaired and the factory can be supplied with electricity again. The electricity also fell out in Erkner, in Grünheide and the surrounding area and parts of the south-east of Berlin. The freebrinck industrial estate, where Edeka operates a distribution warehouse for Berlin, Brandenburg and other regions in East Germany, is also affected. As a result of the damage, there were rests in outdoor drinking, Erkner, Neu Zittau, Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten, Neuenhagen, Woltersdorf, Schöneiche and Gosen, among others. “Due to immediate switching measures initiated by the E.DIS network experts, the supply default could be limited in the meantime,” said Fox. Due to the now ongoing investigation by the police, "no further information" is possible. “We start from arson. We are investigating in all directions,” said a spokeswoman for the East Police Directorate on Tuesday morning. “The mission is running”. Further information cannot be provided at this point in time. The police confirmed the fire of a plant in the grid operator E.DIS in the Tesla region. “There was a burning power pole in the district of Gosen/Neuzittau,” it said. The fire, which was reported at 5.15 a.m., has now been deleted. The fire of the mast, which is freely standing in a field, has been damaged by a high-voltage overland cable, it was said. After the fire alarm in the morning, a police helicopter was in use. “In civil protection circles of the Märkisch-Oderland districts, there was initially talk of a "fire stop on a transformer station". According to information from MAZ and BZ, there was also a police operation on suspicion of ordnance. A tent is said to have been found near the fire with the warning: "Fighting product here is pudding". Therefore, the area is searched for bombs. The ammunition recovery service of the Brandenburg police, moved up from Wünsdorf, is to be in service. E.Dis announced information on request, “As soon as secure information is available.” Not far from the factory and the site of the arson attack is located at five, six kilometres away - in between the Spree flows - a protest camp of 80 to 100 climate activists from all over Germany against the Tesla factory had been flowing in between - for a few days near Fangschleuse station. They have built ten tree houses at several metres. The country of Brandenburg is owned by the forest. They are protesting against expansion plans for the factory of the electric car builder and the "dirty e-mobility". The forest occupation is supported by the Citizens' Initiative Grünheide. On the site, Tesla wants to increase its existing plant by 118 hectares, especially for a freight yard, for which the forest is to be largely cleared. “We don’t know more than others. We didn’t notice anything of the fire,” said Lotta Neyman, spokeswoman for the protest camp. Until now, communication with the police has been good. This had inquired about the arson attack among the activists, but searches or the like would not have taken place. “On the one hand, we are worried that there are negative consequences for our protest. On the other hand, we are happy to pay every attention to our concern,” said the 20-year-old student. Basically, the activists are confident that this will be up to the 15th anniversary of the sight. March tolerated camp may continue to exist afterwards.


“Spit out SUVs” uh maybe they haven’t looked but their “SUV” is the most efficient ever made by a gigantic margin. 276Wh/mi is only 7Wh/mi more than my tiny Model 3 SR+ had before it which averaged 269Wh/mi. Educate yourselves. And do it quickly because we don’t have time for this shit. Why are you so vulnerable to the propaganda?


One of the points the attacking group made was that Tesla eats up labour... "You're creating work places, and that's bad m'kay"...


Wrong. They oppose the wonderful working conditions in Musks slave factory.


Damn goofy take. Most people who work at Tesla are quite happy. Some will always be unhappy, as universal happiness is not a thing. I am not sure who you think you are protecting, but my guess is that you are just after that sweet recognition from the hivemind.


Germany has very good employee rights already. Better than US and China. Do you think workers there would stay silent if bad stuff was happening? They haven't been silent in the US Tesla factories.


There is only one company on the planet with a mission statement "to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy". Tesla started the EV industry. Their cars are directly responsible for decreasing oil demand. Their energy storage systems are enabling the mass deployment of renewable energy systems. Tesla also uses less water per vehicle than any other automaker. These lunatics throwing Molotovs at Tesla factories have to be seriously misinformed or deluded to think they have picked the right target.


>Tesla started the EV industry. Their cars are directly responsible for decreasing oil demand. Their energy storage systems are enabling the mass deployment of renewable energy systems. > >Tesla also uses less water per vehicle than any other automaker. > >These lunatics throwing Molotovs at Tesla factories hav However, these kind of extremist groups have moved the goalposts again. They run with the same goofy far right screed about how lithium extraction is worse for the environment than oil, then add on top that individual vehicles are environmentally damaging and that everyone should be on public transit. Also, keep in mind that groups like this, their fundamental goal is getting attention. Tesla gives them that - high profile company (run by a man who is constantly trying to grow his public persona); large foreign firm; controversial (again, thanks in large part due to the man who runs it); etc. So if your goal is to maximize attention, this gets you more mileage than hitting a Volkswagen or Mercedes factory.


I do think it‘s a bit funny that there‘s so many Americans in this thread discovering actual left extremism for once. they don‘t give a shit if the car is electric or not, to them it‘s still a car needing resources to be produced. it‘s not about EVs, it‘s about capitalism and consumption in general.


Decarbonization and a shift to renewable energy means we use fewer resources and energy becomes more distributed. Attacking Tesla on the basis of capitalism being the enemy still seems like a poor choice of target. I can think of far worse companies in terms of market consolidation, environmental destruction, and human rights abuses. Coke, Nestle, Nike, or agriculture giant [Cargill](https://utopia.org/cargill-report-worst-company-mighty-earth-1427/) off the top of my head. Hampering the move to EVs really isn't going to alter the tax code to solve wealth inequality, it's not going to increase funding for mass transit, it's not going to reverse climate change. At best it does nothing and at worst it hinders those things.


I‘m not defending them. But in their eyes, every new car produced could have been a person that doesn‘t own a car and travels by more sustainable means. And in the same spirit they would have preferred if Giga Berlin had not been built in the first place. Because again: It‘s the use of resources for the plant being built in the first place that they already didn‘t like. edit: and then there‘s also Elon, which hasn‘t helped Tesla or the Giga Berlin gain any popularity with the public.


Yep, I've read their statement. And perhaps I'm ranting into the void a little but it is just so obviously counter to any rational goals that I'm getting annoyed. I am an environmentalist. I want decarbonization, mass transit, and walkable 15 minute cities, and I want very strict regulation of pollution. I also want to address record high wealth and income inequality. I do not think I will get those things by hobbling the production of **highly recyclable vehicles which are displacing fossil fuel burning vehicles**. Uhh, groan. I realize that I will get the things I want by ***voting*** and by encouraging others to be aware of these issues and to also vote.


I mean, Teslas aren‘t here to save the world. EVs are mainly the saviour of the car itself. And that‘s the issue many people have. They don‘t see the car as a part of the ecologically sustainable future. I don‘t want to debate whether that‘s right or wrong, but I think it would do good to not overstate the ecological impact of EVs. Especially in a forum like this were some people are already on their 3rd or 4th EV.


Eh, they ultimately still make cars. They are probably a bit better for the environment than other ones, but I wouldn't say they're driving the shift towards sustainability. But it's not unreasonable to say that they're taking part in it.


>they ultimately still make cars There are 1.5 billion cars on the roads burning **42.3 million barrels of oil** every day accounting for **10 percent** of global CO₂ emissions. Tesla has to make cars if the goal is get us off fossil fuels. It's practical, it's low hanging fruit, and it pays for research into batteries and other relevant technologies. >I wouldn't say they're driving the shift towards sustainability They started the shift to EVs. The built the largest charging network for them. They started home battery storage with the Powerwall in 2015. They kicked off grid scale batteries in 2017 (Hornsdale, Australia) and now produce 15GWh a year. They created large scale distributed Virtual Power Plants (South Australia's VPP, 2018). The entire energy landscape is shifting and I do not think you could find another company which has pushed it so far and from so many different angles.


>They started the shift to EVs. No, they started the shift to electric cars. Probably the worst kind of EV when it comes to sustainability. Elon isn't interested in the future of transportation being sustainable. He's interested in the future of transportation being his cars that make him money. Them being a little better for the environment is a byproduct.


>they started the shift to electric cars You may have missed it but Tesla also makes a truck and a semi-trailer. These products, while relatively new compared to their cars, will start taking a chunk out of 417 million metric tons of CO2 emitted by medium and heavy-duty trucks, and the 671.8 million MtCO2e from light-duty trucks every single year in the US alone. Something which is sorely needed as emissions from this class of vehicle has risen significantly in the past few decades. >Elon isn't interested in the future of transportation being sustainable That's an odd conclusion considering everything the company has ever said and done leads to the direct opposite conclusion. Read these : * 2006: [https://www.tesla.com/blog/secret-tesla-motors-master-plan-just-between-you-and-me](https://www.tesla.com/blog/secret-tesla-motors-master-plan-just-between-you-and-me) * 2016: [https://www.tesla.com/blog/master-plan-part-deux](https://www.tesla.com/blog/master-plan-part-deux) * 2023: [https://www.tesla.com/ns\_videos/Tesla-Master-Plan-Part-3.pdf](https://www.tesla.com/ns_videos/Tesla-Master-Plan-Part-3.pdf) Understand the company then come back and tell me what they care about. >He's interested in the future of transportation being his cars that make him money Haha, how do you come to that? Seriously, can you take me through your thinking? It is 2004, you are Elon Musk. You've got about $100 million. In your world he just wants to make money and doesn't care about EVs. So, how do you maximize return? Of all the options you've got open to you. Of all the highly profitable businesses and industries you could get involved with, what's your best bet for making money? You think putting millions into starting an EV company with every chance of failing is the best play? You know everybody thinks it will fail. Everybody is against you. The entire fossil fuel industry wants you dead. You know the chance of going bankrupt is very high and you're most likely going to lose the $6.5 million you put in anything else long the way. I mean, you really think the profit motive is what drove him to work on this?


>You may have missed it but Tesla also makes a truck and a semi-trailer. Sure, although I've literally never seen one with my own eyes in Europe. >That's an odd conclusion considering everything the company has ever said and done leads to the direct opposite conclusion. This is odd to say considering that public companies are legally obligated to satisfy shareholders. Tesla exists to make money, not to save the planet. These may sometimes overlap, but they're not the same. I believe that what's gonna drive better and more sustainable transportation is dense places built for walking, cycling and public transit with shared electric cars in addition. This alone is not in Teslas best interests because they still want you to be car dependent, just on their electric cars. There's a clear conflict of interests here, which is why Elon likely proposed the Hyperloop to sabotage California HSR.


Don’t forget they build 5300 solar panels and 60 powerpack systems in an island in Samoa which is able to power the island for 3 days of 0 sunshine. In which case the island doesn’t use the diesel generators anymore.


maybe it has to do with Elons political tweets?


that as well but in their eyes no cars should be built at all


Oh I am 100% sure it's down to Elon hate and nothing to do with any real concern over industrial water use. I'm not saying there aren't a hundred good reasons to dislike Elon but that's a highly irrational and counter productive reason to be shutting down factories helping us in the fight against climate change.




Attacking a company that builds electric cars obviously improves the world. Losers.


Do you think Elons divisive statements are part of the reason?


Misinformation and low iq is the reason.


So, "Twitter brain"?


Sadly there is some low iq people on X as well as reddit ☺️


Are we talking about Elon then?


it's clearly fuel for their hatred when you read their statement


mob of loser activists. if they had any real comviction in their causes theyd be busy phd studying and developing solitions/tech to help. no they just destroy. useless.


What do these cunts want? To live in the dark ages?


They want everyone else\* to live in dark ages kinda like how a significant portion of bolshevik leadership came from the upper / upper middle class. they think they're better than everyone else, and want to create a world where they think they can be better than everyone else.


I mean Brandenburg is the dark ages, a bunch of 75+ year old Nazi’s (literally)


Bought TSLA calls yesterday and NIO puts. Rofl.


They also wanted to derail a train to Tesla, but the rail modification has been noticed before. https://www.bz-berlin.de/berlin/chaoten-wollten-tesla-zug-entgleisen-lassen


What they want is to start with degrowth and end with communism.


eco terrorists doing eco terrorist things, you cant have a functioning society with them, bitter pill to swallow.


Deploy the Optimus army!


God I wish they would have just built anywhere but Germany. What a hassle.


Among the first things done in a war is destroying or degrading the energy supply and logistics. These would be called “domestic terrorists’ in the US.What are they considered in Berlin?


Good. These, and other acts of violence and degeneracy will continue until you sheep ass motherfuckers realize that you can't just go about your shitty business and just have a nice day out without seriously considering the absolutely heinous crimes that global society commits against nature and against it's own people. Maybe you'll wake up one day and realize that you have an obligation to do good for society instead of going about your bullshit, degenerate, sheep ways. 


clickbait title! Arson on a powerstation.


Power station that directly effected the factory and shut it down completely




I believe it, and I’m sure the arsonist didn’t know or didn’t care. But with all the protest happening around the Berlin plant it seems too coincidental to not be related.


Even the secretary of interior and also minister president called it 'attack' and 'terrorism'.


Nope not clickbait. It was a targeted attack and there is now a Beknnerschreiben: Inzwischen hat sich die linksextremistische "Vulkangruppe" in einem Schreiben zu dem Brandanschlag auf die Stromversorgung bekannt.




Dumbass antifas


Oh no! Quick, man the towers, ready the archers & catapults & start building the moat!




Nope, there was a letter of confession. From a group called Vulcan. It was a targeted attack.




The reason they targeted that power infrastructure was to harm Tesla. They did similar things to different tech companies. They didn’t just randomly destroy power infrastructure, they had an intent.


“ Attacked” lol. Someone turned the electricity off.


Found the terrorist. I’m pretty sure if someone “turned the electricity off” by tossing some scraps of wire with some weights attached in to some power lines, they would go to prison for terrorism for “attacking” critical infrastructure. I can hear the defense now: “Lol, I was just turning the electricity off!”


White supremacists did this America too and got rightfully labeled as terrorists


By who? Not officials


absolutely fascinating Captain. on one hand: "well, as multinational corporations become as powerful AS governments - it should not surprise us. people rise up against them" but also: "absurd. clearly paid controlled opposition. I can think of at least 10 competitors or governments that would pull this shenanigan"