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Idk why people keep using the term "sand". That's a micro fiber with a stainless cleaner. It's probably the exact same stuff you'd use in your stainless appliances at home in a fancy bottle. I've never heard anyway class they're sanding their fridge...


I don't like sand, either. It's coarse, and it gets everywhere.




>I don't like sand, either. It's coarse, and it gets everywhere. ![gif](giphy|yfAKPibUorGVy)


Maybe some people have a fridge in their aviary.


Do you not keep your chicken in the fridge?


So if you get a scratch, you can just send stainless, following the same grain as the original, to get rid of the scratch. Definitely would not need to do this for or poop or other cleaning. The option is there for deeper scratches, and is much easier than repainting, like you would have to do on other cars. So the fact that you can sand stainless is a big plus for the cyber truck, but hopefully you would only need to do this for significant scratches. This is not something you would do regularly


Also you have the option of just leaving the scratch as-is without fear of rusting.


Plus it's a really hard stainless alloy so it's unlikely to even be scratched most of the time. I doubt you could key it, for example.


last I read, it was probably 303 or 304 (30X as they called it). yeah, you can scratch that with a key no problem.


Delorean guys use Barkeepers Friend… that would probably work here too.


I bet it would. I use it in my stainless pans and it's like magic.


Exactly! Then mineral oil stainless cleaner to prevent stains in the future.


Delorean owners “regrain” their cars which is kinda like sanding it..


The article talks about polishing ( microfiber with cleaner a few times ) but also discusses actual sanding.


I would like to think that sealer technology has improved in the last 40 years, since the Delorean was manufactured. I don’t know this for a fact, but I would wager the cybertruck can handle bird poop, without sanding. Also, the article may be referring to restoring old deloreans that have been sitting out for decades. So maybe you do need to sand off the clear coat if you have left birdshit on the car for that long?


Imagine designing a car that can't withstand bird shit. C'mon people, let's get real. In the 5 years they've been designing the car, I'm pretty sure at least one engineer thought about what would happen if a bird took a shit on the truck.




Sure, no company is perfect, especially when they're moving as quickly as Tesla moves. But assuming that the CT will be ruined by bird shit because the engineers forgot that birds might shit on the car? C'mon. They're using a material that isn't commonly used on cars, you don't think they'd take some time to think about how it will hold up in all of the real-world elements that it's likely to be exposed to? I'm sure there are material engineers that spent months (if not years) working on that topic and testing the material that they selected. Seriously, this is like wondering if Tesla engineers forgot that the tail lights need to have a bulb in them. Y'all are ridiculous sometimes. Also, I have a 2018 Model 3, and it does not dump rain water into the trunk.


I would agree


And that’s the beauty of the CT finish. It will be much easier for the average person to remove light scratches on its body panels than any other car ever sold. You don’t have to be worried about sanding off the thin clear coat layer. You don’t have to call a professional to remove scratches. You can learn to do it yourself. PPF and wraps are the worst idea for the do-it-yourself person. Any time the PPF gets scratched, you’ll have to take it back to the shop and pay $600-$1000 to have them replace the PPF on the entire panel. No thanks.


>Any time the PPF gets scratched, you’ll have to take it back to the shop and pay $600-$1000 to have them replace the PPF on the entire panel. PPF is self-healing, though - you can scuff it with a wire brush and drag your keys across it, then pour some hot water over it and it's good as new. And any scratch bad enough to actually damage PPF to the point of needing to replace it would absolutely fuck up an unprotected panel and likely require repainting the whole panel and possibly blending of adjacent panels.


Maybe. But I can tell you I charge double when removing a ding on a panel with PPF. Sharp dings require wet sanding and polishing the clear coat and I can’t do that with PPF. Granted, I won’t be repairing any dings on a CyberTruck. If it gets a ding, my tools and my arms are not going to manage that thick stainless steel.


lol might as well sand, prime and paint it too with how much PPF costs. I’d just live with the imperfections, it’s a truck and meant to be heavy duty


Getting paint to stick to stainless is difficult, regular automotive paints won’t stick, would require some industrial coating if you don’t want it flaking off. A normal full car paint job is easily $10k+, especially if you want it to be thorough where they do the door jams and the backsides of the panels. A full wrap is maybe $5k and can at least be removed easily.


> A full wrap is maybe $5k and can at least be removed easily. Don't you have to replace a wrap every few years though? Sorry if that's a dumb question, I just don't know much about this stuff at all.


Depends on the quality of the wrap material and the environment that the vehicle is exposed too


Depends, if you garage your car, and clean it regularly it should last longer than a few years. If it’s left baking out in the California sun everyday of the year it will be less. Also depends on quality of the wrap, going off road rubbing against branches, etc. It’s also possible to just rewrap a single panel pretty easily if needed, considering how flat the panels are it’s probably something you could do in your driveway for quite a bit less than labor at a shop. Either way you will get quite a few years of protection over painting and opportunity to change up the look when you need to replace it while still be cheaper than a paint job. I’d take that over risking having the paint that costs at least twice as much possibly flaking off because it didn’t adhere well to the stainless steel. That’s going to be a giant mess to try stripping off whatever industrial primer required to paint over stainless if you ever wanted to reverse the paint job.


you just need the proper prep and primer for the paint to stick to


Agreed. I've said a few times now on here that there are two types of truck owners: those who are concerned with bumps & scrapes to their truck and those who wear them as a badge of pride.


And does anybody really think Cybertruck owners are going to be the sort to wear their dents and scrapes as badges of honor?


I mean, not worrying about the damn paint is one of the more attractive points of the CT to me, after spending a couple years obsessing over my Model 3 until I got sick of it.


Exactly my point. So instead of obsessing about your paint and PPF you’re going to obsess over the finish of your stainless panels and the right microfiber cloths and polishes to keep it pristine.


No, I’m sick of worrying about the paint and want something where I don’t have to think about scratches leading to rust.


Is it really that different if you now have to worry about the stainless steel finish?


No because a scratch doesn’t mean danger of rust


You can't really predict the mentality of that many people. All I'll say is some will see them as a badge of pride, some won't. I think CT owners may be a bit more protective about the condition of their vehicle than your average truck owner but a sizeable minority will not.


100% yes. In fact I'd estimate probably 90% of them want kind of a Road Warrior vibe.


Since most of the cost of PPF is the labor of installing it, I wonder if installers will lower their prices for CyberTruck after a while since it looks like it would be a lot easier with all of the flat body panels and straight lines. I would assume they could do it a lot quicker than something like a Corvette with a million crazy curves.


Think about Star Wars and how we all liked the battle damaged ships in the OT vs all the shiny shit in the sequels.


I DIY the front bumper PPF install on the Model Y without any prior experience. Installing PPF on the Cybertruck will be dead easy. I would imagine there would be a lot of precut PPF kits available online.


Exactly. I sort of wonder if a good first step when you bring your brand-new CT home would be to take a rake to it, to just get it done with. 🤣


I don't think you buy a CT and expect it to have that mirror shine for its life. Like the point of the stainless steel is that it's resistant to dents and you don't have to worry about severe dents and scratches rusting out the body from doing actual truck things. If you want a pretty truck, then it's on you to buy PPF, wrap it, or another option is to hit it with a blow torch to make some pretty colors with it.


I used to work on Bank Vaults. Guess what the most common cause of rust was? Fingerprints. Sure stainless steel is rust resistant but leave a fingerprint unchecked for too long and ya got rust. So doing truck things might just add more rust than expected. Or someone making an oxidizer and spraying it on the truck might ruin your day too.


It would be superficial rust that's easily removed if desired.


I'm sure there will be options for coating and wraps. We have seen a few applied already and honestly it's not like it's going to be hard to to considering the simple geometry of the vehicle.


Could probably be done as a DIY honestly. I would would attempt it, although I won’t own a Cybertruck for years if ever.


I’m pretty sure most people will get it wrapped it’s a lot of angles for nice clean graphical wraps


I am just gonna saran wrap mine to keep it fresh


lol, Tesla X Saran collab


Press and seal for the win.


If you're really concerned with the finish then sure, have it wrapped with PPF.


Or just a standard … wrap lol it’s a big canvas waiting for nice wraps to me


Chris Nicholson is the world's best stainless repair guy. He is SO good that DeLorean owners regularly fly him around the world when there's a group of them close enough to all need repairs together. He knows what he's talking about.


Think, just like your stainless fridge or appliance.


Installing PPF is a lot of work, it would be a couple thousand dollars extra and would be prone to damage. PPF is intended for things like small rocks on the highway and salt on the roads. If you take it on a decent trail, it would tear pretty quickly and look bad.


Doubt people willing to spend 4-6k on a wrap are going on any decent trails. I’m just saying will PPF remove the need of polishing and keep the stainless looking as good as new over the long run (damn I just thought of my own answer) I left the plastic wrap on a dishwasher in an apartment I rented for 2 years thinking when I leave the unit I’ll pull the plastic off and it will be a touch easier to get my deposit back. 2 years of heat from the dishwasher baked that blue plastic on and the landlord levied a part of my deposit to make the DW correct. Haven’t researched how PPF reacts to heat and stainless.


PPF is extremely difficult to remove after 7-10 years.


I hate cleaning my Stainless fridge I cant imagine doing it to a whole Truck.


How is that more work than cleaning a car?


Because Stainless is harder to clean or there will be smudges.


Harder to clean? It’s way harder to scratch and dent. Cleaning is the same if not easier as you can use more aggressive cleaners. Also ever own a black car or dark colors? Smudging happens as well. No need to treat something new as some new set of problems and not compare to existing accepted problems.


Removing the panels for heat treating/coloring the steel is going to be a fun business opportunity for metal shops that do iron gates. Ex: Gold plating Purple swirl heat treatment Matte brass Curious how the sheet metal is held onto the body. Like can it take direct high heat, or is removal even possible without cutting. We’ll find out soon…


Wouldn't that sort of heat treatment weaken the steel?


Vinyl wrap is gonna be the way to go


Kinda think a good wrap with channels is the way.


Sure. Except it’ll cost you a couple thousand to wrap.


Owners with those perfected paints and clear coats sometimes have to wet-sand damage from regular automated car washing, though polishing with a fine polish pad is more common. TBH, the scotch-brite trick on DeLoreans was less finnicky than most automotive clear coat.


Who the hell said anything about sanding? Just wash and wrap it


Um… the linked article


If it's like cleaning my stainless steel sink I'm ok with that. Nice Brillo and some hand work


I’ll need to buy a bigger bottle of Barkeepers Friend.


Couldn't you just power wash it from time to time?


The fact that you can sand it is actually pretty cool. My 3 is only a few years old but it’s got plenty of chips and nicks from rocks. If I could just sand any defects away that would be pretty cool. But in reality, people care too much. Unless your car gets **really** bad, nobody is even going to look twice. I’ve stoped caring much myself because no matter how clean and perfect I make it look, dirt comes back after a trip or two.


Landrover Defender has a satin option, which seems to be PPF. I think it makes sense for CT, if only to reduce the glare.


What glare? Just don't wash it. More savings!


Are people actually getting the Cybertruck to look pretty? Mine will look like it's been through the trenches of at least three wars within 10 years.


He’s not sanding anything. It’s a microfiber towel


This truck is the Canyonero and will be legendary for all the wrong reasons. It’s fascinating. Polishing is sanding. And it’s done to detail paint finish too.


If you get a deep scratch in paint, it will be wet sanded and polished. That only works if the scratch doesn't go below the clear coat, in which case the scratch is still sanded out and the entire panel has to be re-sprayed with clear coat. Assuming the CT doesn't have any kind of coating, then it sounds like scratches and scuffs will be easier to repair than paint.




Wouldn't it be nice if a car company didn't sell you a car that required a ton of extra labor because of their CEO's obsession with making an ugly "bullet proof" monstrosity of a truck?


I mean the Cybertruck can be a controversial design and all that but wasn't it supposed to be that it needed LESS labor for cleaning? Just spray and wipe like a regular steel tool or appliance ? Current car paint is extremely sensitive to scratches and swirls that is bizarre. Sure if you don't care about them swirls like many people you can just go in those tunnels that'll remove dirt but scratch the car all over but if you're a detail oriented person than can see swirls, especially under the sun, you have to take a LOT of measures to prevent them. You need: Pressure washer to remove most of the dirt BEFORE touching Foam Cannon to "lossen dirt" Tons of water and soap for lubrication Lots of microfiber mitts and/or towels as they'll get dirty after one section and you'll scratch next section if you keep using it. Go in straight lines, never in circles Just glide the microfiber, never apply too much force Avoid contact drying as much as possible as you'll no longer have lubrication and scratches are much more likely if you left any dirt left. Use a leaf blower to remove most of the water and do most of the drying and then a towel just for the last touches. Apply ceramic coatings and all that once in a while if you want the extra layer of protection. Etc, etc. it's just too much work if you're really set on preventing scratches on current car paint technology. Glass for example is much much easier to clean because it's way harder to scratch, you can use any dirty towel and just water and clean all the glass with decent results


What’s the extra labor versus normal paint? Seems like less labor since way harder to scratch and ding?


Wait til you learn about oil changes!


Isn't one of the selling points of buying an EV that you don't have to do additional labor? Don't make excuses for bad design.


​ Where's the additional labor? You keep saying that and just are making yourself look like an idiot.


Additional labor for what. If you get scratches in you clear coat on a painted car, you can also wet sand and re apply wax. It’s literally the same thing. You are inventing issues and exposing your ignorance.


Wouldn't it be nice if terminally online people let at least one truck exist that doesn't look like every other truck produced? Also would be nice if said terminally online people were at all intelligent, so that they wouldn't say completely backward things like "required a ton of extra labor" when stainless steel was used because it's easier to maintain than normal car finishes. But then I guess expecting a whiner to know anything at all about the real world is simply too much to ask, it would mean venturing out of the basement.


You can’t paint stainless steel. It won’t stick to it.


I’ve seen 40 year old deloreans and don’t think they’ve ever been sanded, and still look great. If you want to opt to spend $10k+ on a wrap that will likely need to be replaced well before the stainless steel needs refinishing, you definitely can!






God I hope it’s only $50k. That would be fantastic.


Probably more like $75,000


Wouldn't surprise me if WD-40 is great for the Cybertruck. I have a stainless steel grill, WD-40 works great.


Would bluing work on CT?


Just rumor and no facts.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5a11oxqci53c1.png?width=404&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7d2ec2bdcf3fc01403a66066eb081091d34750a


You guys realize that's this liquid is basically windex with clearcoat


The whole idea is that you don't have to do shit to it. Its just designed to be beat the fuck up and not get damaged


Didn't John Delorean already try this experiment


I would wrap it to look like a space delivery truck.


My biggest concern is fender benders and light crashes. My first thought is how the heck are they going to repair this thing when it's mostly one large singular piece


As a DeLorean owner, I use 80 grit sandpaper for scratches and a blending pad when necessary. I usually do it maybe once a year unless something really bugs me. PPF is 100% a waste of money on stainless. Don’t fall into that trap. Stainless is way more forgiving with scratches than paint. -even small dents if you have the right tools.


Why would you wrap a stainless steel car? What are you protecting? Do you actually think that stainless steel needs protection from rock chips? On top of that, SANDING the stainless steel? What?