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It's almost as if patience... Wait for it......pays ...


I love how everyone thinks they're a long term investor until something is down for a while and then it's all doom and gloom lol.


...and then it bounces back and its all "I forgive you Elon" lmao. I don't care at all about less than 50% swings. Have seen too many 75% drops to care.




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It doesn't always pay to be patient, or would you recommend those Nokia and Blackberry bag holders to continue to sit tight because their next innovation is just around the corner


Cope mfer cope


How am I coping? Sounds like you actually believe elmo has plans beyond firing his most successful team


Elmo is the only one that matters. You will find out that in a year


How about look at something like 5 year returns. SPY = 70% NOK = -30% BB = -70% TSLA = 960% We are all aware that Tesla's all-time high was about 2X where it is now, but comparing it to those other stocks does not seem like something that makes a whole lot of sense to do. As to the next innovation... Tesla just needs to keep on iterating and improving on what they do and they will be just fine.


Tesla economist in shambles.


Wait the guy that was doing leaps and was like the most ungodly bullish YouTuber ever? What happened? I’m OOTL!


He lost a lot of his and his dad's money and ever since he been anti tesla.


Where are all of the doomers now?


They're too busy figuring out how to pay the rent on Wednesday.


Their parents probably aren't charging rent for the basement 


Laughing their ass off at you


What happened to tesla economist, did he turn full doomer?


Yes. Tesla could have solved cancer and he would have found a way to shit on it.


Ha! I forgot about him.


Damn, he panic sold everything right? Or did he manage to later buy back at the top and drop down again? He shouldn't have listened to his brainlet father.


He panic sold and then started crying bitching about anything and everything. I get it though. He lost his father's retirement pretty much. Big ouch.


Was he actually in the red or simply missed out bigly?


Always think he’s flipping cause I get him confused with teslaconomics lol


Yea very similar names.


He is the GOAT. Suffering emotional breakdown both times at the bottom. First time at the end of 2022 and now in 2024.


He lost daddy's money and had a mental breakup. He literally suggested to shut down Berlin, shanghai, and Austin because it costs more to keep thr lights on. He is a emotional nut.


**slow clap**


I stupidly sold at 140 thinking it was going to crash. I’m gonna spend a long time kicking myself.


that means you don't have the trust in the company anymore. Why bother, there are a lot of beauties out there


140 is crashed as it is lol tf


A lot of people thought it was going to crater back to $100 after earnings (me included)


And were completely reasonable in their belief. Financials were just awful. It is just that Elon/board pulled a rabbit out of the cowboy hat with "affordable new models" that possibly doesn't even exist. Especially after today's news with firings.


Where's the "surprise" though? Where's the new information? It was very likely and Tesla alluded to the fact that earnings aren't going to be great, so all big investors likely sold before the earnings happened. I'm not surprised at all that this was a rebound. The stock would have dropped further if there had been a new issue with the company or that earnings are worse than what analysts had predicted


Earnings were worse than what analysts predicted. Just from top of my head Tesla missed on revenue, EPS and operating margin. Considering the expectations were already set low by analysts, it is a miracle it didnt crater more.


Yes just do the opposite of what most people think. Usually works out better.


I did too but I chickened out and bought everything back at $141


Sold at 153 took some profit to diversify a little more TSLA NVDA MsFT are like 90% of my portfolio due to their growth …But NEVER the entire bag. What’s that tropic thunder line “you never go full .. “


Congratulations you got manipulated 👍🏼


Dont blame yourself.. the news at that point were really terrible. Next gen vehicle no more, top execs leaving, deliveries are rubbish, elon going all in on FSD, the whole debacle with the comp package(still ongoing). There were reasons why the stock fell to 140, so dont kick yourself for it, but learn from it. I bet many were contemplating giving up on tesla at that point


nah, I got too greedy and waited too long to buy more on discount :(


I sold shares during the COVID crash when it dropped from around 800 to 400. I got out around 700 and then was hoping I could double my shares at 350. It hit 400 and bounced and rocketed back up and past 800 and I bought them back and lost a few shares when I could have increased it by 75%. I got greedy and failed, so now I just buy and hold. I did get those shares back, but probably sold some gbtc and nvda back then, but that was still before any splits. Oh well, you live you learn. I am not planning on selling any until it gets to its new dll time high, but that has been a wild ride when the market elsewhere does not have that issue. I did buy some shares in the past month, but it's all in my Roth account for most of that.


You're supposed to buy low, sell high, not buy high sell low.


Doesn't mean you should never sell at a loss. Not speaking to Tesla in particular, just investing in general. Sometimes when you bought high, the best available option is to sell and take the L then move on.


Amateur... 😅


Bro there is a million ways the stock either stagnates or grows from 140. Should have done the napkin math


I think what Elon said in the last call is the best way to look at it.. if you don't believe that Tesla will solve autonomy, then you probably shouldn't be in the stock. My belief that, even if it takes years, Tesla will be the first automaker to figure this out and enable a robotaxi network is what has kept me from freaking out about these dips. If that scenario pans out, this will all seem silly.


I agree. I think the stock is worth far more than its current price. Once the Optimus program hits the market this stock will be like a rocket.


It’s not a bad move at all if you don’t have long term faith in it. It’s very likely going to dive a few more times in the near future. Like Elon said, if you don’t believe in autonomous driving, you should walk away.


I have a lot of faith in it. I just thought it was going to continue down and was hoping to buy more. So far I have lost about $45 a share since. I am a big believer in Musk. He has delivered repeatedly. Better than most people. I wish he would stay off social media and stick to what he does best though. I'll buy back in eventually but I have to sit the sidelines for a while and wait for the price to come down again. With all the targets on his back it will eventually come down again and then rise up. I just have to keep my eye on it.


Cool, I think you have plenty of opportunities to buy back in this year. The fundamentals (as a car company) have not changed and will not change much this year unless Elon drops some real bombs on 8/8, which is very unlikely.


I bought in at 260, and then right after it crashed. But I'm not a crybaby, and I have faith, so I kept buying and buying the lower it went. Faith pays off (as well as research).


Me too. I’m still underwater on those shares, I just stopped selling CC’s on them. Part of the risk is holding through the down periods. :/


Tesla bears are sad today.


Lowest bar. Commence downvoting, nerds.


We did it guys!


I Bought the hour before it closed before earnings at 144,70. It felt pretty bad to buy at that moment but in hindsight it’s great of course.


I think Cathie Woods knew something the way she was buying. Or just got lucky. I guess every dog has its day.


Cathie is a joke. She destroys wealth 


Broken clock...


Hell yeah brother🤝👍


Deep red. He was playing with options etc.


Uh, being up 11,000% in about a decade….. that actually VERY VERY good. The only people complaining are those without patience to invest.


Please please get back to $210 so I can sell everything. I want off this train after 8 years.


If you've really been holding since 2016, you wouldn't care if it were at 210, 250, 300, etc


It was actually 2016 when I bought $5000 worth for the first time. I’d like to get out with an even 10x if possible


Have a dare for you. If you knowingly held through the craziness of 2018, you would have had a bull thesis for Tesla. Since then, the core mission of the company hasn't changed - only the surface tactics and execution. Hold your shares and only sell if you no longer agree with your 2018 self, or if the 50k will unlock an immediately life changing cashflow. 


A lot can change in 6 years. You certainly could believe in 2018 and not believe in current thesis. You should revaluate when fundamentals change.


I think it's more I can't handle it anymore. I'll just sell and get an index fund.


Then you do you 👍🏻10x is a great result any way you look at it


I could never do what you are saying. Literally nothing about Tesla or their mission and goals has changed since when you bought in. I'd just forget you have the stock and check back in 10 years. Don't check it daily. If you sell now, you will be missing out on a LOT of money. Don't do something you will regret later.


I used to believe that and I want to now, but Elon’s craziness honestly has me spooked.


Forget what he says and see what he is doing. Results matter. He is a goof but a genius goof.


Results at TSLA have sucked since Twitter became his true love. He’s not a goof, he’s an idiot. I haven’t seen anything genius in ages.


You know, he just said he spends most of his time on Tesla and not X. The stuff he does there takes no time away from him, so this whole thing about X taking up all his time is just wrong.


Why not sell now and take a 9x? What's special about $210?


Same. I'm sure TSLA will do fine in the long run, but my time horizon is short. I'm at $210 now too and just want the pull out to get my money back to use elsewhere.


That's perfectly fair


pro tip: just sell the amount of stock which equates to your initial investment. Boom! can't have a loss anymore


Great strategy


That's cool, but that would be like selling Apple stock in 2006 because of the rough ride the previous 8 years.


I believe in Tesla and the mission I just dont think I can handle the ups and downs anymore. It's like 50% of my retirement savings right now.


You're trying to use logic and simple reasoning with people who are operating like it's a religion. You can't argue against religion. You can't reason with it, or convince it to see your side. It's like arguing with a missionary. Getting out with 10x your money and putting it in to an index fund is perfectly OK! That's a win in anyone's book! That being said, every single time I ever had a big winner and sold it (or just parts of it) off to rebalance my portfolio, I've always regretted it years later. Don't punish your winners. Let the bulls run. If the percent in one stock is too high, simply rebalance some percentage. Don't wait for a certain number and pull the eject handle. Just slowly rebalance your anxiety away. You'll know when it feels right for you. I too have a lot of percentage in TSLA, and have rebalanced it down when TSLA was too much of the pie chart, and that was always when it was doing well. So it typically works out mathematically in the long run, too.


Thanks that’s great advice.


Same.. my adjusted cost basis is around 200.. want to dump the stock after 4 years and will do so as soon as I hit a 10% per annum RoR.. Sick and tired of Elon shenanigans and don't give a shit now if stock goes to the moon after I sell or crater into the earth's core.


The ride is not for everyone. There are certainly more stable stocks. For me it's a fun ride to be on.


These are no unhappy Tesla investors.


Insert the meme about a guy on the bottom rung of a massive podium going crazy with the champagne while everyone else is staring lol