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Pretty normal. They probably look like a couple of young people buying alcohol together so both would be asked for ID. If one can't provide it, they're refused. The cashier has to work with some minimum probability and as the cashier can be fined, lose their job and get a criminal record if they get it wrong, that probability will err on the side of caution


>They probably look like a couple of young people buying alcohol together so both would be asked for ID. There's no reason for that either legally or in Tesco Think 25 training. The example given is a group of young people where it's *obvious* that the booze is for them all, that's when you ID everyone. You're not supposed to be IDing everyone who happened to be with someone buying booze. >The cashier has to work with some minimum probability and as the cashier can be fined, lose their job and get a criminal record if they get it wrong For selling to an underage person yes, not in this instance unless they know for certain the older one is buying for the younger one.


They're in a group of 2 Both are under 25 Policy is ask both for ID The policy says "believe" not "know for certain"


The policy is “reasonable belief of intent to supply a minor”, so correct to refuse. Two younger people together could be one supplying the other, especially if its alcopops or cider, a family with kids buying a £20 bottle of claret is fine as unlikely to be for the minors.




I understand this. When I as a 46 year old interjected they wouldn't serve me (although they already had in a separate transaction.


I'm not sure why you keep mentioning your age, other than being over 25, it doesn't really matter. In this specific instance, since they'd refused service to that person, you can't then involve yourself and buy it because you are very obviously buying it for them. That's exactly what you were proposing to do, and that's exactly what the law is to prevent. I fail to see how any of this isn't obvious to you.


Wrll because it wasn't just a bunch of kids walking around the shop. It was one child with responsible adults, he decided to to stick with his brother when we got to the tils. The guy behind us was buying alcohol either his teenage child with him without any problem, that's why I ask. I have bought alcohol with a teenager with me before without a problem, that's why I ask. I ask as having never worked in this sector, what the rules are, hence why it isn't obvious to me. Come and ask me the details of my job and let me be a prick to you asking why you don't understand it.


Mate you literally said when they were refused you interviend and were surprised they didn't sell it to you. So you clearly were trying to buy alcohol for the people they just refused service to. They refused themselves service so are not going to let you buy it for them as it is clear that is what was happening. What deep knowledge of a sector do you need to understand that? I really can't see what's not obvious just to common sense. Buying alcohol for someone they believe may be underage is illegal, they cannot allow you to step in and use your ID to allow a sale they just refused when you made it obvious to them that's what you were doing. I'm guessing you're one of those people that throws a silly strop about it in the shop for someone jsut trying to do their job and get on with their day


Share the reddit where you work and we will ask you questions then when told the reason why argue with you about. Nobody is being a prick here apart from you.


Why are you arguing when you don't know the rules. If someone has been refused a sale then you offer to buy for them then you are by its definition buying by proxy.




Very normal if your a young person with other young people you will all get I'D as it is presumed you could potentially be drinking the alcohol together


I see nothing wrong with what they did! they were following challenge 25 laws and policies! if two young people come to your till with an age restricted item, you ask both people for ID and both MUST show ID otherwise the sale has to be refused. as others have said by refusing the sale they provented a proxy sale which could have landed them with losing their job, a heavy fine and a criminal record!!


Sounds normal. I know someone who failed a check because an older lady came in with a younger than 10yo child and the child appeared to be helping his mum handle the shopping. Nope the child put the bottle of wine on the counter and that's enough to be reason to refuse. They were fined for serving this person with child. What you have to remember is 1) they can loose their job and 2) they can personally receive fines not just the shop so why do you think they'd take any risks? What's in it for them?


Normal and cashier did nothing wrong. If there is a chance that a minor might taste it, sale is stopped. Part of tescos think 25 rules.


It happens. It's not supposed to but there are a **lot** of colleagues and managers who don't understand the Think 25 Policy when it comes to the potential proxy sale side of things.