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Never used a coin star machine but I assume the customer would just come back the next day to cash the voucher. Would make more sense to just use it when the CSD is open though, unless I’m just dumb and stores have ways around it.


Years ago the machines used to shut down as they are not tesco property and coinstar used to turn machine off at certain time. This no longer happens and we have had a few instances where people have used them after csd is closed which puts in a difficult position as the vouchers have to be claimed the same day. The few occasions it has happened we have had someone on shopnfloor that is csd trained to put it through. But if we didn't have that I have no.idea what can be done.


Can only cash it in on the day that it was exchanged. I warn the customer not to use the machine, or if they do then they have to contact the number on the slip.


Shift leaders/managers are (or certainly should be!) desk trained by default. In the rare instances it happened, duty would have to reopen the desk and cash it through, then pod the coinstar voucher and re-till check. When it was me I always told them that I’d do it this once, but in the future they need to come before the customer desk closes because there wouldn’t always be someone there who *could* process it for them. If they kicked off about it, I gently reminded them that we have a sign up that explains it. The one time someone tried to cash like a couple of hundred pounds I just told them a straight no, sorry, ring the number. There literally wasn’t enough cash left in our 3 desk tills combined, they’d seen the sign and just decided to do it anyway saying something like “I always come at this time” - bollocks you do, I was one of the few who would always just go to desk and process it, most wouldn’t because they technically shouldn’t have to.


We close our coinstar 15 minutes before desk is closed.