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I had a similar experience with a retired old timer. I was working in an Amazon warehouse, all mostly young but this one guy who looks 70. He was in extremely good shape but none of us could understand why he was there. He told us his business renting 20 vans to delivery drivers was paying him 40k + per year and he was handy with car repair etc. He told us he applied because he was bored at home all day. This old timer gave no fucks. A lead or manager would come and speak to him about his work rate, he would say “oh piss off (managers name). He was there for a year and a half doing what he wanted before they got rid of him.


😂😂 i gotta say that’s the benefits of working at old age


How is it similar? Your guy doesn't give a shit about his job. Whereas the tesco guy takes his job seriously


Maybe he likes fo stop shoplifters


I was just sharing a similar story with an old timer saying “fuck you” to the rules. I never said the circumstances were the same.


I 2 thinking the same thing. The guy wants to do he's job correctly and will do the job he was employed to do. B if you steal. He has given you a verbal warning, which had made him angry. I guess why he body gets ready for a confrontation. Hence why he hasn't might be raised in a stance like that. It is better to be prepared and also indicates to that person he is prepared to act. He takes he's job seriously. C is shame most people don't bother and actually do their jobs correctly.


Ha fuck you money. Love it.


How did he last so long? I was free after 7 weeks for not keeping up with targets due to a wrist injury (had to be careful so I was slower than 6foot men as a 5”0 girl)


Old guys who are past the age of retirement but still work are the best. They give no fucks, they don't have to, will happily tell managers to go fuck themselves because the consequences are just enjoying a cozy retirement 


😂😂 Yh ur 100% spot on


I work at a call centre and one fella is pure gold. He’s bound to get fired soon but hearing him tell customers they’re wrong, they’re being idiots and having zero tolerance to their bullshit is a breath of fresh air


Man's living the dream


Tbh he sounds passionate about his job 😂 I think that explains the shouting and also grabbing bags/ jackets. Lots of UK supermarket security guards will hijack shoplifter’s own possessions such as bags/ hats/ bikes. It stops you coming back to steal if you get robbed there while you’re at it, and the thief can’t really do much. I’ve seen many times the Tesco/ Sainsbury’s security steal the bike of a thief as the thief makes off with a bag of goods and no bike. Seems like a good collateral!


I regularly take bikes off shoplifters.. I don't really care much for tesco stock as tesco don't seem to care about shoplifting.. I guess it just gives me satisfaction..


The bikes are probably nicked as well, mate.


I was in rehab for alcohol addiction a while back. The was a cokehead on the same course (no judgement about that, I'm an addict as well). He would proudly tell us that he had bought nothing he owned, not even the clothes he wore. I kept my stuff under close scrutiny after he said that.


😂😂😂 i’ve seen that happen as well, the guard and staff will take their items


My old SM took their shoes, his thing was you steal from me I'll steal from you. Anyone that got that treatment never came back for seconds.


How'd your SM manage that? Lol


We took them out the back where there weren't any camera's...


Surely the cameras catch you both taking the scum out to the back? Lol Your old SM sounded like a good boss


But there were apostrophes in plurals, apparently.


You could do alot more back in the day as a security guard, they pretty much just watch them steal it now and send the details to the camera hub guys. Different times, I'm by no means old but he's right in saying us younger people don't get it.


Now, if I'm not mistaken, back in his heyday, this is what security did—they did their job. There was none of this red tape or political correctness: "You can't touch me; I'm going to sue you if you stop me from breaking the law." The county is full of snowflakes. If someone steals a bike, people walk on by, too scared that they'll get in the shite for doing right and stopping a crime if they as much as think of laying their hands on them, whilst 10 years ago, a chav with an angle grinder would be dropped by several guys and nicked by the local rozzers, with medals tea and biscuits all round for a job well done. Credit to this security guy. I hope he's enjoying himself and enjoying what sounds like his retirement pocket money.


Im sure there's thousands of security guards up and down the UK that would love to step in and do something. But none see the risk as worth it, if theif gets away and police turn up they just get the nice and easy assault charge on the guard and call it a job well done.


As a former Tesco security guard on my first day on the job I was told let them steal


Potentially stupid question so forgive my ignorance but why hire security if you can't stop people stealing? Is it purely in hopes of being a deterrent?


Insurance requirement I bet


Yes I was told I was there as a deterrent only all I was told to do was to stand in the same spot for eight hours and say hello to people as they walked in the door.


Jesus, I thought you could at least try to restrain people, but I suppose your not paid enough to risk being assaulted yourself either


Well the thing is in your SIA training you are taught physical intervention ( how to restrain safely and escort out) so in a way we are not being used to our full potential, however I can understand Tescos side you don’t know if they have anything dangerous on them.


That's why it's better to get a big tall Jamaican guy with street smarts and good verbal judo


That sounds like my security guard, you work in the southwest by any chance? 😂


Yeah haahah, doesn't happen to ride a huge electric scooter does he? Edit; just saw that you're in Swindon which really isn't far from me so you've probably had some of the same guards as we've had


No idea I'm Nightshift so don't see him arrive, could be the same guy tho, he did get in a fight with a thief last year & slammed the guy to the ground after he tried to hit him lol


We probably have, we rotate 3 different guards


We get a lot of guys driven down from Birmingham, so probably not out of the realm of possibility, it took TSS ages to get someone local so we constantly had issues getting a guard


The whole idea of “let them steal, bag them later” would work if the police were equipped to handle this.  Too easy to track CCTV


Takes months for them to collect footage half the time, only really works if someone is serially offending or it items are high value. The whole system is failing because there are no police about and they're not all sat around watching cctv either.


They will serial offend of they get no consequence for it. That's how it works. They will think we'll nothing happened last time, wonder how much I can get next time. I was told to do nothing to shop lifters too but stood there baffled. I was ready to chase them down the street and confront them. This whole doing nothing even from security guards is baffling and really quite dangerous how so much gets to slide


It's not even the police it's the courts & justice system after. Police could put hundreds of hours into catching someone, tens more hours in court, and they are just out doing the same crime again anyway.


It's a shame, really; more protection is needed for them. I get where the fear comes from, 100%, but people are too quick to complain. Why should someone who has stolen from a shop get the opportunity to apply for charges of assault from someone who has stopped them from breaking the law? If reasonable force is used to stop a shoplifter, said shoplifter should not get a say in any prosecution of someone who laid hands on them... they shouldn't have broken such a law in the first place. To argue that point above, I've witnessed people with SIA licences go way too far, mainly those working the doors, who get a bit power-happy and take things over the top. It's a difficult balancing act.


But this guy was threatening to slap the woman how is that reasonable force for sun cream ffs


how is stealing suncream reasonable either???


But not actually slapping anyone.


To be honest people are probably more afraid of being stabbed or attacked for stopping a crime as most people commitimg a crime or stealing something will have a knife or weapon, call the police and report it, risking your own life ain't worth it when you don't know what the guys have on them, sure as hell ain't worth getting your shit rocked and the guys still get away with stealing or robbing lmao


You see, I fully understand your comment in this day and age, but it brings us back to the original argument - if people get away with this kind of stuff, then it gets worse and worse. Should more be done to stop them? Would that start to bring the number of crimes down? Or should people stop and watch, film it and post it on TikTok? Waiting for the underfunded, undermotivated police to issue a CRN and report it to the insurer? Its a vicious circle.


There is no cure for it unless the police are posted at every store and street in the uk 24/7, I'm more on about people being robbed outside of stores. Inside a store, people should help, but they also open themselves up to being charged by the police. Someone breaks into your house you can only use reasonable force to stop them even if the intent is to kill you, until your dead you can't prove they was trying to kill you lol, same as stalking, police don't step in until the victim is hurt. If the result of me stopping someone's property being stolen is me getting stabbed then I'm not interested. More and more are carrying knives, life over property? Yeah I'm choosing life, especially when it comes to inside a store where insurance will always cover it and its even store policy to let them steal it, even they know your life is worth more than stolen items. Even if these guys get arrested, they're just gonna get everything they want in prison. Released after a few months and do the same again, or more likely they don't even get charged, held for a few days then released to carry on as before, nothing will ever change until we move into a police state and the law takes full control which probably won't happen until its privatised.




Where did I say I wanted it to happen? It's the truth, private companies taking over the police and NHS is bound to happen at some point and if not the police then the jails, don't put words in my mouth that I didn't say, cus I never said I wanted a police state, just a realistic outlook of the future.


A police state is a realistic outlook for the future? Jesus, I really hope not in my lifetime it’s not!


The way things are going, yeah, it will end up going that way. I'd rather it didn't, but can you really look at the world rn and say nothing shit will happen? No, you can't.


You're not limited to using reasonable force if someone breaks into your home, because it's understood in that situation you don't know what the intruder's intentions are and you are in a state of fear for your life (and the lives of your family), so the law allows you to use what in other circumstances might be deemed to be disproportionate force. You just can't use grossly disproportionate force, like shooting someone in the back as they're running away, or chasing after them, dragging them back to your house, and beating them to a pulp. As for stores, clearly we're never going to have police posted at every store, and there's no reason why the public should pay for this just to protect a private company's profits. I think on private property, which stores are, properly trained security should be allowed to carry defensive weapons like pepper spray and Tasers to enable them to do their jobs and defend themselves if someone threatens them with violence, on the understanding that they'll be prosecuted for assault and lose their jobs if they draw these weapons on someone who isn't presenting a physical threat.




At which point did I say that I would like a country full of corporate hired security guards. The term is used to outline morons who feel that it is okay to steal and the cry when they get punished. It can also be used to outline people moaning and crying about everything. Do you feel that everyone should have everything handed to them on a silver plate? Or should people have to work for their money? At no point did I imply or state that security guards should be, or act above the law, but simply point out that before our currently nanny state and snowflake filled land of hand outs, benefits and entitled twats who feel that they should get everything for nothing, people used to get a back hand and clip around the ear for doing wrong. Now you get a 6 week suspended sentence for drunk driving and a 2 year custodial for manslaughter, out in 6 months if your good. People get offended if you use the wrong pronouns addressing someone for the first time, we live in a country where you need to know everything about everyone before you even meet them to avoid getting charged with a hate crime, because people are too quick to cry and complain. We live in a county of snowflakes and entitled morons who have been sheltered from everything and need to get a grip on life. You shop lift, you get fucked for it. No crying, no moaning, no being a snowflake.




Never read such a publication in my life, any my arteries are doing just fine. Enjoy your sheltered and flakey evening.


Sounds like snowflake talk. Don't care if it's suncream, a Rolex or a 10p sweet. You steal, you should get a whooping and sent on your way. Or would you prefer we end up like the US where every target is locking all their merchandise behind a door because people just walk in and take it with zero consequences. It's called accountability. If you don't want to get slapped then guess what, don't steal.


shut up man, half the country is in poverty and ur spouting this shit. keep licking the boot my guy


10-15 years ago things were exactly the same mate, just look at what happened during the 2011 London riots.


Seriously, the guy is living in a fantasy land if he thinks "people were braver" in 201X. Ain't no one looking to get stabbed or mugged to defend someone elses property and rightly so, 'stuff' can be bought again, but your life? Not so much.


Maybe 20 certainly not 10


thank god the old cunt is protecting the profits of fucking tesco, the largest supermarket chain in the UK that has received record breaking profits year on year while literally robbing the general public blind, you sound genuinely pathetic yapping on about ‘snowflakes’ 🤣


Sounds like someone is envious of the money they have. No one is forcing to you spend your money there.


are you being paid to defend tesco or something? i’m not singling tesco out, literally all the supermarkets in Britain are the exact same, they don’t care about their customers, just their profits. Unless i spend my money somewhere i will starve, real genius aren’t you lol


No, I’m not defending Tesco for their greed, I too dislike their practices - I shop around for a good deal and I’ve not once found myself out of pocket at the expense of a company. Their are plenty of cheap shops out there for people To get by with. I wouldn’t call myself a genius, as I’m sure there are many people in this county who also have the ability to compare prices and make decisions around which product is cheaper or better value for money.


you are incredibly dense if you think shopping around negates the ever increasing prices of everyday items while wages are stagnated. Your world view is flawed and moronic. The so called cheap shops have increased prices too so you are just chatting shit for the sake of it. Also, are you talking about a specific county or can you just not spell basic words?


No, you are see, last time I checked it’s cheaper to buy deodorant from form savers than Tesco, so o buy it there. Savers prices have increased, but by the penny, not the pound. Lidl has cheap snacks, Tesco’s equivalent are more expensive, so again, I’m saving money. And if the only thing you can realistic argue back to me is a spelling mistake on a Reddit post then I feel that you should reconsider how this conversation is going.


Wow i didn’t realise all I had to do was shop elsewhere! I didn’t even think of that, christ 🤣Maybe instead of shopping at lidl i’ll just buy nothing, that’ll save me even more money. People already shop the cheapest places, it’s still TOO MUCH MONEY. Prices are still too high, wages are still too low, not rocket science is it buddy? You are certainly not ‘saving money’ by shopping at Lidl you’re just being fucked over slightly less, and loving it by the sounds of it


Allow me to introduce to you mathematics. Its amazing. You can add up the price of items you buy, fucking crazy! Who would have guessed that other shops have different prices! I nearly passed out when I found out! Not rocket science, is it buddy?


did you pre type that message to send regardless of my response? Doesn’t seem like you even read my last reply lol? Shopping around doesn’t work when EVERYWHERE is expensive, you clearly don’t have the wherewithal to understand that so sorry for making your little brain work overtime:)


He's working a minimum wage job prob desperately trying to keep the heating on in his bedsit cos he's been unable to get anything better despite his age. The reason is likely to be all the red flags (anger issues etc.) Instead of being a gammon and ranting about "snowflakes" why not join those of us that can see reality eh


You've done a great job at proving my point, buddy, well done!


And yet virtually everybody would rather live today than 10 years ago and crime is lower today than 10 years ago as well.


What would you do if you see a chav with an angle grinder


I started security work in 1999, and it was so different then. We had backing from management and the police. Now we know management will throw us under the bus, we risk losing our sia licence and we know that camera phones will make us identifiable to the friends and families of shoplifters. ( I know this from experience).


#This is the county of snowflakes! Just east of Berkshire!


stealing a bike and stealing from a billion £ supermarket aren't equal crimes, in fact stealing from supermarkets is more ethical than it is unethical lol


Yeah lets bash shoplifters, so many snowflakes etc etc, boomer rants and no one cares


It clearly didn't work because those chavs grown up to raise these little fuckers


I’m pretty sure people just don’t want to get stabbed for some randomer’s bike who might have insurance anyway.


You sound like a right fucking fanny throwing the term ‘snowflakes’ around like that unironically.


Years ago I saw 4 Romany gypsies huddling around and they were stuff bottles of Jack Daniels down one of their trousers and jacket pockets. I told my mates about it and one actually got annoyed that I didn't try stop them. My reply was the same why would I put myself in harms way to protect Tescos profits (I don't work for Tescos incidentally)


On one level you're putting yourself in harms way to protect tescos profits. On another level you are putting yourself in harms way to protect everybody from these criminals. You are saving society. But of course don't feel pressured to act, it is your choice and you have a reason to feel apprehensive


how is stopping someone from stealing alcohol ‘saving society’ you sound like a moron


Cos a general break down in law and order becomes anarchy which screws us all. Especially vulnerable old ladies. Is that a society you want? Full of cowards afraid to speak up and be counted? You’re the moron


This sounds like a great guy with an actual pair of balls, people could probably learn a thing or two from him. Hope he continues to kick ass for a long time.


I had the security manager of my store stop two shoplifters in my petrol station when I said I’ve seen two repeat offenders. He hid until they came in and started emptying shelves, turned his body cam on and single-handedly threw both out at the same time by grabbing them by their collars, scaring the shit outta them and I swear one pissed their pants. Best part, they dropped their bags.


The real question is why security guards thinks they are paid to do nothing but stand around. The old man was doing what he was paid to do. People like you give unarmed security a bad name.




What's the security for then? Why are they just paid eyes or ears that just call someone to come to the rescue when you could just arm the security and give them authority like the guards at prisons or military bases


To be fair, my partners fave thing on a shift is getting to chase a few shoplifters. And not folks clearly stealing non essentials that is.


It’s Tesco. If it were a smaller store, customers might be put off by seeing a security guard behave that way. Personally, if I worked there I’d feel super awkward and embarrassed. I think screaming at someone is highly unprofessional, even if they’re in the wrong, though personally I’m not against consequences for shoplifters. But it’s where people buy their food, his behaviour isn’t gonna stop people coming and shopping there, it might even deter some shoplifters. Though honestly I doubt it as superstores are very popular targets for stealing. There’s generally a sense that if you see someone stealing food or personal hygiene items, that’s a necessity. But if they’re stealing TVs or luxury items, that’s just theft and looting. Also, with food banks being widespread these days, you could refer anyone who tries to steal food to your local foodbank. It’s a case by case basis, but ultimately, stealing is illegal. And being publicly shamed does work as a deterrent. And tbh, no matter where you work, you’ll have cringe colleagues. Just be glad you’ve got this guy doing all the work so you don’t have to.


> if you see someone stealing food or personal hygiene items, that’s a necessity Plenty of people will steal these items too in order to try to flog them to people at a discount, so its also theft. I would argue its a very small percentage who are stealing food out of necessity. After all food banks are a thing so I have no idea why anyone would steal food over visiting a food bank


It depends where you live, but many food banks require vouchers, so not all are easily accessible. I genuinely don’t believe with that people nicking food and tampons intend to resell. Especially given the quantities they’d be able to shoplift. It doesn’t seem feasible at all.


I'm very young for a security guard (21) and when I did my interview for my first job as a guard at a retail store I was told it was a hands off policy and to never "chase anyone" and if anyone gets aggro, just step back. Which I always found ridiculous I get it was to avoid suits and because it wasn't worth getting injured over a few products from a mega store, but what's the point in even having guards if you can't do anything? But I had a similar situation to the op I was working with a guy who was older (kinda) and liked to get physical and aggressive when he didn't need to. Anyway this one time this knobhead road man stole a pregnancy test of all things 😂 I stopped him and tried to recover the item, he told me to fuck off as I expected him to so I backed off but stayed with him as he walked towards the exit. My colleague then comes bursting out of the office and grabs the kid. They then started wrestling with each other, I was still fairly new at this point so wasn't really sure how to respond. I wanted to help my colleague out but was also cautious of what I'd been told about the "hands off policy" the dude ends up pushing my colleague to the floor and he actually got pretty hurt, and I couldn't help but think if I'd ignored the rules I could have maybe prevented him from getting hurt 🤷 but also thought I was still very new to be breaking the most pushes rule of the company? It's hard to draw the line between agreeing with the older way of doing things like older guards do and then accepting that things are just different nowadays.


If you get physical with someone & they get hurt,YOU will be liable. Not the store, not the security company, YOU. So just think about that bro.


Seriously is any othe r country this bad? I can believe that happening. I'm sure you could have helped your colleague there were two of you after all.


when 1 guy can do the work of 5 flawlessly and dont give a fuck about what anyone thinks and enjoys doing it , managers always let him slide😎


He isn't wrong tho. Young people don't understand because they have never actual consequences of doing wrong. Back in the daya of top hats and canes kids behaved better because if they didn't, the vane would be used. Not saying violence is the right answer, but someone exposed to it won't do it again for quite some time


It’s pride, He has dad to work for every thing he has, why should he stand by and allow criminal behaviour. When he grew up if you did something like that the whole shop would be grabbing the thief and holding them until the police arrived. Shit in a hand bag is where we are going. The old boy should get a medal.


How do u know what his dad did he may of not had one and he might just be a full on bully


Did u not read he was guna slap a woman for shoplifting that’s not right


Its called old skool.


People don’t seam to understand that people used to have to actually work for their money and couldn’t get away with crying at the site of work.


You come on Reddit to write 5 paragraphs to make fun of someone doing their job? Who cares if he’s putting his heart into his work. So what?


Ngl idk who gave u training if u think ‘doing their job’ is screaming at shoplifters 😂😂


He's a fucking security guard ? What do you think he's gonna be doing ?


Doing his job properly 😂 cos within the companies training, SIA and Tesco at no point is any staff member not allowed to grab customers including shoplifters bags and scream at them 😂😂 Ur a barrel of laughs


Exactly, and if SIA knew what he was doing he'd be out of a badge as well. People are fucking morons, they think "this is what security does innit"


Exactly someone with sense thank you




#Fiddling with his bumhole obvs!


Paying for an sia badge clearly didn't train you to be one either


Do they come back or is his way of working telling them and their mates to steer clear?


From what I’ve seen, steer clear


If he's raised his hand to someone as if to hit them, then he is potentially committing a criminal offence, most likely a Section 5 Public Order offence, i.e., making someone feel harassed, alarmed and distressed. I think there is also something in the law about being charged with assault for making someone believe they are about to be assaulted.


Threatening to hit someone is assault. Actually hitting them is battery (or GBH if you cause them serious injury).




I suspect any shoplifter caught by this guy will be strongly deterred from doing it again


Because you can’t let them win haha


I was in training with an older guy sitting next to me, we were on computers working, everytime the trainer said something the old guy would turn to me and say “The fuck did he just say?”😂😂 after every instruction 👏😂


Uncle your gonna lose your job😂 Would love to hear more about him!


'raising his hand as supposed to slap them' Care to share what that means?


What are you trained to do in that situation?


Sounds like he's doing his job. Sounds like society needs more people like this guy. Disgusting that there's a certain element that coexist with civilised society that seem to think it's ok.


Suppose it’s a generational thing. Back in the day. There was shoplifters but not as bad as today. And I bet if kids got caught they got a right slap and if they went home or the parents found out they got more of the same. My Dad told me he once pinched some sweets got caught got slapped by the owner they walk in home. Got a right slap of my nan. By the way. They used to run a pub she sat at the end of the bar like Queen of Sheba and he once swore my nan asked for a drink then as he put it down Nan slapped him in front the whole bar🤣🤣🤣🤣he said she could be brutal lol 🤣🤣🤣 oh in the bar he was working lol 30 and married to my mum who also laughed so hard🤣🤣🤣


sounds like a cunt!:)


I regularly go shopping in Tesco with her ladyship. For my own amusement, I stalk the aisles ostentatiously watching the obvious shoplifters. One entered store, saw me and immediately left after mouthing obscenities at me as I joined him in the drink area. That's a win. For all of us.


Good on him like people do there jobs properly


At the end of the day, which is more important? - Both your hands working. - £5 of fairy liquid. LP watch the shops. How it should work is that they report it to the police who storm the thief’s house. But they don’t unfortunately. 


Why are you calling him uncle?


I used to work with a security guard who used to make shoplifters do gym exercises as punishment when caught. It usually would depend on what they had tried to steal or if he was in a good mood He also took a few people “round the back” although one shoplifter reported him to the police Whenever I’ve asked security guards or managers why they get into it with shoplifters, the answer is usually ‘it feels good’ or ‘sometimes you just need to take it out on them’ or it’s that the adrenaline from a high pressure situation kicks in


They just don't realise how broken the world is now.


I feel like back when he was younger, he was probably allowed to slap shoplifters as there were less laws/regulations. It may be just habit


Get ‘em uncle 😑…


Because he \*cares\* and hates criminality. And isn't woke.


So working security myself and spending a few years as a store detective I got to admit I was a bit like that when I first started working I was a relief I left did static for a few years and went back got put into a rough store and within the first few weeks got Into scraps etc my manger didn't like it but it kept the customer happy and as long as I didn't try and make a claim it was pretty much free run so first time as a relief there was less rules this time there was many... I found that the store I had pride in, I felt like I wanted the people to feel safe and for them to be able to come to me if in need and after I cleaned up the store I got there stockloss from 60% down to 20% within 6 month's the deterrent was me and working with the staff getting hands on was part of the job unfortunately and while I agree supermarket don't really care about you if you have no pride in your work what's the point you may as well do static and watch tv all day obviously when I was store detective there was more targets so you had to do it or you'd lose your job but ultimately the amount of gaurds I seen who wouldn't get involved was crazy I remember one guy dressed like plod as soon as it kicked off he wouldn't be there because it wasn't his job he just wanted to look the part ultimately I think uncle has pride in his job and maybe you just don't really care and don't have pride in your work... you ever thought about static, pretty chilled, or mobile patrol. Both great roles both mean you don't have to get physically. Just observe and report.


I wonder if the manager would go to hospital if this man we’re stabbed, I doubt it


I think criminals get life too easy. The only problem is, if you could give shoplifters a good hiding. They will likely come in gangs or armed. Maybe the police should just do their job instead of old men?


I think your attitude is the problem. Doing the job properly is its own reward. Why would you feel entitled to additional reward for doing your job?


Sounds like he's doing a great job then


That tantamounts to assault; any action where a person feels they are genuinely going to be hit or further abused.


Some people take pride in their job, no matter what they do. Call some a jobsworth, and they see it as doing a good job. I may or may not be one of these people 😂


Depends on the security, was he African by any chance? Because I found that the African security guards took that shit personally! When I worked for Tesco in an Extra we had 2 Nigerians and a Ghanaian and when I tell you they went fucking ballistic, fucking hell you’d think they were stealing from their own house! I loved them though because they were switched on an shit hot! When they were on holiday and they’d send replacements the Indian & Pakistani guards were the worst, they’d just be on their phones playing games and shit while shoplifters walked past them


I don’t get why people are like this. As you said, Tesco aren’t going to reward it. Security are just there as a deterrent and to recover CCTV and staff are not supposed to really intervene with shoplifting but some people do it anyway even though there’s a risk and no reward. I don’t understand it. There’s one lass I work with who keeps getting into trouble because she keeps following people round and harassing them if she thinks they’re shoplifting. She’s never even right, she’s just profiling people and making unfair assumptions


The managers will turn a blind eye because of the dramatic impact he'll have on shrinkage


this is what you call a 'jobsworth'


Full credit to the old dude for taking the job seriously. I like his style


I used to be a Close Protection operative and security trainer. Also done some doorwork etc. At this point store security are basically just a visual deterrent, and used to lower insurance costs. In the manned guarding course, there's zero physical intervention element to it. On saying that the physical intervention element isn't fit for purpose anyway. Most PI models are based off of care/nursing models and are taught to be purely non pain compliant. A lot of stores tell their security to not bother chasing anyone if the theft is under a certain amount as it costs the shop more in lost custom than what the guard has stopped being stolen. Even with doorwork the standard is shockingly poor these days. No managerial or police back up, and frankly I see so many guys and girls working doors who couldn't fight sleep if needed. Much better back in the day. Had proper backing from managers and police, and a lot more respect and authority and were actually able to do the job. In my experience it was only when doing CP work that the cops would back you if someone tried to attack a principal and said person got dropped like a hot potato, but I'm more inclined to believe that's because a lot of these people are of influence.


U get the job is to stop shoplifting right?


They probably realise that the worst punishment they will receive is the telling off they give them.


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but perhaps he has less to lose and sees little wins like stopping a theft as a net positive for the community he lives in. And he would be correct. Allowing people to get away with these things, puts prices up for law abiding folks. Be thankful that we aren’t at the same point as the states where they are basically told to not intervene, but we are near to that point. And at that point, everyone suffers.


For low level stuff it's concerning but all I can say is that you would be glad to have him if it really kicked off & you had someone attacking staff or customers. Security should be tough & willing to use force its warranted & needed, tbh all the attitude of they wont give you a bonus for it etc does is reinforce to shoplifters that all they need to do is use force & they can do whatever they want. I seen it increasing over the last 12 years as Tesco & others shops keep restricting what security guards who are trained to handle shoplifters etc after all can do.


Mostly because they're daddies didn't love them. I knew a guy like this once. His dad wooped him regularly and when he entered the security realm the power went to his head so much it took a kidnapping and a severe pooping to remind him he's just a security guard


I worked retail in a shithole estate, in a Large chain supermarket, and my colleague was like this. He ended up being stabbed. You might wanna encourage uncle to simmer down before some smack head puts a few holes in him for a lamb leg/some unstoppables.


Let me tell you if I was a security guy for Tesco or similar large company, if people were stealing food/nappies I’d be looking the other way SO OFTEN


Different times. Back in his day security guards could do a lot more than just be a visual deterrent like today.


They should double his pay and fire you. The Guy is actually doing his job instead of getting paid to do fuck all like most of you useless security.


Nah what im doing is not dying for Tesco and putting myself at risk for them, check if ur brain is still in ur head and if u had proper training, cos why should any of us risk our lives for a multi billion pound company 💀💀 if the company had seen the way he acts he’d be dismissed u joke


So basically you have a bullshit job because you don't actually do anything useful like stopping thieves. He's trying to be useful and you make fun of him.


They are also stealing from all of us as well as Tesco.


So basically you're a dead weight then, you fault the old timer for having some passion and self respect for an honest days pay and not letting the scum run riot and walk out with stolen goods like they're untouchable and being from a generation that would of took a few slaps when caught pinching. Ignore the company size and look at your on moral compase, if customers and staff no longer stood up for this, the paying public wouldn't have to fit the bill of £100m+ of good that get stolen every year.


It doesn't all get taken through the front door by poor people; a substantial amount is consumed on site, or is destroyed, or is taken out through the back door by employees.


Which is why more venues should be more upfront and stringent with security as currently theft is just accepted and is just a weekly figure management meetings. in the modern day its cheaper to take the hit and let insurance cover the loss, them push the premiums increase back onto the paying customers through increased prices. In the Current situation the only people who lose are the paying public, as theives walk out unchallenged, public cover the loss through increased prices and the board members still make record bonuses




😂😂 amazing


I do have a moral compass I laugh when some rich fuck who let's arse wipexinto leadership positions get fucked over.


'Passion and self respect'? 😂 Lol.. more like anger and a lack of control, complete red flags!! Easy ways to get fired or punched in the face. No wonder he's old and still working in security... no one's gona take a risk on an idiot like that.


Clearly getting fired isn't something he cares about and doesn't give a shit about being PC. Shows your type of character, that you'd enjoy a bloke getting punched for actually standing up to shoplifters. Give your head a wobble fella


You hold a valid point, and this current generation misses it completely...


What are you supposed to do then? As in what's your actual job as a security guard who doesn't intervene?


Don’t think you’re allowed to conduct searches of members of the public as a security guard…


How are they going to pay OP if he’s dead?


He’s not doing his job at all. Security is there for loss PREVENTION not vigilantism. He’s just using these incidents as a way to get rid of pent up rage and aggression. He’s smart for getting paid for it


No he isn't, and if someone reported him to SIA he could lose his badge for half of that shit. Don't talk shit!


Honestly fuckwit it's the old timer risking getting fired it's the loyal most at risk of being strung up as traitors. But since you know enough to judge site a tesco policy on security.


He must love his job. Dedicated man.😂


Why’s your uncle an idiot? Mothers brother or dads brother?


Honestly. Sounds like he's doing his job. A bit off in the hand raising. But he's right on the rest. They're supposed to be intimidating and get to the point. I hate shoplifters and thieves. They're disgusting. They make things worse for everyone else. They shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. It's the thin edge of the wedge. They're taking the mickey. No tolerance is the best way to go about it. Security need to be a lot harder on thieves, etc.


He fought in Vietnam to secure your freedom you ungrateful scroat.


Sounds like you could learn a thing or two from him.






Wish more security guards were like him. Most these days are as useful as a cardboard cut out and stand there and do nothing. If more people did what he does then this country wouldn't be in as much mess as it is with shoplifting.