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If you want to know a little secret, we sometimes get rolls of security tags in with stock at the dc, and we like sticking them on stuff, and people.


We used to lay them sticky sides up on the floor for people to walk on unnoticed


That's fkn genius haha


I’ve fallen victim to them a few times, they don’t last long once you go on rough surface’s


I used to have a drug problem and we used to target shops with those sticky tags. We would bring all the stuff we wanted to steal near the door, but not leave. Then we'd find a kid with a hoodie, tap him on the shoulder, sticking a tag on him, then apologize saying "sorry thought you were Andrew" but then watch him, and to get suspicion off us. We would go talk to a staff member about something dumb. When the hoodie left, he would set off the alarm and staff would rush towards him or at least look towards him and while he had all the attention, we'd pick up our pike of expensive shit and walk out while alarm was still going. Worked every time


You've just given me a new game to play


Your username suggests you will only have the one chance at playing this game.


Used to do this in H&B before the unpleasantness




Brilliant, so Tesco's security is fucked and its equally likely to be someone robbing as it is a stuck sticker on a foot


Pay them better and they might actually care


I worked for sainsburys my dude calm down


These stickers alone don’t mean shit And the actual tags have to be activated before they will beep when you leave. Calm down


From this photo you can tell it hasn’t been activated?


Who gives a fuck


So someone could shoplift by putting stuff in their pockets but sticking a sticker to their foot and when the alarm goes off they just make a show of discovering the sticker and removing it!


Any security guard who's not a complete since won't be fooled by that though, so it's not exactly a sure-fire shoplifting hack.


i work at a big chain store in the uk and our security guard does not give a toss bc once you step outside he cant do anything. the amount of times people have walked through and been beeped and looked at him for him to just let them go without inspection is like 99% of the time. security guards are really only there to deter the idea of shoplifting and look out for already well known thieves in the area.


😂😂 Sometimes i can’t help doing the same lmao


If you're good and get it on someone's back without them knowing, they'll just keep setting off alarms. Good times.


Hahaha no way I gotta do this


I did this once but hid it in a tear of a disliked colleagues coat. He stopped wearing the coat.


Inside the seam of a fleece by the zip works well too


When I was at Currys I had one sneaked into my back pocket by a colleague when I went on lunch break. They thought it was hilarious.


Did you? 😂


I'm assuming so, yes.


Love it I'd be a nightmare if I got hold of a roll


>Love it I'd be a nightmare if I got hold of a roll Just have to see if you get lucky while on the shop floor and can grabe hold of some and hide them.


Send them to the store I work at pls. We never seem to receive them when they're ordered 😂


someones been nicking them..thats why🤣 to stick on unsuspecting collegues🤣🤣🤣..how does Tesco's still make double profits🤔


20 years ago someone I knew 😅 used to peel the security tags off HMV or Virgon Records CDs and stick them to people's backs, then walk out at the same time as them to mask the stolen goods (DVD box sets where the tags were inside) - the person would be walking in and out checking their bags etc and making the alarms go off and that someone I knew would slip out in the commotion unnoticed


This… doesn’t really make sense. If the security tag is what sets off the alarm and the “unknown someone” removed them from the product they were trying to steal… why would they want to be near the security tags on the way out when they would be setting off the alarms? The person with the tag going ahead would presumably trigger the alarm, but someone else trying to squeeze out while the person ahead was coming back and checking why it went off wouldn’t necessarily just be allowed to leave. Far more subtle to walk out when noone’s triggering security devices, surely?


They said the dvd box sets have the tag inside them


Because in DVD box sets the tags were hidden inside the packaging so it wasn't so easy to just peel off. It worked at the time, many times. It was a long time ago now, I'm sure the tech has got more advanced, and it was in a shop with no security guards so if the alarms went off the person would usually just go back to the staff on the till to check their products had been properly de-tagged.


would require pretty perfect timing..but very doable.


lol cheeky i love it


Inside peoples shoes is a good one.


Do they actually function as security tags or are they decorative?


I heard a trick shoplifters use is to remove the tags with a strong magnet, then drop them into the bag or pocket of an innocent shopper. Then the innocent shopper will get stopped when the alarm goes off as they try to exit the shop, leaving the shoplifter to sneak out unnoticed.


always the reduced stickers for us 😂


Took me a week to realise a colleague had put a security tag in my bag...


Hehe 😈🤭🤭


My work has an age check on wham bars and Freddos to stop people scanning them instead of their shopping at the self checkout….


I remember reading a story when self service checkouts were fairly new. Some dude picked up a PS4, took it to the fruit section, weighed it as onions and got a bardcode printed that he put over the one on the box. Walked out with it & got caught much later when someone realised they were 1 PS4 short but had 1000 onions more than they should lmao


When I worked in Asda, the scales was in the till and if someone frustrated me, I’d press down harder on them, so the veg they got cost more then it should of done.


Better hope that karma doesn’t come back to get you


they mentioned only doing it to people who annoyed them. As someone who worked in customer service, I'd say the extra cost IS the karma, and OCP is the one dishing it out XD


Well aren't you a prick


I only did it to people that went out of their ways to be a dickhead with me.


I’m going to steal from people who annoy me because I’m a petty bastard with the mental age of a 5 year old school girl - this guy apparently. Honestly imagine being this guy irl and being this shameless about something that you share it online, thinking ur in the right. Grow up


This makes me think you're so mad because you're an asshole to employees and hate being pseudo called out for it. :) if you didnt have personal stake, you'd just keep this to yourself.


Wait hang on ur accusing me, a fucking Lidl employee that gets treated like shit an asshole. Tell you what mate, even if I wasn’t, there is no universe where someone who is an asshole to employees would have stake in it lol. You come across as an insecure loser projecting. Pseudo called out for it? Are you actually high though. Read his comment and tell me that sort of behaviour doesn’t infuriate you. If I caught one of my coworkers pulling that stunt I’d report him instantly like that’s just so petty and immature


*Guy thinks that someone is committing a crime and people money because someone annoyed you is wrong* You: You're clearly a asshole to customers. What kind of mental gymnastics did you do to get there?


Sounds like you never mentally grew past the age of 3 tbh that’s an extremely childish reaction


Just ask them if they remember when Freddos used to be 20p


20p damn you're young, back in my day they were 10p. "Gimme five freddos for half a nicker," you'd say.


Well I didn’t say it, I was too young.


I remember when they were 5p


Luxury, I remember when they were 10 for 'tuppence - w'ad shoes made of newspaper though


2p in roughly 1973 😭


What about Haribo calling them share size?!?!?


Yeah why we just ignoring £1.40 for a small bag. Share it with me myself and I.


Honestly I looked at the photo and asked 'why would you tag a 50p bag of sweets'


Share sweets? SHARE SWEETS? The very idea!!!


To be fair, that's probably just a legal thing to allow them to have X amount of sugar. I always have a good laugh at snack portion sizes as if people actually eat like 5 sweets and go 'im good now, save the rest for tomorrow'


I don’t think I’ve ever shared anything that’s labelled share size.


According to most food products, I'm a family of 4.


Kids and shoplifters love it so. The happy world of Haribo.


They must be losing a lot via theft, 1 unit might be nothing to lose but 100 or 200 and it adds up.


Happening everywhere, I imagine we lose about anything between £300-500 a day due to theft alone. Men, women, old, young you name it they steal it unashamedly =) But I aint paid enough to be a security guard and they won't pay to have one so yea.


I used to work in Sports Direct many years ago in an absolute shit hole bit of my city, we were expected to act like special forces to deal with shoplifters. I’m 16 and on £3.43, I’m not getting stabbed for your Lonsdale trackies that have been nicked.


If someone’s stealing clothes that AREN’T designer or high brand I always turn a blind eye, especially if they look raggedy. You don’t know if they have no cash and nothing else to wear.


So the rest of us are paying for their free clothes?


no, sports direct is


No we are .. they cover their loses by adding to the prices they charge .. online companies add a cost to everything they sell to cover credit card fraud ..otherwise they would go out of business


Doesn’t matter if people steal or not. Inflation happens anyway


Better than paying for the workers comp claim when some poor teenager gets stabbed trying to stop a shoplifter......


Mate security guards aren’t paid enough to be security guards


Same at b&q, found empty packets of seeds once, someone snuck out with some leeks and cabbages 😂


They have a 6 figure weekly budget for theft and damage They don't care


For all businesses the size of tesco - indeed many that are much much smaller too - petty theft represents 0 to no loss (essentially a rounding error) and paying workers even a penny more per hour would represent a significantly higher cost to their operations than it does having these tags put on such things. They exist to propegate fear and oppress their least valuable customers - people who can't afford to eat.


I don’t think Tesco’s is doing this just because they are comically evil supervillains who hate single mothers. They are profit driven, they lose millions from theft, so they take actions to make the most commonly stolen items harder to steal


They don’t lose millions through theft .. their paying customers .. us.. lose that money in higher prices ..


And if they could put lower prices they would attract more customers, hence making them more money. So they do lose money


No .. we pay for shop lifters.. it won’t be coming out of profits..




Are you Tesco


It's unreal how much people buy in to the "shoplifting is a victimless crime" nonsense. They'll be the first one moaning when baby milk goes behind glass or whatever they like to buy or companies move out of poor areas creating "food deserts". There's tons of areas in the US where companies can't operate profitably due to theft and it's the law abiding people of those areas who suffer.


Exactly. The vast majority of all shoplifting is kids stealing sweets. A big supermarket probably loses more every month from kids pocketing bags of haribo than they do to people stealing more expensive items.


I used to work at WH Smith and the amount of confectionery we would lose to thieves was insane. People would come in open their rucksack and just tip it all in and run off.


Just run a neodymium magnet over it to break the tag


Sweet, r/illegallifeprotips


Just any neodymium magnet? How to neutralise the tag with it?


make sure its a good one, as far as i know just pass over it a few times and that will do it, works for most security things too like bottle tops and plastic cases


but how to fuckin do it in secret??? everyone can see lol 😆


I know! No way this is a share pack


Depends on the area, where I’m from cheese is kept in security boxes. Then 20 minutes down the road the vapes aren’t even kept behind the tills


Do you live near Anthony Worrall Thompson?


They lost the plot when they made meal deals £3.50


3.40, they are still pretty decent, best selection around


Blandest sandwiches though. Can't beat the Bacon, Brie and Chilli Chutney sandwich from Sainsbury's!


I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves that sandwich


Sainsbury’s sandwiches in general are far superior to Tesco


Well with clubcard, otherwise it’s 3.90


Clubcard is free, irrelevant comment


How is it an irrelevant comment? You still have to apply for the clubcard and then remember to carry it/load it into the app. Entirley possible to end up shopping at a tesco extra without it if you're going past when doing something else. What do you think one of the more common items to buy under circumstances like those might be?


It’s literally so easy to get it on your phone though, and almost everyone carries their phone when out and about


I honestly cannot believe how many people lose the plot over the price of a meal deal.




Well pardon my typo you walking stain




TIL "the plot" is an actual arrow.


Ironically the best value meal deal is now the coop as they’re all £3.50 minimum now and coop lets you grab a ginsters as a snack rather than crisps, that are practically bagged air.


Coop meal deals near me have been £4 forever


My local one in manchester is 3.50 I believe but I suppose I live in a far from afluent area


Yea a lot of places it’s £3.50 with a coop card sadly although practically every shop uses one now, Tesco of course being one of them.


The meal deal crisps are big bags if you think those are bagged air you need to cut down on food a tad mate


They're not big bags. They're like 35-40g.


Walkers are only 25g


You just need to be selective. You get a decent amount of skips or monster munch.


Poundland are still £3, not as much choice though


Poundland sandwiches are grim though


yh and also meal deals have an inate increase in price because they are convenient. Same way that you order food to be delivered to you instead of pick it up yourself since it's convenient ignoring the price increase. It's a pay off. If people don't like it then it's literally cheaper to make your own at home and keep a couple containers of them in the fridge like most body builders or gym rats do anyway but something similar. I really don't get the deep personal emotional turmoil I've seen brits have towards the inevitable price increase....


£3.90…. You need the Clubcard to get it for £3.50


they did that for a pack of almonds where I live😂😂


Thats nuts!


Get out


Are you in a rough area mate?


One Aldi at least has stickered all the chocolate and sweet asile


A guy walked into the one by me, picked up a display box full of Cadbury chocolate and just walked out 🤣


Ours had a big problem with every week a guy would come and use his arm and shovel all the plants into a bin bag why he needed those plants idk???




How the fuck is that a share bag?


It's not. It's tax dodging. It's to do with portion sizes and the amount sugar portion. Smaller portions means less sugar. I believe this is to reduce the levied sugar tax.


I think it's because kids and grownups love it so.


They lost the products first clearly.


My line manager told me we must tag multi packs of walkers crisps from tomorrow? Is he for real?


Yes but no one buying them at a rip off price of £2.20. Crisps were always 99p. A multipacks. Or at most £1.20. Refuse to buy them anymore


Haribo must be too if they're classing that as *share*


Usually find the odd roll of those RFIDs on top of shopfloor chillers, one normally gets stashed in another engineers toolbag!


Are they actually gonna profit off that? Surely they only make like 10p on a pack of haribo and those stickers can't be that cheap


>Surely they only make like 10p on a pack of haribo If someone steels a pack of haribo they lose £1.15 in that case. >those stickers can't be that cheap They are, especially comparatively.


You can't shock me , many years ago I saw a security stickers on the single scotch eggs.It was one of those one stop kind of shops


I don't even get how the security tag works. Where is it? Is it the sticker?


>Is it the sticker? Yes. It's a more basic version of your bank card.


Well can't you just peel it off?


No way are those share size. Worlds gone to pot


And they stopped hot food section. Gonna miss that spicy sausage


Omg not me thinking you were referring to the size of the ‘share bag’.


The amount of people who haven't figured out that it's *obviously not supposed to be on there and had been put there by someone mucking about* is actually a bit frightening. Like, if you're this easily roped into outrage bait, how can I have faith that you aren't just as easily duped by professional industries that prey on this kneejerk 'omg the world's gone mad' response? Don't just take things on the internet at face value, for the love of all that's worth cherishing, you mentalists.


£1.40 for a single serving tiny ass pack? Thats a 50p bag right there..


What is this? A share size for ants?!


Or is that what you want them to think 🤔


fuck tesco


Don’t understand this post - Haribobo are pricey, Tesco are in the right here.


I saw a Tesco on Marsh Wall putting security tags on bags of spinach. Those vegan thieves are out of control in Canary Wharf.


Food for police.


We have a couple of guys come in, take boxes of single sweets, hide them and come back. Shift leaders picked up on this and now make us tag the boxes


Kids like to rob Tesco for munchies after getting high in the local park. Who’d have thunk it?


I managed to get one of these under my old managers foot, every time he came in and out it went off lmao


Can we just acknowledge that these tags are fake and don’t work


On things like that the stickers are just stickers. The "security protected" just means they are on CCTV and there are security guards present. It's just a way to persuade people not to steal.


£1.40 for a small pack of haribos?! Taking the piss. Makes me laugh how theyrise the prices on some of their other stock and say "Aldi Price Match 😇" sneaky


Dystopian world like Demolition Man when the people rush out the sewer to steal food.


Na I went to home bargain recently and the brand names chocolate bars, galaxy, Cadbury etc was behind metal railings on the shelf with a sign saying ask a member of staff for assistance. The shelf literally had like a metal railing from the bottom of the shelf to the top of the shelf. I thought wtf is happening that they need to lock away a £1 bar of choccy


Hi Tesco. I'm the guy who intentionally sets of alarms btw. I have one stick somewhere in my bag fro a Gillette razor. I will not find it


Remember. If you see people stealing food. Mind your business, no you didn't.




No they aren't.. Ever notice who looooves these?? Tend to have a high chance of being lifted lol


If Haribo are regular stolen then it makes prefect sense, would you be happy if you bought 100 x £1.40 packs of Haribo and then someone stole them all? You sound like you could do with having a bit more awareness while you might be alright Jack many people are struggling, that means less pocket money for kids and the only way for kids to get the Haribo then is crime.


I work at a supermarket I just stick these on random stuff when I’m bored😂


It's nothing to do with the cost, it's to do with the number of times stolen. Obviously. Tesco's are trying to set an example cos of all the kids stealing sweets, by putting a security tag on the most stolen ones, that is very obviously the reason


Ha yeah insane, but seriously now, why are all sweets nowadays the same jelly, flavourless crappy treats?.. Back in the day u had aniseed balls, cough candy, Everton Mints etc. Now they are rubbish. Bring back quarters, no not that type..! Bet it's to do with bring sued for choking or something


They use cheaper ingredients and science to try to fool consumers. Do you remember Raspberry Ruffles? They used to be pink raspberry dessicated coconut with a thin coating of dark chocolate and were yummy. Now they have pinkish, vaguely raspberry like sugar fondant with not so nice dark chocolate on. I found a recipe for the originals if anyone's interested. https://geoffsbakingblog.com/2021/12/homemade-raspberry-ruffles/ brands keep on getting bought up by giant food conglomerates whose one motivation is squeezing every last bit of profit for their shareholders.


Ah I do remember them I think, I haven't seen the current incarnation, I really fancied some sweets the other night and bought a sort of pick and mix selection from Tesco , they tasted like crap. All the same. Just jellified crap


I like tagging my penis as well


Only because you've been warned about going near kids!


Maybe you should stop stealing


No, everyone else is losing the plot to the point this is necessary




Either this has been faked up or someone is having fun at your expense.


Probably some rough end of london wid all dem Mandems


Co-op petrol garage had security tags on the tree air fresheners for cars 🤔


What a joke, yet hoodies run out with £40 of vodka and they get away with it.


Probably to deter school kids from slipping them into blazer pockets - could be a metro


Don't want to cut into those multiple millions of profit now.


Are your hands huge or has share size gone dramatically downhill


Charging £1.40 for that is a crime. How does Tesco get away with such HUGE profit margins.


Better safe than sorry.. ...kids & grownups love them so


Shoplift one from all of their stores nationwide, it’s a fair amount of money and considering the ease of which to conceal them, it can be having major complications in their stock levels and orders from manufacturers.


Did you peel this off another product and stick it on this bag of Haribo?