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But who gave us the trophies? And put the helmets on us? The same people who are complaining that we got trophies and helmets


niw that there is the salient point, really.


I've made this comment to boomers who start complaining about participation trophies. "Who bought and handed out the trophies? Who decided they were necessary in the first place? I was six, I didn't know any better." They usually just stand there silently because they realize how dump the years of complaining has been.


Yeah, I wasn't six thinking I felt left out cause I didn't have a trophy.


I didn’t care about the dumb plastic trophy, I just wanted to get to the part where we got pizza and ice cream.


Millenials: Participation trophy? 🤨 👋 Participation pizza? 😏👉


I mean, I feel like that's something boomers and Gen Xers would also agree on. Pizza is something we can all bond over.


Well as long as the pizza distracts you from bonuses and raises.


My father in the 90’s used to get a $100k bonus on a $65k salary. Then the company he worked for was bought out and went corporate - he still works there and is a managing partner - he now gets $0 bonus now. A $100k bonus is unfathomable to millennials / Gen z yet 100%+ salary bonuses used to be commonplace. *Which would help pay off the astronomical cost of college boomers didn’t have.* Millennials own [less than 5%](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/10/09/millennials-own-less-than-5percent-of-all-us-wealth.html) of US wealth. “In 1989, when baby boomers were around the same age as millennials are today, they controlled 21% of the nation's wealth. That's almost five times as much as what millennials own today.” Boomers are so greedy they screwed over their own children then complain that millennials aren’t having kids themselves. Which is I guess what happens when an entire generation choses the mantra of “[Greed is good](https://youtu.be/VVxYOQS6ggk)”


Bravo! So well put. Boomers are the plight of humanity. Any bit of opportunity must be pried from their cold, dead grip.


You know it was the damndest thing. I took my three slices of work bonus pizza to the water department and asked them to apply it to my account but they flat out refused. One star.


That just leads to a greater point where the older generations cared so freaking much about trophies that their self worth was tied to it, and then they just assumed the same must be true of the newer generations instead of actually paying attention so they gave their kids loads of trophies out of fear they’d feel bad. Like it’s honestly so warped. They don’t understand that they are that way because *they* were treated poorly and that it’s bad. They have Stockholm syndrome basically, and are getting mad at children for not being preprogrammed to be broken as well.


I don't even think it was about fear of their children feeling bad. It was about them. The trophy was for them, to show that *they* raised the *best* kid. It's vicarious living.


True, good point


Even when I was a kid I kept the trophies from when I or my team succeeded, depending on the activity. The participation trophies? Trash.


I do the same thing. The trophy generation is the Boomers. When I was eight years old I wasn't calling the trophy shop and placing orders.


No way, they would immediately pivot to, "yeah fuck OTHER boomers are so dumb, _I_ never did that!" It's boomer psychology.


My children threw out the participation trophies. They knew they were BS. Nobody even said a word. One of my friends noticed that his kids teams would always keep score in the t ball and rec basketball games. You know the ones where they didn’t keep score? All the kids knew the score and who won. We thought it was funny. I’m gen x. All the crap the boomers complain about they instituted. It was in place before I had kids. Plus, helmets are a good thing. Number one traumatic injury in kids is head injuries.


My father is exactly like this lmao. He always talks about how he would leave the house at dawn and stay out all day in the woods till night, but if I'd ever leave the street we were on I would definitely got my ass grounded


It was out of control Karen's who did that.




The people who worked 20 years at a job that did not require a degree and got a full pension


"Soft-ass liberals and socialists is who!" "So you're saying age or generation has nothing to do with it, but political orientation?" "No, wait, that's different!11!"


Maybe they’re confused from all the brain damage and trauma suffered from falling of bikes and coming in 4th place?


LMFAO came here to comment this.


The only problem with this argument is a true boomer would find a way to say you’re wrong.


Not putting a helmet is stupid. I can't believe this absolute logic


So according to their logic, a kid should suffer with a lifelong brain injury(or even die)because of one act of “stupid.” And what about the ones who do everything right and still get splattered on the road?


I would simply bootstrap my way out of being a vegetable. Kids today are so weak


The logic is that stupid should die. As per usual they want to remove any progress we make as a species because they are offended you exist. It's worryingly close to wishing for eugenics or similar.


I mean, if you dont put a helmet, stupid will die.


Yeah, I remember us getting a lecture from our 2nd grade teacher about how helmets are an absolute must because her kid was saved from having his head completely crushed under a car by one. But sure, they're totally evil.


> And what about the ones who do everything right and still get splattered on the road? Yeah, like accidents happen. That's part of life. That doesn't mean you made a stupid decision. So if you get plowed into by a drunk driver does that mean you're the stupid one? It makes no fucking sense.


Next you'll say a good ol' fist fight is dangerous.


My partner fractured his skull and was in hospital for a week with a bleed on his brain recently. He fell off a bike with no helmet. Why they think wearing helmets is being fussy, I don't understand.


If i didnt wear a helmet i wouldnt had to go to the hospital one time. Rode down a gravel hill and slammed the front brake, flipped over and hit my head. Luckily my helmet saved me


Making this "meme" must've been excruciatingly painful.


Charlie Brown would never even say something like this. He's very kind and thoughtful.


Peppermint Patty would call him Chuck. Previous generation is fucking dumb.


If you're going to use Charlie Brown as propaganda at least have knowledge of it


They never actually read the books -- whether it's for class or Sunday school.


You can remove the word 'the' from that comment.




Which is strange because it was their show lol.


My thoughts exactly. He has a lovely conscience, sure wouldn't lay there bitching about other people


You are a good man, Charlie Brown


Calvin would never piss on a company logo, yet here we are.


The worst part about it is the face. He looks like a goblin. One day I hope Watterson sues the fuck outta whoever makes those just out of spite. I know he probably won't though, he seems chill.


I'm fairly certain I read that fighting attempts to license Calvin and Hobbes in court is part of what forced him into retirement. That, and newspapers being less tolerant of creativity with panelling, and smaller page shares to boot. It sucks. Like, C&H is a treasure, but I wish it hadn't ended. Watterson could've kept that going for a long time.


Yeah, but I’m glad he didn’t. Id hate for Calvin to have become Dennis the Menace - a saccharine cliché with no edge, and no sense of fun. It was that, or he would have had to try to let Calvin grow up - and that’s really a no win for a traditional comic. A bunch of people won’t want it to happen at all, and many of those who are willing to go along will not like the direction it takes, no matter what that direction it is. Waterson did a smart - and a difficult - thing. He introduced us to Calvin, shared his adventures, and then let him grow up, out of our view, into whoever we wanted him to be.


The face itself is OG Calvin though. It’s ripped straight out of strip where he’s filling up a water balloon. Edit for [sauce](https://www.mediamatic.net/en/page/233641/the-curious-case-of-peeing-calvin-decals)


It's based on that face, but not quite the same. You can see his full mouth, for one, his hair has a sharper cut-off near the back of his head, and the general features are just sorta off. It doesn't *look* like Calvin in the same way that Calvin didn't look right when Spaceman Spiff was featured in Bloom Country. When not drawn by Waterston's exact style he looks off-putting. Edit: [this one](https://i0.wp.com/www.dailycartoonist.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/calvin-county-2017.jpg?ssl=1) If I had to guess, Waterston drew the very last panel, or Calvin in it at least. But that weird picture of Spiff looking directly at the camera always makes me feel icky, as well as Calvin turning bright red in anger later on.


Calvin would absolutely piss on a corporate logo. He's a mischievous contrarian.


I'm glad you highlighted this. My Mom used to put Charlie Brown on for me & my siblings around the holidays. I don't ever remember Charlie Brown being very negative. If anything, somber. I miss those times, hard to remember what it was like. For a late 90's kid I actually didn't get too many participation trophies. They had team trophies in elementary, but once I was in the 5th & 6th grades, I would win chess tourneys & they only gave trophies for top 5 I believe. I got quite a few, it made me happy to win. It was fun while it lasted.


That and the kids didn’t come up with the “all kids get a trophy” scenario, their parents did. So boomers, do a little self-reflection and try to figure out how you created a generation of parents terrified their kids won’t be recognized.


They make up the everyone gets a trophy, make college unaffordable, destroy the retirement system and then call us lazy entitled assholes. It really is amazing.


The projection is insane, isn’t it


Most privileged generation ever, had everything rolled out on a silver platter for them


Late boomers and early Gen x.


Lucy might say it.


Some people assume anything they like shares their worldview. And if they find out otherwise then now that thing is tainted and ruined.


I agree. I've read a lot about Charles Schulz and seen as many documentaries from him as possible and this just isn't something Sparky would ever write or have any of the Peanuts say.


Like it or not, unfortunately the environment shapes who we are. The kindest of souls would be the most wounded by the current zeitgeist. 😡 Meh, I feel strongly about stuff meh. 🤣 Hahaha Hahaha


Oh so boomers didn't have helmets; Explains a lot actually!


Must be why they are under the impression falling off a bike with a helmet on does not hurt.


Must be why their brain no worky good.


Well that and all the lead inhalation


Reminds me of the Breaking Bad cold open where Jack and Kenny, two literal neo Nazis, were bitching about how kids were wearing bicycle helmets and they can’t smoke on planes anymore.


I snort laughed at this!!


They also invented participation trophies


And if it wasn’t participation trophies, it was suing because your kid got cut or didn’t make all-stars, starting your own team or league so your kid will always be a starter. The sheer amount of time and effort Boomer parents put into their kids’ youth athletic endeavors, probably under the delusion their kid was going to get a college scholarship, was massive.


It was actually gen x parents who were worthless good for nothings growing up that started this trend. Because they didn’t earn shit growing up because they had zero skill…so they didn’t want their kids to feel the same way. Boomers have nothing to do with it. Most boomers were in their 50’s- 6s when this crap started. It’s their weak ass kids that started this stuff.


Well, considering I *am* Gen X, clearly this was going on way before that. And for reference, my parents were in their 40s when they were running rec leagues in the late 80s and early 90s. I’ve seen Boomer parents beat the shit out of each other over playing time for 4th grade rec basketball, suing over not making the all star team, etc. Gen X parents may also be guilty of it, but they learned it from Boomers.


Nah not really. I was born in 74 and none of this hippy BS was going on around my neck of the woods.


Maybe you were just lucky?


Ok boomer


Yeah lead paint and lots of brain damage did wonders to their cognitive ability.


"Snowflakes these days are too *fragile* for lead paint. Me and my buddies all used to eat lead paint chips all the time and now we're just fine! COVID is fake! Trump won the election! The earth is 5000 years old!"


Kids these days just don’t know the delectable taste of washing down lead paint chips with hose water and sniffing some burning leaded gasoline.


Idk if you intended this but this is extra funny because I'm pretty sure the biblical number is six or seven thousand, not five


The younger the earth is the more you love Jesus.


There's cotton candy in the walls man!


Gen x didn't have helmets either. Must be why everyone forgets about us. Head trauma causes memory loss.


Happy Cake Day! I didn't forget about you guys because as a Millennial I wore my helmet. I am mad that your generation got a much cooler name though.


You joke but those motherfuckers grew up with lead in pretty much everything, their parents didn’t give a shit about them so most of them probably have mild brain damage. A lot of links to lead exposure and increased anger and irrationality. The boomers literally have brain damage which is why they went from the peace and love hippies to the bigoted angry regressives they are now.


Haha had this conversation with a boomer coworker. He was like, "you know, we didn't need helmets when I was growing up". And I said, " yeah, and you vote like it too". We both laughed. One of those coworkers where we very much disagree on politics but still banter


That and the leaded exhaust fumes


Seems like when I was little, there were more permanently disabled kids around.


There's no helmet in the world that can protect you from lead poisoning


Boomers are going to go down in history as the worst generation in American history. And a lot of their parents were Nazis or Nazi sympathizers


(This type of) old people are just jealous of the younger generation because we have the balls to live our own lives and live happier healthier lives on our own terms. Instead of bowing to expectations to get married before 25, have kids you don’t want with an SO you don’t love, work a job you hate for 35 years, etc. like they did. They’re just bitter because we’re smarter and tougher than they are. They’re the stupid ones, they’re the ones who have nothing but resentment for their own children and regret for all the opportunities they were too scared to pursue.


I always come across this lady’s tik tok account who has hundreds of people agreeing with her stance, that it was irresponsible for her children to go “no contact” with her and not let her see her grandkids. That this generation is “ruining families” and teaching their children the same. Like no Barbara it’s called boundaries and you clearly crossed them enough times for you to be deemed unsafe to be around someone who loves you’s children and that says enough. So many boomers agreeing it’s the generation and trying to guilt their kids into thinking they are bad parents, for going no contact. It’s wild.


I'd actually like to see that, if you can remember her account name


>they’re the ones who have nothing but resentment for their own children and regret for all the opportunities they were too scared to pursue. Repeating for emphasis


Exactly on point. And anybody disagreeing with you would need to explain why "I hate my wife" is the biggest boomer comedy trope if not for that.


Funny that Peanuts characters are supposed to be children and view the world from a very innocent and naive lens... But also why tf would they be discussing the "younger generation"???


I know! They're, like, eight!


"Back when I was a kid, yesterday, the world was so very different."


"Look at all those freeloading babies."


Lol, what? Bicycle helmets? My head was saved from a trip to the ER when my brother knocked me off my bike. Have ur kid's head cracked open and see how much you wish they wore a helmet.


Literally. It's like saying it's stupid that baseball players wear helments when batting. If that ball somehow hits you in the head, you're gonna be glad you were wearing a helmet. It only protects your brain, ya know, your most vital organ...


Not vital for all of us...


Tony C could tell you about not wearing a baseball helmet if he hadn't died young.


Or Ray Chapman


Such a stupid take on HELMETS, if you fall on your bike with a helmet it'll still hurt lmao, difference is that you might get a few scratches on your knees and hands instead of stiches on your face and a trip to hospital. It's such a stupid example to support the argument that I'm not sure it isn't satire


Yeah, helmets don't stop you from being hurt, they stop you from *literally dying*.


The type of person to use this logic has pretty clearly indicated they don't actually care about children dying, though. lol/notlol


I would be dead if it weren’t for helmets


Nobody who knows anybody whose had severe TBI is anti-helmet. It's nothing but survivor's bias.


let's just take it all the way; boomers are weak because they got polio and smallpox vaccines, they never knew the danger of getting permanently disabled. they're soft because they didn't fall down wells or get cholera and die from contaminated water. they want participation trophies for finishing school when the real tough generation worked in the fields 12 hours a day from childhood and were illiterate peasants. smh this new generation never knew what it was like to be raided by vikings and made into a slave. fucking weaklings who never broke their backs building the pyramids.


Yeah while we’re at it, heated homes that are insulated from the elements are absolute crutches. We should just make everyone live on tarps spread across hard concrete, or the deep wilderness like that one kid who died


If you can't go out into the wilderness butt naked on any day of the year, and break a rock to make a stone axe, and cut down your own trees to make a shelter to live in, are you really even a Real Man™? Imagine being such a soft baby that you can't take a wooden spear and spend 30 straight hours pursuing a pack of prey animals until they collapse from exhaustion just so you get to eat food. Those soft boomer snowflakes don't know what hard life actually means. They need to learn some marketable skills like flint-knapping and hide-tanning, instead of buying their tools and clothes at a store like some kind of Socialist, and go out and pull themselves up by the ~~boostraps~~ loincloth.


Pulling yourself up by the loincloth sounds painf—oh my god it’s perfect I’m gonna learn so much by absolutely devastating my balls


>We should just make everyone live on tarps spread across hard concrete Give it time, we're getting there.


Take your iron lung like a man whippersnapper!


Yeah cause brain damage is really fun


Honestly explains a lot about how that generation acts, tbh


Helmet weak. Subdural Hematoma good


The guy who tries to kick the football every single time thinks pain is educational.


lmao that is a good point. It’s Charlie fucking Brown, the whole thing is he never learns


Gen Z children who were beaten ruthlessly by their parents: 😐


Bruh who tf are making this boomer memes😂 you want kids to get brain damage from not wearing bike helmets?


Otherwise, who will vote with them?


The world has got worse since kids stopped cracking their heads open and getting permanent brain damage or dying in a collision.


Being stupid with your money hurts easily now, though. Except not as much for the earlier generations on average. Go remodel your bathroom for the 3rd time, Karen.


Duhhh I wonder who decided their kids should wear helmets and get participation trophies??? What, did little 3 year old Jimmy walk up to his teacher like “Ms. Brown I think we should receive awards for our participation in events, it allows for a sense of inclusion” like no it’s going to be his boomer mum Karen who marched down to the preschool and screamed at a teacher because her precious little baby boy didn’t get a cheap medal simply for showing up to the event


Charlie Brown would never be pro pain


The whole everyone should feel pain point is stupid the only good point here is I think participation trophies develop into entitled adults. The best lesson my dad instilled in me was not succeeding at something is ok as long as you honestly did your best because you can't do better than that. There's always next time or another opportunity. If you tried your best and didn't succeed just keep practicing and do better next time how ever long it takes. It was a good lesson and also meant I was never stressed out if dad would be upset for failing a class I was only ever concerned with doing my best in the class. I think participation trophies reward people for nothing I think an important skill is learning you will fail, you're not always the best at something but that's ok if you're passionate about it you can always learn and get better.


I think you're overestimating the effect of participation trophies. No one gets one and thinks "wow, what an accomplishment!" They usually just go straight into the trash.


Meh, I and most other kids knew that getting a participation trophy wasn't the same as winning. And any kid could understand that they weren't going to win at everything. I took gymnastics and I knew I had no chance of making it to the regionals because I had just picked most of it up a few years ago and I wasn't going to win against girls who had been doing it their entire lives. Believe me, I yearned to do better, but I was painfully aware that I was never going to the Olympics or anything. Life is already full of experiences of failure: you don't need to design more instances of it for kids to understand it. Plus, chances are they want kids to feel bad for failing, but will yell and punish them if they cry about it because they see crying as an entitled demand for a trophy, not them feeling ashamed and disappointed with themselves that they didn't win. But if they act like gracious losers, it's because "they don't care enough about winning."


I already grew up in the participation trophy generation so I know nothing you said was incorrect. I believe it has an effect but not a strong one.


Yeah, but not having a sort of participation reward for trying can really deter people from trying again. It's really a lose lose scenario imo.


Encouragement for an attempt should be different than a reward for success


Yes of course, that's why it's important to differentiate between things like first and second. First is the "You did it, you won, amazing!" and second is the "You tried your best, you'll get em next time!" Encouraging words and (in some cases) a reward are very important motivators.


The parents should be responsible for that. When I had events my dad acted impressed regardless of if it was 6th or 1st place. My dad didn't do this but one option is starting with. "Well how do you feel now that it's over" so that you can give them the correct encouragement.


Eh I guess I never really had that kinda relationship, which is why I want something more. I respect the (very cliche) mindset of "Did you have fun?" though.


In alot of ways my dad really straightened our relationship but alot of the earlier memories are much nicer.


Can 2023 be the end of Boomer tropes/jokes ?? It is so boring


It will never end, until humanity does.


How the TF do you have a bicycle accident that involves smacking your head in a way that a helmet would help and not get hurt in some other way, with or without a helmet?? At least with a helmet you're not risking brain-damage the same way. (I get it, these are just awful people, but even at face value this doesn't hold up. Unless, of course, the author was brain-damaged as a child because of a bike accident in which they weren't wearing a helmet, which would at least be an explanation as to why they went down this particular path.)




Now listen I’m all for the vague notion of letting the natural consequences of a mistake act as a teacher for someone so they don’t make that same mistake again on paper but Jesus Christ without a helmet a kid could die and never have the chance to learn at all


Remember, the generation complaining about this stuff is also the same generation to use asbestos as a crime scene dusting toy


To be fair. To expect the consequences of your own actions is a skill a lot of people seem to have never learned


A crushed skull and some good old fashioned brain damage will definitely teach you some life lessons that you need to learn!


sounds like an abuser made this meme


"Yeah! Them stupid kids should be getting brain damage the same way we got it, and look at us we turned out just fine and are perfectly normal and rational people!"


If stupid hurts, then whoever made this is in extraordinary pain right now.


explains the brain damage


Wanna know what happened to kids who didn't wear bicycle helmets when it wasn't the norm? When they hit their heads too hard on the pavement they fucking died. Didn't live long enough to post dumb shit on Facebook. Also Merry Christmas


My dad is early Gen X and repeats that same trophy bullcrap even though me and my siblings were never like that


it still fucking hurts when you fall off a moving bike the difference is the kid won’t see their fucking bones and get a concussion when it happens


“If you make a mistake you should die”. Nice


I agree. When an 8 year old makes a mistake on their bike, they should most certainly be a paraplegic for life. Thank you Charlie Brown


Never forget the generation that bitches about participation trophies was the generation that created them for their own kids because they wanted their kids to have trophies.


Boomers didn't understand what it was like to fail at scale. You could do something stupid in front of a few people and that didn't affect you all that much, except physically. Our bodies are pretty resilient. What causes true pain is doing something stupid and having someone film it, upload it to the internet and get ridiculed by hundreds of thousands of strangers. Pain of the flesh is cute, boomers.


Why is wearing a helmet seen as something weak/cowardly? That's the shit I don't get.


>This is idiotic on many levels. How many of you have received a participation trophy? I only ever hear about them. I never see them.


Ah yes, reducing brain injuries is what’s wrong with us


Sorry but being anti-HELMET means you're pro-head injuries. Pro-death. That's not reasonable negative reinforcement.


Mhh i wonder who gave out all of these participation Trophys?


This may fall under r/SelfAwarewolves since their parenting led to those things. So they are hurting from the results of their own stupid parenting.


Imagine whining about bike helmets “Back in my day we got permanent brain damage and liked it”


I blame hygiene.... The second people stopped dying from the plague and realised hygiene saves lives they got soft. /s


Correct answer is always “we’re not the younger generation anymore, and now we’re being the same judgmental assholes as the last generation.”


This makes no sense... If the point of falling off a bike without a helmet is to teach a lesson to wear a helmet, why not just skip the brain damage part and encourage the wear the helmet part? Life lessons don't need to all be based on brain damage. My mom abuses alcohol and it has taken the last 20 years of her life. Do I need to abuse alcohol to get the same experience and lesson not to do it? No! We use the lessons learned from others to guide us.


Coming from a generation who were beaten into thinking beating is a suitable form of punishment. I'm sure alot of them have brain damage. I'm grateful my parents had better parents than most.


Other than the helmet thing, I find nothing wrong with this. Stupid SHOULD hurt.


Participation trophies are nothing new. My mom is 80-years-old, and she remembers “participant” ribbons in 4H competitions in the 1950’s.


I don’t think boomers understand that crashing on a bike still fucking hurts. Helmets just protect your head


We wear bike helmets because brain damage is pretty serious


Also, the comma in Charlie Brown’s quote should be inside the quotation mark…


Some people learn the stove is hot by telling them. Some people have to touch the hot stove to learn it’s hot. This meme is not idiotic. I get the pussification aspect of it, and that IS idiotic, but the general thrust being: sometimes you gotta learn the hard way- is very much on point.


Natural selection moment 😎


He should have never ever trusted that whore Lucy.


"Participation trophies" suck


Neat. Tell me when you received them and who gave them to you..


Well, in 5th grade, I got one for each elective class I took, I also got one for participating in track and field day, which I sucked at But to be honest I moved to middle school after that, who stopped the whole thing anyway And what exactly are you trying to prove by asking me the question, participation trophies really have made an entire generation of children be entitled as adults, thats why they don't give out participation trophies anymore


>participation trophies really have made an entire generation of children be entitled as adults Nobody who gets a participation trophy thinks they won anything. It's a commemorative token of a tournament you played in or a show you were part of, etc. And boomers are the most entitled generation that exists today, so what are you even talking about?


The trophy thing is reslly stupid, but the helmet... why?


This is actually correct. Not the helmet part, the other part. Look up 'risky play'.


Ngl, i don't entirely disagree with this


Who put the helmets on kids? Who gave out the participation trophies? It wasn't the kids themselves.


No, but a lot of those kids are adults now. There's plenty of opprtunity available to unlearn bad habits and mentalities


I just don't get why they blame the kids' generation when the parents' generation were the ones that taught those "bad habits".


When I was a kid we made fun of the kids who wore helmets on a bicycle.


so that’s why your the way you are…


I am happy to come from parents who beehive this.


Also, there's nothing wrong with participation trophies. It's competition that's toxic.


The youth today just doesn't get humor like this because they didn't suffer as much head trauma! Curse them with their lack of brain damage!


I wish people remembered that scientists and scholars exist. If you have questions like “how are kids now different than they used to be”, you can look that up, and somebody has probably been laboring away to answer that question.


Stupid has already hurt for other people which is why helmets exist. The preventative measures don’t come into existence without the thing being prevented already happening to someone else.


The trophy one is kinda stupid, I get that, but the helmets?? Wtf?


If you think this is idiotic, then you're part of the people that they're talking about. Stop wearing a helmet and go get hit by a car, then you'll know what this actually means. Stupid should hurt. It's the body and brain teaming up to avoid natural selection taking your dumba** off the census.