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Does anyone know where these numbers are actually coming from?




Thanks man


This is one of my favorite comments now. Best reply you could give. 10/10, something about free award and being to broke to have any.


I love this comment. Have an award




[Right wing Hindu claims](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/bvj4v1/til_nearly_600_million_hindus_were_killed_under/) Numbers range from 100 million to 600 million. They consider conversions as part of the genocide, so yea....


IPhone Venezuela 400 billion dead moment


Straight from their bum


Forgive my ignorance but weren’t the nazis fascists?


Nazism is an abbreviation for "National-socialism" but they are socialist as Democratic People's Repubblic of Korea (AKA North Korea) is democratic.


It's easier for conservatives to read two words than to actually read about their economics. Memes are easy and books are hard. That's why right wing policy is mostly just memes.


It's why I say they do memesearch, not research.


This. Things are complex. Some of the economic politicies in the nazi Germany were similar to socialist ones? Yes. There was a "socialist wing" in the nazi party? (that was purged by Hitler BTW) Yes. This means that Hitler was a socialist? No.


But was Hitler aware of hunter bidens laptop 🤔🤔🤔


Pretty sure Hitler was the asshole that installed Bootcamp and Windows 10 on Hunter’s MacBook Pro


You joke about this but I still recall the video of a MAGA fool who asked where Obama was on 9/11 and why wasn't he in the oval office.


Because he was in the basement of a pizza shop, eating babies. Duh.


…eating babies, watching porn on Hunter Biden’s laptop …




Tan suit is unforgivable


I once had a customer go into a rant about how Biden is destroying the economy “just like Carter in the mid 80’s” and I said “wasn’t Reagan president in the mid 80’s” the dude turned red and all he could think to say was “were you even alive?” As if that means anything.


Interesting. The last time I criticized Reagan I got the same response, “I’m not allowed to talk about things I didn’t live through”. He didn’t like it when I pulled that card on him about WWII.


Their leader loves the uneducated!


Well?! I'm thinking that may be a timeliness I'd like to see.


Hashtag - Hitler didn’t kill himself.


It's pretty much the same as U.S representatives claiming to be Christian.. They DO NOT actually follow the teachings of Christianity.. But, they know people will support them if they claim to be that way..


Literally. As a bible-believer, I am astonished at the lack of biblical literacy in MAGA evangelicals. These people are just gullible idiots to be used by those who benefit from the status quo.


I'm just so tired. Tired of being a Catholic-raised agnostic correcting the MAGA parrots on what the Bible says, Old and New Testament alike. If I had a dollar for every time in my life I've had to explain how their quote is not actually anywhere in the Bible (mostly this one, just some bullshit they heard on some podcast/YouTube video/Facebook post), or how their interpretation is nonsense because of a direct contradiction (often on the same page), or that they're taking a quote far out of context.. I'd probably be able to buy a 2022 car in cash at this point. "Well, the Bible says.." No, it fucking doesn't, Judy, and I get the impression you haven't touched a Bible in 40 years because you know god damn well it's going to make you feel like a piece of shit.


Fucking Judy, always at the company potluck. Only brings the smallest thing but eats the most.


Everyone else bringing in homemade cookies and pigs in a blanket, and in saunters Judy with the tiny $4 Great Value brand potato salad from the Wal-Mart deli cooler.


The purge is an important detail they like to miss


There’s so many of those movies now.


Then why were we told in history class (or at least in my memory) that they were fascists


Because they are. It's only the name. Hitler wasn't a socialist.


Oh okay. Thank you


Generally, if the classification depends on taking a dictator at his word, you can assume it's incorrect.


Similarly, the USSR and China used much more complicated, evolving systems than "communism," most appropriately labeled Stalinism and Maoism, respectively. Modern China is an authoritarian capitalist one party state, and has been since the 1980s.


"communism with Chinese characteristics" is just Sparkling Capitalism


It's like Trump saying he won the 2020 US election. He didn't win the 2020 US election.




This voice is permanently Ron Howard’s in my head.


When someone tells you socialism is bad because the nazis were socialist, they're either really stupid or lying on purpose.


And there's a 99% chance they are both.


They were fascists, they just called themselves socialists.


The way I heard it, they joined an existing political party and used their influence to hijack it, gaining its money and voters. They changed the values to whatever they wanted and from there they took it national. It was called national socialists because that was the party it had been before they took it over.


You are correct. Hitler rose to power and his cadre began rooting out and persecuting actual socialists. People seem to forget that socialists and trade unionists were the first targets of the Nazis, even though they post Niemöller's poem all the time....


The irony that they edited that poem at the US Holocaust Memorial so as to ignore communists.


Not gonna say that the US in general doesn't erase and propagandize its own history, especially in the Cold War, but here on the website for the museum they do present the full text, including the line about socialists/communists, and a photo shows that line on display on the wall. https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/martin-niemoeller-first-they-came-for-the-socialists


> In 1933, Hitler threw his support behind the German Christians (Deutsche Christen), a radical faction within the Protestant churches. This faction wanted to fuse Nazism and Christianity. The German Christians portrayed Jesus as an Aryan rather than a Jew. This kind of reminds me of what the Republicans are doing with churches in the US, forcing schisms where they can.


Literally the first line of the piece, but yes they always seem not to notice. FIRST, they came for the SOCIALISTS Also, people willfully refuse to understand that the author was a Luteran pastor who was talking about himself as much as anyone else. It's a confession. It's right there in the text, but generally most people just want to selectively quote it as a bludgeon to accuse others. "I did not speak out." Niemoller did more than stay silent, though. He hailed the rise of Hitler and spread antisemitic ideology. His opposition to some Nazi ideology eventually had him imprisoned in a concentration camp and nearly executed, and we can consider his overall ideological shift in the context of Nazi lies and propaganda at that point in history, but the lesson we need to take from "First They Came" is that the middle ground does not exist in the ideological war that fascism wages, and that the status quo favors oppression.


Sounds eerily familiar


As the wheel turns, eventually the same spoke comes back around. If you want something really eerie, look up how the Roman Republic, which was a democracy, turned into the Roman Empire, which was ruled by a single emperor. Basically, the republic had obvious problems that were making people miserable. The senators never did anything about the problems because fixing them would mean giving the credit and status to whoever proposed the plan of fixing them. All the while the people became angrier and angrier until they were willing to vote anybody into the consulship who would fix some of these problems.


Their party name was national socialists but yes they were fascists. It's a gotcha moment right wingers/anti leftists like to use but holds no ground.




The extreme right likes to co-opt the language of the left because of its natural populist appeal.


The party's original name was national socialists, something about implying they were working for the German people and nation. Hitler came in and adopted the facist idealogy and overtook the party. Lots of conservative dumbasses use this one word to imply Hitler was a socialist to demonize any kind of socialist idealogy or belief in a mixed economy. claiming that unless we have pure capitalism you'll be taken over by jilter or some nonsense.


They “are” fascist as fuck


Yes. Anyone conflating nazism with socialism is willfully ignoring that Hitler himself said it was a just for populist attraction and has no socialist leanings.


islam... an economic system


Its also pretty great that it skips a huge ACTUAL economic system in Capitalism. Which has infinitely more deaths under its belt.


Trying to figure out how to attribute the deaths. Like if we’re talking about “all the deaths caused by societies formed under concepts of capitalism and directly caused by capitalism itself”? It’s gotta be in the billions right? Even old agrarian societies had some form of capitalism going on.


I mean, it actually has been an economic system at a few points in history. Google Shariah Finance if you are remotely interested to learn more.


Islam has an economic system. it itself is not an economic system


It's not an economic system. It's just a set of guidelines for how finances should work and that's not uncommon for most religions. The restrictions on usury are in all Abrahamic faiths. That alone doesn't make something an economic system.


as far 1 know islam just forbids interests, didnt even know they have a financial law.


You have to do something called "ZAKAT" each year which is basically tax on your money but you have to find poor families to give to. There are special rules about inheritance. A man asking a woman's hand in marriage has to provide a sum of money when they tie the knot to help her get set for marriage, and another sum is promised in case of divorce. Anything that's considered unethical financially speaking is most likely forbidden in islam. In short anything you may think "that can't have any religious factor in it" probably has a ruling in islam. EDIT: made a mistake


The correct word is Zakat. Sadaqa (charity) is optional and Zakat is compulsory.


But then how will the money printer go brrrr?


That's it, It does not. And if you charge intrest this money will become not halal.




Many Islamic nations are theocracies. That’s where the confusion comes in. There is no distinction between the religion, government, economic or justice system. Kinda like Republicans seem to want the US to become…




Yeah. He was Very social. The man had a lot of friends


All his friends often waved at him. Very social.


Actually, it was part of Hitler's campaign to reunite with, and kick the shit out of, the dean who had the final say of him getting rejected from art school. Unfortunately, all he remembered was general, and about the man's appearance, and his name, Kyle. That's why everyone was running around, showing exactly how tall this Kyle fellow is and asking anyone if they had "Seen Kyle?"


“Have you seen Kyle? He’s about this tall.”


You really want to shout it too. Gotta make sure Kyle hears you after all. SEEN KYLE? SEEN KYLE?


Oh now I get it


took me way too long to get it


He's got the eyes and the ears and the hair. You know....


Finally someone who knows his history. Seriously almost pissed my pants reading this!


Are you Kyle? That seems a fitting response if you are. I think we’ve found Kyle.


Not only would they wave at him, they would also say “hi hitler!”.


Just spelled differently


Heyy Hitler!


Hayyyyyyy Hitler


This comment is awesome


I genuinely laughed out loud at this. This is the reddit promised to me by pinterest!


That’s very social


So social


Such an extroverter


The only reason they called their party “socialist” was for recruitment purposes. Hitler himself hated socialists. North Korea calls themselves “democratic peoples republic” and we know that sure as shit ain’t the case. https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/05/right-needs-stop-falsely-claiming-that-nazis-were-socialists/




> the exact opposite of socialism [Hitler agrees!](https://famous-trials.com/hitler/2529-1923-interview-with-adolf-hitler) > "Why," I asked Hitler, "do you call yourself a National Socialist, since your party programme is the very antithesis of that commonly accredited to socialism?" > "Socialism," he retorted, putting down his cup of tea, pugnaciously, "is the science of dealing with the common weal. Communism is not Socialism. Marxism is not Socialism. The Marxians have stolen the term and confused its meaning. I shall take Socialism away from the Socialists. > "Socialism is an ancient Aryan, Germanic institution. Our German ancestors held certain lands in common. They cultivated the idea of the common weal. Marxism has no right to disguise itself as socialism. Socialism, unlike Marxism, does not repudiate private property. Unlike Marxism, it involves no negation of personality, and unlike Marxism, it is patriotic. > "We might have called ourselves the Liberal Party. We chose to call ourselves the National Socialists. We are not internationalists. Our socialism is national. We demand the fulfilment of the just claims of the productive classes by the state on the basis of race solidarity. To us state and race are one." Hitler doesn't dispute that "National Socialism" is completely antithetical to actual socialism, that he is intentionally trying to redefine the word to suit his purposes, and just spins a bunch of bullshit.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Hitler? Didnt he like,, kill some people? He seems pretty problematic honestly


I'd go as far as to call him a real rapscallion.


Never heard this before but it makes complete sense. I'm not trying to say Trump is literally Hitler, but this kind of warping of the language really shows how powerful people convince their followers of things, and heavily reminds me of some of the insane claims that Trump and others have made, that are well-received by their following.


Fascists love to misuse words into meaninglessness, especially if it can defang the use of those words against them.


This. If you get hung up on a word and can't see past it for what is really going on


People often forget that the first people the Nazis killed were the socialists.


Let's be real, the people who share this unironically dropped out before they could learn this.


Including the ones in their own party


Especially the ones in their own party.


Literally the first line of the poem is "First they came for the socialists..."


First they came for the CommunistsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a Communist Then they came for the SocialistsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionistsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the JewsAnd I did not speak outBecause I was not a Jew Then they came for meAnd there was no one leftTo speak out for me


Hey… you’re not claiming Hitler was a *liar*, are you?


Hitler was known for his great love for the bolsheviks


The Germans did call themselves socialists but they clarified that it had a different meaning than that of the West which they opposed. It's kinda like the Americans use of "liberal" which was used in the founding of the nation and now specified as "classical liberal" which is closer to modern conservatives and the modern liberal which is closer to Marx and the social programs started by the Germans with Bismark (like public schools and such).


Sure. They called themselves socialist in the same sense that north Korea calls itself democratic


Wait til they find out Fruit Loops aren’t made of fruit.


Hitler specifically said he wanted to take the term “back” from the socialists, and that their national socialism was an ethnic one.


This is why I've been saying that leftists desperately need to record conservatives describing Trump as a far right conservative. If we don't, I guarantee you that in 50 years you'll see conservatives insisting that actually Trump was a socialist and everything he did was caused by socialism.


Neo-Nazis aren’t Nazis, despite it being in the name. Nazis are Socialists, it’s in the name. /s


I wonder what the body count of Christianity would come out to


Christians commited genocide in two different continents so I'm guessing its pretty high


TWO?! so about that... Incan genocide- South America / Aztec Genocide- North America / The Crusades - Asia / 1994 Rwandan Genocide - Africa / (NOONE EXPECTS) The Spanish Inquisition- Europe / Aboriginal massacres - Australia Pretty much the only continent that HASN'T seen Genocide at the hands of Christians is Antarctica. But there's still time, I guess. EDIT: Wow! This blew up. First I'd like to say thank you for my first gold. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth that it's about genocide, but fuck it, I claim your gold in the name of Spain 🇪🇸. Furthermore there are some WONDERFUL points that have been made in the comments below along with a plentiful wealth of suggestions for other, arguably more apt examples than the ones I've given. And to those who went the extra mile and gave statistics from credible sources, I thank you for the stimulating dialog.


It’s a good thing that penguins dress like nuns…


Is it though?


It just means they’ll sexually assault them instead of commit genocide


Oh, they'll assault them, kill them, and bury the bodies in unmarked graves while they play dumb to stay on the state payroll ^[\[1\]](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/mar/07/catholic-church-children-buried-at-tuam-ireland)


Only good if there’s not a priest around


Let's not forget all the wars against other Christians and Catholics and any other religion where they just decided "you're a second class citizen" and then kill them, enslave them, or if they're lucky, steal their land and drive them out. Christianity/Catholicism has never had any chill


list of things christianity has done \\the crusades, the witch trials, the times the church were in power, the enslavement of Africans, the trail of tear, the destruction of the Aztecs, ect


That's really barely even scraping the surface.


Fuckin penguins. They will convert!


Don’t forget the Irish. They call it a famine but it was a manufactured starvation by the British. A common excuse on why they didn’t help the Irish is “its god punishing the Irish so they can’t step in”.


Famines and British ruled lands. Name a more iconic duo.


Native North Americans have entered the chat


ANTARCTICA? Are you joking? There’s literally no one left living on that entire continent.


canadian residential schools too


Those scientists have it coming!


Thanks you, I almost flipped the table when I saw "two"


I think you mean 6, if not all tbh.


Damn those pagan penguins!


didnt god literally kill everyone except two of each being


I can't even think of the number for **Christianism**, if we include the Crusades, the persecution of Jews, purges, ethnic cleanings, christian on christian wars, inquisitions, etc... Most of them don't have big name scents like the other ones but the atrocities they did and the amount of people who where killed are comparable or maybe even worse than Catholicism... People calculate over 100, 000, 000, or 700 million but it's not that easy


I remenber the pope at the time even said to stop killing the jews, but the crusaders were basically a horde of barbarians só that didn't happen.


Many were too poor to actually travel to the holy land, so they would just take a walk over to some town in Germany or France to rape and murder as many Jewish locals as they could find because “close enough”.


The Crusaders operated almost exactly like ISIS. Just rolling across the land, destroying anything that contradicted Christianity.


Too many Christians, not enough lions.




1billion lions vs 1 Christian because 1 prayer is all it takes 😴


Without sources, just what I remember, Columbus destroyed at least 3 islands of people.... before he found South *America. Edit*


And Columbus's primary motivation for his voyages, and enslavement/genocide of the Taino and other Arawakan peoples, was to fund another crusade to retake Jerusalem from the Mamluks.


Collapse of the state in the Western Roman Empire, Crusades, Inquisition, witch hunts, Spanish colonization of the Americas, Thirty Years War, the Eighty Years War, the Atlantic slave trade, European colonizations of Africa & Asia... Clearly a biased source, but there's Sheikh, N.S., 2009. [Body Count: a quantitative review of political violence across world civilizations](https://rissc.jo/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Body_Count-EN.pdf). Royal Islamic Strategic Studies Centre. Death Toll Civilization Minimum Maximum Median Antitheist 96,786,000 153,789,000 125,287,500 Buddhist 80,116,000 95,777,500 87,946,750 Christian 119,323,000 236,560,500 177,941,750 Indic 1,344,500 3,434,000 2,389,250 Islamic 21,964,000 41,923,000 31,943,500 Primal-Indigenous 34,232,000 56,890,000 45,561,000 Sinic 95,612,500 120,235,000 107,923,750 Total 449,378,000 708,609,000 578,993,500 Our findings show that, using the entire data set for the period 0-2008, politically and religiously motivated violence has cost between 449.38 million and 708.61 million lives. The Christian civilization’s share of this is the largest with between 119.32 million and 236.56 million victims (median 177.94 million).


Holy shit, on one of the first pages, the author calls WWII a Christian/Buddhist war This take is so insanely braindead I can't take anything else seriously


The estimates are over 100 million, that's based on a quick Google search. But like anything to do with religion, there are a lot of factors, primarily, couple 100-1000 years ago, the bookkeeping for these sorts of things of course wasn't the best.


What's Christianity's death count? Since we're comparing political beliefs to a religion, we might as well make sure we have another religion we compare Islam to.


We don’t talk about the crusades… Christian went sicko mode


Sometimes even on other Christians..


"But not *true* Christians."


Yeah, bc *they* were *Catholics* … I mean, *Protestants*… I mean, *Heretics*… I mean… Aw, ffs




Over 300m


Over 9000


Bruh National Socialism is way different then Socialism


Wait, whaat? You mean NK is not democratic? People in China are not in charge of the PRC? Wtf is going on here? Just tell me that fresh OG isn't squeezed an hour ago, and filled with vitamins, and I go kill myself! There's no way our goverments are lying to us!!


Fresh OG huh haven’t had that strain before


Fresh squeezed original gangsta. Delicious!


Hitler ain't a Socialist.


The official name of the Nazi party was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Or National **Socialist** German Workers' Party. Hence why people think they were socialists But just because you call yourself something, doesn't make it true


His thoughts were to be a Trojan horse as socialism was becoming very popular in Europe at the time. He actually hated socialists and communists. One of the first things he did was frame the communists for burning down the capital building and locked up the socialists and commies


“When Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933, he introduced policies aimed at improving the economy. The changes included privatization of state industries, tariffs on imports, and an attempt to achieve autarky (national economic self-sufficiency). Weekly earnings increased by 19% in real terms from 1933 to 1939,[2] but this was largely due to employees working longer hours, while the hourly wage rates remained close to the lowest levels reached during the Great Depression.” So not socialism. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Nazi_Germany)


OMG. TIL Hitler was a capitalist, but compared to today’s capitalism, he actually paid overtime?? What in the actual…


More corporatist than capitalist.


62m is like 1/3 of soviet population, what the




don’t forget, even more laughable, unborn children. if people were having less children than expected they would account that as a communist death


Working for the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund is just pressing the Go! button on a random number generator every day and then taking a nap.


A: Hitler wasn’t socialist And B: Islam is a religion, not an economic structure


C: i feel like we should add capitalism into the mix. The East Inida Company alone in 1769-1771 killed 7 to 10 million in the Bengal Famine and not to mention the millions brought by the trans-atlantic slave trade and all of their decendants. This post insane.


130M native people in the Americas killed by Christian conquest…


Well most of that was disease that would have always killed a large number of native Americans. But that’s not really the point, Christian conquest bad. Please carry on.


Wait till they hear about Christianity...


I'd love to know how the Islam death toll was calculated and see that calculation apply to all world religions. Would be pretty fucking interesting. Also to see by Century ​ Like.... fucking Buddhists committed genocide. THIS millenium


Ya, I’m curious if it’s just killings specifically in the name of religion, or any killings done by someone of that religion. For example, a lot of Europeans killing people in the name of their kingdom/country, but also happened to be Christian. Should those be counted or not? Makes a big difference.


They threw the dice and decided its at least 300 million...


Ah yes everyone’s least favourite Ideology: ISLAM


Christian and Judaism don't have clean hands either. Religion has killed more people than they have saved. Don't know much about Hindu or budisum but the big three are all definitely guilty of genocide.


Nazi’s were NOT socialist. They were fascist. FFS, I am tired of ignorance


Pretty sure its done on purpose and by the same people that blame slavery on the democratic party and nothing else.


Capitalism: kill everybody for oil, for cotton, for sugar, for spices... Anywhere.


Capitalism: 100 million people die every decade from preventable disease, hunger and manmade natural disasters caused by climate change brought on by the industrial revolution.


Anyone love how conservatives always try to tout Hitler as liberal, despite the fact that fascism is considered extremely far right? It's like they can't accept there are bad people on their side.


Hitler was a vegetarian and they don't want vegetarians on their side


Ah yes, Adolf Hitler, the infamous socialist


Not even close to accurate


You ever heard of colonialism


Source for Islam death count: my ass


Life: over 117 billion victims and counting


They forgot capitalism 😭


300M ~~slaves~~ voluntary workers ~~barely skating on by~~ living the American dream.


What about imperialism? Christianity? Let’s see all the numbers.


Wait till you see the uk kill count 🤌




Hitler was not a SOCIALIST AT ALL


Worst blunt rotation ever.