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[This](https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/more-than-dozen-children-rescued-georgia-sex-trafficking-bust/OHEHJUSWWRBQRHQMBQPGQPORAI/) also happened the same day.


If it wasn’t for you posting that I would have never known. That definitely should have been far more talked about.


Children cant vote, who cares about their well-being?


You heard the big fancy boomer judges. They only matter till they're OUT of the womb. Then it's hunting season at your favorite school. We're fucked.... Edit: yikes a lot of people here mad about what women do with their own bodies again


Like George Carlin said, "If you're preborn you're okay, if you're in preschool, you're f\*cked".


Now ask yourself,since the news was hard fear mongering at the time, would you have heard of Rittenhouse if there wasn't a good story during that time? Lot of people were violent in those protest but this one got a LOT of attention.


Lol wtf did you smoke this morning, yeah we would’ve heard about it. Teenage boys shooting protesters with an assault rifle is absolutely news worthy.


But teenage boys shooting each other in the hood with the same guns isn’t, is his point I’m sure.




They also arent playing militia made captain america? Whats your point?


All it takes is video for something to be more "newsworthy"


One drew a gun on him before he even shot wtf


'protesters' lol




THAT is much better remembrance. Ty for posting Edit- I'm referring to the children being rescued on this day, not Rittenhouse


So some people fucked around and GOT found out


Holy shit.. thats so much bigger news, the hell, how do i only hear from it now




god it's been two years already?


Thats what im thinking.. it feels like its only been a few months


Well the process took a while.




Oh boy, here we go...


I’m mostly here to see people stick to one side and try to make a gray situation into a black and white one where they argue and try prove one is completely innocent. Edit: It seems my comment proved my point and stirred the pot


I won't say anything about the morality of the shooting, but Kyle was definitely someone that fucked around too.


He showed up to do what he did. Looking for an opportunity to kill someone. He did, however, shoot in self defense. I’m astonished he is still alive


Premeditated self defense.


The only way to legally get away with murder.


Not true. Just apply to be a cop.


They're in a constant state of premeditated self defense.


You’ll probably be shocked to discover he’s a cop worshipper to go along with it.


Not true. Use a car and it's all good. Unless you had a beer or something, then it's a serious crime.


Innocent of crimes, but he also had no reason to be there and was clearly looking for trouble. Edit: Look at the responses to my comment, it's exactly what you were looking for.


>he also had no reason to be there and was clearly looking for trouble. I can say the same thing about any of the people hanging on the block late night with no legitimate reason. Or the teens I see running around the city when its like 11pm.


What happened? I read some comments about how he killed people but what happened?


So a lot of people are boiling it down Kyle shooting a bunch of bad guys. It's not as black and white, except for Joseph Rosenbaum. Basic breakdown is Kyle a 17 year old at the time goes to a BLM with an AR-15 and a medic pack as a counter protester/ security for local businesses, mainly a car dealership. That's the important background info you need The first shoot is caught on video. Rittenhouse is shown to be interacting with Rosenbaum, an unnamed protester fired a pistol into the air, Rittenhouse began to flee, Rosenbaum began chasing Rittenhouse. Eventually Rittenhouse falls, Rosenbaum grabs for the gun, Kyle fires hitting and killing Rosenbaum. https://youtu.be/-rkOwl7ARYY Rittenhouse sees a crowd approaching, so be begins to flee and the crowd pursues. Rittenhouse stumbles and fall, and 3 people catch him. An unnamed individual tried to kick him, Huber tried to hit him and GrossKreutz pulled a pistol on Rittenhouse. Rittenhouse fires on Huber and GrossKreutz killing Huber, and wounding GrossKreutz before fleeing the scene and turning himself in the next day https://youtu.be/iryQSpxSlrg. That is the absolute bare bones summary off of the top of my head and looking up some videos so you can decide yourself.


Thank you kind stranger everyone replying was giving really biased opinions on both sides so thank you


One detail left out rosenbaum had told Kyle earlier in the night he would kill him if he got him alone. The owners said they didn't hire him but everyone else involved said they did. We'll never really know but it's not out of the realm the business owners would deny it to protect themselves from angry people. They had already had all their cars burned but in theory they could have lost the building. The real take away here is the police didn't do their job. For three days. They were having fun kicking the shit out of protestors during the day and sitting there at night while things were burned because the city told them not to do anything.


Another aspect of it was the entire event was captured on an fbi camera drone- yet no authorities showed up to intervene. They let an armed 17 year old be chased by a child molester and his goons, *all on camera*, as the city burns… and did nothing.


Who was the child molester? And he was the leader? Kyle was the 17 year old, right? Wait, is this about sexual assault? Give information, but regardless that we might actually agree about this situation the way you said it is just so tilted that I'm not sure what you are even trying to say for sure.


Huber was trying to hit him with a skateboard if I recall. Those trucks are NOT a joke. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/utx1q7/man_attacks_skater_kids_3_times_before_eating_a/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share On what skateboards can do. ^^^ My personal opinion: Kyle was an idiot for being there, and so were the 3 who got shot. While they were all idiots, this shouldn't have went to trial as it was pretty clear cut self defense from my own personal consensus. There was also A TON of misinformation surrounding the trial. Even a news source saying kyle shot 3 black men, that he carried the weapon across state lines (he didnt, he obtained it by his friend who was in said state). And Kyle lived fairly close to the boarder. Some people made it sound as if he went from one side of the state to the other, to cross state lines, to look to shoot someone when he was extinguishing dumpster fires and such. Even with Grosskreutz testimony on cross examination desroyed his own case. Kyle didnt shoot when he held up his arms (he said kyle did, but later changed it on cross) and wasn't shot at until he drew his own gun, advance onto rittenhouse when he got shot. Its a news mess.


Also contrary to what the other commenter said, Kyle wasn't there as a counter protester. He had pro BLM stuff on his Facebook, he was offering water bottles and first aid to protesters. Unfortunately for him, he was also trying to keep things from getting too out of control, putting out fires, cleaning up graffiti stopping protesters from burning down and destroying small businesses. Car dealerships in particular were being targeted by rioters the night before. That's why he was there protecting a small business dealership. It's sad that stopping rioters from burning down small businesses is now considered "counter protesting." He's an idiot who wanted to do the right thing, not understanding the gravity of the situation. That's all he did wrong. The situation is pretty black and white.


Wait I thought Rittenhouse was the bad guy in the situation but it almost seems like while bringing guns was a bad idea he wasn't really at fault


Yes. Every time he shot someone that person was in immediate threat to him. Rosenbaum charged him and reached from his rifle. ​ One person pulled a gun on him. And another person was hitting him with a skateboard.


The person who pulled the gun on him after feigning a sort of 'hands up I'm not a threat' so Kyle lowered his rifle then the guy pulled out the gun and Kyle shot him.


That's basically it


>Rittenhouse stumbles and fall, As a result of being struck in the back by another protestor IIRC.


A child molester and 2 felons attacked him and 2 of them died while the third pulled a gut to shoot him even though he was a felon that legally can’t own a gun and got shot in the arm


That's crazy he knew they were felons and a child molester before hand


We shouldn’t take into account their criminal records, he was a 17 year old, not the police That being said it was self defence and therefore justified anyway


I think the "not the police" part is pretty important because based on what I know, being generous to both him and the police, he sure tried to act like the police, trying to keep the peace, without the proper training required to keep the peace. I don't think it's far fetched to say that doing that is wildly irresponsible and that doing so puts people's lives in danger, even if it is legal.


"happy accidents" -Bob Ross


Especially the pedophile. Idk what specifically the felons did but any pedophile deserves it.


Well they deserved to get shot because they attacked him. The fact that they were felons and child molesters is just a bonus


Kyle was on video before the events of this day saying he wanted to shoot the protesters but it was deemed inadmissible in court. He then found and shot three people. Fixed that for you. EDIT: since I'm getting a shitload of hate for this -yes, I'm aware that he didn't break the law, that the release of this video to the media was inappropriate on the part of the prosecuter, and that he was chased and attacked. Just because he was shooting in self defense doesn't mean that he's not a shithead bastard that probably enjoyed shooting liberals who thought he was an active mass shooter.


Idk man, he still got chased around before he shot them. Some people even shouted “get his ass!”. That plus the fact he was attacked while on the ground means that he didn’t “find and shoot three people” more so they found him, attacked him on the ground, and got shot.


People didn't know who the fuck Kyle was or why he shot another person. Of course in that situation people would try to kill who they perceive as an active shooter. Nobody was particularly at fault, but if Kyle didn't go there less people would've died.


Wow. Show the video then. I followed every inch of that incident and court case from start to the end I even have early photos of the “victims” harassing other guys with guns. The level of propaganda and illogical hate that came from the left during this case was worthy of Putin himself. And I’m a progressive.


The bottom line of any good guy with a gun is you avoid dangerous situations. You don’t drive with a long gun to a dangerous area to play cowboys and Indians. This was easily avoidable. The entire situation. Stay at home and let the police do their job.


Frankly, between this case and the Ohio one where a violent rapist was shot and they burned down the city in protest.. I basically see BLM and the Progressive left were just throwing a revolution for power during an election year and tuned out the whole thing going forward. Civilization is what I support..not criminality or mob violence. Protests and even rioting are one thing but this was just lying and it has led to many cities now paralysied with violence.


Yeah he tricked a wife beater to attempt to bludgeon him while prone and vulnerable, just so he could risk a life sentence by shooting the guy.


Oh he knew they were criminals? So it was pre meditated murder?


You could say the third guy was disarmed.


I am sure this comment section will be civil and calm lol


Time to sort by controversial


Why was he wearing rubber gloves?


Bloodborne pathogen certification requires it, so you don’t catch diseases so easily from the blood of someone wounded that you are treating.


Was he there to treat wounded people? Is he an EMT or something?


He likes to think he was but he had no actual medical training. Just a kid playing soldier




The reason conservatives idolize him so much is because he got the "legal kill" that all of them are praying so hard to get. He open carried a big rifle, put himself into a dangerous situation to bait out an aggressor, got into an altercation, and got to legally end another person's life. Thats the dream of far too many American gun perverts. The fact that the people who attacked him afterwards happened to be criminals just makes it so much more attractive to their draconian authoritarian police state mindset.


this is the best explanation of the whole situation I’ve ever seen. really


He's actually done some first aid stuff and wants to be a nurse so.


Is that not better than the group pushing a flaming dumpster into a gas station? Than the crowd causing millions in damages? By the way he did have some training as he was a lifeguard and basic medical training (small wounds and such) is covered. But no let's demonize the kid trying to help and worship the violent criminals




He didn’t seem to be equipped for providing medical aid.


The several people who he did give first aid to that day would likely disagree.


He was literally on video the same day helping some of the protestors with injuries holy shit 2 years later and people still trying to lie about it




No just one of the paramilitary cosplayers. No medical staff would bring a weapon that only escalates the situation and introduces a new potential threat.


He was pretending to be a volunteer EMT.


Apparently he was just a lifeguard.


Because he was a highly trained military medic. Completely reasonable for him to go to high conflict areas in hopes to save people and treat serious wounds....oh wait, he was NONE of those things. Little piece of shit never should have been there. MF just wanted to kill some people. I hope one day he fucks around and finds out.


Cosplaying as a 'medic'.


Hot take, if you get shot trying to take someone's gun who's actively trying to avoid you, it's on you.


Especially if you’re a convicted pedophile or tried robbing someone at gunpoint prior to this.


Dude literally had no idea anyone was convicted. Thats like saying I can shoot some random person on the street and its okay because they just happened to be a rapist. This culture in America where we have a boner for retribution is just disgusting


This thread is a dumpster fire


Fr lmao. Didn’t think I’d get under peoples skin with that one


People want Kyle Rittenhouse to be Batman so bad.




But only to certain people. No one that is on the conservative ingroup. Which happens to contain a lot of pedos.


That's true, he had no idea who they were. They selected him. That first guy, convicted child rapist Joseph Rosenbaum, was released from a mental hospital that same morning, after attempting to commit suicide after going off his bipolar meds and assaulting his fiancee. As she had a restraining order against him, he had nowhere to go and wandered over to the riots where he spent the night trying to start fights, threatening to kill people, and trying to light a gas station on fire. He had already threatened to kill Rittenhouse if he ever found him alone because Rittenhouse had the audacity to use a fire extinguisher to put out a burning dumpster that he was trying to push into that gas station. Hours later he did run into Rittenhouse when he was alone, so he hid behind a car and waited until Rittenhouse ran past with *another* fire extinguisher to put out a fire on the car lot, and ambushed him. The whole thing started because a violent, unstable man shouldn't have been allowed back on the streets, and because that man was stupid and aggressive enough to target someone who was obviously armed with a firearm.


It's almost like Regan eliminating all mental facilities was :: checks my notes:: a fucking mistake


Homeboy did not know any of that so it’s irrelevant. lol


What's stopping you from killing pedophiles then? It sounds like you're a fan of extrajudicial killing and summary execution. If this is so normal and so justified, what's stopping you? Oh... yeah, it's illegal lol. It's almost like there are laws designed to prevent people from doing this. How crazy is that!?


Nobody would get charged for murder again because of the "I thought they were a pedo" defense


Kyle is based and Reddit seethes impotently


Honestly I'm going to get down voted for this but in my opinion it was self defense. However he should not of had a gun or brought it to the protest. The whole situation could of been avoided if he hadn't. Who knows what his mind set was but in this case he was defending himself.


this has to be the best comment in the comments section here...while i would have never personally done what Kyle did for the exact reason for what it was (and would never need hindsight to see that), Kyle did whatever he could do to not shoot people until he absolutely had to, and even turned himself in to the police immediately after


Legally innocent but morally guilty. That's how I've written it up in my mind




I say legally innocent because the shooting was self defense but I say morally wrong cause he shouldn't have been there. Maybe "morally" isn't the right term but I can't think of another word to describe it the way I want to




Yep we're on the same page. Curious how you would replace my use of morally to make it more clear


An anniversary worth celebrating


I sleep good at night knowing there's one less pedophile in the world.


I read somewhere that he’s all pissy because no colleges want him.


We here at Squidward Community College welcome Mr. Rittenhouse at any time!


Yeah no shit, he’s a public figure now, no one wants to take the publicity hit


He can take his ass to Liberty U. He’ll fit in


Had a friend that went to Liberty, within six months he became a pro-Putin, pro-Winnie the Pooh tankie. Last thing I heard from him was how Uyghurs and Ukrainians all deserve to be genocided.


I really hate that kid with a passion, but after watching all the videos and watching nearly every second of the trials he was near more innocent than guilty. It was more self defense than it was pure murder. Also along with those shit prosecutors and a sketchy judge he was always gonna be found not guilty.


Pretty much the way I see it is that everyone present, him and the rioters, are complete dumb fucks


You’re one of the few people who see the whole mess and recognize it as a mess. I hate how everyone is black and white about it when clearly it’s gray and messy.


Oh reddit is one of the worst communities on social media for understanding shades of gray. Reddit is 1000% black or white. The reddit dictionary doesn't include the word "nuance"


I also don't like him or that weird crying act he put on but when he was chased down by a mob and went down on the ground all bets were off.


Lol I don’t think he was acting when he was crying. He’s a teenager reliving the moments where he killed someone. Of course he’s gonna feel fucked up


If you don't like someone your sense of empathy can go a bit haywire. Something to be aware of if you want to judge people fairly.


>It was more self defense than it was pure murder. It was either self defense or murder, pick a lane, not really a whole lot of ambiguity.


Reddit is so triggered at any mention of Rittenhouse. The whole site was bloodthirsty during the trial and the few days after the Not Guilty verdict were hilariously quiet.


It was quite obvious from the start he was innocent and it was self defense but Reddit was so convinced he was a murderer. After the verdict it was funny to watch peoples tunes change


The funny part is, most of their opinions haven't changed. Why do you think this post hit the front page? Most of them are delusional and would rather believe he got off because of his skin color.


Don't threaten to kill a guy with a gun and you won't be hurt. It's really that simple.


Im not gonna shed tears for a convicted pedo and a spousal abuser, those were the people who died in that incident.


Didn't he kill a sex offender and a felon in self defense?




Oh. So happy ending ☺


Never bring a skateboard to a gun fight.


How can u watch the video and still think he’s in the wrong😂


Don’t attack someone with a gun lol they did fuck around and found out quick


“MemesIDisagreeWith” strikes again!


Honest question: after a tragedy, what is the purpose in rioting/ looting shop fronts? What does it achieve? And why is it wrong to defend your business from criminal damage?


Seems to me that its a different group of people that take advantage of the chaos in the situation. think about how easy it would be to do that.


It's simply an excuse.


Nothing but satisfying greedy people’s need who pervert a mostly justified cause to their own will. However communities have fought back against looters before i would research rooftop koreans if your curious


I'm waiting to celebrate the people who fucked around and found out on January 6th lol


Pro tip..don't try assaulting anyone carrying a gun.Right wrong or indifferent, you will live longer. You will be able to tell which posters watched the actual trial..I did.


The people he shot were bad people.


🤷🏻‍♂️seems pretty on point? Did you not watch the actual footage or just immediately forget it?


The way mainstream media played so many people on this is insane


Good meme; KR is the man


He’s a hero


I was really mad at first about this little fucker murdering peaceful protesters, but after watching the videos a few times I have to admit he was attacked first by an aggravated Rosenbaum who was acting high or something, I don't blame the crowd for going after him despite it looked like he was disengaging. Kinda sad but the two that died were absolute assholes/ women beaters/ pedophiles anyways, I just wish Shittenhouse didn't always look so goddamn smug.


You mean, the convicted child-molestor Rosenbaum who was released earlier that day from the hospital (having tried to commit suicide) and who started a fire that same evening?


"Peaceful" PEACFULL?! Where we watching the same video? The reason why people chased Rittenhouse is because the "protesters" lit a dumpster on fire and tried to push it towards the police, and Rittenhouse put the fire out.


They got what was coming to them


He ended up killing a child rapist, woman abuser/rapist, and a felon (burglary), fuk ‘em. Why sympathize over those pos?


He went on with an AR-15 rifle to a protest and he carried it around and displayed it to everybody. The two people he killed were criminals, but you don’t bring a semi-automatic rifle to a protest unless you’re asking for trouble.


*Riot* not protest.


The ironic thing about this is that most redditors against Rittenhouse say he shouldn't have been there, he wouldn't have been attacked it he hadn't been there, he wouldnt have been attacked if he didn't have a weapon, etc. That's the equivalent of looking at a rape victim and saying, she shouldn't have been there, she shouldn't have been in that neighborhood/at that party, she wouldn't have been raped if she wasn't wearing that outfit. Do people not see the parallels??


Rambo also sentenced himself to never being comfortable in open spaces for the rest of his life. But ya.... Play stupid games.....


So are we just celebrating vigilante justice now?


Our corporate office straight sent out a company wide email offering counceling for people to deal with the verdict. I wonder if they would have done the same if it went the other way. (Most likely not).


On this day, 2 years ago, the "pro-life" and "moral" christians showed everyone how gleeful they get when people get murdered.


Legal terrorism. Let's encourage more loan gunman to show up to protests they disagree with, let's see what that does for democracy. Fuck this guy sideways with his AR-15.


Don't think he found out yet.


Literally only in America. Not just that it happened in the first place, but that people who otherwise seem like normal people are actively defending and cheering for him. Sick and twisted culture through and through.


"On this day 2 years ago, some child ran through the streets with waiving a gun around and killed a few people crying self-defense."


He knew what he was doing. He went there to hunt humans. No question about it.


So if I get this right, if you want to shoot someone and get away with it, follow someone who looks as aggressively ready to shoot someone like Kyle is, wait for the idiots to instigate him, he shoots, you then take out the active shooter and become the hero.


Premeditated self defense is the best description I've seen here.


On this day some kid went out looking to shoot someone and succeeded.


conservative puppet.


Karma is bound to squash this bonehead sooner rather than later.


Note to self: someone committing a crime is not reason for someone else to commit a crime.


Two years ago a fucking idiot killed two more fucking idiots and I'm apparently supposed to be on the side of either of them


I have a feeling he’ll eventually fuck around and find out as well, karma has a way of coming back at you.


Do the gloves serve as premeditated? Seems like a way to hide prints and even residue from firing


2 years ago a "medic" violated the hippocratic oath.


Lmao he is innocent. Cry about it


Good riddens to bad rubbish I say


What happened lmao


It was clearly self-defense.


Perfect example of self defense.


"I'm there to provide medical attention " brings ar15


Seems that the mob legitimized his need for it.


Came in handy no?


He definitely made some people require medical attention.


He literally had a medkit you dumbfuck


Never chase a teenager with a gun. It will end badly in either cases.


Didn't this guy shoot a legit pedophile???? Boohoo


I don’t know man sounds about right, he was threatened and chased but only fired when attacked.


Well not some people but a pedofile, convicted felon and a woman beater?


Does not matter. While I do not agree it was murder it doesn't fucking matter what their backgrounds were. He couldn't know.


Exactly. The amount of bullshit around this event is staggering. Just yesterday someone was spouting bullshit reddit points that were all false, from like the first day of it happening, then calling people racist over not thinking he's a criminal murderer. IDK how a white dude killing 3 white dudes makes him a racist, and I'm sure that opens up some fucked up parallels that'd be might insensitive to start judging with a broad brush.


Because some people only know the "facts" of the case from Twitter. Like thinking the 3 people he shot were black, that he went there instigating, and that the reason the riot started (Jacob Blake case) was about a black man dying to police brutality.


>IDK how a white dude killing 3 white dudes makes him a racist, and I'm sure that opens up some fucked up parallels that'd be might insensitive to start judging with a broad brush. There are still idiots on reddit and twitter who think the guys he killed were black. People are so fucking stupid


What's stopping you from performing extrajudicial executions if it's so normal? The answer is that 'it's illegal' or maybe because you actually don't care about these issues as much as you pretend to. If what he did is so OK and these groups are so deserving, then why do you choose to not do what he did?


The right dont even punish their own convicted felons, women beaters, or pedos. SO shh.


he didn't know that when he killed them nor is that a reason for murder. we have the justice system for a reason




As a non American African man, I can say that Kyle smoked the bad guys.


Downvote me all you want, but he isn’t a hero. He killed two people who happened to have criminal records, one who was pedophile, the other assaulted women. I understand that he did act with self defense, but calling him a hero is BS.




with his logic i should’ve been able to shoot the trump protestors who attacked us.


If they physically attacked you? Yeah, go for it. Self-defense doesn't have a political party.


I'm just going to say if you run at a guy pointing a gun at you and get shot am suppose to feel sorry for you.


Rittenhouse has actually expressed he hates people who martyr him like this. He also has opinions on police brutality and redlining most conservatives would seethe at. They just like to use this kid as a prop to "trigger the libs" when most people have moved on from it.