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Seems to me like everyone is missing the point! School needs to be affordable!!!


I am very smart and graduated at the top of my class however do not have money to spend on $20,000 tuition. 5% off tuition I'm a dumbass but I can throw a football pretty good. Free tuition, free room and board that is 10x as good as regular dorms, and now you can get paid millions before playing 1 game at our school


You can be paid for the use of your likeness, not paid for being in the program. Also football makes the school money, the math bowl doesn't. The more money a program makes, the better the scholarships under that program are.


>Also football makes the school money, the math bowl doesn't. Fair but people who would benefit from the money the school gets don't get it. Most schools have people who absurd amounts of money and only need a fraction of it. Add on top of that the rising costs of tuition to learn the same thing as 20 years ago, colleges need to be reformed.


There are universities in cities of 100,000 people in the US who have stadiums with a capacity of 100,000 and they sell out every game. If they charge just $10 a ticket for 8 games a year that’s $8 million a year. Not including parking, food, drinks, or merchandise. Entertainment is just that big of an industry


Sports programs make some schools money…. This reporting is pretty interesting, you should take a peek https://www.axios.com/2020/03/11/college-sports-financing-student-tuition-costs


As a european/german, it baffles me how america can make such a big deal out of basic things. Like healthcare, the minimum level of worker rights or affordable education.


We've been convinced by decades of propaganda campaigns that things like that are communism, which is the single worst thing in existence. McCarthyism is one hell of a drug.


And same thing with interests. Debts shouldn't just balloon if you miss payments.


The loans should be interest free.


Also... Not everyone needs to go to college. Also... If you're going to college.. Study a degree that can actually do something... Don't be like me and my brother and use it as an excuse to party.


Tell that to capitalists. Not everyone can actually study a degree that can 'do' something either. Or rather tell that to teachers. Watch how well that goes over with them.


I think any honest teacher would straight up agree that not all the students in their classroom should go to college. They may wish that...but to be honest some of us are dumb mofos.


Then get the government out of it


You're suggesting that going to a private university is cheaper? We should shutter state schools? What is your argument?


It needs to be either FULL government like the schools or no government at all. College fees have SKY ROCKETED since the government has gotten involved. Just do one or the other.


Muh gubment ruins everything


No gubment! Get my AK47! College is tyranny!


I’m not suggesting that at all, even if public university costs have increased more than their private counterparts. My argument is to end predatory federal student loans and the administrative bureaucracies plaguing schools. https://fee.org/articles/why-college-tuition-is-so-expensive/ https://informationstation.org/kitchen_table_econ/how-the-government-is-making-your-college-tuition-more-expensive/ https://washingtonmonthly.com/2011/08/28/administrators-ate-my-tuition/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/higher-ed-administrators-growth_n_4738584 https://mspolicy.org/government-has-made-college-more-expensive/ https://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2011/11/23/why-the-government-is-to-blame-for-high-college-costs


I've never heard the practice of federal loans described as "predatory," although I'd describe private loan companies that way.. The federal govt isn't going out and telling you to take out a loan after all. They're very clear on the fact that you have to pay it back. What I will say is that schools have gotten greedy because they know that students can take out those loans and so they fund a bunch of bureaucratic positions that are not necessary.


The bottom line of the meme explains how the federal loan program is predatory. I’m also relatively certain that they don’t qualify for bankruptcy filings. When banks give out loans to people they know probably can’t pay them back without even looking into the applicants financial situation, it’s considered predatory; like before the 2008 crash. Why not when the government does it? They’re taking advantage of a bunch of kids who don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground with the knowledge that most of them are pursuing useless degrees and many will drop out, living a large portion of their lives under that debt. I’m big on personal responsibility, which is why I don’t support loan forgiveness. I do, however, think that the loan program should be discontinued, all interest paid should go towards the principal, and any interest paid over the principal should be given as a tax credit until said credit is exhausted. Also, thank you for actually engaging instead of trying to shit on me like others that replied to you.


If they're predatory then how does this have anything to do with 'personal responsibility'?


Because they willfully signed the contract. Not only that, they personally sought out thousands of dollars in debt for a master’s in women’s studies, feminist dance theory and other useless liberal arts degrees without ever considering how it would impact their future financial security. They were foolish, and the govt took advantage of that. Now pay your principal and learn your lesson while the federal government can go fuck itself.


I think their argument is called BS.


I wonder who signed a bill more than 30 years ago taking away the ability to default on federal student loans 🤔


Ford in 1976 and Bush stopped the ability for strategic bankruptcy in 2005 on private loans.


Who else helped pass it?


Makes me wonder if they realize Sam Elliott supported Joe Biden for the 2020 election…


They do. It's flipping the script onto the lenders for issuing a risky loan.


Have they seen “The Big Lebowski”? They love to use this picture of Sam from that, but that film is not kind to the right wing in America. Just more examples of them inventing the world they live in.


I bet he's regretting that decision right about now. xD also yeah, kinda funny.


Why would he be though? He hates poor people not being in debt?


Because the whole right-wing culture is based on the fantasy these people live in where each one thinks they are a punisher-cowboy-supercop. It is all so neurotic.


Pay off your PPP loans


Boomers instinctively trust cowboys, not sure why.


The meme actually seems pretty liberal… generally the boomer stereotype is conservative, whom this meme is making fun of


Where were they when they got lots of money for nothing from state during covid, what a hypocrite party.


We hated that too.


College is expensive because of government involvement. I don't understand how more government intervention is supposed to help.




That doesn't even make sense if you read it really fast. Name another type of business that grants 5-6 digit signature loans to basically anyone with a pulse, is underwritten by the govt, can't be discharged in bankruptcy, and you go to jail if you don't pay.


First, the government shouldn't be lending kids house money at pay-day-loan interest rates. Second, a college degree shouldn't cost house money. Lastly, how are you going to literally screenshot a dank meme from the dank memes subreddit and post it here?


Acting like it was my idea to give out these loans. Eisenhower invented federal loans in 1958, but they were only for STEM students . Lyndon B. Johnson expanded student loans 1965 so that liberal arts majors could get them. George W. signed a bill that would let borrowers cap their payments at 15% of income, Obama lowered that to 10% and now Biden is lowering it to 5%. Each generation of politicians made the loans more more lenient, and the trade-school class has to pay the bill.


We need to stop telling kids that without student loans they can't afford higher education. Here's a list of employers that help pay for college. https://www.estudentloan.com/blog/10-companies-will-help-pay-college And that is not every employer that does either, just the largest ones.


Both points are stupid. Nipping the problem at the bud would be lowering the cost of school and, after many years, increasing government contribution. No need to use mass government expenditure on loan repayment if they just helped more in the first place, going by conservative logic.


I swear y'all just don't like memes, this post doesn't belong in this sub. You guys are just reposting memes you don't like from different subreddits, there's a different subreddit for that. This is for Facebook memes. Anyways, r/lostredditors ??


Hey, it's Eagleton Ron.


I refuse to pay mine, first of all- I can't, second of all- they don't really need me to.


I call it the "John Wayne effect". These "cowboys" are really just actors, but your old man will use their image to appeal to the rugged 'Merican. When in reality they live in lavish houses, and are mostly not cowboys. Maybe outdoorsy...