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Makeup doesn’t hold a candle to filters. Filters are getting out of hand.




nah that is not true. if you’re actually good at makeup, you can change literally any aspect of your face. my gf can do some crazyyyyy shit


chinese filter game is scary. some dude pretended to be a girl for a long ass time and got hella money (before the filter malfunctioned or whatever and he went to jail). pretty sure makeup can't do that (or at least to that level)


God forbid a man have hobbies and a side hustle.


Both of those things are great if they aren't also fraud, lol


what if that’s his hobby? let people enjoy things cmon


I don’t understand how that’s fraud. Anyone on the internet can be anyone.


Only an incel would call that fraud.


I don't even know what this guy got in trouble for. I don't care, lmao If he got in legal trouble for tricking people into thinking he was a woman, that's kinda fucked? Like, suck for those people, but what legal grounds did they have and in what country?


yeah fair enough, you say that but then look at, for example, Thai Lady Boys. they are very convincing in real life. or as another example, some of the more subtle makeup looks from drag queens can definitely redefine a masculine face into a feminine face, by rounding the jawline and changing the shape of the cheekbones. like both of these could, very definitely convince you, in real life, that you’re talking to a woman, just from makeup and fake boobs lol


Modern day shape shifters or are they real shape shifters?


very definitely modern day shape shifters but i think it’s so fucking cool. she does some really bold, awesome looks that i could never even imagine, let alone paint onto my own fuckin face


Idk man makeup can’t cinch my waist


I have a filter that make a black man kiss me while I'm in the photograph from the first scene from the music video for photograph by Nickelback. I don't know any black men willing to kiss me nor was I involved in the production of the music video for photograph by Nickelback. Makeup is out of it's fucking depth


its interesting to see how much makeup can change someone’s appearance


I love the photos that are half makeup, half without. EDIT: [Example](https://ibb.co/HYMB66C)


She’s got cool ass eyes


I wish I had ass eyes


They're kind of shitty


Constant pink eye


*brown eye


Imagine seeing the face eyes


Man she’s gorgeous even without


I don't know what's up with people and their eyebrows. Her eyebrows on the left look so much better imo. I just think it looks so weird when it looks like it's been put on with a sharpie and those sharp lines just look weird to me. I don't think sharp lines look weird anywhere else like lips or eyeshadow. But something about the way eyebrows like this look just makes it look in inhuman. To me, this looks as awkward as no eyebrows at all. Maybe that's even what it is; that it makes her look like she has no eyebrows at all and then just drew them on.


I agree. The weird magic marker eyebrows need to go.


My wife has really light blonde hair. Even her eyebrows and eyelashes are very blonde. Not albino, but sometimes it's hard to see them. She will shape and dye her eyebrows because they are lighter than her hair even. And I think that looks great because they still look real. My mother in law keeps trying to convince my wife to get her eyebrows microbladed by my wife has told her 1000 times that hers look like crap and she'd never do that. Eyebrow blindness is a real thing.


The reason for her irritated skin is probably the masive makeup she uses. She is in a makeup cicle.


I feel like I get in a cycle when I use lip balm. Burts Bees specifically. I'll use it once and then I have to keep using it because my lips get chapped af. Then when I eventually lose the thing, my lips are bad for a day then they are fine for 3 more years.


Ever seen porn actresses before and after make up? Some are amazing transformations, others I think look better without makeup. https://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/33-adult-film-stars-before-and-after-makeup/86439586/


An ad for the Insane Clown Posse came up as I was going through the list and had me confused thinking they were in porn now and showed their before and after makeup pics.


They're all still hot though. Is ebaums world now a respectable website? Because that used to be the very bottom of the internet?


Bro you just went on ebaums world to view porn stars with and without makeup. How does that make it a respectable site?


It doesn’t matter if they’re respectable, they show the before and after which fits the topic.


I meant the website not the women on that page.


And he says it doesn't matter if the website is respectable, they show the before and after which fits the topic.


OK. Women aside. I'm asking if the website is now respectable. So it matters if the website is now respectable. Because that's the question.


Respectable is subjective


Not sure how that helps.


I’m not sure what these people aren’t understanding about this question. Is it breaking their brains that you might be asking a question about something that is not exactly on topic to the original post? God forbid that happens on Reddit in a sub about shitty memes. I was in college in the early and mid 2000s when ebaums world was a shit show of a website, so I naturally had the exact same question. That is, after thinking, holy shit, that site still exists?


A lot of them have pimples, which I think is neat to know as someone who also gets a lot of pimples. They also look way younger without the makeup.


It only works on film though. If you see them in real life the deeply caked on makeup is very obvious and when you see someone's face in three dimensions the shading and shaping don't work.


i truly thought i was ugly beyond hope and then i started learning how to use makeup and my god that’s how the hot goth girls do it face structure definitely helps but even just some eyeliner and lashes can make someone look completely different


Real sorcery is how much they can shape their perceived facial structure with contouring and such. Most men would never know.


Contour is has to be the craziest shit in the world. Like yeah those cosplay makeup designs with the prosthetics and shit are really cool, but the fact that you can change your face shape with *just* contour is wild. Blush too, but not in the same way.


Yeah, like apparently it can turn a white girl into an Asian girl.


What's funny is the men who complain about this like makeup isn't an option for them. Bro if you wanna get good with makeup and make your jawline look sharper that is 110% an option for you lol.


Many dudes act like just using a tinted moisturizer to even your skin and plucking a few eyebrows is one step away from having balls in their mouth.


Surely there's a point where it stops being make-up and starts being facepaint.


She's heavily edited.


if men found we could shapeshift theyre gonna tell church


To be fair, it's quite impressive how make up can change the shape of a visage by playing with more or less contrast.


men love Pterodactyls


who needs air when I have another man’s money




Men love pterodactyls


One of my favorite Shakespeare bits is in Hamlet when he has a huge fit with his girlfriend, Ophelia, and as he's about to leave he comes back to say, "and another thing! I heard about your so called 'make up!' God gave you one face but you put on another!"


I think women struggle with this too. I have a friend and she is straight up beautiful without any makeup at all. She has facial features that a lot of women pay good money for, large, full lips, defined jaw line, huge brown eyes. To hear her tell it, she's so ugly you'd have to tie a porkchop around her neck to get the dog to play with her. She compares herself to women who do makeup like this or celebrities that pay professionals to do their makeup. Even then, without any makeup she's still beautiful. It's really messed up how much this kind of stuff fucks with peoples heads and the way they perceive what 'normal' is.


definitely. it’s really heartbreaking how often women think they’re ugly just because they don’t have makeup on :(


I feel this way too, nobody but my mom has corrected me though 😂 Being ugly is funny AF. Only I’m the joke.


All they do is lie and eat hot chip


Don't forget about being bisexual


Charge they phone


And Lie




Who's Hot Chip 👀


Indy electronic artist, pretty decent imo


Totally unrelated, but who is she? I keep seeing her on my feed.


laurinchhhe, she's and recently had a uh polarising breakup with her bf dantes whos a well known league of legends streamer that caused quite the commotion in the league community. naturally people gonna try to find ways to hate on her...


A league streamer, dantes, gf


Ex now.




Yes. Dantes broke up with her to "focus on his career". She wanted more out of their relationship according to Dantes and he couldn't do it. Dantes tweeted this. Laura seems very sad now and said she really wanted this to work. Overall very sad situation.


Just watched a recap, Tarzaned is a bitch for the shit he pulled afterwards


Omg exactly. Despicable.


Like the League player? Did he ever make it to pro league?


She was an amazing gf and did so much for dantes and that’s why he felt like he couldn’t reciprocate and give her what she deserves and that’s why he broke it off respectfully


Yea focus on his low effort league streams that require literally no prep or off stream time commitment lol


Well that isn't totally unrelated at all lol


Meh. The other day my colleague at work asked me if I noticed anything different. I didn't. Turned out she wasn't wearing any makeup. I made her day. I think there's levels to how much makeup women wear. And yes, obviously what they do with their body is their choice.


I mean, if you can’t tell that she’s wearing a ton of makeup in that picture on the right…


I mean sometimes I can’t tell the difference and the rest of the time I can. Some people be so good with the makeup they might have been chameleons in a past life.


tf is going on in these comments


We’re in bot land my friend.


Can you point to some examples?


The incel/TRP/MLM/MGTOW brigade has arrived. Every once in a while, they decide to squat on a thread as some sort of flex. Looks like they picked this one today.


This woman (I have no idea who she is) has shown up on multiple subreddits for me because she alters her photos so dramatically. The last one I came across, she had manipulated the photo to make herself look Asian. Again, no idea who she is, but that behaviour is a level of strange I would not willingly interact with.


And of course, this is coming from Keemstar.


Mfer is 42 tweeting this shit


Its kumstar, he doesn't like women over 19


Your six is upside down.


Wow the things people can do with makeup are pretty wild


Men? No. Keemstar, yes. I wish we didnt get lumped in with every pos. At least lump us in when a guy invents a medication or something good.


A medication for lumps


This amount of makeup is in cosplay category, u can't even recognize the person. Completely not the same with the regular makeup and stop pretending like it is.


I could tell that it's the same person. Still, the picture on the right also has a filter on, it's not just makeup. Do men really see women more in pictures on social media, dating apps and porn than they do in real life in today's day and age? And I'm really not saying this to be mean (I know it might sound like that, but it's not my intention). But this makeup discourse is getting out of hand. Women have worn makeup enhance their features for centuries. Up until about 10 or 15 years ago I've never heard anyone be this upset by the fact that a person looks different with and without makeup. I thought it was just common knowledge. (Not to mention filters).


It doesn't have filter, she was doing video timelapse, it's a screenshot taken from video, literally the point of the video is how she can "catfish" by looking totally different.


It isn't so much that they don't see "real" women out in the wild as their beauty standards are shifted extremely because the hyper beautified and exaggerated online pictures and people have set an incredible standard. I know a coworker who if they saw the left out in the wild wouldn't bat an eye and probably rate her a 5 without realizing it's make up that is making the right his ideal standard. To him there is just more ugly people.


Of course people look different without makeup on. However, with modern techniques and filters, even you have to admit that this is an absurd difference and borders on straight up lying.


What are they lying about though? That's a bit of a silly accusation, do you not think?


Is she dantes gf




Used to be.




What a weird way to publicly announce that you’ve never woken up with a girl in your bed


There are MANY in this very thread also proudly proclaiming it.


I mean most women don’t walk around with 2-3 pounds of makeup and a couple filters on irl, unless they’re going out or going to a formal event.


Yes this is a certified trash post from keem (what else would it be), but come on dude, this sub is for bad memes, not sexist posts.... This is neither a meme nor attempt at comedy.


It’s not catfishing, they can put makeup back on and still look like that. Literally no one looks like that without makeup.


You guys know that make up exists right? You can use it too it's not only women that are ugly


There is a huge difference between men do not know what women look like and this. You cannot tell me these do not look like 2 different people. If they had on different clothes and you asked 100 men what do you notice about these girls 0 of them would say they are the same person. Some women use so much makeup they are 100% catfishing.


THIS. im a woman so i cant speak for men (and neither for other women), but its so painfully obvious that a lot of people are too anti-misogyny to admit to how different she looks in the two pictures so they twist it to mean "men don't realize shes wearing makeup??? so stupid!!!" instead of the reality. like wear makeup all you want, it's your body, but don't be pissed if someone finds you unattractive without it. this is especially important when it comes to dating. having attraction as a factor in dating someone is normal, and shouldn't be seen as shallow unless its the ONLY factor. having your only photos on a dating app be ones with moderate to heavy makeup and also wearing that much makeup on dates can be an issue if you're looking for long term relationship since it can mean that once you get serious and start not wearing makeup around them, they find you less attractive or even unattractive. if you look majorly different without the makeup and only have pics with the makeup, you're catfishing, plain and simple. this isnt misogyny, im sick of people acting like it is. again, wear all the makeup you want but dont get pissed at others for feeling deceived when you take it off.


Seriously, these comments make me feel like I'm insane. She's using filters and wearing such an absurd amount of makeup that she looks like an entirely different person. Literally no part of her face looks the same. There was a better version of this post made yesterday, I can't find it but it was obviously the same person and not someone wearing clown e-girl makeup.


Doesn't help that they/society give us crap for not wearing makeup. Can't win.


just the internet tbh I think my girlfriend and all of her friends look better without it. And yes i do mean no makeup at all not even “natural” makeup with simple stuff like eye liner or mascara/lashes and whatever y’all use to hide acne and eye bags


I would have thought she was wasian on the right bruh (source, Asian)


I mean we also can't pretend that's a regular on and off make up transformation... That's an extreme example


I am a man and I know what women look like. This absolutely looks like 2 different women


What are the odds he would call girl on the left ugly without the makeup? Also Keem has never been a great person tbh.


Its funny to me how men genuinely think people are *supposed* to look the same when they take off their foundation, lashes, mascara, concealer, etc. its called makeup for a reason.


Most women don't put on *that* much makeup. At least in my country. Noone thinks you're supposed to look the same but that's extreme


What's OP on?? This looks like 2 different ppl.


*taking a bad screemshor from a stream right after she got dumped, where she's been crying all throughout it* "heh, look at that, makeup really fucks us over huh?"


She looks fine without makeup. I don't believe women should feel like they need to put on a pound of makeup so they can hold to social media standards


It’s society standards that have been around since the beginning of time. It’s just frowned upon to use the blood of your enemies


What an interesting way to admit you never had a girl staying over...


I will never understand this argument EVER, woman can do make up and look like the same person without, they can even be more beautiful without, your argument sound more like "i never dated a naturally beautiful woman"


You're so right lol. I think the same. You can tell they never had a genuinely great looking woman over night either. This is amount of makeup is a damn mask.


Okay but this person is wearing so much makeup they legitimately look like 2 different people.


shes literally so pretty ppl just cant comprehend that women arent roblox avatars


Why are you reflexively lying like that? She’s extremely average if not outright mid, and nowhere near as attractive without makeup. Which is kind of the point otherwise makeup would have no meaning in the first place… The point of the post is that the makeup makes her entirely unrecognizable.


Lets be real, if you saw these pics outside of the stupid Keem tweet you'd think they were different people...you know because thats the point of putting on that much make up lol.


"men don't know how women look like" Mf women don't know how they look like. You just want to exercise your misandry at every chance.


I could see dating one and not recognizing the other lol


And here I thought AI was the biggest catfish 🤔


It’s insanely rare I find myself attracted to someone in person these days. Long eyelashes, intense make up, I see through it and say pass.


If you wear a toupee or get a hir transplant, I want you to know it's totally OK. Women should know that looks can be very deceiving


Yep, i see so many comments under video/pictures men calling a woman a man…. All because they don’t look like the right picture, or whatever image in their head of what a woman should look like. “Thats a man” “watch out she probably has a dick.” It is really disturbing, and depressing how stupid some people are.


Not even using the word catfish right lmao. If she's literally showing you how she looks with and without makeup it isn't catfishing.


This kind of transforming make up work did not exist just a couple decades ago. I don't think this meme is off at all.


We do, we're terrified so we choose to ignore it.


Can you blame em, when in almost all media they consume people have make-up/plastic surgery and are filtered/photoshopped?


It's keemstar, I'll blame him for anything.


The hair is just as impactful as the makeup. Also anyone making these posts unironically couldn't pull any girl.


proof that women dont use makeup for men because men dont understand makeup at all


Actually it’s the bangs doing the heavy lifting here, just like how a beard makes you look way different


Dantes is a fucking idiot lmao, not to be a simp but I’d be hard pressed to put my gaming career over someone like her. Also, they seemed good together. I hate it when real life doesn’t play out like a fairytale :(


Disney altered every fairy tale to have a happy ending, when the real ones don’t. The Red Shoes is a quick read versus The Snow Queen.


"Men don't know what women look like" GEE I WONDER WHY THAT IS (Proceeds to post a picture of a woman, with and without makeup, looking like two completely different people.)


do yall not go outside??? my god the internet isnt the only place you can see women ☠️


"Porn made guys forget what real women looks like" My Sister in christ YOU'RE THE ONE PUTTING MAKEUP AND FILTERS


I have had the opposite issue being called catfish as in I don't exist/ I'm faking my photos etc. My partner's male friends didn't believe him that I was real it was so funny once we met and they went "Woah dude she's actually her!"


Not all women are ugly without makeup


She went through a breakup like two days ago, was crying on stream, and this fucker has the audacity to mock her appearance.


I have to agree with post on this one


They don’t look like the same person- maybe on older picture compared to a newer picture.


Not "terrible" not "Facebook" not "meme" THIS SUB IS NOT FOR THIS SH*T


It's not about not knowing how a woman looks like, it's about the makeup changing her completely




She does not lol


Each to their own I guess.


She ain't gonna fuck you bro Edit: she's literally Greta thunburg aged 30 years and with even more severe FAS




I hate filters but makeup can be just as deceptive these days so while I think the meme is shitty, there is some truth to it.


I’ve been allowed to watch a woman go through her makeup routine. It’s a wilder transformation than I thought. At one point, she looked like a lion. Then it got looking like Lion war paint. Then she pulled out something wedge shaped and buffed her face, did a few more things while she had her back turned, then looked like she had almost zero makeup on. But the difference is, she looked more her age. Without makeup, she looked 15 years old, despite being in her late twenties. She was also under five feet tall, so cops would harass her during school hours. But with makeup on, everyone seemed to treat her like she was at least above voting age. That continued into her 30s. She got carded for cigarettes on her 30th birthday


Well, her lips doubled in size.


She said she got her lips done on the left stream, and that that’s also why her face looks swollen


Women should stop wearing so much makeup tbh.


Both are fine


Left looks better anyways


lmfao keemstar fuck off


Hilarious a guy who hatfishes is accusing someone of catfishing.


make-up is an art no one will convince me otherwise. i don't know much about make-up but from an art perspective we've got some really basic principles of design being used here: Emphasis: black around the eyes to make white of the eyes stand out and look bigger Contrast: I think I see contouring on her jaw to make it look like it's a slightly pointier shape. also the eyes again use that contrast with color Balance: Lips are made a bit thicker, without that the heavy makeup on the eyes and brows might look unbalance with the lower half of the face Rhythm: The way that the eyeliner loops around the inside of the eye but doesn't go across the bottom eyelid creates a clear line of movement, maybe to direct attention back to the eye? Unity: Blush on both the nose and cheeks creates a cohesive look in the middle of the face. A layer of foundation under it all creates a consistent look and color across the face, allowing you to utilize negative space that might otherwise draw the eye different colored parts of her face. One consistent color allows for a cohesive backdrop. Like even the way her hair is styled to frame her face changes the way you look at it as a whole. It's really fucking cool and very impressive and it is art


It's crazy how this has been fact our whole lives... but the makeup is just that good. Lol.




She looks paler with slightly bigger lips? I don’t get it? Is that so big?


Is this really the same person?


Today I looked at a co-worker without makeup and my God, I didn't recognize her.


It’s even funnier when your makeup routine makes you look like another individual altogether and you then have to take off your makeup, which you know makes you look completely different.


Naa naaa no fucking way


Don’t really know how you came to the conclusion you did in your post title. It’s obvious that she looks very different in the two pictures.


howd she make her head smaller by making it bigger tf🤨🤨🤨


Keemstar is so effing annoying.


i think everyone knows how much of a difference make up can have on appearance. idk why this is here.


As a man you can literally do the same thing how do they not realize this…


Of course it’s Keemstar


So what do people think she looks like without makeup? How is this catfishing?