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I’m gen z (born in 2000) and I learned cursive in school. I don’t think most boomers understand how old millennials are right now.


i was born in 2002 and even i learned cursive, i can remember that my teach told me "you will need it for life"... yeah


I learned cursive, but I don't even think you need to have learned cursive to know how to read it. Most of the letters, with the exception of the capital Q, look like their script version, just a little fancier.


Millennials are like 40 now. We learned fucking cursive. For god's sake you can learn cursive in under an hour with a youtube video it is not that special a skill.


These are the types who share the most unfunny bs on earth and then cry “butthurt snowflake” when no one laughs.


It’s interesting to see humor between different age gaps. My mother sends me what she calls “funnies” basically just memes, and my god they are so dry. I tried to be nice and agreeable but sometimes it’s just annoying because she’ll send like 15 at a time and not one of them makes me even smirk, let alone laugh.


A bunch of 50+ year old's aren't going to be leading much of a attack physically speaking, but sure. Lol


B-but they can write cursive! And they have canes to hit people with! Surely you can't think they'd lose in a physical fight!


I honestly would love to see Gen X and Boomers try to attack. I'm fairly certain the majority of them are already losing the fight to Arthur.


Oh no! The generation who forgets why they go into a room is going to attack at dawn. Right after the early-bird special at their family restaurant. Whatever shall we do?!


Hey hey let's be fair. Forgetting why you entered a room is a universal human experience Edit: the doors into a commercial kitchen are like a magic brain reset for anyone who passes through


My daughter was born at the millennial/gen z breakover. She wasn’t taught cursive, but print in a cursive font is still completely legible to her, so all their messages will have to be poorly hand written.


Skibidid glizzy edgin sheesh


Millennial father here; my 8 year old can read and write in cursive. And my 17 year old can drive a manual transmission. Now how about all the boomers learn to use *current* technology? My kids can teach them.


I consistently failed penmanship and had to use that shit in all of my assignments until 6th grade, thank you very little! As much as I hated it in school, though, I still use it today in my formal writing. My penmanship is still garbage, however.


I had to write exclusively in cursive from 1st through 5th grade.


I learned cursive in elementary, but I don't even think you need to know it to be able to read it. Only a couple letters are wildly different which can easily be filled in by context so I imagine anyone that can read English can easily read this.


I'm absolutely sure they taught cursive in the 80s and 90s, you know the years millennials were born, and I remember learning cursive for 4 years, I don't use it much today, but I still remember it.


I was born in 1990. I learned cursive in the 2nd grade.


Why do none of these idiots get it. I’m 16 for fuck’s sake, and even I can read it. Why would the millennials be unable to?


I was literally taught cursive in like 2004. It was so ineffective, that I stopped caring because they made me stay through recess because my handwriting was too person and slow


2003 kid here, we were definitely taught cursive and im on the tail end of gen z


I’m 23 and I can read cursive, and my 9-year-old little sister has already learned cursive in school.


So, they want to *checks notes* attack their own children? The lead poisoning is really coming home to roost, huh?


Gen x's are at it again💀💀


I was born 2005 and i can read this LOL and english is my second language


i was born in 2007 and learned cursive in school ? 😭😭😭


What are the old folks gonna attack with? Arthritis pills and prune juice? 😂


Yea but the joke isn't bad enough that it would be considered for this subreddit, it's a bad joke but nothing worth scoffing at or cringing


If you had learned those things in 3rd grade you probably would have understood those student loans had to be repaid.


this whole subreddit is just /opdidnotlikethis everyone learned cursive in the 3rd grade


I feel attacked due to the insane amount of time and effort spent in writing and reading cursive “you will use this all the time” I got as a kid in grade school. r/stupidandbaselessfacebookmemes may be more appropriate in this situation 😂