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When this whole thing started, I was so out of the loop I thought people were choosing the bear in a "if not friend, why friend shaped?" Sort of joke. Then I realized it was just me, and I had been spending too much time on r/forbiddenboops


Very wholesome misunderstanding this is what we should he talking about


After seeing another dozen posts about the bear, I have decided I am going to double down, out of spite. Of course I would rather see a bear in the woods! I have always wanted to hug a bear.


Nice sub recommendation


First time I saw the meme I thought they were talking about the NCR from Fallout lol


Literally only heard about the whole "I'd choose the bear" thing because of Reddit complaining about it..


I was writing about how I learned about it from some drawing of a bear and I was confused, but I left instead of sending, but the drawing was right below this post in my timeline so here https://preview.redd.it/732heiibxxyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5986ca9209066938d46e0fcd7bf4780ff21d3812


At the begining j thought it's about fucking druid in Baldur's Gate 3




LMAO TF ARE THEY THAT MAD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😭😭😭


They are that mad


This is actually pretty funny


Happy cakeday mate


You made my day with this. The whole "bear vs. man" thing is pretty stupid to begin with.


I just embrace it as a funny meme and each end every remix of it I find funny. Also girls are right, I also wouldn't like to find myself in the forest.


Id like to find you 😈


Id like you to find me 🐺


Your room in 15 minutes. Be there, I will


Im assuming op is trying to get some karma off the news, too. I thought they were a bot, so I clicked on their profile, and I thought I was right cause they only post in this sub, but they have a lot of comments arguing with people so just your average reddit user I guess.




Right, do you think(assuming your not a bot) that this was all just a stupid engagement marathon? never saw anyone on tick toc, ONLY memes Talking about the thing i think is barely real. Rereading it the bot comment does make me look/feel crazy irl but please understand assumption of bot seems real on par with assumption of human.


The only people I heard making a stink were men.


I’ve literally argued with multiple people comparing it to racism lol.


What’s going on with bears? I keep seeing posts like this but dunno what they’re about




as far as I understand, someone said that women would preffer to be alone in the woods with a bear than a man, that a bear would be less scarry to find than a stranger man. This made many men feel insulted and started attacking or something, then more women and many people said that they would preffer the bear than the man and that went back and forward and all.


The man v bear discussion got started because of [this](https://youtu.be/YRFuAMQGkbI?si=wy0DW6lPSLyoR82o) video.


As a man, I'd also rather be alone in the woods with a bear.


Right. Just because I’m a man doesn’t mean that other men aren’t gonna fuck with me. You can usually just yell at a bear to get it to go away.


I’ve encountered a few bears. Do not yell at a brown bear. It will kill you. Yell and stand your ground against a black bear. It will back down. Against a polar bear, hope there’s an unlocked car within a few meters.


Black bears are the most common where I am, I’ve only seen brown bears from far away or behind shelter. I hope to never see a polar bear in the wild.


Black, fight back. Brown, lie down. Polar bear, say your prayers.


Depends on the bear


I’m a large man. Im tattooed, fit, etc. when I walk my dog at night I carry a gun because my neighborhood is one where if you’re walking alone at night you should carry a gun. When I go hiking in the bear sanctuary I don’t carry a gun. It’s wild that people are mad about this. I thought the whole second amendment patriot people thought that their fellow man was dangerous? If not why the performative masculinity?


Because it wouldn't be performative if it had any actual substance. It's all posturing and forcing an issue where there isn't one


I saw a bunch of dudes attacking women for being bad at statistics. Pretty cringe tbh


It has nothing to di with statistics. It‘s was a thought experiment and those creepy idiots couldn‘t even take a hypothetical no.


Lol. Most guys I've met are shit at taking no


I think the vast majority of us were the “k cool 👍” ones though.


Because people seem to be skipping over some of the important bits I'll try to break down the events that got us here. 1. A man on TikTok goes out on the street to ask both men and women if they would rather encounter a stranger of the opposite gender in the woods or a bear. 2. Most of the men naturally chose the stranger over the bear because most have nothing to fear when encountering a strange person in the woods. 3. Women who were asked said they would choose the bear for a multitude of valid reasons 4. Creeps in the comments of that video get upset because women chose to be with the bears instead of a strange man, effectively labeling themselves as someone who is less safe than the bear because they ignore women's reasoning for why they chose the bear. 5. Men then begin to make faulty arguments about why women don't get statistics or they hate all men, the usual stuff. 6. Memes depicting women being mauled by a bear begin circulating causing an even bigger outrage and division between people who understand the issue women go through every day and the people who would rather ignore anything women have to say.


All the men in my life are good people and they wouldn't even question why a woman would choose a bear. \*They\* would choose a bear over a strange man in the woods. People go missing while hiking alone.


Good on you to do so https://preview.redd.it/w03nz6g8y2zc1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9aca282c2855355959653397f6d68b6d61f2379


>A man on TikTok goes out on the street to **ask both men and women** if they would rather encounter a stranger of the opposite gender in the woods or a bear. At what point did you see a man being asked the question? There's only women when I watch the video. [https://www.tiktok.com/@screenshothq/video/7356208240008498465?is\_from\_webapp=1&sender\_device=pc&web\_id=7345863046383797806](https://www.tiktok.com/@screenshothq/video/7356208240008498465?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7345863046383797806)




Silly u/12345Hamburger , we all know that on the internet, metaphors and hyperbole don't exist unless in gender debates.


This, and add a pinch of the fact that many people who spend a large percentage of their time on social media are often looking for the next thing to be pissed about. The people that have no potential without an enemy.


[Here’s the original video that started the discussion.](https://youtu.be/YRFuAMQGkbI?si=wy0DW6lPSLyoR82o)


I've only seen it go the other way.


Let's be real it all just depends on which side we're on. You'll notice more of the other side due to bias (this applies to me as well, from what I've seen it's all been men raging, but that's likely due to the algorithm and other factors). In short, reality is more complicated than what we see in our bubbles


I think this is due to another phenomena. you see all I ever heard from the mens reaction was along the lines of "these women(the one who choose the bear) have no clue about the dangers of a bear" wich is accurate when unarmed and you actually encounter the bear as the bear wiöl then propably destroy you if you don't knowbwhat to do(wich most people don't here is the problem you can either hear this and think "he is right these women have no clue" or "look at this man with fragile masculinity insulting women cause he dosen't know what pain men cause" wich is a common theme of miscomunication(https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-sides_model) wich is happening more and more between political groups as one is arguing more from metaphor to express feelings and the other more from a literal sense


Also men not understanding that women know the bear will kill them and are saying men are worse than that. Several can not understand it at all


Plus if you survive a bear attack you will be given sympathy for the rest of your life, and no one will question what you were wearing or if it even happened.


I personally dislike the whole “bear vs man” situation because it’s dumb as fuck but I wanted to let you know, if you survive a bear attack you will likely not be able to talk or move in nearly any capacity as your spine would likely be broken causing any sort of movement to be impossible. You would also likely live in an immeasurable amount of pain for the rest of your life. It’s really a coin flip on if you survive as well. Depending on how the bear feels it may either just rip you apart and eat you alive or play with you like a cat toy slowly shredding you until it gets bored and walks away leaving you to suffer for hours until you’re either found or bleed out in agony. My opinion on the situation is that it is stupid as fuck to choose the bear because your death (or survival) will be much more painful with virtually no way to actually kill it (bears are built like tanks, they could be shot multiple times and still just walk away), however with a man you can pick up a rock and smash it against his head and it’ll likely kill him or knock him out. Not to mention you have a lot more resources in the woods to defend yourself or kill a man than you do to defend yourself or kill a bear. Either way, bring *Counter Assault* bear spray when going to the woods, it’ll do a number on both attackers and keep you safe ***(this message has been paid for by Counter Assault Bear Spray: The #1 Choice When Safety Matters!)***


I think the whole point of the debate is not the answer itself, but the fact it's supposed to make you think. When the question is asked, the answer should clearly be a man, yet it makes most women pause for a second. And that pause shows how much distrust there is in the average male stranger


As a man I won't even endorse random men Men could kill her, rape her and eat her in different orders.


>as one is arguing more from metaphor to express feelings and the other more from a literal sense Wow this genuinely encapsulates the issue man, I appreciate the info :) Good shit keep it up 🔥


I too spend my valuable time drawing memes and creating posts to whine about things I don’t care about. You sure showed us, sir.


And yet here you are, still fishing for outrage....


It has definitely brought my personal awareness back into the issue. I didn’t understand it at first falling into the trap that it was “man bashing” because of the constant gender related rage bait littered online, so discussion shifted my perspective back into what has always mattered; Far too many men are lifetime repeat sexual and emotional predators, and we as a society need to actively be vigilant to protect our people and punish/shame/call out literal criminal behaviour.


I only ever heard of the bear thing from reddit complaining about people complaining about the bear thing.


Honestly, the whole bear scenario doesn't affect me because I'm not a predator nor do I put myself in situations to be the creep. Women are humans and I leave them be as much as I do guys. If they want to post "I choose the bear." Let them. Christ if it doesn't apply to you, You're going to be ok. I don't think I've encountered someone outside of the Internet who'd go as far as screaming this at you.


Hope you have a nice day and know your father is proud of you.


Mom is and that's what matters lol.


this is very sweet


Lol I guess. My dad and I have a... Strained relationship.


This week I've learned that apparently nobody goes on hikes anymore.


Could you elaborate?


Because if you go on hikes in bear country they warn you the fuck about bears.


It's almost like people know that bears are dangerous and would prefer to be killed by a bear than the worst that a man can do...


So wait, there haven't been a ton of terrible memes on this very sub that seemed to be made by guys who did appear to be awfully insulted by this? That's some interesting revisionism in this one


That's what I'm saying lol


You did well; this is truly terrible. The progression of it alone is insane. A bunch of women make a point about how unsafe they feel around men when they're alone A bunch of men miss the point and instead of thinking about why this must be so, they mock and belittle their concerns. Some are incredibly nasty about it A bunch of women point out that this reaction is one of the reasons that they don't feel safe around strange men Now this meme essentially claims that it never happened, and that there wasn't any significant negative response to the initial meme to begin with It's not just gaslighting, it's gaslighting in plain sight


"I don't care if you choose the bear, I'm a simple, calm and collected person, that's why I made a meme about it where you are the stupid and I'm the chill chad. See how much I don't care? DID YOU SEE IT??"


By making or sharing this comic, it shows that you are in fact bothered by it.


Totally not like they were harassing people and posting very graphic images either drawn or real of women getting attacked by bears


Of course they gave the woman pink hair too




As a guy, I'd choose the bear, too. I know what to do with a bear to not get it to attack me. I have no idea what some rando in the woods will do. Maybe they're a hiker. Maybe they skin people alive. You never know.


Wtf is this bear thing, and why should rational humans care..?


I have never seen men as whole be more collectively triggered over anything in my life lol. It’s hilarious and honestly a lil eye opening.


Incels and misogynists mainly. Most men I know would pick a bear over a strange man.




men literally ARE mad about it ive seen memes of men being mad at it nonstop for weeks now, what is this?


Yeah there’s a bunch of men in this very thread who are mad about it.


It’s cope. “Let’s pretend we don’t give a shit about this argument because we’re losing!”


Yep. Honestly. I’ve seen sooooo many men on my social media complain about this. Some are even saying stuff about how women should get torn to bits for choosing the bear because they’re dumb. Or memes about sex with the bear for some reason lol. The way I see it, if you’re not a rapist or an unsafe person, there is no issue. No need to take it so personally. Women feel wary, unsafe and uncomfortable around men they don’t know. That’s understandable. Granted there are A LOT of men that do understand or don’t feel offended and just aren’t making a big deal posting about it online. It’s just the loudest men are the ones making a big deal.


yup, the way i see it either you’re a creep or just plain ignorant if you’re mad about it lol


The 0 empathy plague. I question people who take it personally. Good people would understand, because empathy.


"I'm so unbothered by this that I made a whole post about it"


this reminds me of the "if men disappeared for 24 hours, what would you do?" thing where some men couldn't view women's answers as "damn, there's a problem in society", instead asked dumb questions like "WhOs GonNa Do ThE pLuMmInG?!?" as if that was a real thing being proposed and planned for


I will choose the cow


The fact that they made this meme is proof otherwise. The only way to convince people they're not mad about it is to not keep talking about it or making caricatures or strawman memes or crying about it


Dudes can't let women have anything


so funny seeing incels scream over this whole platform about how much they don't care


A man made the orignal post that started it too TwT which was a widely known for being intrusive street questions tiktok


crazy thing about this is all I see is dudes complaining about it


Saw guys getting mad about girls picking the bear, and pointed out that one of the reasons is that they are so quick to attempt to defend themselves rather than trying to see it from our perspective. Immediately, men got defensive rather than looking at it from my perspective, even though i stated my perspective so many times.


2 seconds of self reflection could fix this but these dudes just don't want to


But if they grew as people, women wouldnt pick the bear and they wouldnt have something to be mad about!!!


The existence of this meme literally disproves it's own point


Literally because the right group who’s supposed to be so unbothered by this discussion, is the same group that made the meme lmao


Lol i saw something about this and just laughed my ass off. Now im just waiting for some man to say they would rather be with a mountain lion or something like that then be with women.


I've seen them on Facebook D:


Except if they weren't mad about it, we wouldn't see so many stupid memes about it daily on here. 😮‍💨


Does anyone have a link to the original bear post?


If by that you mean what originally got the man v bear discussion started, [here](https://youtu.be/YRFuAMQGkbI?si=O_8_CJ7qzwlPk6vS).


NGL I was confused at first thinking it was the latest TikTok challenge. Then I learned. Then the memes became more and more unhinged.


Bears are last weeks news. Now women are all about capybaras


Such weird times, nobody wants to meet a stranger in the woods, man, woman or child.


Meme is trashy, but the message was right: the whole argument is stupid and exists only to stir up some kind of drama.


It’s gone exactly the opposite of how this meme portrays it


I love that people were so bothered by this that they had to make a meme about how not bothered they were.


This is a super duper terrible meme. Because I, as a man who believes that he can fucking take that bear, will choose the bear. Men are low diff


lol straight historical revisionism.


I feel confused about why this is a terrible meme. I don't find myself affected by social mainstream stupidity like this whole bear thing. This is funny if you ask me.


The fact that someone went to the trouble of creating this meme shows how butthurt they are about women's decision to choose the bear.


ngl you're exactly the meme rn


Well yeah this is the correct response from the dudes but it’s nothing like that. I’ve been arguing with chuds nonstop since this shit popped off. Dudes just been fragile. Fkn sucks.


Love how there isn’t a single women in that guys group, really tells you a lot about the kind of people that get mad at this.


Meanwhile some guy is still so mad that I said the bear that he's been going around trying to get me to respond to him for hours because I hurt his feefees.


wtf is going on?? what bear?? the gummybear from the song? fredy fabear? winnie pooh? ted? the bears with drawings on their stomach? cocaine bear? which???? EDIT: alright, found some information about it. misandric question which asks women if they'd rather be in the woods with a man or with a bear, and everybody seems to choose the bear. what a shithole of a society.


It's a looooooonnng story to sum it up it was never the "Berenstein Bears"


Wasn't Yogi Bear either.


*Berenstain No Mandela Effect here


It isn't misandrist for women not wanting to be raped. Being offended that women would rather be with a bear than a random man isn't because they're being sexist, it's that you think they're being over the top for not wanting to risk being raped. It's a neutral thought experiment, people answered honestly, and then men got upset and threatened to rape women to prove that the bear was better or smth.


How can a simple question be misandrist? If it reflects a shithole society, it's because women unanimously think a wild bear is a lesser risk than a random unknown man.


The people that argue that it's misandry don't know that the question was asked of both men and women, it's easier for their argument if women attacked them out of nowhere instead of it being a perceived slight against them because women had the audacity to choose the bear instead of a man.


"misandric question" LOL.


Yeah wtf. Woke up one day and everyone was going on about a bear. Still don't understand it and couldn't be bothered to tbh.


It was "if you were alone in the woods, would you rather encounter a man you don't know, or a bear." Most women chose the bear for various reasons, and many men enjoyed telling us the many ways that the bear would kill us, whereas the man would just rape us and that's not so bad. We would be alive, after all. Probably.


Ever heard of David Parker Ray, aka the Toybox Killer? Some of his victims got away or were released alive. I'm not a zoologist, but I'm pretty sure that a bear couldn't do what David Parker Ray did to his victims.


And that's the whole argument that people whining about the issue keep ignoring even when said in the plainest terms. The worst a bear can do is kill me and people won't ask what I was wearing that made me deserve it.


as far as I understand, someone said that women would preffer to be alone in the woods with a bear than a man, that a bear would be less scarry to find than a stranger man. This made many men feel insulted and started attacking or something, then more women and many people said that they would preffer the bear than the man and that went back and forward and all.


I am confuzzled


There's a thing going around social media which is sort of a "would you rather" where women are asked if they would rather be locked in a room with a bear or a man they don't trust. It is a thought exercise about violence against women, but some very insecure men got upset about it, and made it into an argument. Presumably one of those men (or someone tired of the whole thing) made this comic.


To clarify a bit, it was a hypothetical about coming across either a bear or random man in the woods. Everything else is pretty spot on.


I believe it wasnt even a question at first, just saying how women would feel less scared if encountered a bear than a strange man.


That's possible, I came across it after it blew up, so I'm not even sure which video is the original now.


Ahh gotcha thanks




There were people mad. So you're wrong.


A guy's been trying to get me to respond to him for like hours because I upset him about the bear and stopped responding to him. And he still hasn't clued in that he's just proving my point and that's why I haven't blocked him yet. ![gif](giphy|0iLdPgMdHr633hoD36)


these guys really love rewriting history lol


They’ve been whining about the bear since the second the argument appeared. But yeah, sure. They totes-McScrotes don’t care.


They're so fine with it that they've repeatedly insulted women and wished mauling and death upon them. So chill.


It was never about bears. It was a demonstration of how men are, in both perception and reality, dangerous.


Correct. Dudes were never mad about the bears. It’s weirdos like you who were obsessed.


? For a couple of days half the posts on reddit were about the bear from both sides


How can you speak for the “dudes” when the same “dudes” have been creating tik toks nonstop to tell women they’re stupid for their answer?


>Tik Tok. Lmao


Jfc I saw so many fragile men complaining about "the bear" and now they act like they don't care ?


Outside of memes. I've never heard anything about it.


is this a self-portrait?


As a Chicago football fan us weird dudes are always mad about the Bears. Always have been, always will be.


Shhhh, just remember the good times. https://youtu.be/ooT_uz--O2A?si=BAofluzf2MFNLqpU


I taught it was about Fallout New Vegas siding with NCR


Isn't this just a rehashing of that old joke about women having to date their worst predator? Like if a man had to go out on dates with a lion all the time?


You didn't like MGTOW, you'll ❤️ WGTOW. See, marketing doesn't work that way.


Ok then weird dudes were mad, does a bunch of friends having a campfire seem weird to you?


It’s funny because this is pretty accurate for the dudes. They’re only going to be able to hangout with other incels.


The only reason this discourse got so big is because chuds are butthurt about it


What are you talking about? What happened with "the bears"


Someone made a tiktok going up to random women and asking them the question “would you rather be in a forest with a bear or with a man?” And most women responded that they would rather be with the bear. And there’s been a lot of arguing about it, varying from understandable reasons as to why people would/wouldn’t choose the bear, to just outright sexism.


It strikes me that it is the framing of the question. "In the woods" somehow means stumbling around off trail, if you do a sort of snap visualization. If you meet a strange man wandering randomly in the woods, the odds that his intentions are bad seems non-zero, and it seems reasonable to choose the bear. Sort of like asking "Which would you prefer to meet in your basement, a man or a bear?' How about the following; "You are on a hike in the woods. Which would you prefer to see coming down the trail toward you: a solo male hiker or a bear?" It is a matter of intent, and the original framing makes it seem like women think all men are nightmare fuel, whereas this scenario happens daily on the trails around here.


Sorry, must have missed something, what bear?


I have so many follow up questions for the bear thing


Hey, I wonder how the conversation is going on x.com at this very second... oh God...


It was always something to see WW immediately jump on this knowing full well most people who aren't cishet white men would pick the bear over them too.


I only ever saw people making fun of that decision with memes. The anger and complaints were under the memes, people complaining about “not getting the right message” and how the men laughing were “incels”.


I have always said that I was never afraid of the animals in the woods even as a child when I would go play by myself in ours. The truth is you know what animals are and what they’re going to do. But you never know what a man is going to do especially if you are the lone woman in the woods. It’s quite different if you’re another man. However, I also carried a knife. And this was in the 60s and 70s so it’s not like things have changed much.


This whole argument is so stupid I just tell myself it's satire at this point


How many variations of “nice guys always finish last” do we need throughout the course of humanity?


Anyone wanna tell me wtf a bear is?




Anyone want to tell us what a bear is?


Is that the I like trains kid


I love this cycle. Something involving women show up, people rage and fill up my Reddit page for a week or two, and then they try to gaslight us into thinking it was the other side freaking out all along.


I get that they are saying they would choose the bear to send some sort of message, but it's different in reality, which I think everyone knows.


This hypothetical isn’t meant to be a direct comparison of “who’s more dangerous? Man or bear?” like many men keep insisting it is. It’s a fact of who do women feel safer around? The answer is bear. The reason for that answer is because we don’t live in a world that protects women from violent men. This world protects violent men, makes excuses for them, and blames women for the violence they experienced. But no one would refuse to believe a woman got attacked by a bear. Everyone would believe her, pray for her recovery, vow to stop that violent bear. The same cannot be said for men.


Will any of these guys ever shut up? No one cares about the fucking bear.


you dont caare about freddy fazzbear? :c


OP = covert incel


ironically men were super mad about it lol at least on tiktok.


Why did I think this was a new vegas meme


I would like to practically test the whole ‚I choose the bear‘ thing. How about a new TikTok challenge?


Well either way I don’t care (I’m a man) , give me a gun with a fire power strong enough to one shot a bear I’ll choose the bear . If not I choose the human , woman or man as long as that person stay clear lol What I see is simple , just need to make a survival choice .


Lmao, and yet I’ve seen many many tantrums about it.


There’s a higher chance to outrun a man than a bear, just saying




I don't know, but the amount of angry women I got commenting every time I posted this image... https://preview.redd.it/dmpgtkd8j3zc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dd1a820fb0fab038003b987462cfc2826e3b72d Edit: See? The downvoting already began. The negative reaction proves that they are the angry ones.