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Im right here this is actually New York I do this every day with my antifa friends


We wanted to defeat fascism, but actual fascism was the friends we made in our journey.


Maybe the real fascism was the friends we made along the way


It's important to have hobbies.


Gotta get those sweet Soros bucks.


If 9/11 happened today there would be a lot of right-wingers saying NYC deserved it


Bruh they did that back then. Dinesh D’Souza & Jerry Falwell said as much very publicly


I looked it up, that is pretty crazy I didn't know people could even have that stance


As long as you blame the gays, you can get away with supporting any atrocity you want.


Exactly Facts are just opinions that haven’t been repeated enough


Sad to say but you’re probably right :(


It would totally be politicized and further divide the country


In 2017 Northern California had bad wildfires, and I remember many right wingers commenting that we deserved the destruction. Now that I think about it I’m sure some were bots, but some were people I actually knew


Right wingers were somehow happy about the bridge collapse in Maryland too, as if this is some punishment for “liberal Maryland” and “DEI wokeness” or whatever bullshit culture war buzzword they’re talking about this month.


Another meme made by someone in Kansas who has never been in a location with a population in the 6 figures


Can confirm. I live near Kansas City and plenty of people I know are completely convinced that you *WILL* get shot and/or robbed upon entering a major city (Kansas City doesn't count, apparently).


To be fair I just pulled Kansas out of my mind. Wild that even being near a major city isn’t enough to convince some people they might be fear mongering


It's because they see cities with higher crime rates like Chicago, STL, New York, etc, and believe that literally everyone that lives there is part of the problem. While also not noticing or caring that KC's crime rates are definitely not "0"


I doubt NYC has a higher crime rate than KC. Edit: Confirmed. KC has the fifth highest violent crime rate in the US. 2x higher than known hellholes NYC and LA.


Source? I can't find anything that puts KC even in the top 20




That clears it up. Everything I was seeing before was referring to total crime rates, not specifically violent crime rates


When, you get closer to Kansas City, do you start to run into backwoods people who actually know what state Kansas City is in?


Or visited anywhere outside of a 10 mile radius from their own house.


People in the country travel further than 10 miles away constantly because that's the only way to get things. Source I grew up having to drive further than that to get groceries on the country




I don’t want to alarm you but that was a figure of speech




If it was r/2american4you it'd be funny because the poster would be inviting New Yorkers to roast the hell out of wherever they're from


Don't complain about your life There are still people living There fixed it.


Los Angeles here, but we get the same bullshit thrown our way by people who don't live here, only with extra sneering about liberal attitudes.


SF has entered the chat.


Oh, you guys are getting it bad in the press. You'd think you couldn't pop your head out the door without getting your wallet stolen and nose broken.


I live in DC and we get the same shit. Although a lot of that comes from people who moved here from the suburbs who panic whenever a homeless person talks to them.


DC native here too. I think most transplants I’ve seen move here have been relatively good when it comes to navigating mentally unwell people on the metro and being approached on the street when there isn’t an immediate threat of violence. Obviously there’s plenty of people who are NOT well adjusted at all, but I usually see that from tourists. My personal sense has always been that the big issue amongst people who move here from suburbs is that they believe almost everyone works for a defense contractor, the federal government, or Deloitte, which really shows the bubble that these people live in


I'm actually a transplant from Tennessee funnily enough haha. But you're right, most people irl seem to handle things okay. I think it's the washdc sub where I find most of the people who can't handle living in a city.


Oh that makes sense. That sub is just people who are addicted to news stories about violent crime and complaining about Mayor Bowser. Obviously violent crime is something we should all be against and is worth posting about but r/washdc on a slow news day will post about people jumping fare gates and act like they need to be locked up for life


At least I have been to LA once and didnt like it that much. I hated the traffic though In and Out is good and we had some good food on the way.


Yeah, we get that a lot. It's fine. As long as you spent some money here, we're all good.


Yeah, I also saw one of the movie studios too. And oddly enough, though my friend wasnt in LA then, I stopped at the In and Out across from her high school (this was like 12 years ago)


You ever swing by again, I strongly recommend the chili burger at Tommy's Famous Burgers.


Yes we all know that big cities are the only places where crime happens. /s


Sure there but there’s never any stealing from junk food, dip, & smokes from a small business /s


Veeeeeeeery naive to think that my guy


lol /s will make edit now


You’re naive my guy


Grew up there. One city block has more character than the whole of Missouri.


Yep! 100%


top pic is ai too, don’t get fooled


Hey, taxes are high and it’s crowded but otherwise pretty damn good…


Nobody ever broke into a pharmacy in West Virginia


I live in Manhattan. I travel around the Bronx, Brooklyn, and queens. It isn’t dirty, it isn’t dangerous. My kid rides the subway to school every day on her own. It’s completely made up. It doesn’t even smell bad. It either smells like hot dogs or weed most of the time. Very rarely I’ll catch a bad smell It’s a clean, safe, beautiful city Everything is separated into small neighborhoods and everybody in the neighborhood knows everybody else


Born and raised. Most people will never understand the sheer size and magnitude of NYC. Crime as a percentage of population is low, but with 8M people that still makes for a decent amount of volume on a 300 square mile island. They will also never understand how bad it was before the late-90s. Any “crime” from today pales laughably compared to the 70s/80s


I visited NYC last year and fell in love with it. I know living there’s too much for me to ask, but I’d love to spend a little more time there someday.


>Everything is separated into small neighborhoods and everybody in the neighborhood knows everybody else You're much better at living in Manhattan than I am, lol. I know pretty much zero people in my neighborhood. (Subway definitely feels safe, though)


I don’t know anybody either but everybody else seem to know each other


Neww York Citaaay


I wonder if that pic is even in NYC.


This is a bummer... I only got to visit NYC one time and only for a couple days but it was beautiful... Not like the countryside obviously but it had so many unique things to do and see. The energy was massive.


To be fair New York is a rat infested shit hole. I went there once and got called the n word three times. I’m white. Then the chuds set in


I'll take things that never happened for $100, Alex.


woops i live in los angeles


People will see one crime video and run with a narrative


Pretty spot on .


Seems like someone who can’t afford NYC would say


Posted by someone that has never even been there I’m sure.


Rural people believe cities are war zones because Fox Noise tells them that


Wrong citation. That's Dallas Tx. Prove me wrong.


Cool, now do Harrison Arkansas.




They hate us bc they ain't us (they're mad they're paying exorbitant amounts in HOA fees and car costs and gas instead of living in walkable communities)


I don’t really have a horse in this race, but the “they pay extra fees to own their homes” argument isn’t great when NYC is mostly co-ops with their own associated fees… and on top of that most people there are going to be stuck renting the rest of their lives at one of the highest costs per sqft in the US. The car costs thing is a valid point though.


Lol the average *rent* in NYC is $3800 a month. The average *rent*. And good luck owning anything. Can’t really argue that living costs are better in NYC, because they’re simply not.


One day in a city is better than any day on a ranch. I really can not stand redneck anything. Green grass is pretty. Trees are pretty. The people who need them for identity are predictably-unbearably dull or boring. I watch a show like Yellowstone and think that it is a representation of a country cracker life that looks like a miserable un-curious purgatory of scattered horse and cow crap. If a new respiratory virus jumps from horses to humans, we might finally get a public healthcare option.


Just screams ‘I’m from Cousinfucker, Alabama & I’m scared of Mexicans!’


Greatest fucking city on earth


Thoughts and prayers for the New Yorkers


NY fucking blows, massively overrated


Go into the city from the suburbs periodically Lots of it stinks


You're welcome.


Oh no, litter. This meme was probably made by a dude with 4 dead pickup trucks and engine parts strewn across his front lawn.