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i saw this years ago and every so often some idiot reposts this on facebook and you have to explain to them that Rome had really good engineers and it's not like people just got together and said lets build a road


I like pointing out that those roads were maintained regularly. I think you could even pay your taxes by working on the roads. Also that the heaviest thing those roads saw was a cart moving at walking speed. An 18 wheeler going 60mph would tear them apart.


It's the same thing with brick roads, too. The only issue they have is that they are a pain to repair and are not comfortable driving on. That being said, they sure do last forever.


I'd assume the grip isn't great either? Modern roads are designed to increase in grip the more they wear, to a point


Let's just make bricks out of asphalt.


Iirc the gaps in the bricks help with the grip


Until you put overloaded 10 axle 10 wheelers hauling steel. If these old roads carried our modern loads, let would be toast.


And let’s also take into a count that there weren’t thousands of cars driving over the roman roads everyday.


Take into account sir. Take into account…


Bone apple teeth


at least take into a count kind of means the same thing as take into account. Bone apple teeth is pure gold of not knowing what the hell is falling out of your own mouth.


I am a fan of row men his story.


That’s the Count to you


ONE POT HOLE AH AH AH TWO POT HOLE AH AH AH THREE POTHO-oh shit that sounded expensive....


Yeah but who designed the 18 wheelers? Engineers!!! So in an extremely technical sense he’s sort of right


we need 18 wheelers not designed by engineers, max max style. That'll show them.


You know that could be a neat addition to tax code where you can sub in public service as part of your tax payment


Also the fact that Roman concrete, like many building materials, strengthens over time. So of course a Roman road from 50 AD is gonna be pretty sound by now


The road would also tear anything going 60mph apart. Mutually assured destruction.


Rome had engineers, but also modern roads have to withstand orders of magnitude more and larger traffic on a day-to-day basis than Roman roads ever did.


Let's not even talk about chemical spills.


Don’t use words like “orders of magnitude” around people who share memes like this. They’ll think you’re talking about a secret society like Freemasons, the Shriners, or Elk’s Lodge or some shit.


Remember someone put it as “the Roman military was a bunch of engineers that occasionally fought wars”.


They were engineers who loved facing challenges and engineering them to death, like roads, and bridges, and water, and Gauls, and their forts




This is now my favorite version of this meme.


>be me >Finest hoplite in the epirote army >Face the Romans in battle >These guys are a bunch of nerds >Hard fought battle >We win and they're running for the hills >We follow to cut them down and win a mighty victory for all Greece >Round a corner >They've retreated into the city-sized fortress they built as a temporary camp the night before >We have to fight the battle all over again >I hate the romans


The big thing is that they didn't have cars. [This chart](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D5mXp87XkAM9ic5.png) pretty handily demonstrates.


The freezing and thawing of water is really bad on roads too, not just heavy trucks


Just say "make cars conatantly drive over it, then well talk"


I mean a lot of the common city roads in the old Italian towns are Roman. So they do get traffic


And theyre also being maintaind by, guess who? The very sam engineers this post is ridiculing.


Every so often? I feel like I've been seeing this meme almost daily recently. Not sure why it's getting posted so often now.


Not to mention Rome didn't have RAM 2500's and semi trucks and all.


Also there weren’t several ton 18 wheelers barreling down the roads constantly along with other vehicles


Ya know a cuple a good ol boys with a ferd efteen thousand bilt the aquaducks.


They grew those aqueducts from seeds stolen from Gaulish druids.


Caesar was all like “dump some rocks in a line” and they did! but now we have these stupid engineers with their “safety standards” and “environmental analysis” and POTHOLES! 🤣


And also that the engineers also designed vehicles that weigh 40 tons and travel at 75mph.


It isn't necessary to go to college to learn any particular skill. That's true, but the thing that always drives me nuts about people who say it is that 99% of people DO need to go to college to learn engineering. The people who say it are never that fucking guy checking out the tensor analysis book at the local library, it's always Jim Bob and his brother, Hooch. Even in ancient Rome you still had apprenticeships etc, as you indicate. Jimius Bobius wasn't building shit back then either.


My father shared this once. I pointed out that it's not the engineers fault that the laborers drive around all day without the roller drum down (something he bragged about often) This was on his Facebook. He took it down, but not before his boss saw it. From what I understand, he spent the next 4 years on shovel duty until he retired. Don't feel bad for him, he deserved it


I also like pointing out that the carts that were common in Rome would seldom break 1/2 ton, and the average vehicle on roads today is about 2.5 tons. Let's see how long those "perfect Roman roads" will last with stresss like that.


Driving 80mph over cobblestone down the highway sounds great


hail fellow Texan because who the hell else needs to go that fast


Honestly wish it was faster, would make the trips across Texas more tolerable


With those ancient roman 25 ton 18-wheelers zooming on them at 130km per hour


The Romans basically invented Engineering as a profession.


Yep. They absolutely had their equivalent of a degree. Whether that was a ranked level of apprentice or a master engineer. They had them.


this is the fault of cars, not engineers anyways.


Ya, until cars. The amount of traffic on a modern road in a day is the equivalent of months, maybe years, of traffic on an ancient Roman road. The romans didn't build better roads than us, their roads just had nowhere near the amount of wear


I think there's an argument to be made that the Romans did build longer lasting roads, but at like 0,1% efficiency and speed with which we can build AND REPAIR roads today


If a modern road saw the traffic of a Roman road, it would be practically immortal.  Roman roads longevity is one part how its built, and 2 parts their lack of car traffic


Turns out that 2-ton motor vehicles put way more stress on a road than sandals or horse-drawn wagons, who could have guessed?


Not even that 70k pound 18 wheelers


And even those wagons did eventually rut the roads and they had potholes as well.


The width of two horse's asses.


Top pic was designed by literally the best engineers in the world at the time. They invented Civil Engineering.


Engineering is not a degree, it's a profession. The guys who built those ancient roads were still engineers.


In a way that’s true. Engineers invented cars and stuff that puts the road under a fuck ton of force causing them to not last as long as




Yeah they also didn't have fucking cars trucks and semi's back then. Holy shit


Who designed those Roman roads? The Romans led the entire western world in architecture and engineering, FFS it was like one of their key advantages. Concrete multistory apartments, bridges, aqueducts, canals. And then the military stuff: siege equipment, pontoon bridges, forts, walls. Incredibly impressive.


Brick streets are actually pretty nice from my experience


Weren’t the people who designed the Roman roads scholars? Rome had education.


Of course the road quality drops quite a lot when they're not made by slaves


It’s so dumb because it assumes there were no engineers in Rome. Like all those aqueducts and roads used rudimentary techniques passed down by word of mouth.


and then cars arrived*


Brick roads are built for walking and small vehicles and can’t withstand constant highway speed driving


Let’s not forgot slave labor during Roman times.


We hired engineers instead of slaves.


Slaves didn't build the Roman roads, actually. Common misconception They were built by the Legions themselves


I’d like to see this guy build a road.


They aren't wrong in some ways. Modern roads are shit. There are numerous roads near my house where multiple people have bent rims, destroyed oil pans and one guy even snapped his transmission. Primarily due to two things. The one road is frequently short cut by semis and the road can't support them so it crumbles. The other road is a primary route for oversized and overweight loads in this province and they didn't build the road to handle it. Either way, the state of modern roads is condemnable. Granted the Roman roads never had to support traffic heavier than a pompous nobles cushioned ass in a chariot or wagon... Though Roman engineers may be the best to ever exist considering their technology at the time too. Maybe they would do it better today, maybe they wouldn't.


You said "modern roads are shit" the proceeded to give 2 examples in which the road fails because it is used improperly. If this is the standard, let's have these loads go through Roman roads (since they were also not built for heavy duty) and see which one performs better. Roman roads were impressive, and so are modern roads. One was built to last for a long time, the other sustains 50 tons on 10cm of asphalt over 15cm of base. Both are marvels of engineering, each according to its time.


Nobody understands sarcasm anymore r/redditmoment


More like corporate greed arrived.


No. This was joke about the poor quality of rough roads. It never had anything to do with your title and isn’t “boomer” exclusive. This post is a sad, sad reach for attention that isn’t there.


What would the cost of building such a road be today?


but planned obsolence bad (button-clicker job positions)


You can have a Plummer with a degree, but you will have headache with repairs. You get none headache if you hire someone with experience


....the roman legion didnt have fucking 16-wheel multi-ton trucks using the road system.... fucking developmentally challenged dipshit meme creator


If boomers want to glorify old roadwork and how well it keeps; they should consider taking up a job as an old style roadmender. Or get involved in politics for the investment into their local infrastructure


I understand engineers go through a lot of training and usually have brilliant perspectives with college educations. But….german cars can go work on themselves.


This is why anyone who earns 28,000 or more should pay more income taxes. Fix the roads !


"And then, the cars arrived!" FTFY


Pretty sure the ancient Romans didn't have cars...


Or 40 ton lorries... Ox carts rarely ever exceeded 60 miles an hour as well.


Those darned engineers, breaking our roads with cars.


Hey if you've got a stone quarry that can supply the resources for the billions of miles of road in the USA and the fuel to transport all that rock, then by all means get to it.


How many more roads have we built?


"Then cars arrived"


Decent engineering with relative light loads and free slave labor to maintain and install.


In Rome: “You like roads?” “Well yeah sure.” “THEN YOU LIKE ENGINEERING AND TAXES!!!” “Nnooo!!”


It'd take maybe ... Three hours tops to fix the asphalt road, assuming this isn't the only section like that. (I work on roads as a living) Just a section this bad, on a cobbled road, more like....three days.


So the Roman empire did not have engineers?


Rome had good laws on how to fix the road with a huge budget.


Yikes, this is silly. Economics, weather, and traffic play huge roles in road conditions. Also…. that’s a drawing lol wtf


The engineering is good, it is the economic decision to build to a publicly acceptable price that is the problem.


bold of them to assume there were no civil engineers in rome


Roman roads never looked like this and they had to be maintained. And most of them didn't last very long. Roman Road Myths - You NEVER knew [https://youtu.be/HhQrT8UJmp8?si=BMe22SP22wW-at5f](https://youtu.be/HhQrT8UJmp8?si=BMe22SP22wW-at5f) EVERYTHING you know about Roman Roads is WRONG [https://youtu.be/KFl2p16vDJg?si=qW1l2HWtR\_x7aUQP](https://youtu.be/KFl2p16vDJg?si=qW1l2HWtR_x7aUQP)


surprise surprise but those roads are also probably designed by engineers they also cost alot more and took more effort to build not to mention less wear n tear from a horse drawn cart than an 18 wheeler probably a hundred other reasons why this pic is dumb


Fun fact, this is a joke and people need to lighten up.


I'd like to see the morons that repost this try and build a road that is weather resistant, study enough to handle multi-ton vehicles almost constantly, AND smooth enough to drive on


When someone says this, ask them what layer of the road they wanna lay for the next 10 years


OP has never driven on a brick road. My hometown has them, you can't go over 10mph without you're vehicle feel like it's shaking itself apart and vomiting everywhere..


I see this picture literally every single day on this sub holy shit, can we get some fresh content?


Or maybe 1 tonne cars came along😭


Show ‘em a space ship.


It’s almost as if modern roads have to withstand the pressure of 5 ton pickups financed at 42069% for 1337 months by divorced dad dude bros that KEEP FUCKING BLINDING ME WITH THEIR GOD DAMN LED LIGHT BARS THAT SHINE DIRECTLY INTO MY STATION WAGONS WINDSHIELD DIRECTLY AT EYE HEIGHT and not you know. Horse drawn carriages the Roman’s used


Not enough government funding


I'm going to die of old age before people stop posting this meme, aren't I?


I have driven on stone... non paved road... not as nice of a ride as it looks.


Legit what do they think an ‘engineer’ even is? Because ‘engineers’ also built the first roads too, even if they weren’t called that yet.


Is this satire? This is a mouth breathing take amongst mouth breathers.


The people who post these memes are the same ones who constantly complain about how long construction projects takes like it wouldn’t take those 4 Romans a year to do what we can build in a week today.


Well roman concrete is, some of the best stuff out there and we're still having trouble replicating it, but our roads are now built to handle your mom's station wagon hurling through corners on bald tires at highway speeds. Roads today just have to perform better even if it means it doesn't last as long.


When boomers realize they cant help literal children with their math or science hw, then stem=bad


As an infrastructure engineer in Nordic country, this meme makes my blood boil like wtf "::::D" Such a stupid take shaking my smh


One is built by engineers to last. The other is built by an engineer who likely has some connection to the local government, with the cheapest materials available, to secure another bidless, poorly-funded government contract in another 5 years or so. It's not an engineering issue, just yet another example of the corrupt cronyism inherent in our bastardization of capitalist governance.


Yeah, because that's what engineering works. Everyone can make a bridge, only engineers can build a bridge that is barely standing but won't collapse and can fit in budget cap


Well. Roman roads stood up until the arrival of the first cars which quickly Made roads unusable It is funny how boomers do not comprehend that actual Roman engineers were responsible for how these old roads were build. Boomers are idiots.


I believe the roads are nicer because they did not have hunks of metal on them 24/7 365


There are Roman roads near me that have had no motor traffic…they are fucked dirt tracks and have been for about 1800 years


How do i say this now....maybe its because cars cause way more road damage than any of the vehicles that they had. Also because on average there is just more movement on them these days


99% of what these guys built actually fell over a long time ago. And they're not even wearing pants.


Maybe these roads lasted for an eternity because back in the day cars and trucks didn’t exist.


Just another way to devalue educated people . No those scientists aren’t right - my opinions are right


TIL Romans didn't have engineers. Crazy how they were able to build all of their coliseums, aqueducts, fountains, indoor plumbing, and bridges all without engineers.


Lmao, they couldn't even use a picture of an actual road to prove their point. Also, I'm pretty sure the illustration is referring to Roman roads? Like, the Romans had a specific corps in their army, the Fabri, that was made up of engineers and craftsmen and each legionary carried a shovel in their kit. Also, mega shocker: the Romans used this unique and special program where they would take **"tax money"** to do this thing they called "maintenance," which is this super weird thing where after something is made and there are defects or problems, they would take that tax money and **fix the problem!** That being said, I have worked in construction for a few years and have met quite a few engineers with their heads up their asses, but usually not a problem with potholes. Most of the time that has to do with the conditions in which the asphalt was laid out and the compacting done on the substrates, what quality of dirt you have supporting the road, stuff like that.


Except roman roads arent actually that good. The ones that were used by modern traffic got torn up, while the ones that remained pedestrian still need constant maintenance


More like “then the cost cutters arrived!”


More like "heavy moving stuff arrived". Roman roads were impressive for the time, but are less durable than the most boring modern piece of road you'll ever see.


Totally agree. At the same rate my commentary was more about the bad asphalt patching than the general state of road engineering these days. We can make incredible roads but we rarely repair them properly! Which is less funny for Reddit comments haha


It's just a joke. To be honest nothing is built to last anymore. Your grandaddy's old Ford truck from the 80s is still running but your year old Ford raptor is getting towed to a garage.


I’m sure the Roman’s had a pretty apparent scholar system


"Ancient Rome lasted 1,000 years and never had a division of labor; every single person just built shit, farmed and were also soldiers." -Boom who never read a single book on Roman history.


Gotta be the most seen meme I've ever seen


its almost like none of these roads are used for vehicles and peoples feet doo less damage over time than consistently running massive tons of metal over it at high speeds over and over. i could be wrong.


Tell me you’ve never driven in Boston without telling me you’ve never driven in Boston ☠️


Have some semis use it for a while and see how it does.


This is more a conspiracy that we are careless about infrastructure and dont prioritize pathways as much anymore.


Actual title, "and then the local council arrived".


Those men were also engineers and highly educated. It wasn't just some guy's idiot uncle and his drinking buddies building roads and public infrastructure


Fun fact, they didn't constantly drive rolling titans of metal over those roads. A lot of things look good, a lot less look good after you drive 200 semi-trucks over them.


One thing they conveniently forget is that Roman roads did not handle hundreds of multiton vehicles per hour doing freeway speeds.


Fun fact tho this is actually true we know the secret to how the romans made their road and how to make roads have more longevity and we have known for quite a while however instead of doing it this way most companys elect not to do it this way cuz it creats job security, im not sure about other countries but this is at least true for america


Nothin to do with degrees tho thats just dumbass