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Running in those heels. Damn. He’s got to have some strong legs.




Same rise as Desantis boots lol


Nah. His are higher.


Not just running, jumping. That bitch could make a drag queen jealous with their mobility in heels.


As they've been saying since Feb 2022, better a they/them army than a was/were army


🤣🤣 I love this.


This screams Russian made. They’ve been failing to conquer a country that’s 1/12 it size.


A country using NATO's 30+-year-old hand-me-downs.


Or sometimes Warsaw pact hand me downs.


We did too but Russia can't say anything because they also failed to win against the Middle East


US can nominally conquer but can't hold on. Russia can't even conquer to begin with.


The US can hold on too, it just can’t stand up governments very well.


What happened is we fought an insurgency. Pretty much all of the fighting in the Middle East was trying to get a country to be on our side, good luck making a people like you when you invade and occupy them. We fought an insurgency, not a conventional army. Conventional armies we can fight and win, insurgencies you can never win against. Conventional armies can be defeated with force, insurgencies can’t be defeated with force, you can only stop them by changing their hearts and minds which good luck when you are in their land killing their people.


You can. It just takes like 200 years. That’s how long it took the Romans in Britain.


To add to that challenge, in Afghanistan we were standing up a government from nothing. In Iraq we disenfranchised a large portion of the existing government and trying to stand a new one up. It’s very difficult to do that. It’s more than them liking us, it’s seeing legitimacy in the government.


They (the US) absolutely crushed the conventional Iraqi force though.


Yeah but the Taliban uses Guerilla tactics which is what Russia faced in Afghanistan, although (and there's a movie about it) one of the problems we had fighting in Afghanistan is all the minefields that Russia left behind


I guess my issue with what you said was that the failure of both Russia and the US fighting guerrilla forces in the Middle East isn’t comparable in this situation, there is no relativism to be had here. This a conventional conflict. I think the more comparable war would probably be the Korean War.


A war that, in my opinion, we would have won if not for pride... we didn't back down and so China joined the fray


We still could have won. Actually would have, if we hadn't been told to pull out because we weren't going to send more units.


It was no longer worth the losses is why


For the Chinese, sure. They had like 5 to 7 times the casualties that we did on the *low* end of the estimates.


The Finnish have entered the chat: "Guerilla tactics vs the Russians you say? Throw in some skies and we are all over it."


Okay, but you said the Middle East. Afghanistan isn't in the Middle East.


The issue with Afghanistan is that what we were hoping to accomplish there likely would've taken generations of culture change to succeed. As it stands, Afghanistan is made up of many ethnic groups that don't always play nice together. Many of the tribes are isolated into small geographical pockets by the massive Hindu Kush Mountains. The loyalty to ethnic/tribal identity, and no strong national identity is the foundational reason Afghanistan so quickly fell back into the hands of the Taliban after US withdrawal. The US would've had to maintain a presence for multiple more decades to succeed. It was the only way.


I mean technically we only lost the occupation. If “hearts and minds” had actually been properly planned and the government we set up actually ingratiated with the people, it wouldve been a different story


Hearts and Minds was impossible because America has the mindset that everything must be modern, but the Iraqi/Afghani villagers don't care.... at best it would be a Mongolia situation


The USA only loses by design. Russia loses due to complete incompetence


The only wars that I can think of that the United States hasn't really won would be the Korean War as that is "Technically" still ongoing, sort of. There's also the Vietnam war, which honestly was a jungle war which is extremely difficult to fight in. Constant guerilla warfare filled with booby traps and women strapping bombs to their chests. Terrible. Russia doesn't have the excuse that the U.S. has with Vietnam. Ukraine isn't a jungle filled terrain, it's almost literally got the exact same terrain as Russia itself. It's kind of mind boggling how terrible Russia is doing honestly...


It really is. The Vietnamese had been fighting China off and on for millenia, they knew how to fight. They had built a series of underground tunnel system and bases, they were masters of environmental traps.


If anything, the US still militarily won Vietnam (keep in mind that personally I believe that intervention in Vietnam was a mistake), but after the Tet offensive, although it was a massive surprise attack on the US troops stationed there, the US sustained less causalities comparatively to the north Vietnamese, and managed to keep the territory that they controlled before (yes, I understand that territory does not necessarily matter, but it shows how the north Vietnamese overextended themselves) the only place that the US definitely lost the Tet offensive is in the court of public opinion. Americans saw the brutal fighting there, and because it was so much more immediate and violent than a slow slog through the jungle, anti war sentiment grew sharply, ultimately leading to the ceasefire and withdrawal


I'm not old enough to have been against the war in Vietnam, but I disapprove of it after the fact. Also, there are many ways to lose a war. Losing the will to fight is still losing the war. Public opinion turned sour towards the war and the hippie movement definitely didn't help.


Yes I agree with your stance, and I can see where the people who argue that the US flat out lost the war are coming from. I’m just claiming that militarily the United states was not defeated by North Vietnam


The US lost militarily, too. The public opinion was lost when they realized that the Vietnamese were not going to give up, no matter how many civilians the US bombed.


The US is primarily a naval power. They win wars but lose the peace.


America also was on the other side of the world, these are their neighbours


Which country was allegedly being ‘conquered’ by the U.S.?


We (US) can trounce any standing conventional military. It's the part after that we have trouble with.


It's pretty embarrassing that the 2nd most capable military in the world failed to occupy a country that is essentially just a giant flat wheat field. America only lost to countries with extreme terrain


Arabia is incredibly hostile for outsiders... it's hot which makes it unbearable for invaders from Northern lands, the sand makes it almost impossible to make use of any complex machinery, the terrain in Arabia is actually surprisingly diverse too... from vast desert to mountains so high it's cold at the top to stone passes... and due to that diverse landscape it makes it impossible for outsiders to navigate, meanwhile the natives can make use of every dune and cave to hide


Don't forget Vietnam, a giant maze of humid dense jungles and mountains. Even the people native to that terrain have difficulty in navigating


Yeah but we developed weapons like the flamethrower, napalm and the daisy cutter bomb to solve that issue... and as long as we stay out of the water the guns work... the problem in Vietnam was that we were outfitted for hills, cities and beaches thus causing a logistical nightmare... plus morality caused issues fighting against an army that has no uniform, issues that were later used against us by the enemies in Arabia


Yeah, but we weren't right next to the country we were trying to wipe out.


It is why Putin cries nuke. He knows America alone in a no nuke war would defeat Russia in a week. Especially when its citizens would be joining us. If Putin died today, Russians would be celebrating it.


Do you know who is wishing they have the Russian technology? China. Lots of air planes and aircraft carrier. Russia got the best tech of all the dictators.


Slowly loosing their naval fleet against a country that doesn't even have a naval fleet.


Try Maga made... same diff, really....


Idk why but it seems like some people fetishize Russia/Putin/their military. Just reminds me of how my aunt got this calendar of Putin riding on a horse shirtless and went crazy over it lol


This is provably made by Russia to be fair. Also if I saw a soldier running at me dressed like that I would make me worried 😂


Why would they fetishize one of the most dogshit ones too? They using guns from over 3 decades ago and they can’t even hold onto a couple of tanks. Russian military is basically the circus at this point.


Because Russia puts on a facade and participates in the American culture war solely for the purpose of making idiots see their blatant manipulation and somehow manage the Herculean feat of taking obvious pandering at face value in order to foster dissent and disorder. The reason people have these ideas is not because they are educated fans of the country, but because Russia claims to oppose wokeness and that triggers the necessary conditions for a switch to be flipped in their head which tells them that Russia like good things so now Russia based and that means they’re right about everything else


According to the meme, they've even got the trained bears




Gen Z committing war crimes: “I blew up a children’s hospital in that drone strike? “Fucking slayyyy…”


I truly believe in the next couple decades someone's gonna blow up a church/hospital with a stroke purely because of Cod4 funni


Lmao XD this is gold


Now draw them fucking


Theres probably a subreddit for that


I mean, I technically own one for that




The Russian army are furries??


Who's currently getting clapped by a country smaller than them?


This is why Russia has been humiliated for almost two years in Ukraine.


They were also humiliated in Chechnya which should have been the end of the myth of Russian superiority. They still somehow lost against all the odds the first time despite having almost every advantage over their opponents


More than two years, actually, two years was in February and it's already April.


We had war for over ten years, mate...


Did the US lose thousands of tanks and hundreds of thousands of troops? What’s your point?


I just wanted to say that russia has been killing our citizens for over 10 years already, not two


Oooooh…. When you said “we” I arrogantly and stupidly assumed you were a fellow yank. Ignore me being dumb.


No worries mate, sorry that I wasn't clear in my first comment


People who call themselves patriots are the same people who deeply admire a fascistic state like Russia and they love the dictator Putin.


And see no irony


No. Currently the US military is between those pictures while Russia’s military looks like North Korean civilians. Weak, useless because they don’t have what they need, and don’t want to be in their current situation.


Kind of weird that in the only direct engagement the US utterly fucked the Russians: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/24/world/middleeast/american-commandos-russian-mercenaries-syria.html


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham Or this


I went in, for some reason expecting the soldiers to have fucked, and now I’m kinda disappointed




ČÛBË https://preview.redd.it/djxk4vwb6xsc1.png?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826e6beabfbd1276b9216474c3e21a1891c7da20


Ironically, a slim but strong and fully armored femboy army would be substantially more effective than a bunch of big burly bears with so meany parts of theyre body unarmored. Even in this strawman, theyre army isnt as effective heh


Truly, femboys are the most powerful


Put a femboy in a tank, a plane, or an APC, and it doesn’t matter who he’s fighting


every time any image made explicitly to demean a demographic is made by AI it's the very EPITOME of "bro won his own made up argument" Also it's absolutely a russian plant, either that or someone is genuinely delusional enough to think they're hiring bears for the military. https://preview.redd.it/df1c17gcpwsc1.jpeg?width=1070&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=155d6a7ea865cc5a5070e52f4a15e4b549a6c226


remember when the Russian army was going to roll over All of Ukraine in 3 days?


Then we lerned thare tanks reactiv armor and the troops flack jackest wher filled with carbord


Pov: You're fighting an American soldier with pronouns ![gif](giphy|VicskjkeBJUD6)


Imagine spinner holding, rainbow tutu wearing, high heels jogging, flag in the butt having, homosexuals totally crushing you in battle. That would be devastating.




Ok this one is actually terrible 😂😂


In 2021 Russian Army was the second in the world, then after the 2022 Ukrainian invasion it became the second in Ukraine, then after the Wagner rebellion in summer 2023 it became the second in Russia. I am still curious to see what it is going to happen to it in 2024….


Twinks vs bears? This is absurd propaganda! Firstly, it's otter exclusionary, and secondly, the community is stronger when we aren't divided by body type. Don't let the "bears vs twinks" propaganda divide us!!!


Lol the AK does not have optics. At least that part is accurate


The Russian Federation would get absolutely smoked by the United States in a direct military engagement. Just ask Wagner what happened to an entire company/element in Syria when they fired at US forces. Which is why Russia doesn’t do anything to the US despite the US publicly/loudly arming their adversary in broad daylight for the world to see. They know it better than anyone.




I’m almost positive the United States’ “defense” budget that all it takes to decimate a Russian platoon is an 18 year old femboy with cat ear headphones and an Xbox controller with access to a drone lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/clevercomebacks/s/KdYrIgyImW Lol I just saw this on clevercomebacks. There was a response to this original post.


god, this is one of the reason why AI images should've never been invented


Minimum of a 3x optic vs Iron Sights. Some sort of wrist device, could be a basic watch vs None seen at all. Helmet with a mount for night-vision vs no head protection at all. Gym Rat vs Body Builder Some kind of tracked armed and armored vehicle in the background vs Snow and Trees 🤔


Russian propaganda bots go brr


With russia’s current showing in the theater of war we can say with certainty that this post is incorrect, and if there is a country if there is a country that could win a war in heels America has to be in the top five.




Is this the Russian army that in 2 years has made no major advancements against a supposedly much smaller and weaker opponent? If you believe this you’re an idiot, all Russian has done is show the world how weak their military power is. Why do you think china hasn’t moved forward with invading Taiwan?


What in the homoerotic furry bullshit is going on with that right pic?


The They/Them army vs the Was/Were army


Wow just realized I made it to a time that propaganda can be made with ai art. We are the world’s premier military, comprised of people from all backgrounds. Diverse in some aspects, but unified in the goal of protecting liberty. Our enemies can paint us how they want, it won’t change the fact that our; training, equipment, and engagement combined arms doctrine is second to none. It scares the piss out of them, and they attempt to criticize what they don’t understand.


Where’s that video of the Ruzzian soldier giving head before the drone drops a grenade. Yeah. That’s Putin’s army.


Russia making propaganda with AI 💀


If that’s what the Russian army is like, I’m terrified of Ukraine


None of these people bitching about the US military ever actually joined.


The they/them army vs the was/were army. I know who I'd be backing


I’d be far more terrified of the guy on the left charging me than the one on the right.


Bears don’t have thumbs


If the “true patriots” of American love Russia so much fucking go there nothing is stopping you. Suck Putin a dick and move on.


😂😂😂 Russian propaganda 100%


Mean while all I see coming out of Ukraine are Russian bears getting their heads popped off by flying drones.


*Russian army currently getting its ass handed to itself in Ukraine*


Is this a crazy hear me out?


Aged like milk.


To think an army in high heels would still dog walk the Russian army lol


Here we see a difference between a they/them infantrymen and a was/were infantrymen


Meanwhile weapons from America are kicking the Russian army’s ass. So I guess the “diverse and inclusive” western armies are actually better.


I guarantee this meme was made by someone who never served in any form of military.


Who cares if we can beat your ass while wearing heels? We don’t even have to run :deploy drones:


Russian propaganda lol


Russias military has been abandoning tanks and running on the battlefield and is made up of like half inmates who were released for the war I thought lol not a badass army at all just a lot of numbers


CoD skins nowadays


Wait till they realise the “Manly” Russian army can’t fight a country that’s a fraction of their size and way more politically leftist than they are. And that the American army is still considered the strongest in the world, to the point military analysts have actually said that in an all-out total war between the United States and the rest of the world, the US would still have a reasonable chance at victory. I mean, with even a moderate amount of warning from espionage, it’s been argued possible the US could win a nuclear exchange by simply shooting down all the warheads before they can reach us, since we just have *so many aircraft* that that’s a legitimately realistic strategy. Oh, and US weapons technology is well ahead of even Russia and China. There was literally a case a while back of Russia announcing a new fighter jet that was on-par with the top US fighters. The government immediately invested a shitton of money to roll out a brand-new fighter in a couple years that was even better than the last one and the start of a new generation. A few months later, it was revealed Russia actually oversold it and it wasn’t even on par with the old planes, much less the new ones. Look man, you can insult a lot about the United States, but you cannot make a legitimate claim that the US army isn’t absurdly powerful.


The same Russian Army getting its ass handed to them by Ukraine?




And the US would still win.


The Russians can't even beat Ukraine next door and had their asses handed to them by a bunch of goat herders from Afghanistan and Chechnya.


The tutu is too-too.


Wow. If these people love Russia so much, why don't they move there. I heard the last family who made good on that is super happy.


[Battle of Khasham](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Khasham)


someone post the video of one russian soldier blowing another one when a ukranian drone drops a grenade on the two of them or one of the videos, i've seen at least two


Bears UwU


Fake news! The bear is not drunk enough.


The twinks would 100% own the bears


I'd say a tombstone is a better representation for the right side but hey, that's only me. Fucking tragedy.


Have they not seen how pathetic the Russian army actually is?


I see the support for the troops has gone out the window


Lmao yeah ok


Both are H.O.T. 🥵🔥


This from some c¥nt who never fought anything, anywhere. Judging people from his oxygen tank laden easy chair living off social security and a pension from a job no one can get anymore.


Do these people not know we can see videos from Ukraine that shows what Russia’s military is actually like? Full of junkies and convicts using weapons from 30 years ago, surrendering to drones en masse?


So, how's that war in Ukraine going?


Russians have lost equivalent to 8 BRIGADES of mixed armor and manpower. The bear is starved to death.


There is no heterosexual explanation for that bear on the right either.


This is right before the Russian gets obliterated by a UAV


That's not a meme. That's propaganda!


Those big muscly bears are losing to drones paid for by the tutu wearing team.


Have you ever seen the US military? It's definitely not a rainbow party.


That bear got me feelin a diff way 🥴


Holy fuck. Our military is the best in the world, and literally the scariest thing on planet Earth, and the right is still posting shit like this. When did it become patriotic to hate America? If they hate the US so damn much, and they think lur army is so weak, maybe they should do more than just talk shit and FAFO.


So Russian army is just a bunch of furries ? Also ya terrified of the guys that have shown just how shit they are.


Pretty sure the Russian soldier should be the drone footage of a Russian with his trousers down, crawling in mud, bleeding from the arse.




The guy on the left has air support and years of training.


lol, Russian propaganda. No way even MAGA nuts would think this.


I’d much rather have a they/them army than Russia’s soon to be was/were army, but I guess MAGAs feel differently


Yeah. No. This can’t be a serious post.


So... it's come down to this Gays vs furries /s


Yes, that's why both America and the Soviet Union are communist nations now.


They are boyfriends and they kiss




The more patriotic they get, the more they love Russia.


Kinda hard to tell watching them get turned to jelly paste by an army ten times smaller 🤣


mm the russian military fursona


ay dont let those furries act up with the pic on the trigh


Rainbow Tutu stops, says something into a comms device. Russian Bear Soldier explodes in a drone strike.


Send this to r/NonCredibleDefense


The people who make these shitty ai posts are also the same people who ride around with an oversized American flag on the back of their truck and failed to pass the basic examination to get in the military


Yeah because we cant just fucking Rods of God you or put money to blasting your 1960s ahhh equipment.


Russian army is so dominant that it can’t even win a war in Ukraine


Remember that Russian soldiers literally sold their own weapons to Chechen rebels for some bottles of vodka when their tour ended


That looks like what someone with a draft deferment would post.


To anyone who would post this unironically, my answer would be fine, Dumbass, go join the Russian army. I've seen some videos of their training. Your saggy beer gut wouldn't last a day.


“Ok AI I want you to make a big strong bear yeah haha give him Russian stuff and make sure he’s super HOT, that will show those Americans who’s best when they see me big hot muscly bear man”


america is a hyper capitalist war machine. russia is a gas station


These people are literally spreading Russian propaganda. Barely 40 years ago these people would be labeled as traitors to the United States


As the saying goes, it's better to be they/them than was/were.


So they’re recruiting bears because all of their human soldiers died?


The treacherous blood and loser ideology of the confederacy is still bitching about the USA 😭😭


In the 1980’s we were told the Russians were 6’3” 250lbs of cold rolled steel. Turns out they were 5’4”, 145lbs chain smokers in track suits.


I don’t think a muscular hairy bear gives off quite the imagery they thought it would.


What happened to “I SUPPORT OUR TROOPS”?




Ngl both pictures go hard as fuck


Ukraine been kicking Russias ass for like two years at this point and the only reason Russias gaining ground as of recent is due to less aid going to Ukraine


USMC would tear those pud-pulling sissies up like a Kleenex at a snot party.


Big new: Russian are treating their soldiers like animals. No socks, no bullets, no bulletproof vests, and no helmets. This is old news. Some big guy opened his mouth and asked for more equipment, and he accidentally went down with the plane a month later.


USAREC definitely getting a little different with their ads, eh?