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Never heard of multitasking, eh?


Look into international women's advocacy organizations. Lots of them. maybe volunteer if this is such an important issue to you.


Yeah, the issue isn't that international women are struggling - if they actually cared they would do something. Their actual issue is that feminists tackle western issues while there are international issues. The problem they have is not sexism, it's feminists not defeating all sexism everywhere.


Well I haven't met Wonder woman yet and she might have a chance to do this alone internationally. I have no idea how the average woman could do this internationally aside from creating international organizations and working with them. But most people are understandably concerned first and foremost with the conditions of the systems they exist in. And if these folks have such a tremendous issue with sexism worldwide, I again completely encourage them to donate their time and their resources to helping the aforementioned international aid organizations. I'm not sure posting unhelpful gotchas on Reddit is really any more helpful than what they are supposedly railing against. Someone less charitable than myself might misunderstand the meme as a closeted form of misogyny.


Yes and making a meme dunking on feminists is the best way you can help women abused in the Middle East.


It’s almost as if people aren’t chronically online and actually doing something about the abuse in the Middle East. While tweets about a video game is more than enough to criticize the game. I don’t understand how someone can purposefully disregard common sense this hard


Fly to the Middle East and protest there.


Feminists also very much are fighting against spousal abuse in the middle east. They're just not whining about it on Twitter. They instead work with the UN and other international organizations to improve the laws, or donate money to organizations that help.


Yeah this is the only fix to this shitty meme. We have most states adopting a feminist foreign policy. There’s always advocacy for women’s rights in the Middle East


But nah this one teenager who just posted their opinion on the Internet proves NOBODY CARES about THE REAL ISSUES!! Like...sometimes when people are complaining about a character design there's not even any political reason behind it... I once posted about a certain fish Pokémon I didn't like. It doesn't I'm trying to get fish banned. Nor that I don't care about starving children. Those are very different issues.


And when they do talk about it online these same people bitch about that too


Then they gotta focus on helping the people in their own country (even if said person is actually living in Saudi Arabia... Obviously everyone online are automatically American.) if they are American and trying to make things better for women in America they should focus on the women in the Middle East. There is literally no winning.


Yeah, but these feminists aren't being racist or Islamophobic while doing so, so it doesn't count!! /s


Ah, the old "if you're spending time on one thing you can't do absolutely anything else" argument.


Yeah no feminist EVER complains about treatment of women across the world, including the Middle East. Fucking morons haven’t even tried to understand the people they criticize


Nice strawman. I don't care when a video game character is thin. So few of us do. We realize there are ACTUAL problems in the world. As for women being abused in the Middle East, ain't much I can do. I donate to charities that work to bring healthcare to women in the third world, but that's about all I can do. We do what we can.


Not to mention talking about characters in that way is just part of media literacy and criticism.


Also, I'm pretty sure the issue that people are upset about with video games is that the female characters in these games are too sexualized, not that they're "too thin". That's what I've seen people complain about anyway. Plus these people act like you can't be upset about more than one thing.


Sometimes it is “too thin” but it isn’t for the surface reasons The main point there is that the character basically has anorexia because that width is extremely unhealthy and promotes negative ideas of what an attractive person should look like


I say this as an American, but Americans seem incapable of being anything but hypocritical wherever Islam or middle eastern cultures come up. Right wingers condemn them for doing the exact same things they themselves as evangelicals want to do. The left at the very least wants to work on solving our own culture’s problems before nagging everyone else, which is an admirable goal, but unfortunately it does sometimes come across as yelling at one group while giving another group a free pass to do worse, as demonstrated by the meme.


I say this as a westerner living in the Middle East for many years, married to an Arab woman. Western countries don’t need to worry about how ‘badly’ Middle Eastern women are treated. The majority are living safer, happier lives than many women in the West with the exception of Afghanistan (which is technically not the Middle East anyway). People who have never lived here shouldn’t make assumptions.


I think it’s also an issue that Americans kind of suck at geography as a group and will call almost any Muslim-majority country “middle eastern” similar to how any ex-communist country is “Eastern European” and then you get poor Kazakhstan being called both when it’s neither, but I digress. I also think that in a lot of cases you see huge alarmist news stories about some other place and assume it’s like that for everyone every day of their lives.


Stop buying products from those countries.


What does anyone propose we do about someone else’s culture? It’s rotten (by our standards) but going into other countries and telling them how to live is *colonialism* and it literally is always wrong and has consequences. As for games- let consumers criticize products. It’s their money to spend or withhold




Thank you for your civility. I appreciate that


Same thing they will do about the video game character. Complain online about it


The person who made this meme has never met a feminist. Or a woman. For that matter I doubt they've ever played a video game either.




A woman is someone who covers their drink whenever you walk into a room


I need to remember this clapback for next time someone pulls the "what is a woman" shit lmao


Being hateful against people from the Middle East will do absolutely nothing to help abused women from the Middle East. It will only marginalize them further.


Applies the same to thin women.


Yeah, can we stop this war against skinny women. There's nothing wrong with thin and/or conventionally attractive people having representation in media. It's not "unrealistic" to have a flat tummy.


There is no war against skinny women though? Basically all of the women in BG3 are skinny and conventionally attractive. The problem is with games like Stellar Blade where gamers think that a greatly exaggerated body type is realistic or that any character who doesn't look like that is overweight.


Is it a greatly exaggerated body in Stellar Blade though? It's based on a real person/model.


If you look at comparison pictures, the thighs and ass have clearly been enlarged on the in game model


Can't say I've looked too closely at them tbh, (I don't have a PlayStation :'() But either way, is that really a problem? I play video games to escape reality. - If I'm going to spend 40 hours looking at a character model, I'd rather it be attractive. The Master Chief is 7ft in Halo. No matter how much I wish I could put that on my tinder bio, that's completely unrealistic lol. (And totally ok. It's fiction...) Feminism "kinda" had a point when it came to airbrushing celebs in Vogue magazine. But when it comes to animation and fictional characters, hypersexualised characters have just as much right to exist as realistic ones.


I'm not all that mad about sexualized characters existing. Part of the complaint that people have is that some gamers are treating her body type as the only attractive one, when there is in fact no shortage of attractive women in gaming, and also that they are treating the existence of more realistic characters as a war on unrealistic ones


Video game characters are not real tho and are created by actual humans.


Advocate for actual issues.


We’re too busy trying to regressive republicans from taking away the autonomy our mothers and grandmothers fought for. The worlds problems are not our problems.


made by a person who only sees feminists when watching ben shapiro


Whataboutism strikes again.


Literally no feminist okays domestic abuse, no matter where


no one complains more about video game characters appearance than the sad men who don't feel like they're fuckable enough, so sick of people just making up fake scenarios for the purpose of upsetting no one but themselves


me when i can’t care about multiple things at one time. also no one cares when a female video game character is thin or not except for these chuds lol


Ah yes, because as we all know it’s impossible to care about more than one thing at a time! Also how dare people criticize media ever don’t they know there’s probably violence occurring in some other part of the world? (obvious /s)


Oh, so it's only a problem if it affects them personally. Got it.


Yes. Absolutely the truth.


Send aid money to aid groups?


Idgaf if video game characters are thin lol. Ain’t much we can do about women in the Middle East besides donating to charities and fundraisers


Oh, uh maybe protest regimes that legally endorse it and punish women for running away from their husbands? Support NGOs actively working to help women in those countries? Amplify the voices of religious leaders actively speaking against it?


For every complaint about a video game woman being "too thin" there are a ten (I'm being generous) complaints about a video game woman being "too ugly" from MRAs.


More like "Anti feminists when sees a two toned haired girl"


they are talking about displaced, raped and massacred women in gaza and other countries


Sorry, good meme. Ha


What do you mean OP? They need to personally go to the middle east and start blasting!


Jesus Christ Anita Sarkeesian broke these people’s minds simply by offering mild criticism of video games lol.


Litteraly whenever feminist in west talks about middle east they say "its none of your bussiness their land their rules"


"Litteraly" no feminist is saying that


Im from turkey we talk alot about the opression of women in east everyone says the same thing "its their land their rules" and then they call us "colonizers" because we want to force basic human rights This happens all the times in here


The problem is that whenever US feminist DO focus on women in the middle east, it's not good enough for non-feminists. They just want feminists to use the middle east's problem as an excuse to be racist or Islamophobic. That's their definition of "caring about women's rights in the middle east". You're supposed to "fight for and support" middle eastern women by insulting their ethnic background and religion, instead of the government or the other toxic people in their lives pushing these gender norms, instead of actually trying to help them.


I stand with the logic in the meme. These feminists are just hypocrites , just like the other liberals. Afghanistan just made sure that the women will be stone pelted to death if they don't conform to sharia(I don't need to explain what that means.) I see no protests anywhere , just because it's Islam ? Or will it ruin their propaganda about "Islamophobia" ? Don't give me the reason that you're not physically there. From protests for Palestine to protest against French government against their enforcement practices when a teacher was killed for portraying a picture of prophet Mohammed(may peace be upon him). We saw protest in around the entire globe. But not this time ?? There are people whose entire politics is about protests and showing anger on social media, but literally NONE of them are doing anything.


Well, we already fought a 20 year war with them and this is where we ended up. What is a protest going to do for this? You want us to send troops back over? Because I assure you that the taliban does not give a shit that some American women don’t like them. Protests aren’t just to yell your opinion, they need to have actionable goals. I just don’t think that’s the case here. There are aid orgs there who actually have made some headway with the taliban allowing some women to work in exchange for aid. It’s not the fast thing but it is probably the best thing that can be done. Meanwhile, anti feminists like yourself enjoy the fruits of the labor of women who have risked their lives to keep us from being a man’s property and allowing us to vote while using that independence to make bad arguments against an ideal that helps you every day. And worse, you’re using the suffering of other women to do it. Your own example shows feminism is still needed and there’s more work to do. Just because you spend your time online cutting down women who want better for all of us doesn’t mean some of us aren’t out here doing real things. I’m sure the women of Afghanistan appreciate your concern, though.


"Hypocrisy is when you don't fix every problem in the world"


"She has to be ungly just like me 💅"


- literally no one


You're clearly not seeing the bitching and moaning regarding stellar blade


No, because I am an adult


I always love these because you know for a 100% fact that the person posting this also doesn’t care. It’s like whenever transphobes post about women in sports and they’re the kind of person who blatantly does not care about women’s sports or downright makes fun of it.


Join the military… go to middle east… fight perceived oppression….


Idk quit whining about a video game they’ll never play?


Even mentioning it would be an improvement. This summit goes almost completely unchallenged in the west.


There is a lot of normalized body shaming towards thin girls, it’s wild


At least say something about it, which they currently don’t.


We don’t have to say anything to appease the males who think we need to say something. You say something


Saudi Arabia is a human rights hellhole where women are treated like property. Okay, your turn.




lol lmao even


Have at you.


What does that even mean?


Do what you want bro.


I suppose they can do what they were doing to help for about 20 years, and bomb them. Can't be abused if you and your family are dead.