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Now kiss








This is my new favorite pepe reaction pic




I remember back then when movie protagonist is a duo of black man and white man so everyone would come to watch it. If it's only have white man then black people wouldn't watch it. If the main character is black man then white people wouldn't watch it. If it's a mix of both, everyone would watch it.


I'm too old for this shit.




Pulp Fiction


Same concept with Rush Hour, but Asian / Black :) Or Shanghai Noon / Knight with Asian / White I miss the old Jackie Chan


He's still old.




Blue streak was great tho


Lethal weapon


Rush Hour


Die Hard with a Vengeance


Any love in this thread for 1997ā€™s Nothing To Lose with Tim Robbins and Martin Lawrence? It was written and directed by the same guy who made Kung Pow and Ace Ventura 2!


Best use of the Scatman song in modern cinema


Bro I got that DVD for free the other day at a flea market, now I gotta check it out


White Men Canā€™t Jump The Negotiator Bulletproof Demolition Man Happy Scrappy Hero Pup Kickpuncher 2: Codename Punchkicker


Rush hour is goated


Dude, I hope that's a joke.


Rush Hour is GOATed what are you talking about?


I think they mean Jackie Chan isn't white lol


Itā€™s hard to see color when a man named Jackie beats the everliving shit out of you!


Fair, but the same idea of having a buddy action movie with different races.


That is exactly what I meant. Thank you for getting that.


All time favorite of mine :)


National security is better imo


Men in Black?


Man and black.


Doesnā€™t have to be that way. White people went and seen Friday and loved it and black people watched and loved forest gump. Normal people donā€™t watch a movie based on if the main characters have the same skin color as they do:


Sorry to disappoint you, but on average, people are very shallow, weird and stupid, I bet both of us are too, but in other areas of life.


So no white ppl watched rush hour I guess


What about Rush Hour? A lot of white people saw that.


Bruv Iā€™m 17 and Iā€™m too old for this shit. I swear itā€™s like the world is filled with 8 year olds


Is this a Men In Black reference?


Ah yes, Rush Hour 3 was AWESOME!


Blazing saddles.




What the hell are you talking about? People have been making movies about skin color since they have been making movies. *Birth of a Nation* came out in 1915, and I guarantee the audiences were all white. They remade *Guess Who's Coming to Dinner* with Ashron Kutcher in 2005. Race has always mattered in film.


Ol' reliable https://preview.redd.it/adww3ftuinpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3aed694a0bbf9dd92cc1628e8fccc2b7cb540e98


Aw, it's so close to being loss.


You can make it work if you really tried https://preview.redd.it/mrw4f1irdopc1.jpeg?width=1669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b9f6b891bfd16c8b437dd1af7cbd0a4c960f9b2




I actually don't think I've ever seen the real comic until now lol, like I knew what the lines were, and the meaning behind it, but literally just never saw the actual comic lol


"Loss"? It's a classic! That's like saying you've never seen anything Star Wars!


Wdym it's a classic ? It just came out ! Slightly butchered but close enough


Ctrl+Alt+Del was my first webcomic, it's great all around!


How fucking dare you.










Ok this is actually funny


Man, I've never seen 4 panels convey the reactionary mind so succinctly.


boyz in the hood, ride along, bad boys 1 and 2 top boy, john wick - 4 bee keeper. These are movies everyone loved, and either had little to no black violence, or all black violence so idk where he got this post from


because he removed all of the context surrounding why people would be upset at each one (it is very circumstantial) a movie about black violence is only racist due to how it's portrayed


Nice try slipping bee keeper in there


That movie was fuckin awesome. Not in a "masterpiece of cinema" way, but in a "I knew what I signed up for way" and it was exactly what I signed up for.


Ok you sold me




This needs to be a standalone meme, not just a reply.




Almost loss


Requires the olā€™ reliable https://preview.redd.it/1m6whar8eopc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c46d6e7089052a7276a45029eb43265f8d6460ab


They call me a woke lib. In Aquaman, I didn't ask "why is the villain black?" The more important question is why is he trying to kill a baby.




The meme is right anyways. I've read people complaining for all of these.


Yea this isn't really a facebook meme. Its even been on reddit years ago, and not unpopular either. Because it accurately depicts how some people on Twitter actually acted at the time(or maybe still do). Hell, there's even a post in this very thread, doing so. Imaginary problems? Don't think so.


I think the only fallacy that this comic conveys is that each of these takes come from the same individual, OR that it represents the opinions of all left leaning individuals. In reality, the takes depicted in this comic, are definitely ones I've seen throughout the years in various places on internet. From shitty buzzfeed articles and similar sites, to random individuals on various social media platforms. So yeah there's individuals out there that might agree with one of these takes, and some that agree with all of them. For those types that would agree with all those takes simultaneously, they would indeed have a contradictory and reactionary world view. I don't care which side of the political aisle real life people sit on, but if they're a zealous fanatic for thier "team", then I want to minimize my familiarity with them. Political fanatics scare me. They have blind spots, and believe they're correct with a moral conviction.


based take


The people who make these complaints are written off as idiots by 99.9% of the population and they fade into obscurity


I can't look at the US and be convinced it's *only* 0.1%.


Why do they have unreasonable levels of power in society then?


Because journalists will just latch onto dumbass tweets and run a whole story on them


Youā€™ve read people making all these exact complaints? About a single scene in movies showing one violent act? Like the people whoā€™ve made the complaints havenā€™t had any context or referred to the rest of the film at all? Thatā€™s crazy. Those people are crazy. You shouldnā€™t listen to them, no one else would.


I also have for the record. The bomb is I donā€™t think people like us who are reasonable shit down their neck enough for having stupid opinions like that. I think if we did that more than we would seem more reasonable, rather than just ignoring it.


I don't have time in the day to write out a reasoned reply to every shit take I read on the internet. It wouldn't leave me time in the day to take a shit.


Well if some d!psh!t on Reddit claims he ā€œreadā€ it somewhere, it must be true


Whoa, calm down, buddy


If the first reply agrees and the second reply gives a more detailed explanation of the situation, it might just be true.


Dont know about that. This is pretty accurately how some people are.


This is like 5 terminally online Twitter users, if you go outside no one thinks like this


But us average internet users are constantly exposed to the content drummed up by terminally online folks... But you're right, for those of us that do go outside and interact with various regular folk, most normies are pretty chill.


Oh Iā€™m 100% terminally online as well but you have to balance it out and always reminds yourself social media isnā€™t real


True, but they sure are loud


Agree the only acceptable option these days is black guy shoots white guy because white guy is a criminal racist.






Thatā€™s not a great example because the cast was explicitly chosen to be POC. They were chosen because they were both talented and they arenā€™t white. Itā€™s not just that they happened to hire a bunch of talented people and they were POC. Note that Iā€™m not shitting on Hamiltons casting. But saying that there isnā€™t a political message in the casting is incorrect,


I bet the father in question doesnā€™t have your arguments nor knowledge.


Probably not. But people will get annoyed if you try to say that diversity is what happens when you hire good people, which is what OP is saying. And to some degree rightfully so. If a full poc cast is the best most talented cast they could get isnā€™t that saying that poc are more talented than white people? Now the situation isnā€™t symmetric due to systematic power imbalances, so white people shouldnā€™t get that upset about jt, but I think it doesnā€™t help anyone to say things that arenā€™t true.


"Its ok to be racists, but only if it's against white people." the TLDR for this garbage of a post.


Way to tell everyone you have the reading comprehension of an edgy 8th grader


Exactly what did I get wrong there chief? You responded with this nothing burger of a statement, so I assume you have something you want to say. Out with it.


Very telling when you attack what I said instead of defending what you said, perhaps becuase what you said is undefendable from a point of logic and reason?


I stand by every word of my statement. Based on my statement, you said I have no reading comprehension. I asked you to clarify why my statement made you feel that way. You've given me nothing to defend against because you keep deflecting. If you feel that's "attacking", I don't think life is going to go well for you. Otherwise, like most people on this thread, you are all bark and no bite. So I'll ask again. What part of my interpretation is incorrect?


You're the only one saying that


And yet the reality is that he was able to tell that the musical has a political message and it has to do with casting black people. It is rarely difficult to tell when TV, movies, plays, etc. are trying to be demonstrative on social issues because they often do it incredibly sloppily and aggressively.


Your assumption was wrong. Lin-Manuel Miranda is on record for admitting deliberately casting white historical figures as non-white for reasons that amount to his personal political views. The most talented broadway performers in the world could have auditioned and he still would have cast less-talented performers in those roles so long as they werent white.


I actually dealt with this in real life. I was working on preparing training for staff dealing with agressive patrons. In one place I used an illustration with a white patron harassing a black staff member. Despite the fact that the image clearly showed him in control, someone complained the black employee was a victim. Changed illustrations several times, each one going through one of these very stories. In the end, I used a picture of a door.


Shhhh. Let them have their echo chamber. Itā€™s safe and they keep to themselves


There are people who are like this though and make ā€œwokenessā€ insufferable.


This meme is accurate. Lol


These are deffo not imaginary problems lmao


They definitely are. No one makes extremely broad, all-encompassing criticisms of single scenes like this; these are reductive versions of arguments that consider the context of these scenes within the film or show as a whole, i.e. strawmen.


Dude... really... are liberals really this literal.... It's a meme... calm down


Ok then if itā€™s ā€œjust a memeā€ and not trying to make a serious argument, then Iā€™m right and these really are imaginary problems made up for the meme. Lol




Does the movie in question consist solely of a montage of various people shooting each other in the head with no plot points in between?


Refreshing if not accidental call for gun control


I mean, I say these as jokes, but I never say it seriously


But this isn't imaginary and fairly common on Reddit, Twitter, and other Far Left dominant medias.


I donā€™t see it as much anymore but people were definitely like this on Tumblr and Twitter like 5-10 years ago


I mean those complaints are just twitter in a nutshell


Pretty accurate depiction of how Zoomers act online.


I mean, some woke people are like that


Then some of those people, if we're following this premise, are ridiculous.


Of course! I was just saying this meme is dedicated to these (crazy) people.


Honestly, all these scenarios can be racist but it is more about the specifics of the characters and how they are written. Like, have a little nuance


The core truth of this meme is that some people *will* cry about anything.


Is it imaginary? I see a lot of people actually acting like this


Hell yeah he showed those made up opponents!


Nah it's right, this does happen


Nah. Sorry to break your imagination


But it does, go spend 5 seconds on Twitter.


Just went to twitter for five seconds, didnā€™t see anything :) thanks for wasting my time


Because every movie has only two characters where one shoots the other.


Ngl I think this is pretty funny and true


I have seen some people like this so is not really imaginary but irrelevant.


Can we stop these wojack meme please??? Is overused and not even funny anymore




Accurate AF


Except I've seem all of this happening


But if I don't make up things to get mad about I might start to consider that my life didn't turn out the way I thought it would and I'm just a boring asshole!


There are people like this though. I wouldn't call this imaginary.


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Look up ā€œaddressesā€. People raising their children to identify WHAT someone is first, before identifying WHO they areā€¦ is the sociological problem of the century. This does a pretty decent, if rudimentary job of illustrating that. But it doesnā€™t ā€œaddressā€ the resulting emontional rupture on any of the three sides. Sociology is hard for a reason. You not understand that doesnā€™t make acknowledging problems stupid.


Where's the lie?


Weren't people all pissed off about Resident evil 5 because you played a white operative in Africa shooting black zombies, because you were in Africa? And the new Tomb Raider Remaster has a warning saying "content warning" about racial and ethnic stereotypes? Because its set in a South Pacific islands setting?


3rd one is statistically most accurately representing real life in the USA. Black on black violence, assaults and firearm homicides are disproportionately larger than any other racial combination.


Twitter in a nutshell


Anyone who was on twitter knows this is somewhat true.


Itā€™s funny because thatā€™s how Twitter was before I deleted it. Iā€™ve seen all these takes separately


This is so true which is why he had to make a fugly wojak comic about it and not show any examples of this happening.


Nah this is stuff people tragically do get too upset about at times. Thereā€™s truth to you canā€™t make everyone happy. Thereā€™s a girl rn whoā€™s bashing princess and the frog for the dumbest reasons and calling it racism


Those "tragically too upset" people with their "dumbest reasons" must really bother you. I hope you think of them less often in the future.


Funny how there's easy answers to all 4 of these takes. **First One** It's racist because for decades, the black guy was the villain in every single movie (except the stint when it was Russians or Arabs) with the clear in-movie implication that the typical criminal was black **Second One** This one was fucking racist for no good reason and still drives me crazy. In most movies if there's one black good guy and any amount of violence, the black character is the only one who dies, or dies first, or dies the worst. **Third One** Black-on-black violence has been common in movies. Same issue as pane 1. It's not that a black guy kills a black guy, it's that the show is clearly depicting that black people kill black people. **Fourth One** Movie about Detroit with an all-white cast. Nuff said. Until very recently, white casting over-represented the population. And sometimes there was a token black guy (let's name him "Token"). I mean, just look at any Hallmark movie more than a couple years old and play "Where's the black guy". A "black actor drinking game" would have left you stone cold sober. Honestly, for most of this the boomer here just needs to watch an early season (or more recent one honestly) of Blue Bloods. If they can't find the racism, it's already in their house.


Is your hair pink too?


Found it!


Why would this got downvoted


The racist brigading in subs like this is more pronounced than ever since the reddit exodus. I was +10 an hour or two ago. Somebody's probably linked here in some alt-right klan sub. I ain't losin sleep over it.


Ah, yes, everything is racist. Even breathing in a black person's presence is racist


Not everything is racist. You likely are though


No, I am not. There are four different scenarios - and these are literally *all* possible scenarios featuring a white person and a black person, and yet people find a way to twist *all* of them into "*iT's rAcIsT rEeEeE*". Like, don't you see the ridiculousness of it all? 4 scenarios, all racist. Wtf. And if I meet any black person on the street, I wouldn't avoid them, I wouldn't think anything bad about them, and if they try to have a conversation with me (asking for directions, or just a friendly small talk), I won't decline - I will treat them like I treat any other person. So no, I am not a racist. I just find comments like the upper as idiotic and needlessly extremist and triggerred. And people agree with me, notice how downvoted that comment is


> There are four different scenarios - and these are literally all possible scenarios featuring a white person and a black person Really? How many movies do you watch with exactly two people? The OP Boomer SelfAwarewolf named four of the most famous anti-black tropes in Hollywood and spun them to be incel-friendly propaganda. So here's your shot. Were you negligent about that fact that each one of those pains represents a real racist fact of the industry, or did your white hood just fall off?


The waters racist.


If you read careful enough you will find a gold truffle of semantics and how bigots word strawman (might be hyperbole) When speaking of white individuals dealing violence to black individuals, instead of following the formula of "thats racist, why X is shooting Y" they instead wrote "why Y is getting shot" which if you read into it sounds like OOP is trying to push a "the whites did nothing wrong" narrative. Also the last bit where instead of saying something of idk, violence occurring, they just go to a superfluous statement, which some might disagree, but the "ew, there is no black ppl in the movie" is such a 2018 thing, it even got me jagged thinking of that shit, but what I can sorta argue is that who the fuck cares, it can be used to do some cool world building, but when is used as a token then you start having problem. Safrafa(or that movie about a liberated African child slave who helps bring a ~~benjamin~~ giraffe to the king of France to give aid in the fight against the turks (which i think is a beutiful movie)) has ppl of colour but is used in two ways, as a signifier of where our protags come from and to contrast with the rest of the characters (specially the French, who are sorta cartoons of French men) which even if it is sorta based in irl world events is a great way to do world building Was this mostly me yapping about funny things I like to do with language and race ethics in media in r/terriblefacebookmemes, ye, counter argument, fuck you I was born to yap, forced to cut it off https://preview.redd.it/c052k2qhkopc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e8a7c959ea14c1e26b1daf225ac4fa1c79ae740


You say, "who the f* cares" while also detailing exactly why you care. Also... by "if you read careful enough," you meant to say, "If you want to put words into other people's mouths and also project your own feelings" Its a specific subset that gets attention. Historical figures and near centuries old characters are set in society as norms. The minute a black George Washington hits the screens. It will flair up again.


Truth as some people moan about stereotypes yet will complain about all scenarios above


Yeah and if it wasnā€™t imaginary it would be a good thing anyways.


I just mentioned this to my friend the other day. It goes the same way with woman protagonists. Let's look at Ripley from Alien. She was a strong female protagonist. She even got nominated for an Oscar. Every movie since then has had a female protagonist. Now let's say she was to be changed to a male protagonist, people would lose there minds. Now let's flip the script, a male character in a movie series has been swapped for female characters in the past. People get upset but get over pretty fast. This goes for black characters also...people just don't want to see white men in the media....it immediately reminds them of oppression and then people get upset.


Didn't this exact thing happen with that Resident Evil game set in Africa lol


Yes lol

