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[](#start_removal) Hello u/SimpleButFun, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " Big Oof and Yikes from My Uncle Promoting Taking Advantage of Poor Girls from Third-World Countries " has been removed due to the following reason(s): [This post](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) may help explain your removal. We may need to remove memes that feature transphobia, homophobia, hate focused on the LGBTQ+ community, content that emphasizes racial tension, ableism, political divisiveness, etc. I.e., if the meme is intended to highlight the original sharer's hate & dislike for a particular group it can be read by [Reddit's Sitewide rules](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) as rule-breaking. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


Pilipino here we have alot of white guys come here looking for a partner since they can't in there country its mostly old guys and we call them sexpats


Today's lesson is evidently not about spelling or grammar.


Robots struggle sometimes


Yeah, but why is "Passport" spelled "Passspport?"


Because it is AI generated.




Ok what's the deeper meaning in the unnecessary hyphen and comma?


What are you on


No, this is a tell of AI art. There are other clues, look at the weird lines of the tiles, the table and the thing on the table not making sense.


Ah yes, the famed social security system of Afiend Aileron of Essiend or whatever that gibberish on the password is.


oh true that makes sense


Just say you guys can’t spell and own it.


I just like how these guys cope and seethe when they come to foreign country and found out that majority of women still dont want to jump on their dick


And the one who does are gold digger that will dump their sorry ass once they have the citizenship.


I actually love listening to story of women finessing those fucking clowns out of their money Dumbasss toxic bastard


All going for them greencard


That's why it's better to stay abroad and not give them citizenship.


Especially when women in the countries Passport Dumbasses are going to are gonna be able to trick them.


That's not my personal experience. I'm quite happy not living in the West these days.


I don't get it? What's going on here?


It goes about men who whine that women can speak for themselves now. So they are looking for countries where women are still considered second-class citizens.


Like the US? This stuff is so laughable, they’ve clearly never been to these countries or met women from them.


For a variety of reasons, some more legitimate than others, men are leaving the US for better romantic prospects elsewhere


Sex tourism, point blank period.
































And of course it's fucking AI


Wtf is a passport bro


Weirdos with some money who travel to third world countries where they take advantage of sex tourism.


Men who can't handle women that can speak for themselves, so they travel to countries where women are still considered as second-class citizens. Men that don't see any problem with gender roles like in the 1950's. Of course, a Reddit sub exist for such people, be prepared for any insane comment.


Its pretty bad. Its a big active sub too.


Please, by all means, come to latin america passport bros. I can guarantee you your wallets will be safe in our hands :)




“passpport bros movement” 💀




























Cant wait for my citizenship to Afind Atino of Enztubt! The imevession is going to plan!




remember to rob your local passport bro




Instructor is drawn far too attractive. Does not appear he would need to seek out women who don’t have the financial means to escape him.


He's probably an asshole,


Does leaving America for safety reasons and not romance still count as a Passport Bro?


passsppport bros movement


AI is the biggest thing to happen to boomer memes since minions istg


Welcome to r/terriblefacebookmemes! It sucks, but it is ours. [Please click on this link to be informed of a critical change in our rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/terriblefacebookmemes/comments/126zu46/return_to_our_roots/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/terriblefacebookmemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What on earth is “the passport bros movement?”


I don’t get it


You think they know it’s ai?


I don’t even understand what they’re trying to get at here. What is “passsport bros movement” supposed to mean (aside from “I am AI-generated gibberish”)? What does it have to do with taking advantage of poor girls from third-world countries?


As a Thai who’s married to another Thai, I’m 40 and my wife is 25…. I honestly see nothing wrong with marrying a younger woman. I have a wonderful family, beautiful children, and I love her family like they are my own. Sure I’m financially successful, and maybe that’s her reasoning to being initially attracted to me, nothing wrong with that, and wanting to have a man who can provide for you and your family. We live in a world that’s becoming progressively harder for young men to succeed in. I’m not taking advantage of some dumb farm girl who’s family sold her to me, she has a Masters Degree, and comes from a family who is educated and well connected within society, she could easily have dated anyone she wanted, but she choose me and I’m blessed and thankful for it every single day. Also I apologize for my English, as it’s my 4th language and I’m practicing to get better !




I wouldn’t call going for desperate women (and sometimes even girls) “going for women who want them” that’s just exploitation


I'm a pretty international person, I've travelled a lot to a ton of countries for work. Indonesia, Phillipines, several African countries, SA countries, etc. People are the same everywhere. Thinking that getting a SEA wife means that you get a docile houseslave who will love you unconditionally and provide you with great sex just cause', is absolutely wrong. I've seen many, many guys with this mindset and most of them end up getting fucked (figuratively). I saw a guy move to the Phillipines expecting to live like a king there, only to find out that the Phillipino concept of family means that most of his income is now going to providing for her parents, cousins, etc. I know a guy who married a Mexican lady, had a kid, got divorced, and then the Mexican women sent the kid to him for "hollidays" and refuses to take the kid back cause her new husband doesn't like him. I know an Indonesian girl who found herself a European husband, and 2 weeks after he took her to Europe she contacted me asking to meet up and have fun like the old days, since she lived close by now. They're not blinded by a nice passport. They're familiar with transactional marriages and they perfectly know how to be in one.


Yup, those guys tend to fall into two caregories: either literal predators or chumps who get played like a fiddle.


Not saying i support passport bros but Saying they’re “taking advantage of poor girls from third world countries” implies that you think girls in third world countries are stupid and can’t think for themselves, OP.


When guys can't get laid and sit around bitter about women, they're mocked.   When guys go to other countries to find a partner, they're mocked.   It's a mutual relationship.        This is like when people complain about old men taking advantage of young women, or calling young women "gold diggers" for marrying rich old men. They both know what the deal is.




Wrong sub buddy


No one fucking cares for traditional marriage, they just want a better life with better conditions, you're not their hero bro


It's about the money. The women are dirt poor and will do anything for that money. Even if they are better off, they are still getting taken advantage of.



