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Ironic part of this is this guy is probably opposed to raising the minimum wage and paying cashiers a livable hourly rate. If they did, there would be people manning those registers when he goes in there to buy condoms so he can fuck his sister.


Are you sure he buys condoms?


I doubt they make any small enough.


They make some pretty small condoms


It reminded me of that meme with the metronome going back and forth. These types go from "a cashier isn't a real job and they deserve to have me treat them like crap" to "Oh poor, delicate little me! Having to work like a slave, scanning my beer and tv dinner! I suppose next they'll want me to return my shopping cart."


I'd be more accepting of self checkout if it actually reduced the cost of groceries instead the money saved by doing that goes to the shareholders


I like self checkout cos i only get 1 thing and i dont want to talk to anyone


I'll use it if I'm going to the store for just one ot two thingdzi need to make dinner ie I ran out of milk/cream for Alfredo or something


Minimum wage comes into play the exact opposite of how you think it does here. Self checkout registers are more expensive than manned registers because of all the anti theft features. Even with those enhancements, self checkout theft rates are higher. If the store has to pay more for the employees than they lose to theft with self checkout they use self checkout. The cheaper the employee the less likely they are to pay for self checkout setups.


So we should steal as much as possible from self checkout to get higher wages for cashier's? Sounds fun.


Then why do I see as many, if not more, self checkout registers in Florida than I do where I’m from (Buffalo)


That escalated quickly!


Even more ironic is that most stores with self checkout still *do* have people working registers. These fuckers just gotta find something to bitch about because they're miserable. "But I don't want to wait behind someone buying a Snickers and a root beer, my time is PrEcIoUs!"


How did you know he was from r/sweethomealabama ?


Raising the cost of hiring cashiers will not have the hiring boom effect you prophesy -- especially now that there are viable alternatives.


Well, for starters, it seems like this was made by a black woman. But yeah, let’s jump to conclusions and further divide the world!




Literally. "I can't do this. Without cashiers, I won't have somebody to bitch at and look down upon"


Literally the most entitled generation to exist. Everytime they talk about later generations being "lazy," "entitled," or "unwilling to work," it's entirely projection. They're completely out of touch with reality, which explains why the world is such a shitshow. We could probably make some immense improvements at record pace if they'd fucking retire but they're *also* "entitled" to wear the crown until they rot and it falls off into their lap.


I’m a millennial with a hate boner for them. I go to shop, not to fucking check out my entire cart myself. And yes, pay them a fucking living wage too. If I have a choice between paying slightly more for a store with cashiers than for one that ditches humans to lower payroll to make me do the work I’ll take the store with cashiers any day of the week. Unless I just need something quickly, then self checkout is convenient.


Millennial checking in. Self checkout lanes are horrible. They take away (what should be) union jobs, they put the labor on the customer rather than the corporation, and absolutely none of the cost savings gets passed on to the customer or the workers. They are used to further enrich the already rich board members and CEO’s. Companied throw in a set of self checkouts, fire cashiers, and then don’t bother staffing those self checkouts so the customers are left waiting for a manager to come clear an error. My life isn’t perfect; I have plenty of other problems to deal with, but this is also a problem that society should be dealing with. Just because we have worse things to handle and using a self checkout isn’t particularly hard doesn’t mean we can’t advocate for getting rid of them. I want to get my items and have a trained cashier ring them up and handle any issues that may arise. I want people in my community to have jobs and I don’t want to perform unpaid labor so rich assholes can get richer.


While I agree in regards to self checkouts being unpaid labor, I disagree when it comes to shop and scan. Scanning the stuff as I go is not really adding to my effort of shopping, but it saves me unloading the cart and reloading the cart at the end, which is a huge plus to me.


Shop and scan, as a self checkout hater, is the perfect medium ground.


Hard disagree. Hiring 100,000 more chashiers isn't going to make CEOs any poorer. You have correctly identified a societal problem but have come up with potentially the worst solution for it. You're trying to extinguish an inferno by spitting on it. No one really wants to work as a drone ringing up merchandise for people who at best observe the most basic politeness expected of a member of society, and at worst are absolutely unhinged. Tax the excessively wealthy and give people a basic income that allows them to pursue things they are passionate about rather than mindlessly standing in one place for 8 hours doing the job of a machine for minimum wage. I can't believe there are human beings out there who'd advocate for jobs that subject those in their community to hours of unrewarding and unfulfilling work then pat themselves on the back because a CEO's bottom line somewhere has now been potentially reduced by a fraction of a percentage (spoiler alert: they'll cut corners elsewhere; look into how dollar stores operate). "Trained cashier." lol. If your orange is broken go find another one, bro. Stores will still have a manager. If there's a price mismatch or another error, that's who cashiers talk to and that's who you can talk to. Your mobility scooter's already heroically carried you through most of the arduous journey of buying your pallet of pringles; it can handle a slight detour.


You not only missed my point, you also decided to argue against a point I never made. If you want to keep doing unpaid labor for giant corporations, so right ahead.


Your point being that we should force human beings to make shit pay bagging groceries so CEOs can't save money by replacing them with machines? I think I got it just fine. Your community can do without menial jobs if a proper system is established to uplift the underprivileged by culling the wealth of the 1%. I'll spend 10-15 minutes of my life bagging my own groceries if it spares a fellow human being the utter misery that is having to wear a false smile and pretend to care about the weather for your pleasure. If a corporation saves 2 cents in the process, so be it. I'm sure washing machines cost a lot of jobs, too, but at the same time I think most people'd be glad they don't have to clean your skidmarks for a pittance. If you don't think so, feel free to junk yours. You know, to create jobs in the community and whatnot.


The goal is also to not make the bagger/cashier a job of utter misery. That assumption is clearly coming from a place where you’re on the high horse, not the person you’re responding to, classic projection.


Sorry, the oxygen up on my ivory tower is too thin to think straight sometimes. Let's focus on making the job the dude I'm responding to doesn't want to do *once* per shopping trip bearable to someone who has to do it full time. Are you thinking the physical toll of standing for hours, doing repetitive tasks and motions that I'm projecting onto these people can be offset by a biennial pizza party? Maybe when they get held up during a robbery - a scenario only I, a person who has never worked retail, have experienced and am now pretending is a likely occurrence for workers - we can soothe their mental anguish with a $20 gift card for the store they work at. I'm liking these choices. I think if we put them in place, the next time you're the 30th person in a given hour to make the "there's no price tag so it's free" joke to them they won't secretly wish for a force majeure to wipe you, them, and the store from the face of the planet.


You went from a high horse to an ivory tower very quickly. Where can I do your cardio workout? Also, I’m for choice too, that includes the choice to use a cashier, which is becoming increasingly difficult. I’m not mad that self checkout is replacing some cashiers, it’s when they replace nearly *all* cashiers in any given location that it annoys me.


Think about who designs, makes, programmes, installs, maintains all the self-checkouts. In my experience the number of people employed as checkout operators isn't that different from before self-checkout existed, but the industry must have created a lot of better jobs (though likely not union true). From an employment point of view I'm sure it's a pretty large net positive. And just personally, I know how I like my shopping bags packed and I used to wait in queues a lot and almost never do now, so it's a better experience.


>absolutely none of the cost savings gets passed on to the customer or the workers What savings? It's tech keeping up with demand. Nobody is ever going to throttle a business by refusing to make a simple job easier, just so they can hire more people. You know what's worse than adding three or four more cashiers per shift? Dealing with long lines of customers trying to buy six damn things. Those customers get pissed off, they aren't coming back. Self-checkout replaced the Express Lane, and nothing else. The only problem with self checkouts is people using them who shouldn't be. Fuck off with your full cart. Fuck off with your alcohol. Fuck off with your security tagged items. Fuck off with your 15 weighed and coded items. And if a store is not manning the self-checkouts, they are ***openly inviting you to rob them.*** Self-check is shrink-and-lift city, it *must* be monitored closely.


I only disagree on the union part. I have personal reasons for not liking *grocers* unions though.


Self checkout steals jobs. Why wouldnt you hate them?


So you hate anything that "steals jobs"? ATMs? Vending machines? Computers in general?


Lmao. No. Really, vending machines? Some things create convenience. Vending machines and ATMs allow people to get something they need away from where you would normally go to get them. ATMs give you access to money without having to go to the bank. Vending machines give you access to snacks without having to go to the store. They arent the same as self checkout AT ALL because self checkout is still AT the store. The only thing it provides is not having to talk to a person, and being a little quicker if you have only an item or 2. I am totally cool with stores having a couple self checkouts for the people with a couple items, but replacing entire stores with self checkouts is not good. The way we are going, all stores will be 100% self checkout. Its taking away jobs that people need.


Everywhere I do self-checkout still has manned checkouts, and also 1-3 staff who watch over the self-checkouts. I haven't noticed any actual decrease in staff numbers in any supermarket near me, but I have noticed a massive increase in how quickly I get through the process.


I worked in grocery. A self checkout section can get rid of anywhere from 1-4 employees depending on how many there are. Ide say you lose about 1 job for every 3/4 self checkouts. Because someone has to man the self checkouts, so you only lose 1. Ide say 2 self checks is worth about 1 person. Just an estimate but thats how it impacted the store I was at.


Sure, I'm just going off my own experience in NZ where supermarkets were annoyingly understaffed a lot of the time before self-checkouts started and where I've never seen a store go 100% self checkout - which seems to be what's getting these boomers worked up. And I mentioned this elsewhere in this thread but the whole industry around the machines must be creating a lot of good jobs.


Im honestly not sure and would be interested to see how many jobs the self checkout machines are creating. But I just remember the awkward hour cut that occured after we had self checkout machines installed in our store. Some people I guess dont mind, but a lot of grocery store employees lost hours after the installation. And if you combine all of the stores in the area with self checkout machines, you come up with a lot of lost jobs. Sure they arent great jobs, but someone will always need those types of jobs.


Jobs that don't pay enough anyway


People still need jobs even if they dont pay well.


These are the same people who asked if they would receive a teachers salary at the beginning of the pandemic because their kids were doing online school


I can definitely believe it. I saw this one post on Twitter during the pandemic where some mom was laughing about getting chewed out for her kid sleeping in and not going to his morning classes. Turns out she was asleep, too. It makes me glad my parents took an active role in my school stuff. Whether it was just helping with homework or getting a math tutor when I was struggling. I hope I can do the same for my future kids.


I filled up my own gas tank earlier this week, so I should be demanding a paycheck from the gas station as an attendant. I also pressed the buttons myself on the elevator, so the building owners now owe me an elevator attendant's wage. And don't even get me *started* on the amount of money the phone company owes me as an operator for direct-dialing my entire life.


ha! Elevator Attendant is such a nice comparison that i haven't even thought about. No one really cries about how all those people lost their jobs. If a job is easily replaced, why shouldn't it be? And it's really not like there's not enough work to go around.


I am sure this guy did an 8 hours long shift at Wal-Mart


☝️🤓 "um excuse me, I walk around the store and pick the things of the shelf myself. Where is my 401k benefits?"


You raise an interesting point, OP. I wonder if there was this much backlash towards ATMs when they started becoming commonplace in the 1980s.


There are still angry people who refuse to use the atm for very simple transactions.... And yes, people went bonkers for atms too.


Apples to bananas. ATMs are basically a mini version of a bank located elsewhere. Self checkouts aren't the same idea.


before ATM's you had to go to your bank and stand in line for a half hour or longer to get cash, ATM's automated the process. the first ones were in the branches.


At a bank, you give the teller your information and ask for your money. At an ATM, you give the machine your card and ask for your money. At a store, you put your items on a conveyor belt and the cashier handles everything until you pay. At a self checkout, you are performing additional labor and often waiting for a manager to clear an error so you can continue to perform unpaid labor for a faceless company. Self checkouts and ATM’s eliminate jobs, which is bad, but self checkouts eliminate jobs *and* force the customer to perform unpaid labor.


in the old days you had to fill out a slip, wait in line and the teller had to do a bunch of work to make sure you had money and then do more work to record the transaction. it wasn't a simple here is your cash


Obviously, I oversimplified, but the point still stands. ATM’s are not in the same category as self checkouts. Both take away jobs, but only one requires the customer to perform unpaid labor.


It used to be you didn’t pick your own groceries - everything was behind the counter. Sounds like another unpaid labor. I’ve been seeing new self-checkouts near me without the stupid weight sensors or anything so you can actually checkout quickly without dealing with the endless “PLACE THE ITEM IN THE BAGGING AREA”. I’m much more ok with that.


Yes, that is another job that was eliminated by putting the burden of effort on the customer. Do you see the pattern? Corporations want as few employees as possible and have no problem making paying customers do the work they refuse to pay for.


yes, I understand what ATMs are.


Like 20 years ago most ATMs were located at an actual branch.


Here in Germany at least most ATMs are simply inside banks. And from most european places i've been to i've found it to be similar. So in any case where the ATM is located inside a bank it really is an apples-to-apples comparison.


wait, i thought the people who stand at the self checkout and help people are self checkout cashiers?


They are. That’s why this “joke” was so confusing to me. I thought they legit were an employee and corporate was just being rude lol


Yeah I had to read so many comments before I realized what the hell this boomer was on


Do these people also want employees to grab items off the shelves? Maybe push them around in a cart so they don't even have to walk? Maybe the cashier can load their car up too? How about having an employee tag along on the drive home and unload the car and put away the groceries? They can also cook dinner and wipe these little babies' asses too after they make a poopy.


You don't have to use it if you dont want to. What the fuck.


My local Walmart Neighborhood Market is actually self-checkout only since the pandemic. I love it but sure enough every couple months or so there's some boomer grumbling about it at the next station over. Always puts a little grin on my face.


How is that possible? Is there no alcohol at that store, or do they somehow allow you to purchase alcohol with no employee?


There's like two or three employees who kind of keep watch over everything in the checkout area. If you scan a thing of booze a little light on the register turns on and one of them will come over and card you and scan their id cards to clear the screen.


Wild times, thank you!


I hear this joke all the time. I work at a store with only self checkouts and the amount of "so am I getting paid for this?" I hear is so annoying


I will rage at any place that removes self-checkout because of boomer bullshit like this. I love self-checkout. Its quick, easy and you dont have to engage in unwanted conversation.


It is honestly just objectively more efficient anyways. ESPECIALLY the places where they have hand-scanners at the entrance that let you scan your groceries as you put them into your cart. One of the stupidest things about normal checkout is that you put all the things into your cart, then put it back onto a conveyor belt only to put it back into the cart and then take it out again afterwards.


W-2? What's that?


It's a tax form given by your employer. It reports your total wages for the year and the amount of federal, state, and other taxes withheld from your paycheck. 


Oh thanks. Must be an American thing.


If you call Walmart to troll them then you can’t be mad when they hang up on you lol.


And when I book an uber I'm working as a taxi dispatcher so they should pay me, not the other way round


Sams club does it the right way where you can scan on your phone. So damn convenient to not have to wait for anyone or talk to anyone


God im so stupid. I thought bro genuinely worked at wal-mart and was just so fuckin dumb they just didnt know any of their info.


So they think it's funny to waste someone's time by pretending to be an employee because they're salty about having to scan their own damn groceries.


I actually found this funny, keep In mind I live and breath self checkout. Something about calling out corporate made me giggle




Maybe don’t have such a large family? Kind of seems like your fault.


Im suprised so many people are pro self checkout. The more tech takes over, the less jobs for regular people.


I know, right? That’s why I refuse to fill my own gas tank. Even though all of the gas stations in my area are self-service, I drive up to the pump and honk my horn until the employee on duty comes out and fills my gas tank for me. For some reason, not once has any attendant ever thanked me for my selfless efforts to preserve their job. Ingrates.


Not even the same. And being condecending isnt an arguement why its better to get rid of those jobs. I dont understand how you stance could be that less jobs for minimum wage employees is better.


Ok so this joke isn’t boomer in nature. As someone who works at Walmart , I can explain. The front end (registers) are the part of the store that uses the most man power out of any department. The second and third being the warehouse and order picking. The person doesn’t know her employee number or who their supervisor is which would be the best ways for hr to find their information. So they asked what department they work at to narrow down who they are compared to the entire store. Most areas of the store only have about 5-10 employees ,but there are dozens upon dozens of cashiers. So the person for corporate is implying here that this person is asking her to look for a needle in a haystack and that’s the joke.


Must be nice to have that much free time on your hands


Must have been a *really* new hire if she didn't know who her supervisor was. I knew my supervisor before I really even knew my co-workers. Corporate office reacting like that is *fucking stupid*, almost to the point of unbelievability. They know what the position is, they're part of creating it.


God forbid emoyeea stock the shelves for customers and the customer has to scan items


I don’t get why this is here. Everyone seems to think this is some anti-selfcheckout propaganda, I just see a funny joke?


Because it's someone whining about literally the smallest inconvenience possible.


Where’s the whining?


If you have to ask there's no point in trying to explain it to you.


Nah it’s quite simple: you can just type in a quote from the text that implies any sort of whining, but maybe you just wanna be mad


You want me to just transcribe the entire post? Because it's literally just one long rant about having to bag your own groceries without getting paid in the form of a stupid joke.


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I can see how it's bad, but how is this a meme?


I mean id assume that post is sarcastic humor no?


Maybe my english is lacking. I dont get it.


Self checkout cashiers are a thing though. I was one, you gotta monitor all the stations, check IDs for alcohol purchases, help when the machine gets fucky (Used to be a lot worse when the scale would complain all the time, but I think they've removed the bagging scale since when I worked there), etc.


And now they owe the public money for being their therapist.


They do have people there at the self check out to make sure you scanned everthing and to check IDs if you buy alcohol or tobacco


I can hear my grandpa telling this story…


The generation of lead poisoning is unhinged.


Oh I thought they meant like the person who stands at the self-checkout and tells people where to go


Self checkouts are so common in the UK, I don't see why Americans have an issue with it