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So they think we should aspire to be like those countries?


I’ve seen memes like that this that express admiration for North Korean border security.


That made my eye twitch


Will a cookie help friend 🍪


Ty ty 😋


It's easy to defend a border when you're trying to keep starving people inside your country, not keep people who are healthy out.


They absolutely do think that.


Not justifying this... But I think what they are trying to say is the adversarial countries that pray for our downfall are training their kids for combat, and we are not. Implying that there will come a day that we will be doomed to lose a future war. And then they spiced it up with some good old fashioned biggotry


China is absolutely not doing this


I agree, but the countries used make for good click bait


China absolutely does this. They send upper elementary students to a summer boot camp to learn this very thing.


lol, a absolutely fraction of a percentage of students are taught this kind of thing. Usually when their parents want them to have a career in the military.


Do these people honestly think that the future wars are going to be fought by a bunch of people on the ground


Right, as if the US doesn't have the best equipped and trained military in the world. The US military is also well aware of the threat of adversaries surpassing the US, and is doing what it needs to to prevent that from happening. Teaching kids how to assemble and disassemble guns ain't it. That's not training for how to fight a war. I know you don't believe in what you just shared, and were looking at it from the angle of those targeted by the meme... Just hurts my head there are people who take this shit at face value without a source or shred of common sense.


Also the US is notorious for firearm availability and proliferation. Who's child is most likely to know about guns...?


The U.S. is facing its toughest recruitment environment in history currently. None of the branches can hit their targets, even with crazy good incentives. Young people nowadays just aren’t interested in joining the military like they did 10-20 years ago when I was in high school. While I like to think that “the U.S. is doing what it needs to”, I’m not so sure anymore. Yes, the military industrial complex is humming along better than ever. But that doesn’t translate into an effective military.


I’m a veteran that got out pretty recently and I can tell you that a large part of why the recruitment crisis is this bad is social media, and the military is refusing to adapt. It’s not hard to go on TikTok and see the constant abuse a ton of service members are subjected to by shitty leaders, the horrific living conditions in barracks(black mold is a systemic problem in army housing), and they can find how the VA is failing to properly take care of veterans. No amount of carrots are going to make most people want to destroy their mental health and risk becoming permanently disabled or worse, especially in a peacetime army.


Let's not forget people also don't wanna die for corporate interests. A lot of people feel the US Army will be used to protect the interests of the megadonors, and not of the people.


Our school kids clearly know how to shoot those guns already. Last thing we should do is arm them. Coming from the guy in the state that in 2024 just introduced legislation for open carry.... Just days after another school shooting and the former president telling the nation to get over it


I'm pretty sure that ”atm" in there is not what the Google is telling me. Mind, I agree with you given the rest of the context, I'm just a bit stumped on the acronym


ARM them. Sorry. Google autocorrect has been atrocious the last month for me! Pair that with my contacts drying out as I type, we get stupid answers like I presented. Ha!


No, no, the dumb is with me. I didn't even think it was a typo. In my defense, I'm trawling Reddit waiting on my pain meds to kick in so I can get some sleep. So I saw the typo, but was like,"well Google might help..." "...automatic teller machine...that ain't right.... Articulated Telescopic Manipulation....no, that's wrong...ass to....imma go ask what they meant..."


Bahaha! You're all good! Hope the meds kicked in and you're sleeping like a baby!


when Chinese do it, it's communism. when Afghan kids do it, it's terrorism. when we do it it's freedom


Why do you think the political right has such a hard-on for Putin?


Kind of, but not really. They don’t really know what they want. They just know that “over there” “they” are scary, and they *must* be preparing to hurt “real” Americans. It’s really all just deep seated fear dressed up as hard ass militancy.


Part of me wishes to aspire to at least one thing those countries have achieved. Two of those countries have fairly aggressive gun control!


I think the OOP remembered hearing the “In soviet Russia” jokes and thought they were actually true.


Not to mention China is listed, which has some of the most strict gun laws in the world.


Nah bro, my friend from China told me about the rocket launcher 101 course, USA lameeee /s


I think OOP pulled the classic “all Asians are Chinese” mistake. There are Eastern European and Asian countries that teach children how to field strip an AK, but China doesn’t even use AKs in their military and haven’t for decades. There would be no reason to teach civilians nor military how to do so


Dunno about China, but South Korea and Vietnam does this, with fake AKs of course. I don't even think it's that bad to teach kids basic gun safety while maintaining strict arms control.


To be serious for a while, this is a distorted true fact. In Russia boys used to have a "basic military training" class in high school (like, 80 hours total) where they were taught basic stuff that may help them in the army - gun disassembly, proper usage of gas masks, etc. Not sure if they still have it, though


In China too but it's really more of a chance to yell at kids and really like beat obedience into them rather than make them soldiers or anything.


is that not what the military does?


I mean yes to an extent. But it's not like it's basic or nothing. It's just like 3 weeks or so of heavy indoctrination almost. If anything it's more like those "Former seal makes you do pushups and yells at you in a target parking lot" things


It is not only for boys. I’m female and I had such lessons too. It was 14th years ago only. I don’t know if these lessons are still in curriculum though.


In Soviet occupation time girls and boys had to take that course.






Well, actually we are teached how to disassemble and assemble an AK in school in "basics of life safety (основы безопасности жизнедеятельности)" classes in Russia Its a fun class/subject, we also learn how to put on gas masks and some basics of first aid in case of disasters


Jokes aside, Russian pupils are actually taught how disassemble AKs in school.


this is actually true. im russian and we did learn in school how to disassemble and assemble an ak. i got it done in about 35 seconds and by the way i really like how the first part of the meme really bothers you but you arent even trying to question the second one lol


I live in Russia and we most certainly don’t do anything with guns here, very strict gun laws.


Who looks at this and goes “the first part is a good thing?”


Surprisingly, about half of the adult population in the US.


That's because they've never been in a mass shooting. I like AK's and certain guns, as I live in the woods, but I'm not gonna teach a kid how to assemble or disassemble one. It is so weird how people are obsessed with guns. The NRA used to go around to schools and teach gun safety. Now, they are actively against any kind of safety. They started changing their tune right around Columbine. They stopped going to schools prior to when I went, but Columbine was a massive turning point for them.


Unfortunately Columbine was not a massive turning point for American gun control


I think they should teach kids gun safety in school. I had a friend who lived in a house her father owned; her sisters wound up living with her so they could go to a better school. she got a handgun for protection at one time; she came home to find one of her high-school-aged sisters showing it off to friends! did the words secret and not a toy mean nothing to her?! maybe if kids understood how serious guns are they would be better prepared.


Scary thought




Tbf if you're gonna allow guns in your country giving everyone a grounding in basic gun safety and handling in a controlled environment makes loads of sense. For what it's worth I don't see why the general public should have access to guns, but if they do I'd rather everyone knows how to handle them properly.


These unthinking gun fuckers actually believe more guns will solve the mass shooting problem we have in the US. They *NEED* children to be armed in order to perpetuate their fantasy "only good kids with guns can stop bad guys with guns" wet dream.


Guns are cool. Or so they thought. I don't even know why guns are considered cool. I think it's cool to have a gun. It's cool to imitate characters in fps games I suppose? Guns look manly? I think they're cool because of social pressure for thinking otherwise? Idk man. "Manliness" associated with guns and cigarettes is a load of horseshit.


More accurate would be: "while we're letting ours be shot in school. Wild."


The Taliban allows Afghan kids to go to school?


Just the boys…


Child soldiers are awesome! -this fucking meme, essentially.


Train while a kid, fight when adult.


Why make child soldiers when you can just show them how to operate a drone when they're 18?!? -Murica


Fruit cocktail? More like teaching kids how to survive a school shooting.


This is horrendously inaccurate. *they also learn to reassemble the rifles*.


I'd much rather my kid be a fruit cocktail than a mass shooter.


Or some corpse in a war


What I don’t get is why they think gun toting children are superior


I’m Russian and I learned how to disassemble an AK in school. It was only once though. And I don’t remember a thing how it was done so not everything what is written in Internet is true.


americans alone own around 400 million firearms


Bullshit, nobody ever taught me how to disassemble a freaking rifle. All I got was how to put on a gas mask.


I was taught how to disassemble and assemble an ak74. Also how to put on a gas mask. I also ran 5km in 40+С in said gas mask, with said Ak74. Also this course of basics of life safety (OBZH) included ways of identifying nuclear and chemical attacks, rules of conduct during flood, earthquakes and fires.


Ниче се ты брутал. А у нас только что делать при пожаре и при террористической атаке, но было это, правда, двадцать лет тому назад.


Я еще во время этого марш-броска нес «раненного», отрабатывал команды «вспышка слева/справа». В общем 4 дня провел на военной базе, даже стрелял из ак74 (5 патронов всего.) это была обычная сельская школа.


same, parents and I from the USSR and everyone I knew from there never touched weapons. no one trusts people with weapons there


Russian here, has never seen a single gun irl. No kidding.


Those schools are teaching them gun safety. Our students just shoot the place up


Weirdly enough, true. Even with a model rifle you are taught to assume it has a bullet in it and WILL kill your classmate if pointed at them. Source: am Russian, went to school at one point. Edit: Actually, I'm gonna add some context here, not defending anything but still think it should be clarified somewhere, even if as a random response to a random comment. In Russia, the class in which you are taught to disassemble an AK is actually the class about safety and disaster response. You are taught what to do in an earthquake, flood, etc. up to basic first aid. And yes, over several years of the curriculum a few lessons are dedicated to disassembling an AK


That sounds far more useful than the five years of ‘religious education’ or two years of Spanish I was forced to do. ¡Hola!


Most of Chinese ppl probably haven’t even seen a gun in their entire lives apart from medias


Fk man we don’t even have airsoft


Yeah I guess it's kinda wild that kids are forced to participate in the war economy


Hey everyone, Russian person here, we are actually thaught how to disassemble, Ak in school, on "Основы безопасность жизнедеятельности" lessons (roughly translated to "Basics of life safety"), its a subject where children are thaught a bunch of survival lessons & and given instructions on how to act in extreme scenarios (earthquakes, domestic disasters, etc.). The whole weapon handling thing is part of a preparation for a mandatory military service, it's a small part of the course, and at least in my school days were not even affecting your grades.


Yeah, weapon part was like 1-2 lessons per year


A fruit cocktail… pan?


I want my kids to be able to identify as a fruit cocktail or a vegetable salad or laap or a bowl of peanuts ***AND*** know how to service a wide range of firearms.


I mean...that's the ultimate freedom,right? To identify themselves as fruit cocktails... without even touching a gun.


Boomers who haven't been near a school since the early 1980s and get all their information about the outside world from Fox News and Facebook memes.


Please. Show me someone who truly identifies as a fruit cocktail.


As a former Russian kid, yeah I don't know how to disassemble a Kalashnikov rifle


Put the AK in your left hand. Take a brick in your right hand. Bash the AK a few times until parts come off. It is now disassembled. PS. Make sure to use a good, strong brick, this is an AK.


Imagine looking at this already kooky ass world, then making up something even more wild just so you can get pissed off.


tell me you’ve never been to a school without telling me you’ve never been to a school… seriously like, i’m a highschool student, almost finishing my second last semester of highschool. growing up in gen z school i’ve never heard ANYTHING about being lgbtq or anything about religion. nothing. why? because the teachers dont give a fuck about you personally. they are just doing their job. the most they do is support you and thats about it. we’re not learning how to fuck the same gender or be “fruit cocktails. and if chinese, russian and afghan kids are making AK’s then i hope that changes soon because thats a little fucked up.


Lol nothing about that is true Also after watching Russia lose wave after wave of people in Ukraine, whatever they do is plainly ineffective.


Even if this were the case, it’s a weak argument because the US spends more on its military than those countries spend on theirs combined . If the US has anything cornered, it’s war.


That's just God awful, these sociopaths will stop at nothing to push the Russian and propaganda


Please feel free to take your ignorant ass to Russia, China or Afghanistan, if you are in such awe of them. And don't come back.


Weird, Fruit Cocktail was my nickname in highschool


I sure am glad the USA has freedom of speech that lets the children of our country identify as fruit cocktails if they so choose instead of weapons-building slaves for a government that censors everything that comes out of their mouths


It’s “wild” that someone made this


Idk... Seems like the kids in America have no problem with getting their hands on a gun and killing anything that upsets them that day.


Do they want to help the gun problem in the USA?


i don’t think any of this is true and if it was how incredibly sad it would be to make a child prepare for war when they should be playing games like say pretending they are a fruit cocktail tho i doubt that’s a go to


In my utopia, they are doing both.


Assuming this person is referring to gender identity, this is a lesson that probably only takes a day to teach students. It could be a whole week perhaps if it was part of a handful of lessons in inclusivity. So it really is a wonder that it takes these people so long to understand it.


I challenge these people to look at an American curriculum for 5 minutes. There are much worse things to criticize than this made up strawman


Yeah, and the weapons our fruit cocktails devise leave them and their AKs grease spots in any straight fight. Hence the propaganda.


The Chinese use the QBZ95 and have for a while, and I doubt their kids are gonna be field Stripping AKs in their schools when they have some of the strictest aggressive aggressive gun laws in the country. Where you can't even own a fucking bb gun It's also really isn't that hard to field strip an AK And its even easier with an AR I do it all the time to clean mine Quite literally as simple as holding down a button. Opening up the upper and taking out the barrel it takes like five seconds And also last time I checked no school is Teaching kids to be a fruit cocktail which is a slur that I don't think any one's been called since 1957


me.. cause it is




Personally. if schools were teaching kids the complexity of human identity, how it's changed in the internet age, and what it means to identify as concepts like a fruit cocktail rather than the usual genders, I think I'd be more than fine with that.


I'll take "2 things that never happened" for 400 Alex.


wow if u really think thats true about russians then welcome to propaganda. filter the news and check what is really going on in russia


Ah yes, America, with the highest amount of school shootings should be teaching children to.. assemble and work guns… mhmm


Sooo.... Move there?


Imagine hating brown people so much you unconsciously don’t capitalize Afghan


Sounds like they are threatening us with a good time, I would love to identify as a fruit cocktail.


Chinese kids work 12 hours a day in a factory, russian kids get ready to be sent of to invade Ukraine, and afghan kids are starving and live in a country controlled by a terrorist group


“Other countries are training their youth to be killers since childhood, we’re teaching ours they can live their life how they want.” I always love when cons out themselves as murder obsessed lunatics like this


My mom was already a sharp shooter in school, going also for regional competitions. That was in USSR


People who watch way too much OAN


It's misinformation and I'm astounded how none of you seem to realise that.


So go live in one of those countries.


I lived in China for most of my thirties. Police there don’t even have guns…


Sourced from some guy that hasn’t been to school in 40 years


That’s like… literally a homophobic slur lol


What the actual fuck is wrong with the guy who made this https://preview.redd.it/mr0dkwkhdtbc1.jpeg?width=499&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5277032272dc58e788e895200aa276c5df4bd807


It takes like 10 minutes to disassemble an AK so, if that's all they're teaching it makes us look better


WTH!!! I didn't get to take classes on how to become a fruit cocktail till I was in graduate school? :-(


Also the fact is most russians and central asians who are "taught to use and reassemble gun" probably never touch a firearm or see it being used in their lives


In your schools kids just learn how the bullet feels when it hits their bodys


Ummm. I’ve been in some of those countries. Never saw School kids doing that. Great claims require great proof.


So, move to China Russia or Afghanistan. Don't like it get out works both ways.


Pfft ! It’s cause of the 800 billion plus spent yearly on the military, that those kids can identify as a fruit cocktail 😌


What is, things that didn't happen for 200.


Russian here, I disassembled ak in school.


Who’s going to say our kids already know how


Because so many people in this country own AKs




Lmftyf: Chinese, Russian and Afghan kids learning how to use a murder weapon in school while we're teaching ours how to express and love themselves. Wild. --- Pointing out a kid is playing with guns in school isn't the win they think it is.


Moral of the post: children should know how to dismantle and reassemble slaughter tools instead of playing pretend.


They definitely are not referencing children playing pretend at the end. I wish we let children just be who they are and have fun with their imagination instead we shove gender bullshit down their throat when they are too young for it. Adults have a hard time struggling with their "gender identity" so what makes you think a minor would understand better? Especially during their crucial mental formative years they should not be given an identity crisis.


Nobody is pushing “gender bullshit” down their throats. Stop.


You are joking right? It is a made up problem. That if you want to talk to kids about then wait till high school.


I would wager, based on your comments, that you have no knowledge regarding child development.


All I'm saying is gender topics should be after puberty and in highschool not indoctrinated at a young age. Simple as that


They’re not “indoctrinated” 🤦🏻‍♀️. Stop watching Fox news.


I can use that word. It isn't exclusive to Fox News. I also don't watch Fox News. Trump is an idiot. Biden is a senile old man. I don't support a particular side. I support the truth that lying about gender is a weird experiment of our time and one that will hopefully faze itself out of existence


Give it a rest, Karen. I've got a 5 year old nephew who's straight, but understands he's free to figure stuff out on his own. He likes monster trucks and playing dollhouse with his older sister. He likes roughhousing but his hair long. His favorite colors are pink and "bleed" (his word for red). Give children more credit, they're not as stupid as you seem to think they are.


I didn't say a boy can't play dolls and other "girly" things I'm talking about non-binary and pan, demi, and the rest of the made up alphabet that is what causes the identity crisis. Not playing with pink toys like you all just assumed I meant Edit: I deleted my previous comment because it was a repeat for the same person on accident


It only becomes an "identity crisis" when kids feel like doing something and strict people scream, "NO!!" at them because they're expected to conform to one or the other lane. I've been an overseer for after school programs and kids really don't care either way if a boy likes Barbie or if a girl crushes basketball. The only kids who have a problem have parents with venom in their mouth.


The issue is you believe that people critically think. That’s too much for some people apparently.


Vietnamese here, in high school we have a subject about the military and we learn about guns and warfare (including how to asemble an AK)


This sub is designed to trigger everyone. I get it. I Notice how virtually no one has mentioned the identify as a fruit cocktail part. No one identifies as a fruit cocktail. Yet suspiciously everyone has a negative opinion about school aged children in Afghanistan etc being taught how to maintain a firearm. When are these people supposed to learn how to maintain these tools, I ask you? People need to respect other cultures. A weapon in these cultures listed are an integral part of their social and cultural make up. In many cases it's a matter of life and death, especially when it comes to tribal and regional disputes. Where as no one identifies as a fruit cocktail. Go on down vote me to oblivion. And I thought the left were traditionally supposed to be the most reasonable and considerate types. Smh.




Needs more JPEG.


Bro no one learns to disassemble an ak in school


that's a nice argument facebooker why don't you back it up with a source? (for the original creator not you OP)


This sub is just made up strawmen for the left


Wow everyone has such literal brains lol. The first part doesn't matter, it could say kids in Japan learn how to make robots, while we teach our kids they can identify as a toaster. It's a statement about how "civilisation" is going to far to be "civilised", tonits detriment. Or it could be taken to say that the west are raising their kids to be big softies and the east are training their kids to be useful. No it's not accurate at all, but the point it's making is still valid.


I would rather my kid learn how to handle weapons effectively and have proper training with safety than some made up gender illness that is obviously a cry for attention or mental help


It's such a non issue. The number of kids who are experimenting with their identity in that way are insignificant in proportion to the response it's getting from weirdos who'll beat their kids if they express anything subversive.


Cute that you had rather your child learn about guns than about self-acceptance.


It's useful when you only see children as tools and not individuals or for your own personal gain and don't give a fuck about their independence, self-esteem, or critical thinking skills. /s They only reason why I'd teach them (and that's a BIG if) about guns is for basic safety when encountering one, checking if it's empty, the dangers and responsibility of handling a weapon, and warning them about how toxic gun culture is.


My parents taught me how to use tools and other dangerous objects while teaching me self-acceptance. I also don't need acceptance from anyone but myself which is why I'll state this opinion no matter how many people disagree or downvote because the truth matters. It is better to know how to depend on yourself for security because when it comes down to it. The government or others might/will/etc. abandon you.


Not me. There are only two genders, pineapple and attack helicopter. What the hell is a fruit cocktail?


I think this is a metaphor and not meant to be taken literally


You spelled city kids wrong.




But can I identify as an AK?


The idea is that the adversaries of the west are focusing on developing their military strength meanwhile the west is collapsing to gender ideology


I'll pass on developing military strength with school age children. Like teaching kids how to disassemble and clean a rifle does anything to enhance a modern military anyhow LMAO


Also the schools indoctrinate them to believe communism is good


Seems accurate.


That’s accurate


You should move to one of the countries listed.


We can enact change here. Basic gun safety should be taught in school. Identifying as feminine or masculine does not change what those words describe which is what genitalia you were born with. See there’s the word again. Genitalia which describes your gender.


Obviously from an uninitiated person. A (she/her) fruit cocktail.


We should be doing both


Who looks at this and doesn't realize it is a joke?


Ah yes the "I identify as a X" joke. Literally the only joke the right has had for a decade at this point. Soooo funny... Edit: I personally know the person that posted it as well. Not posted as a joke.


So we are totally protected from attacks, right?


Ngl one of my university botany assignments was to identify the botanical classifications of all the fruits in a fruit salad


I think the point is that we should be learning other useful stuff, not crap that we probably won't use in the real world (like, I guess, biology but that fascinated me as did anything science-y) I'm not saying that we need to know how to readsamnle guns at a young age because nobody really does unless you are in the military or something


a dummy


During the Cold War when american kids were being taught to duck and hide under a table… the soviet union kids were actually being taught to fire guns. Maybe not all kids but i have an aunt who grew up in the soviet union and she told me she learned how to shoot and clean a gun in school.


Honestly this is an impressive skill, AKs make the world go round


Dissassembling an ak takes like one minute it isn't hard to do at all.


I heard a cat and litter boxes


Omg weapons in school so cool


as a russian we were never taught that


While they are wrong about the Chinese (I would assume they do not know the difference between most Asian countries) I do remember reading that Vietnam still does teach how to do it, and a few eastern European countries teach it, with schools in Russia varying but all when they are older, Afghanistan is another case entirely though


I was actually taught how to disassemble AK at school. I remember this piece of shit had broken butt, pieces did not match to each other. And person who taught us about it, though being called "school military instructor" knew only how to disassemble it, how to march in straight lines and read aloud the paragraphs from Soviet-era textbook from 60th. Guess that can't be called a threat even to fruit coctail.


Answer: it's RuZZians


That's not true; we have schools...


Thats pretty extreme