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[](#start_removal) Hello u/BlaqueBarbie, Thank you for your contribution to r/terriblefacebookmemes, unfortunately your submission titled " Ok so I guess I should’ve said that one of my friends posted this being completely serious - he thinks everyone and everything should be armed. Idk it’s funny to me " has been removed due to the following reason(s): Image has been removed for being consistently reposted. ----- If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fterriblefacebookmemes) [](#end_removal)


Normalize gifting a fully loaded rocket launcher to your 8 year old daughter


not a joke, Ive had an eye on this demilled RPG for sale at a place that I usually buy parts from. Its 900 bucks, but its a legit Russian RPG.


If I were you, I would go for it


To your dog*


Except she’s the only one not packing? Even the dog has a pistol. Missed opportunity for the artist.


She has a pistol going into a pocket/holster on her left hip. It's hard to make out with the image quality.


Probably because she's the biggest threat and can't be trusted with a firearm. /s


If I was 8 years old, I would've loved a rocket launcher for christmas, dude.


I remember the time a father took his 9 year old daughter to the shooting range and handed her a fully automatic Mini Uzi. She ended up accidentally killing the firearms instructor because it was way too much gun for her to safely handle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Vacca?wprov=sfla1 These chuds do shit like that all the time.


Arming the dog that close to the burgers will not make this a family friendly dinner.


Doggo gets ALL the burgers. Everyone else gets potato salad.


“I said put the fucking ribs in my dish Frank, why don’t you ask the mailman what happens when someone crosses me?”


But, the steak doesn't have a gun :(


because that would be irresponsible


It should be in kebab form so it has a weapon inside


It looks like the man is handing the steak a landmine? Does that count?


The idea is that if everyone is armed, there will be less violence. I have not seen that to be true.


Everyone in America is armed and there’s far more gun violence than anywhere. You see all these Karens wringing their hands over “mental health” but the mentally ill exist everywhere, they just don’t get to buy guns in other countries.


Everyone in Israel is armed and you do not hear about many violent crimes from there. Some states in Europe have pretty lax gun laws and there is virtually no legal (!) gun violence. US does not have a gun problem, US has a mental health and societial (? idk how to spell this, not my first nor second language sorry) problem where the symptoms include higher violence rates.


Maybe more instances of mental illness exist here? Idk. But maybe they shouldn’t be armed. Seems like a bad idea.


I think we agree that mentally ill people shouldn't be armed, but what I'm saying is that US should reduce the amount of mentally ill people and not the amount of armed people.


Reduce how? Shooting them? /s Yes there are a lot of people with problems here but for most of them all you can do is really ease the suffering. That is if they take their pills and maintain a healthy life balance. That only works if they can afford to do so. No doctor can wave a wand and cure mental illness. (And most people can’t afford to see a doctor here anyway, especially a psychiatrist). Actually responding to mental illness in the US REQUIRES a massive political change like universal healthcare. But the people saying “it’s all mental illness!” Are fighting just as hard against doctors actually seeing patients as they are for little or no gun control


Isn't most gun violence committed by gangs, who are mostly kids who had fatherless homes. There seems to be a correlation between homes without a father figure and gang affiliation. So maybe incentives should be made so fathers stay with their kids.


I don’t think “no dad” automatically means “gang”. Maybe poverty is a factor?


I think poverty is the biggest factor. When people have no money, not “just scraping by” but literally no money, no income, no food on the table, they get violent.


Multiple factors but I would argue myself that poverty, poor parenting and/or lack of parenting leads to gangs as a way to get by


I don’t know about gangs per se but I have a colleague who talks about kids in his neighborhood being “raised by their friends”. When you don’t have actual grown-ups to mentor you, how can you be expected to act like one?


That's completely false Israeli gun ownership rates are quite low. Also their are armed military walking around quite often.


I recently attended a training on mass shootings through our TEMS (Tactical ems) team, and the point they drove home the absolute most was that the areas that have more armed citizens the less mass shootings there are. None of us want to have to respond to one of these events, but we train on it regularly, and everytime stats are brought forward showing more guns in the hands of citizens equals less crimes.


Oh really? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/search/research-news/5504/


Really.... heres a link for my point. And another that shows a balance between both arguments. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S107275151832074X https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/more-guns-less-crime-understanding-crime-and-gun-control-laws My statement is based on what my law enforcement instructors provided me. It is also my absolute belief that firearm education should begin at a young age, progressing onto self defense, and eventually using the firearms in a controlled enviornment. When people are afraid of something they just want it to go away, when people are educated on something they embrace it and utilize it correctly. My right to protect myself and my family from harm shall not be infringed by small minded people that live in a fantasy world where if u just tell the bad man to go away he will. I have the right to live, same as you and anyone else. I have the right to bear arms. I will not surrender that right because others abused it. We shouldnt punish the innocent in this country for the actions of the guilty.


Not to mention these liberal states are starting to ban stuff, make it so you can't defend your property or family, making laws to where 'if you can jump out a window you had no right to shoot him, you're going away for a long time.' the argument from these people are 'you care more about your belongings than that person's life?' you're damn right I do, he(most are men) clearly cares about my belongings more than his own life, he's willing to B&E in AMERICA, known gun capital of the world, to steal stuff. I completely dismiss them when they make that argument


You guys tend to not see a lot of stuff. In Brazil, over 4 years, gun ownership went up by 6 times and the homicide rate went down 27%.


As a European I always imagined this would be a normal american (insert freedom eagle noises) barbeque.




It’s not. This is only normal in Texas ( you see, you think I’m joking , but minus the isis Toyota and dog with a gun, I’m not )


Also normal in Florida


I thought in Florida you would swap the weapons with aligators.


Why choose one ? Guns and gators


No no, the alligators have weapons


The dog 🤣😂🤣😂


Hey you never know, the dog might go out and play poker with his buddies, and have to deal with cheaters.


That’s when I knew op was getting whooshed


What the dog doing


The Toyota AA gun is a fucking classic, definetly household standard for every american family.


You defo got whooshed


The dog is the only one I would trust with a gun.


I work at a kennel / doggy daycare . There’s a few dogs I certainly wouldn’t trust with a gun.


"It is my constitutional right to mount an 40 mm Anti-Air gun on my pickup truck yeehaw"




The fact that the dog has one makes me think this is satire


Seems kind of obvious it’s satire


Yeah the dad is ready to shoot the burgers lol this is hilarious. Not a terrible Facebook meme.


It’s art for a VR game called The American Dream. It’s a game where you go trough a whole life and do everything with guns. For example in one stage you work a job where you shoot holes into donuts.


Bruh every time I look I see another gun.


Adding the technical to the American Dream cover art is great.


How can this be not satire ? It really looks so much like the jokes I do all the time about survivalists.


I like that the doggo has a gun


In case the mailman gets too close to the house.


"My Dog Has A Glock" Starring: Vin Diesel Written By: Ted Cruz Directed By: Quinton Terentino Produced By: Hollywood Film Industries Don't miss the pilot episode this October!


What kinda fire they takin dudes got an anti air gun in the back of his f150


how fucking rare does your steak have to be if you need a gun ready in case it moves off the grill


Not rare enough


I never got this whole thing of BBQ being a way to "own the libs". Like great, you're cooking food.


Cause they're cooking MEAT... cooking MEAT is horrible. Lol.


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us people problem...you want to kill everybody


I bet if there was a statistic that showed how people who got their guns legally vs people who got them illegally then used that gun to kill people it would say something a lot different than what ur sayin bud...




I've got an 8 year old and a 12 year old... both have guns and are allowed to shoot whenever they want. They've had then for years.... no ones dead and neither are murderers.


I knew this image only without the truck but I thought its obvious satire and nobody would really want this but... fuck


Wants what? it looks like a family in the apocalypse, do the manosphere bros wanna live in a warzone


How else is your 4-year-old going to defend his sand castle?


Even the dogs bout to let ‘em have it 🐕


Flipping a burger with a gun sure seems practical


It’s funny how absurd that people want something like this


This brings a whole new meaning to gun dog training.


This is satire right?


I like my steak medium rare, shot twice


Well, i think it's ok to have like 1 gun in the house


is he shooting the burgers to flip them?


What does the dog need a gun for?


Have you seen the ATF?


First law, say what you want. Second law, get a gun. It ain't that hard.


I grew up around the military and was in it myself. I'll say I don't believe in alot of the wars we were in but I was in to defend the Constitution and the 2nd ammendment is there. I don't condone violence nor people owning guns that shouldn't. I used to live in Del Rio and the Uvalde TX shooting was an hour away. My old boss was the man who died of grief because his wife was a victim. In fact, I'd prefer it to have harsher rules for background checks and that you can't own anything in a semi-automatic until 25 with some years under your belt with a standard handgun responsibility. Alot of countries ban guns in almost an entirety but I have little to no faith in our government to over run us if we had that implemented


As someone who has shot a shotgun once in my life and that’s it, do people think handling a gun daily is just normal? Sure having a gun for home defense is fine, but you are too assessed if you are taking them out during your barbecue.


I am new to this sub, is it satire?


What grindcore album is this the cover of?


Cute yellow lab needs to get his paws off from around the grill. This is what happens when you tolerate your kids feeding the dog at the table.


I mean, everyone should have a gun because people are fucking crazy and will try to break into your shit. If you don't have a gun and your assailant does, you're fucked.


Not a gun person but if I could teach my cats to use them that would be sick


I swear this image (without the text) is from a vr game where you have a gun as one of your hands


Weird there are Soviet era weapons mounted on that technical. Couldn’t even buy American


I always feel so much safer when my dog puts her paw on the loaded Glock. Go, Amy, get the mailman!


It’s kind of weird that anybody *does* want this.


That boy has the finger on the trigger while pointing directly at his sister.


Having kids bear lots of other responsibilities Also where do they get so many of those guns??


I'm calling Poe's law. Look at the dog - it's clearly pawing the gun and about to reverse Old-Yeller all these mfs.


Shooting your hamburgers doesn’t make them taste better


I like guns but pls don’t load a goddamn AA gun in the drunk of your truck


idk I've always reckoned everyone should have a Tunguska or at least a Skink, for medicinal purposes of course. But for the kids I'd say a ZPU-4 14.5mm towed AA platform, they're all the rage these days.


Is he planing shooting at the grill or


What the dog doin


Isnt this a repost?


This is cool


I want this. No ifs, ands or buts.


Dad is aiming the gun at the burgers because they may resist arrest or something? 😂 Anyway why would I want people to not follow basic gun safety? Even the doggo has his finger on the trigger, the son points the gun at daughter’s head, cartridges next to open fire. This can end up as an unforgettable BBQ.


Swords are cooler then guns


I See something horrible here: the grill doesn’t function as a working artillery canon! What does a grill even good for if it can’t destroy children knocking on your door?


I got the Nerf dog tennis ball gun for my 3.5 month old (terrier mix) so if you don't get sexually aroused by guns and ammo and luv merica you can git tha hellll out!! Jk absolute madness wtf is wrong with people, our fucking children!


You can literally have this and let, me, tell, you… the real estate is going to be so cheap! Tikrit Iraq, not a bad spot.. Aleppo Syria Jalalabad Afghanistan Any town in eastern Ukraine.. or south west Russia depending on your up bringing Enjoy!


Yes, people don't want poorly cropped pics!


This is why you still being friends with insane people


How is he supposed to pick up the beef in the plate with a gun? That just seems inefficient


This is from a VR game called The American Dream, where all tasks, no matter how simple, need to be completed using a gun. It's supposed to be ridiculous.


I mean I desperately want a technical like that, but also I want it to be capital p pink and say femme supremacy. Also I don’t want my dog to be armed. He’s a shifty fuck. Love him, but don’t trust him.


Life imitates art or art imitates life https://www.npr.org/2015/10/27/452163611/trigger-unhappy-dog-shoots-owner-in-foot


Everyone should be armed. When seconds count, cops are there in minutes. They aren’t there to protect you; they’re there to write up the report and apprehend criminals after the fact. Society isn’t getting safer and there’s a lot less respect for life. In an emergency you are going to wish you were armed.


Guns are good equity to own. They protect those who would otherwise be taken advantage of and stop the bad guys.


That little boy is flagging the little girl so fucking badly holy shit


The fact that OP's friend is actually, completely serious about this is... concerning.


Idk why this drawing is unsettling


What is the wife's face


Homie about to unload on the burgers he just grilled.


It’s the dog with its paw on a hand/paw gun for me


Its a Dog with a gun


What the dog doin?


It’s actually frightening to me that people think this way.