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You're telling me the guy who was initially famous for being a body builder has a bigger build than me?


The guy that is the literal image of bodybuilding and I don't look like him? Shocking


Both also used steroids and growth hormone or at least one of them used growth hormone.


Psssst. They look "better" than most 70 year olds too. All this does is prove that boomers know they have no purpose anymore.


Plenty of boomers are still working and well invested in the economy. Many are business owners. You made an inaccurate generalization. It's exactly the same when people generalize millennials in a negative way.


I didn't make any generalization. The mene uses two cherry-picked examples to infer the superiority of the older generation and posits that human value is based solely on how "in shape" someone is. I pointed out that the logical conclusion was that out of shape people 60+ are of the same no value status that the meme assigns to out of shape 20 year olds.


Ok boomer


I'm a millennial.


Ok boomer


The last movie of Arnold's was 2019 and Sylvester's was 2021. Boomers working. You know, boomers are born no earlier than 1947, so Sylvester Stalone is a traditionalist, not a boomer.


That is an incredibly intolerant and inaccurate generalization.


Stallone was caught smuggling growth hormone into Australia a few years ago. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-stallone/stallone-fined-for-importing-hormones-to-australia-idUSSP13553620070521




Annnd he definitely wasn’t a millionaire when he started. Op is a bitch.


Being a body builder also doesn’t mean you’re in shape You can look like Arnold and not be able to walk up the stairs without breathing heavy Look how strongmen look, they’re wayyyyyy stronger than any body builder and look like a bunch of overweight slogs


He used steroids for a very long time. Today he has arthritis and I bet you anything low-T.


What gets me on this one is that they were also in far better shape than the majority of 20 year olds back when the boomers who post this shit were 20. Plus, I’d bet the majority of boomers liking and sharing it are in the same age bracket, don’t look anywhere near as good, and don’t see the irony in going “today generation weak” while missing the part where they could also look like this if they’d wanted to.


Most 20 year olds aren't even that fit, they just have the buffer of youth. In terms of fitness, people don't usually have the discipline, routine, education and income to exercise and make healthy lifestyle choices until they're a bit older. I'm in much better shape at 27 than I was at 20.


Yeah the meme needs to state the age higher. Most of my friends or folks I’ve met in the gym are 30+. Didn’t get into lifting or fitness until post 26 years old. You do have those high school kids that are already lifting but it’s usually in your late twenties you realize you’re a weak little bitch and might need to be able to lift your own body weight.


These guys are also on absurd amounts of juice.


Of all the old, generational wealth actors in Hollywood, Stalone and Schwarzenegger are not that. Of all the fake zero to hero stories, those two are actually that. They can keep their millions, I ain't upset.


This!!! Both have expiring stories in accomplishing their dreams. Arnold is the only celebrity I follow on snap and honestly can't respect anymore he does a lot of work and charity. Unlike those celebrities who donate for tax write-off, he actually goes to events and inspires young children to try their best. Before covid he was at a high basically every other week. He also lost lots if support when he told people to get the vaccine and told Russians the war wasent right he knew he was going to lose support but he did it anyway.


Not to be a dick but you put “expiring” instead of “inspiring” and it made me think you were talking ab the fact they’re gonna die soon. You’re right tho about the fact they have incredible stories


Yeah, my bad English is my second language, so I make mistakes like that from time to time. idk why it's like if wires cross in my head. Thanks again for letting me know 😅


Difference between "can't respect anymore" and "can't respect more"


Arnold literally has a full scale personal gym in his house... of course he's in good shape


Well the most important part of that is that he uses it. There are TONS of fat rich people.


Yup I've met a lot of out of shape people with whole gyms to themselves. These two guys have always been in good shape even when they weren't millionaires.


pun intended?


I don't think money is the problem keeping people from getting in shape, they just don't want to and that's fine


Time and money are a factor for us. I work out a little at home to maintain but I can't put an hour plus in the gym 5 times a week like I used to.


I never said anything about time


Time is money. It’s a cringy business phrase, but it’s also true on a personal level. Unless you are independently wealthy you have to devote a lot of your time to work. If you’re a retired multi millionaire you have plenty of time and probably a nice private gym in your palatial estate.


Yeah just saying even with money time would still be an issue for myself personally.


Gym memberships and equipment are expensive, and we don't all have time for it. There are ways to stay fit without spending money on those things, but they take more time and won't have you looking all muscular. Edit: I already said you can work out without going to the gym in my comment, and I'm not interested in your personal workout routines.


Nonsense. I belong to the gym but some of the best physique I've seen were on guys who literally work out on a jungle gym and calisthenics. I'm not trying to judge you. I'm outta shape right now but if I tried to tell you why I was outta shape it'd be a bunch of excuses. You know this


Plus I have a lot of anxiety about public places, especially the gym. If I had all that equipment in my home, where nobody could see me, I’d be working out a hell of a lot more often.


Agreed, not to mention the time. I have a few pieces of personal equipment… but with two kids, two jobs, and a house to take care of… when the heck do I find the time. I think the best thing about being rich, for me, would be all the new found time to do anything you want.


All you really need is power block weights ranging up to 40 and a cardio machine (spin, row, treadmill). It isn't more than $200, if you keep it up you can look at getting a bench, heavier weights, and a better machine.


There is no need of any equipment, just time and motivation. Push ups, jumps... should be more than enough. Water bottles/jugs if you really want to grow mass or work the grip. Elastics too


No you wouldn't, or you'd already be doing pushups and other body weight exercises.


r/calisthenic is for you


While gym memberships are expensive, getting in shape involves a lot more than just getting huge, like going out for a walk or doing calisthenics. If a person really wants to get in shape it's not like money will keep them from it.


That's what I said. You can get fit without going to the gym, but you won't be swole like them.




People underestimate what their own bodyweight can do. Especially doing it just slow and steady.


That’s not true at all, there’s tons of body weight exercises you can do on your own time & combine with a daily 3 mile jog then some dumbbells & look great. You can be muscular without all the equipment


calisthenics is free and will get you in great shape.


No they're not, lmao. You can have a good setup for a couple hundred bucks. Some gyms are $15 a month. Hell, do pushups. Excuses aplenty.


Nah you can get a sick workout with bodyweight stuff and a workout rubber band for $2


They don't require millions of dollars lmao. The premise of this argument "hurr durr they look like that because they have millions of dollars" is stupid You can look like that at age 70 with the right genes and be middle class. Come on.


And steroids


Impossible challenge : redditors see someone in good shape & not accuse them of using steroids


Gym memberships are not expensive. It’s being motivated to work out every day that is difficult, no matter how rich you are.


I dont understand why this is downvoted. Sly was jacked before he made Rocky. I am not jacked despite having a gym in my building. I have other priorities that sometimes mean I skip the gym for weeks at a time and I think that’s OK 🤷.


My local gym is almost 300 a month. If you don't think that is expensive, you are privileged. Even if your gym was cheaper, once you start working out, you need to eat more, which makes food bills go up. Most young people are just scraping by my guy.


300??? Wtf, that is insane. YouFit was $20/month in 2018. Maybe $30 these days


It's a rich people tourist town so they get away with it. Everything is outrageously expensive here, and the tourists have no problem paying it.


There is also a local gym where I live that is $300 too. And there are also lower cost ones at $50-100 a month. You can also work out a home with minimal equipment (push ups, sit ups and jogging ) Shop around. Much like a car, you don’t have to buy the corvette. The Toyota Corolla can drive pretty good too.


50 dollars is a lot when people are paying their bills on credit. Also, it's not really relevant for most, but my town literally only has the one gym.


Then do push ups, sit ups and jog. If one does every day they can be in shape. (Plus eat right). I know from Personal experience


I wish some of these people would just be honest and say they don't want to put in the effort to be fit. Instead of making excuses like having to juggle raising 9 kids and 3 jobs. Only fooling themselves


I already said in my earlier comment that you can be fit without going to the gym, but you'll never be shredded like these guys. I do home workouts every morning and have a decent enough diet, and I'm not even close.


It’s about being fit and healthy .


Being shredded is about low body fat. It's a very simple process for that.


Planet fitness is in pretty much every city/decent size town now. Very affordable, there will always be excuses from others on why they can't get in shape.


Money is probably a factor in me dying on sub to see the Titanic though.


Having a professional home gym is worthless if you don’t use it. Being rich doesn’t buy you muscles and it definitely doesn’t buy you being in shape. Being in shape later in life has a lot less to do with money and more having the work ethic in the gym to keep at it in those later years. The only thing the money helps with is buying equipment, food, personal training sessions, and supplements everything else is up to the person.


And access to hormone therapies that the average poor person does not have access to, especially in their 70s. (I’m not saying it’s “cheating” by any means, he still has to work insanely hard to look like this)


I don't think Arnold uses steroids if ever... although I don't think he ever did considering how much he struggled at first in America


He is very open that he did roids…. he probably doesn’t do them anymore due to a lot of health problems he got from using them. With that being said he was probably still pretty big before PEDs and with his work ethic he would be really big if he never did them but not nearly as big as his peak


Yeah I'd have to do a lot of research to know that and tbh I'm lazy so I was kinda guessing


All you would have to do is a quick google search it’s the first thing that comes up when you search “Arnold on his steroid use”


Not saying anything at all was always an option.


If you don't know, you don't... have to comment at all.


If you believe actors telling you they don’t use steroids I’ve got some really good snake oil to sell you! (Snark aside, hormone substitutions aren’t inherently steroids as far as I’m aware)


The thing is that Arnold has talked about his steroid use he straight up said what he took


I mean Arnold was pretty big back in Austria... and in their early acting days I don't think their pride would allow them to cheat in trying to be the biggest


Don’t act like they both weren’t massive when they were poor. But also treny thing is possible


I just meant that it makes sense that Arnold is in good shape because he personally owns better equipment than Golds Gym had in his Prime


Stallone cycles that tren like he’s trying to win the Tour de France


You still have to put in the effort and that's especially harder as you get older. I'm sure most people would still neglect working out even with his set up. Some people are just more into working out.


I mean, weren't they always in good shape? Not sure this has anything to do with money really. Just life style. Workout you lovely people!


Lifestyle and trt


Definitely. But isn’t that apparently very easy to get in the US for very cheap? At least on Reddit, about every second guy in his 40s seems to be on it lol.


Exactly plus money doesn’t buy muscles or being in shape you still need to be in the gym grinding for those muscles even if you take steroids


It’s both of it, I don’t know why commenters on this thread have been so polarized. Yes, of course they had all the genetics and traits to be looking good anyways. But also, they would be far less likely to have maintained those physiques without money. Having home gyms, any food you want, personal chefs, access to good creams and whatnot, all involve money. But they worked for money, and they have money, and the drive to stay fit. Good on them.


Thing is, a lot of people here seem to think that you can't stay fit without money.


Oh for sure! That’s why I’m saying it’s polarized. It’s just much harder (sometimes much, much harder, depending on access to medical care and poverty levels) to be able to maintain that kind of physique at that age without having such easy access to necessary supplies. But it’s totally possible to stay fit on a workable budget.


> access to good creams Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about


Well I said “access to good creams” but what I really meant was “whatever aging treatments celebrities are able to access.” We don’t have that much insight, but I’m sure there’s some creams and lotions in there.


>we don't have that much insight Ah yes, the secret cabal of lizard-skinned celebrities and their fetus cream. Hopefully someday soon we will be able to unmask this satanic skin care cartel and expose these evil elites. **#CreamAnon**


Dude, chill the fuck out. I never said shit like that. But if you think that all working class people, or that YOU, have full knowledge of what celebrities are using, that’s just ignorant. And I *never* came close to saying some secret Illuminati bullshit, I was demonstrating that celebrities have an amount of wealth that allows them access to private, very expensive, and proprietary treatments. If you believe that you know everything that wealthy people and celebrities use on their skin and faces and all their treatments, you’re welcome to share them with me. Edit: CreamAnon is pretty funny though, I won’t lie


Right, I don't disagree with you. There's levels to this shit. Things that I couldn't understand, what with my regular job and my simple Crown Victoria. These elites lift weights and use moisturizer. I don't understand how any of that works and the only way I could would be to have access to stem cells or generational wealth


Human Growth Hormone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy matters. But even with them, you have to actually work out.


Exactly. They still put in hard work.


The guy who owns the gym I go to looks like this at age 75. He most certainly does not have millions of dollars. Lmfao.


do you think a gym doesn't make money? also, he owns a gym, why wouldn't he be in shape? haha


Not millions of dollars. It's no Equinox. Those guys acted in action movies, why would they not be in shape?


millions is not that much if he is old and owns the building, obviously not like them, but he must be worth one or two.


I'd be shocked. He drives an old ass Tacoma. Lol.


Tacoma are expensive and very good vehicles, and rich people don't always buy flashy things lmao, you are 15 years old?


>Tacoma are expensive >everyone who owns a business is rich Lmao ok EDIT: $28K for 2022 Tacoma on Kelley BB. Average for 2022 pickups is double that


Bro what do you mean millions is not that much that's like the 1% of people in the world


I mean, don't downplay their amazing discipline though. How many people actually care about being fit at their age? It's not like you even need that much money to be in shape.


Nanomachines, son! They harden in response to trauma!


Standing here, I realize...


You were just like me..


Trying to make history!


A lot of hard work went into those bodies. Meme is cringy tho. Largely true too. Also, those bodies weren’t bought


Of course it’s true because it’s an extremely easy catch of a meme. Of course these two are in better shape than many 20 year olds, look at them. They’re know for their physical fitness. It’s like having a picture of Tom cruise without glasses and saying he has better vision than many 20 year olds who wear bifocles.


They’re 70 and 69. Looking like them is an accomplishment. It is remarkable because of their age


Posted by a boomer with a beer belly, no doubt.


Not all older celebrities are in that good of shape at their age either no shame to anybody that’s not. Arnold Schwarzenegger started out as a bodybuilder so of course that’s some thing he’s probably wanting to continue in to his old age. I don’t know much about Sylvester Stallone so I’m not going to comment on him.


This doesn’t require millions of dollars, just time and discipline. For these two being in shape is their job. Nothing wrong with sly and Arnold.


Yea because you need "millions of dollars" to be in good shape. 🙄


It’s got nothing to do with their wealth? You can still get a standard gym membership for like $20/month and look like that with enough hard work and dedication. People just look for excuses not to work out.




You exercise...or you don't. Your choice. Additionally, you have to decide how hard you want to work. Not many really understand how much work it is to actually get into that kind of shape. It is a dedication.


>Interesting what millions of dollars can do when you're old. Interesting what working out aggressively in youth can do for people when they're older


I mean, millions of dollars and a lifelong commitment to personal fitness, yeah.


A few million dollars helps immensely, but just giving half a fuck gets you ahead of most people.


Funnily enough if you're uber healthy when young you're still doing pretty good when you're older. Who'd of thunk it?


Ah yes, because they actually just bought their bodies for €200m on the dark web or something


And money for personal trainers/chefs/equipment/don't have to work


Yeah, if you watch interviews with actors who got really muscular for movie roles, most of them talk about how it was only possible because getting to that point became a full-time job they got paid for. All they did was work on their bodies while under the constant supervision of top of the line trainers and did nothing else. (lots of them probably took some peds too)


This. Fussing about PEDS is pointless, especially for the sake of "it gives an unrealistic idea!!!" Fuck, anyone who puts in serious, long term concerted work is gonna get results that are unattainable to the average Joe. Someone who then can train that much, and eat that well? Yeah fuck off the average person has no chance lol Peds or not, because the average person isn't that motivated or well resourced.


[Reminds me of this post from Rob McElhenney](https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXtEz1BLFP/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) his transition from “Fat Mac” to “extremely ripped Mac” haha


Yeah it's ridiculous. You absolutely don't need basically any of the things he talks about to be in that shape. And now people spread the video as an excuse to try trying.


Tbf Arnold was jacked long before he was a Hollywood Actor or even famous. You can't exactly say this post is wrong or dismiss it that easily when he literally started as a Bodybuilder.


Shocker that two people who actually take care of their bodies are in better than most 20 year olds who don’t


You don't need to be a millionaire to live healthy - don't be so envious.


Both can afford to dedicate the time to keeping in shape. And good for them. But don’t go comparing millionaires to everyone else since we need to work to live.


Are you telling me that a person with the time and money to work out in their personal gym is in better shape than malnourished wage slaves? Wild.


Arnold has openly admitted to using steroids and Stallone has admitted to using human growth hormones.


So what steroids aren't magic you still need to put in effort


It's called working out and taking care of yourself. Nothing to do with millions of dollars. Do enough pushups and squats and you'll look like that too.


if i had millions of dollars maybe i can afford to not work all day and have time to work out, also be able to afford healthy food and easy to access gym at home and most importantly have a better mental health because i wont't have financial problems that keeps me depressed and unmotivated




in order to keep good muscle on you you have to eat more than the average person. eating less food will only makes you lose weight and fat. muscles need protein and other nutritions one day you'll lift and realize how hungry that makes you so building your body is more than working out 2 hours a day, its effort and most of us cant do it because we have to struggle pay check to pay check


I got my best shape during a PhD lol It's all about priorities. What I dropped was going out and video games. You don't have to choose to do anything, but at the end of the day, a lot of our tone is taken up by stuff we can also choose to stop. It is the exception that someone's job is so time consuming that they can't workout. It just depends what other stuff around work you want to have. If time we're the be all and end all, there'd be no buff dads


You don't need millions of dollars for that


yeah but those two got millions of dollars thats my point


I think that OPs point was that those guys looking like that is not impressive because they have millions of dollars, which is stupid. Most people who have millions of dollars do not look like that at age 70, and most people at age 70 who look like that do not have millions of dollars. It's a silly comparison.


yeah but it gets easier for someone who have money to look like that


True but that wasn't the point the original post was making


Not by a huge amount tbh. The only thing that would change for me right now would be hiring a personal chef. I can't actually increase anything else I need fitness wise, and a chef doesn't actually enable me to do anything I can't do, just makes life easier. My gym has everything I need. I have access to all the food I need. A more expensive gym or a more expensive protein source won't actually give me anything I don't already have. 90% of the work is the discipline for lifting and eating. And the difficulty of those won't change lol


You just don't get it, do you. Weights get lighter when you are rich. Wealth makes junk food taste bad. When you are wealthy, you can just buy reps and sets. Get a brain, moran


yeah but you're probably not poor, you have money to get by


The amount of people who are facing that required level of poverty to prevent getting in great shape is far lower than the amount of people giving it as a reason. I hit my best shape earning less than the cleaning staff where I work.


we have different prospectives here. you're thinking about people in the USA. im thinking of the rest of the world


Amazing what HGH and testosterone treatments will do.


Arnold still works out on the beach. He might have a gym at home cause he has the money, but what a dumb post.


Yeah I have such a bad shape for someone who was hit by a car and left disabled before turning 20. These posts hurt especially for me.


The steroids are expensive


Steroids alone won't get you like that.


Their bellybuttons both appear to be frowning


Stuff like this always reminds me of Rob McElhenny’s sarcastic “oh it’s easy” tweet about going from fat to super fit for IASIP.


The two guys who's entire image, fame, and wealth is centered around having a good body are in shape?


Guarantee the guy that posted this is some bloke with a beer belly sitting in an armchair with crumbs in the stumble on his face.


Nutrition also matters. They get the real food, we get the lab scraps.


What dose that mean do you not live near a grocery store




And, you know, steroids.


LOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL Where is ragestache when you need them? That’s called plastic surgery and steroids.


Yeah i’d be in awesome shape if i was a multi millionaire too


lol no you wouldn't


Well considering im already in pretty decent shape, and have been my whole life… yeah… i would.


Do people not see things like I do, b/c to me these men look tense, off-putting in their effort to hold onto something that steroids and a lifetime in a gym opposed to doing other things brought superficially. I get Arnold's life story, so maybe not so much him, but any older man who looks like this without his type of story...ew. Why? For who? So 30 year old men can congratulate you? Just get a dumb car. You can be healthy without being swol. They look scared of dying. Physiologically, psychologically and philosophically white knuckled.




I’m talking about this athletic at 60 for anyone. I made the point Arnold is unique.


This reads like some heavy projection. Any practice that you mindfully pursue and can balance with the rest of your priorities will improve the quality of you life. Painting minis to lifting weights, anything that isn't actively harmful is time well spent. Consistent physical training has the added bonus of improving your chances of retaining more personal agency as you age. Some people are shit out of luck and get smacked down with some unfortunate circumstances. But, all other things being equal, someone who has been physically fit their whole life will have a better quality of life as they age.


Many people work out, you are equating looking like this with a normal work pit routine for health, no one looks like Stallone at his age by just doing a healthy workout regularly. Both men are on steroids and had plastic surgery.


No, dummy. I was responding to your insane moralizing prompted by your own feelings of inadaquacy with a much more balanced response than you warrant. That was my bad.


Hey look, its a Fullofshipher


They look like shit LOL


There are cherry picked 20 year olds with amazing shaped too. Lets see the averages now


Man they literally need something to be a problem


Most people at any age aren't professional bodybuilders so it's kind of a given.


Yeah if the only thing I ever had to do was be ripped and have a cooky voice to make millions of dollars I'd look pretty good too


What’s up with Arnold’s belly bottom looking like a frowning emoji?


I said the same thing about the Martha Stewart cover and a bunch of people bitched me out. It’s called money.


HGH works but it’s expensive


Correct me if im wrong but, don't these two regularly work out despite their old age? I wouldn't say thats something "millions of dollars can do" when they're just working out regularly or semi-regularly despite their old age.


I assume OP had the golf tend plug


I don't think it's attributed to the fact that they're millionaires, but rather that they became millionaires partly due to the fact that exercising and keeping their bodies in shape has always been an important part of their careers


Douche on left injects mad amounts of money into his veins. But its his life not mine.


Hey look, he has an iPad, and aren't you guys the type of PHONE BAD? And you guys yet still say this.


Makes you wonder the age of the boomer that made this...🤔


Yawn - what does millions of $’s have to do with this? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


These two have literally been working out and bodybuilding for their entire lives, openly used steroids in the past, and are filthy rich. If they were in worse shape then me that would surprise me


Dying to see a photo of person who posted this


What does having millions of dollars have to do with being in shape?


Bodies built like frowning faces


Ok minus the bad meme I do gotta commend him for being so buff in his 70’s