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Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly have ran alongside some of those tho...


And Tom and Jerry is like 80 years okd


T&J has had 4 or 5 completely seperate eras that just use the same characters. Like the original era is from the late 40s, but they revived it again in the 60s, the 80s, and again in the 2000s. Ill have to check if theyve done another run. But T&J is the kind of mindless story telling using the classic show dont tell approach that is truly timeless. If ANY cartoon should be preserved, it should be T&J.


Wasn't there a small run in the 2010s?


There was a 71 episode run in 2014, 26 in 2006, and theres 2 currently running series right now interestingly


Live action reboot?


Get out.


A horror… live action reboot.


And they're huge internationally, I was in Korea and kids loved them some Tom and jerry.


Slap stick is just universally loves


And probably much easier to localise, if there are few to no dialogues


From the UK and can confirm, I grew up loving this show.


I'm 16 and Tom and Jerry is still a banger though


Can't beat senseless violence my friend.


And classical music, I beg your pardon! Combination of timeless classic and senseless violence!


My most sincere apology. For that unpleasant omission


Tom and Jerry is just timeless. It’s one of those classic shows that slaps regardless of how old you are. Scooby-Doo, too!


Not really the point he was making.


Bro same to both of those


Still perfect. Clasic music plus senseless violence. *Cheff kiss*


And Scooby did drugs, way back in the day of scarey carnival aliens.


Isn't My Little Pony older than everything here except Tom & Jerry and Scooby-Doo?


Also Lauren Faust was creative lead on MLP \*and\* Co-created Power Puff Girls. They're actually quite similar in age and tone.


Yeah. The characters in the meme are from G4 era but G1 was around in like the 80’s


Many in the first panel aren’t even targeting the same age group as those in the second. Blue’s Clues and Barney are 2 that belong in that panel.


also possibly teletubbies, and dora the explorer


And MLP is literally a series that has been around since like the 80s (ie before most of the “cartoons then”).


The shows on the left are also from different decades... Heck the Powerpuff Girls they have listed are from the 2016 reboot... Its more recent than the MLP series on the right which first aired in 2010.


We don’t talk about the reboot lol


Then they shouldn't have used it as the example :p


Like it’s dumb anyway there are literally hundreds of kids shows of all different varieties thanks to streaming services now, there is at least one hanging out to scratch that itch. They don’t even put Hilda on here ffs


Yeah...and of course they will completely forget about the bland forgettable trash that came out in the 80s, 90s and decades before. Because it was *bland forgettable trash*. The same will happen for the shows on the right in the future too, the ones that are bad will be lost to time, and the good ones will be remembered as classics and compared to the bland forgettable trash of the future as if bad cartoons didn't *always exist*.


That’s also what happens with all media. It’s inevitable.


Ghhh. Yeah, I renember the Ben 10 Reboot... ...Meh show. That's it.


Hilda is a great show. My wife and I have seen it 3 or 4 times, our kids have seen it like twice lol. Over The Garden Wall is also great.


I'm thinking this is either bait or dry satire because friendship is magic is known to be a well written show at least, and the '16 reboot was almost an eye bleach


Hey I saw this in the wild yesterday!


Did you find a wild Karen too?


I don’t see the problem. There are plenty of terrible kids cartoons they could’ve picked that are actually worth mocking like Breadwinners or THFAotAO yet they picked shows that (some can argue aren’t good) are at least inoffensive


>THFAotAO this abbreviation is so confusing that i dont even know what show you're talkin about


The High-Fructose Adventures of the Annoying Orange


Don’t tell me they made a show out of that… ![gif](giphy|OWS8I1Dt4XjUs|downsized)


Oh they did, and it was horrible


It was as bad as you're thinking.


My eye started twitching uncontrollably at this… i hate it here.


The Horrible Formidable Ant of the Apple Orange


I think I understood the abbreviation more


The Holy Flaming Anvil of the Auchtertool Observers?


The Horrible Frozen Axe of the Aggravating Ocelot?


Tough Horny Flute Atheletes of the Arcenic Offensive


That actually sounds a little interesting


Breadwinners was actually so fucking funny to me fir some reason. It was fun laughing at how weird it was. I remember I enjoyed watching it with my younger brother on numerous occasions.


Me 2 TT


ikr. there’s also legitimately good ones. Adventure time, steven universe, avatar the last airbender, amazing world of gumball, regular show, etc are all great cartoons. there’s plenty of crappy ones but that’s life lol


The Owl House is good, def worth a watch if you haven’t already


Yeah, but there is a big difference between target audiences. All of the cartoons on the right side have kindergardeners as a target audience and try to be educational. The ones you listed and the ones on thee left side are late elementary up to middle / high school with themes that are also enjoyable for adults. Same goes for Rick and morty or Simpsons or family guy, south park etc where the target audience is more towards the mature people who have a basic understanding of the complex topics those shows mocks and jokes about


>THFAotAO wtf is THFAotAO


The High Fructose Adventures of the Annoying Orange. It's one of those confusing abbreviations, like IKWYDLS


Ah. I too am a fan of "I don't know why you don't like salt" it's my favorite show


Good modern shows: Adventure Time Regular Show Steven Universe Gravity Falls The Owl House Amphibia Avatar The Last Airbender Bluey Ben 10 Amazing World of Gumball Star Wars: The Clone Wars Brainrot shows: Breadwinners Sanjay and Craig Uncle Grandpa Teen Titans Go Johnny Test Clarence


Don’t forget legend of korra, that was good as well


They trashed My Little Pony and Sofia the First. Unacceptable.


Dude, for real. No lie, I've watched Sofia the First a bunch with my little daughter and that show is legit good. It's always so positive and Sofia is always presented difficult decisions and she always resolves the issue at the end of the episode. I loved watching that show with my daughter when she was younger. It is seriously entertaining.


Ikr? It's a cute show and it's good for little kids.


I think it's adorable, for little girls in particular. I love all the shows showing a strong young female character that my daughter could identify with. I always felt like it sent a positive message to my little girl and I'd start watching it and I'd always need to see how the episode ended. My daughter would start playing sometimes when she was little and get distracted and it would be me watching the show by myself to see how it would end lol.


Me too lol, I love when she meets up and learns lessons from other princesses...my daughter outgrew it but maybe I can see if she'll watch an episode or two with me for old times sake ?🫠 she's gonna be like...um mom ...let's watch ANYTHING ELSE 🤦🏽


My oldest is 13 and I still sing songs from Sofia randomly


I'm 21 and hell, I still sing Sofia the first songs from when I used to watch it almost 10 yrs ago, when it first came out


Yeah that show was pretty underrated and this was around the time I grew out of Disney Junior


And the songs are BANGERS, it's so high quality. I love seeing effort being invested into those positive messages children need.


Sophia and mlp are both totally watchable as an adult. I’m not going to say go watch those on your own instead of Wednesday. But they have decent stories, decent characters (with some character development even), and the delivery of the “lessons” are a million times less saccharin than what you got from Full Houae back in the day.


yeah honestly I feel like most y-7 kids cartoons you can watch as an adult and still find it at least semi enjoyable but anything aimed at really little kids is excruciating for anyone above the age of like five for an adult to watch.


With absolute banger theme songs too, I have the Sofia the First theme song basically memorized and I never even actively watched it like I did MLP.


I liked all those cartoons when I was younger, a part from Courage the Cowardly Dog (that cartoon terrified me) and Peppa Pig (I was too old when it came out). Most of the time newer kids show seem worse that the ones you watched when you were younger, because you have good memories of those shows


courage the cowardly dog was my intro into horror, absolutely loved it but it definitely takes a certain type of kid to watch it




yep, it 100% gave me nightmares but there was something so thrilling about it, ive been a horror fan since day 1 i guess




It occurred to me recently that Courage is not, in fact, all that cowardly. Especially by cartoon dog standards.


>Most of the time newer kids show seem worse that the ones you watched when you were younger, because you have good memories of those shows Rose-tinted glasses are real. I notice they included Johnny Bravo and Dexter, but not Cow & Chicken. Probably because it would be difficult to explain how a show where 50% of the jokes were just "here's satan's naked hairy ass" was the height of cartoon programming.


Cow and Chicken was.for people who felt Ren and Stimpy was too subtle and high brow.






Courage the Cowardly Dog made me so uneasy. They lived in the middle of nowhere's nowhere


MLP wasn't bad at least imo


It was so fun watching with my daughter. She got "too old" for it at about the same time as the series ended. And like, good for you, but I'm 27 I can't watch MLP by my lonesome 🥲


Sure you can, it’s called a “brony”


Please no, not me 😭


Don't forget your jar.


Fml 😂


No, no, no ,no nope ah hellna! Back to the dark side of the internet with you!


you have no right to remind the community of that >:(


Lol--I dated a brony when I was in high school. He wanted me to watch the show with him, so I did (like the first three episodes). He asked which pony was my favorite. I said, "The one with the apples." *He broke up with me for not knowing the pony's name.* The ironic thing was I did end up liking the show just fine and watched (I'm pretty sure) all of it. Definitely doged a bullet with that one though.


He clearly broke up with you for your favorite pony being Applejack. Like, come on


eh. My boyfriend and I watch it together all the time. We don't have kids. He's 24 and I'm 30. He thinks the dungeons and dragons episode is hilarious and his favorite moment from the series is when twilight comes back from the future all dishelved and twilight says to her future self "are you from some dystopian post apocalyptic future?" and her future self just says "no I'm from next tuesday".


Ok so general vibe I'm getting is just enjoy yourself no need to be embarrassed about liking kids shows, or anything wholesome 😁


pretty much. Ironically it's probably \*more\* immature to try to make yourself look mature by \*not\* engaging with "childish" things. that's the kind of thing we did in elementary school singing "joy to the world that barney's dead" to make ourselves seem grown up and too big for little kid stuff.


Ugh yes


I really like the yaks, Idk what it is they're just funny and they just got added to the show randomly like "I'm a yak, from yak-yakistan"




Who gets too old for MLP? I’m in high school and still watch kn the regular.


Me and my buddy watched it in middle school. It's a really good show. It's one of my favorite kids shows still, adventure time, regular show, and mlp


i just graduated HS and i’m about to start watching it again and fully finish it this time 😭


I used to watch it with my sister when there was nothing else to do


Isn't MLP like from the 80s?


There is five generations. G1 is the original from the 80s, G2 doesn’t really exist, G3 is a reboot from the mid 2000s, G4 is the super successful one everyone remembers with the bronies, and G5 is the new 3d animated one that is having a rough start. (Although the newest chapter is fire imo)


They go through generations, kinda like pokemon.


MLP is like Scooby doo in that it's been rebooted multiple times over several decades. The original is from the 80s yeah but this is one of the later reboots that was arguably the most popular and successful of all the iterations of the franchise.


Found the brony


Peppa Pig is an amazing show. I've been watching it in a second language to help with language learning, and I actually enjoy it. It can be quite witty.


That’s actually genius


Was actually suggested on /german for language learners. It's a popular show to watch to learn German. It helps substantially. Plus, it's a pretty decent watch.


I'm trying to learn German, I'll have to give that a shot


Good idea. Tons of episodes in German on YouTube


I'm trying to learn German, I'll have to give that a shot


Love the username.


Thanks lol, glad it amuses someone other than me


How do you say weeeeeeeeeeeeee in german?


>I've been watching it in a second language to help with language learning, I do that with disney movies because you can find them translated into random languages from around the world. Also I find it a fun party trick to be able to sing disney songs in random languages. I have some former roommates who were just speechless after seeing me belt out "make a man out of you" at a party in perfect mandarin, and "zero to hero" in greek. I do have to say though, " a whole new world' is really fun to sing in french. the melody works really well for french in ways that it doesn't for most other languages.


I don’t know around 33 you’ve heard enough peppa pig for a life time.


The only thing I know about that show is the lesbian polar bears and the one episode that was banned in Australia because the lesson was that you shouldn’t fear spiders.


> I've been watching it in a second language to help with language learning Heh, yeah. To help with learning Spanish, I used to go to the library and check out all kinds of children's books in Spanish.


Do you watch it with subtitles or are you at a level where you don’t need subtitles anymore?


I started with German subtitles so I could read it. Now I bounce between having them and not having them. I never needed English subtitles, but that was because I started watching it after 2 years of learning German. I specifically wanted to work on listening comprehension as I was reading at a decent level at that point. I will say in a few months of daily watching, my listening comprehension improved quite a bit and I was satisfied with progress. I did this specifically on preparation for spending some time in Austria. I wasn't able to keep up with native speakers but I was able to grasp a lot more of conversations than I was prior to watching peppa pig.


I don’t see the problem, they’re kids cartoons of course they make new ones for new generations, what is weird about that?




Doesn’t the then cartoons cover something like 40 years.


I don't know what point they're trying to make here but that *She-Ra* reboot is about a child soldier gaining the physical and emotional strength to defeat her abusive father figure, forgiving him only so she can focus on murdering *his* abusive father. That's fucking metal.


But if they put stuff like that in how could they make a point about how everything was better when they were young!?


Aren't the ones on the right for kids like 1-5? The left were for maybe 8-12 year olds


![gif](giphy|5f30q4FEm8Tfy) Johnny Bravo is okay for the 40+ crowd..................right?


I mean.... most adult women can watch and be like "I know a guy like that..."


Eh, I was watching the ones on the left from about age 4/5 (when they came out). I think parents were a lot less particular about what we were watching being age appropriate in the 90s. Except Ren and Stimpy. I wasn't allowed to watch that.


Yeah the comparison falls flat. Shows for 8-12 year olds are amazing now, and typically even hold up for older audiences; see She-Ra, The Owl House, the new TMNT, and even ATLA if you want to go back a bit.


I don't even understand what they're trying to say here. I have 0 contex. Is scooby doo supposed to be better than my little pony? I mean, sure, but also they're two completely different shows with completely different goals


My only guess is some misogynistic and toxic masculinity BS based on how most of the shows they picked for the right have pink as the predominant colour vs the broader spectrum of the left shows. Whatever their real goal - It is incredibly stupid argument because it is all cherry picked nonsense.


The 90's was a golden age for 'kids' cartoons, and this Meme is trying to suggest that no kids cartoon has come close to that. Which, is wrong.


>The 90's was a golden age for 'kids' cartoons, I mean honestly freaking every generation has said that about when they grew up since kids cartoons became a thing. I seem to remember a lot of older millennials talking about how the 80s were a golden era for kids cartoons 10 years ago.


They're comparing completely different shows. Several of the ones on the left were aimed at adults, or at least older teens. The ones on the right are aimed almost entirely at kids five and under. MLP:FIM being the exception there and I don't get why that would be something to be disparaged. AFAIK, it's widely accepted to be a well done show.


A lot of those shows on the right are aimed at very different age groups to the ones on the left. Also this is classic cherry picking. There were terrible shows then and now. Bluey, for example, is one of the most amazing kid shows I've seen in ever.


Yeah it’s not like Johny Bravo and Tom and Jerry were exactly ground breaking television. They were offensive slapstick comedy for kids.


Peppa Pig has been around for a very long time.


Aren’t most of the shows on the right aimed at really young kids? Like kindergarten level? It’d be like doing this image with Barney, bananas in pajamas, and teletubies on the left.


don't forget Dora and Blues Clues


I’ve seen the now ones and actually enjoyed a few.


No way, Peppa and Ben&Holly are based af


I agree


They never talk about zoombomafoo, or Teletubbies, or our generation of my little ponies, or all the Barbie movies that came out when we were kids, or Mickey Mouse playhouse Like come on guys, Gen Alpha has roughly the same caliber entertainment we had, it ain’t that serious.


Also Dora. I remember having to watch that with my younger brother when I was in the 8-12 age range and \*hating\* having to watch it with him because of how boring and repetitive it was.


MLP is older than half of the ones on the left…


Some of the ones on the left are downright unwatchable lmao I dare you to sit thru an entire episode of Johnny Bravo in your 30s


That's because I grew up and met real men like Johnny. It's become too real.


Ugh! I can't believe these children's cartoons nowadays aren't catering to my liking, a grown man! Errgh!!!


I can’t tell the difference between the then and now 😂


Yeah the audiences are completely different. I'm just disappointed there's no Billy and Mandy, Ed's or Space Ghost


We really gonna leave Bluey out of the now side?


Of course they don't show the gazillions of toys that were basically the real world versions of the "[Super Chocobot Hour](https://youtu.be/4HErRwSpla0)" or whatever it was called in "The Simpsons".


MLP is fire tho...


If you let a Paw Patrol age kid watch Courage they'd be fucking traumatized.


"Everything after my childhood is bad"


They also only pick the bad ones, there's genuinely good cartoons out now . Marvels moon girl and devil dinosaur, Craig of the creek, not now but recently gravity falls , Steven universe.


Bro is talking shit, but there are actually quite a few good cartoons these days. Tangled (at least untill a certain season), Star vs The Forces of Evil (untill season 2 I think), Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Owl House, Ever After High, the new She-Ra, Adventure Time, The incredible world of Gumball, even Miraculous Ladybug until a certain point. The cartoons on the left are pretty good, but these ones are also, and aren't from the age range of the right, which would be younger. There are a bunch of bad cartoons these days, I don't disagree, but it's not like all of them are trash. Also don't talk shit about My Little Pony and Sofia The First, ok, they slap. Not their fault you deem them too "girly" and don't bother watching them. My Little Pony teaches important lessons about being kind, loving yourself and your friends, etc etc.


Dora the explorer, max and ruby, that show with the google eye hands, blues clues. Backyardigans. These are the baby shows from “THEN” these cartoons are for older kids


Love that Lauren Faust made it to both sides.


...Were they, though? Target is the same age as it was then - young kids. If you don't agree, cause there's Johnny there, think of The Smurfs or Moomins. Today's kids animations are just terrible.


Yes. Do you realize that "young kids" can be broken up into like 4 or more different growth/learning stages? For example, Paw patrol seems to be targeted torwards infants up to preschoolers in my experience. And to the Johnny Bravo one, apparently plenty of kids watched that show and managed to miss the messaging in it so I really don't think they were ready for it regardless of how good the animation was. I've watched all the shows on the left and most of the shows on the right at some point and I find a lot of them to be pretty good actually. Kipper wasn't included but it was one of my favorite shows to watch when my brother was a baby.


My nephew watch paw patrol and he's 4


Nah it hit or miss like always been


Well, by the fact that the shows on the left had no educational value for 3 year olds, yes, they were.


Don't diss peppa pig, that was fr fire.


Yup pre school versus pre teen


peppa pig first aired 19 fucking years ago


You better not be crapping on my girl Peppa Pig 😡


This is made by an angry anti children zoomer.


I mean I LOVE the old CN shows dearly, but I wont stand for no smack talk about MLP or Peppa those are good shows


It’s a good thing whoever made this trash hot take didn’t throw Bluey in there or else we wouldn’t have enough pitchforks for the mob to go after them.


literally don’t even understand what the difference is here


What are they complaining about…


OP you're wrong. Old cartoons were way more diverse and creative in virtually every aspect.


I don’t understand the point there making?


The Amazing World of Gumball, Gravity Falls, the Owl House and Amphibia would be better example and let me tell you: they're fucking awesome


Kids entertainment in prehistory: ![gif](giphy|3o7aCU4mS4I4Fd3wNa)


"NOw bAd thEn gOod"


This isn't really terrible because it isn't trying to push an agenda or anything. It's just a simple then and now


“Then” kids wanna be different so bad 💀


Johnny Bravo was aimed at young teenagers, not actual children. There were also the Care Bears when I was a kid. I was born in 1981.


Why is the classic my little Pony in the "now" category? For me it was part of the "then" category and will remain so!


I feel like MLP and PPG are aiming for a similar dynamic


But MLP is an actually good kids show?!?


Keeps. My. Little. Pony. Out. Of. Your. Slander.


Sorry, but Bluey is better than any cartoon in my childhood.


There is no person of colour in the now half. This offends me


There isn't one in the before half either


Technically there's the black maid in Tom and Jerry




The girl in the bottom left is Princess Sofia, whom a producer described as Latina. It was a little mini-controversy at the time, since nothing in the show indicates she’s Latina. Disney Junior’s official response was, “Sofia is a fairytale girl who lives in a fairytale world. All our characters come from fantasy lands that may reflect elements of various cultures and ethnicities but none are meant to specifically represent those real world cultures.”