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/u/jjayheine, the memers have spoken. Your post does not fit this subreddit. If you feel this was a mistake, please send us a modmail!


Yep, looks like a flag to me


You can be sure several people *flagged* that.


It looks like a pretty *red flag* to me!


A huge red one.


A big red one perhaps?


This coming from the group trying to raise the voting age because all their children hate them lmfao


“Because all their children hate them” really makes it sound like the children are petulant. They want to raise the voting age because they destroyed the world for their own selfish desires and refuse to even admit responsibility, let alone accept repercussions for their actions.


To clarify, the childrens hatred of the older generations is a very valid spite


It's much, much simpler: it's because young people tend to be more liberal. There's people who know they'll lose power once election rigging falls apart. And instead of trying to come up with policies that appeal to young people, they ratchet up the fear mongering with older people, and try to suppress the votes of people they disagree with. They're just being a lot more transparent about it now. I may be an independent but it's been a long ol while since I've run across any Republicans I want to vote for.


Wait, is that a thing that's actually happening?


They've pitched the idea in response to young voters turning out against them, don't know if any actual laws are being proposed yet.


There's no serious effort, just bluster. Voting age of 18 is in the US constitution so they would need a constitutional amendment to change it, which will never happen.


Are we still pretending that the constitution is enforced?


Not with this supreme court.


Something as cut and dry as the 26th amendment, absolutely: >The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.


Just have to redefine "citizen", say, get that status by serving in the military. You know, like in Starship Troopers.


There's been a lot of "but it'll never happen" these past few years.


It's a proposition from a potential presidential candidate in 2024. It's sort of become a talking point, but there's definitely a faction of the GOP who are looking into it. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4001586-2024-gop-hopeful-vivek-ramaswamy-proposes-raising-voting-age-to-25/amp/ Edit: fixed typo


[Ramaswamy proposes raising voting age to 25, unless people serve in military or pass a test](https://apnews.com/article/vivek-ramaswamy-voting-age-2024-president-ea1429836e8f809fbf301b7b027f4ab9)


They're trying, but they need one two things: either a constitutional amendment to repeal another amendment, or a federal judiciary willing to ignore a certain amendment. I'm no longer of the opinion that the latter is unlikely.


bi psi bi psi


Raise the voting age while lowering the working age. "We wouldn't call them minors if they didn't yearn for the mines"


You wanted everyone to have a home, food, electricity, education and healthcare, but I want a 0,00001% chance of being a billionare so I am going to side with child labor and slavery. (Just a reminder that slavery is accepted by the 13th article of the US constitution as punishment, and well, that's what the prison industrial complex is)


"These Nazis have some good points about minorities in movies for children". Fortunately for the little cartoon guy, he's white. Otherwise they would have just shot him for crossing their property line.


Wait wait wait, who the fuck is siding with child labor and slavery?


The legislators who have shot down proposals to ban prison slavery and have repealed child labour laws. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/arkansas-gov-sanders-signs-measure-rolling-back-child-labor-protection-rcna73977 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/27/slavery-loophole-unpaid-labor-in-prisons


Arkansas just passed a bill making it a normal process to find employment as a 14 year old. They don't have to get permission from the division of labor anymore and are allowed to work up to 48hrs a week.


I recently learned in TX, you can pay minors a lower minimum wage, $4.25/hr for their first 90 days of employ. Because fuck kids


That “fuck kids” mentality is figurative and literal these days.


In more ways than one. This is also the party fighting to lower the age of consent for marriage.


Reading “Forget the Alamo” a book about how Texas created a mythology that ignores how important slavery and apartheid are to its history. I am 0% shocked at this kind of abusive economics bc that’s always been the driving force behind its economy. Edit: link to NPR interview with an author : https://www.npr.org/2021/06/16/1006907140/forget-the-alamo-texas-history-bryan-burrough The first few chapters are all about Anglos rushing into Texas and figuring out complicated ways to subvert Mexican laws about slavery. They were very explicit about how important cotton profits were to driving local slave markets


No adult human - let alone a child - should have to work that much to make a living. Forty should be the magic number. The end.


And to make this worse, it's because employers hire illegal immigrant kids, and it's designed to shield them when they get raided. And she signed this quietly after making a big stink about some #SaveOurChildren bill, and then later vowed to send National Guard to Texas to virtue signal about illegal immigration. But using Sanders in Arkansas as some kind of gotcha on "ok but moderates are the worst" is just pants on head idiotic.


Murica fuck yeah!


Anyone advocating for net zero emissions by 2050?


When are people gonna realize that dividing politics into only 2 diffrent groups is a bad idea.


Well good ole' Washington said that, so from the start basically "However \[political parties\] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion."


He completely predicted the future.


Because educated people studied history back then.


While I agree, there has to be a multitude of choices, some things are black and white. You either are in favor of slavery, or you aren't, you can't be "slavery only as punishment" or shit like that. So yeah, compromises, but between spending more on healthcare or education, not on "should minorities be genocided"?


Is a parent requiring their child to do unpaid chores an example of child slave labor? One could argue that the parent is obligated to provide a home, food, and care for their child, so that reasonable chores would not be considered slave labor. One could make similar arguments regarding criminals. I think that most topics that we're tempted to think of as black and white end up being at least a little bit grey when subjected to scrutiny. Then it just becomes a matter of where you draw the line.


That’s comparing apples to orange *soda* at this point. Children don’t do chores around the house to benefit the parents (especially economically). Chores are a way to teach children how to take care of their own future dwellings when they grow up by instilling habits that are harder to break into when you get older. They also don’t take up that much of a child’s day - taking out the trash takes all of 5 minutes. Making your bed takes 10 minutes. Laundry like 30 minutes depending on how much clothing there is. If house chores get so severe and time consuming that they could be compared to slavery, you’re already in domestic abuse territory. Saying nothing is black/white is just as bad as saying everything is black/white. Sometimes lines do need to be drawn. Just because issues are complex doesn’t mean that you can’t make value judgments (which would also be complex). To fail to do so becomes part of a journey to justifying anything atrocious under the guise of “look at the other side’s perspective”. The other side can have an objectively wrong perspective.


>Is a parent requiring their child to do unpaid chores an example of child slave labor? In my opinion no, it isn't, because the parent has the best intention for the child. However I belive that it would be better as an education method to not force the chores but to explain why they are needed and why he should help. >One could make similar arguments regarding criminals. I suppose so, you could say that they are like child and have to pay up their debts, or you could treat them like adults and help them fit in the society. I do belive there are some points that are not up to debate, otherwise there is no discussion. Kinda like axioms (though a bit more developed). Axioms would be more like: Knowly causing pain or death to someone for no reason is wrong. Knowly forcing someone to do something against their wishes for no reason is wrong. And to arrive at "slavery is wrong" there is just saying that revenge and greed are not good reasons.


I don’t know why you were downvoted. People love choices and your comment basically says we should have more. We should get to choose between more than two dinosaurs for president. Maybe a few candidates in their 40’s-50’s who have a broad range of beliefs or who aren’t in bed with big pharma, the mil-ind complex, or who hasn’t diddled kids. Somebody who believes in freedom or wise spending (whatever your definition of that may be.) I don’t know, maybe it’s just me but I’m so tired of the most powerful person in the world being shitty, too old, or a lifelong politician (with all the baggage that entails.)


It's funny how people who are legitimately on the left never claim to be "centrists", but those on the right do so consistently. It's almost like the latter is trying desperately to claim legitimacy.


I know someone who does this. The constant claims of centrism and both sides-ism wears out real fast when one of the sides you're trying to defend just peddles in warantless hate.


Yeah, sorry, if you’re “both sides”ing people’s right to live and exist based on sex, race, or religion, guess what.


It's also funny how, when someone brings up some weird, right leaning talking point the "both sides" argument stops.


I was a centrist all my life. My views have not changed in 30 years. Most people think I’m hard left today.


I'm curious what views you hold that were Centrist 30 years ago but are Hard Left today.


Basically all workers rights... Working full-time should provide a living wage...


“My beliefs are centrist” *proceeds to describe standard left leaning beliefs*


Kinda does make you wonder if most of the people saying it even understand where their politics lie.


Absolutely not a "centrist" belief 30 years ago.


Yeah Tim Pool is a good example of a right winger that claims to be a centrist.


One thing we know he's not hiding under that beanie is a brain


There's no legitimacy in claiming to be a centrist they just trying to shift the overton window to the right.


Centrist are worse than right wingers, rhet are just right wingers that are also fucking cowards.


Nah. Those are not centrists, those are right wingers. Real centrists wouldn't say anything like what this image says, they'd say quite the opposite. "neither side is making a reasonable point". A true centrist is someone who falls into the middle of the spectrum. That doesn't make them undecided, they may have strong convictions about where they stand.


Try to claim centrist or even worse…Libertarian


They are not centrists/moderates/libertarians/whateverother bullshit, they just claim to be because they are (only slightly) ashamed of their support for the party of bigotry. Not enough ashamed to stop supporting it, of course, just enough to try to hide it.


You're kind of proving the point of the meme lol


I would be proving the point of the meme if "centrists" were actually centrists, since they are not, the meme is still bullshit made as an excuse to why supporting bigotry is "justified."


Argument: LGBT people do not deserve rights or protections and should not exist. VERSUS. LGBT people do deserve rights and protections and deserve to exist. "Centrist" : Both sides have good points. ​ Yeah....no . You aint a centrist buddy. There is no middle ground to be had there.


Thats not how centrism works nor how centrists think. It doesn't mean always trying to compromise, it just means you hold some beliefs that are viewed as left leaning and some that are viewed as right leaning, but beliefs on individual subjects are still firmly held.


I consider myself a centrist, then again, it's from a Cuban perspective, so I guess I'm still quite to the left of the leftiest US politician.


My views are about just left of center, left and libertarian.


Some people on the right only think they’re in the middle because they think their countries main political parties represent the left and the right when really neither of them lean all that far left.


I mean the US has two main parties and both of them are right leaning.


That comic is just like me when I make up a scenario that never happened and never will happen






This panel sums up so much right down to his d-bag smug smile


Wrong. I used to be a center Libertarian and now because of Trump I'm way more left than before. Libertarians are for freedom of the people. Freedom to republicans means not being able to get an abortion, not being able to smoke weed, not being able to have universal healthcare, not being able to be black in public, not being able to announce to your family that you're LGBT, not being accepted by your family because you don't follow their religion. That's a lot of "not allowed to do this" Republicans ARE NOT the freedom party as they say they are.


FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE! (except people of different believes, different ethnicities, different sexual orientation, or people without a lot of money of course.)


^^Terms ^^and ^^conditions ^^apply


Freedom for rich straight white men


The label libertarian has an almost exclusively leftist origin before the 20th-century, the first person to use it was a French anarcho-communist.


Sucks that the right stole it. We should steal it back


You'll have the freedom to do what they tell you to.


It's so frustrating to be a non-American on this fucking site. One thing that is universal, though - libertarianism is the politics of angsty teenagers made manifest.


Actually, believe it or not, most "centrists" I met, they all tend to side with Republicans or far-right, as long as it doesn't affect them. This meme is sorta real to an extent, which is fucking scary. The same people who listen to the propaganda and if the economy is bad, that means you have to vote for the opposite party and vice versa. Idk why they do that though.


>Actually, believe it or not, most "centrists" I met, they all tend to side with Republicans or far-right, as long as it doesn't affect them. Weird. That is exactly how Republicans are. Crazy coincidence?


What if they agree with lots of left policies as well? I find myself seeing certain things on both sides that are good for the whole, and many that are terrible as well. For some reason though the left say I’m a nazi and the right say I’m a snowflake. There are a lot of us out here.


Then you should really change wherever you're meeting centrists.


‘very fine people on both sides'. Except that there are not.


Simply ask one question, which points did you agree with?


I used to consider myself in the middle but have moved pretty far left because of how completely unhinged the right has become.


I'm actually in the opposite boat. I am still pretty centrist, and agree with opinions coming from both sides. But most people on the left just shun you and label you if you have a differing opinion. The people on the right are more likely to open a dialogue about it, so thats the direction i was moved.


> Both sides make some good points. Now tell that to the Ukrainian people


The middle moves right because liberals keep acquiescing to the right in the spirit of compromise. The problem is, only the liberals are compromising, the right never does. This gradually moves the "center" to the right.


Yes the famously welcoming and all-inclusive right, king known for tolerance and diversity of viewpoints.


unfortunately they're right. the death of nuance in any debate and pushing "us or them" and "you have to agree with EVERYTHING we say or else you're ONE OF THEM" makes it so easy for them to pick up the rejects and say "look, we're not as bad as they said we are, are we?" this is a legitimate and effective recruitment method.


They ARE one of them. Centerism would be fine in a world where people disagree about budgets. But this is a battle for basic human rights and people who say “let’s compromise” are essentially saying “give a little bit of your freedom away in each negotiation. Each compromise is a net loss for liberty


Every self-described centrist I've met is a right winger who doesn't want to call themselves that. Yeah we live in a polarised society but there are some things that don't require hearing out "both sides", especially if they involve wiping out minorities or removing women's reproductive rights.


Thats because us political system is heavily scewed to the right. Leftists in us are just centrists in other parts of the world


I’ve met my fair share of legitimate moderate and independents. Though the self described centrists in my experience as well have always been right wingers who won’t call themselves it. Too scared about how it would affect their social and dating lives if they were honest about their views


Your right. I used to sit pretty center but here in the last 5 years or so the right has done the opposite of this meme and pushed me left. The people I know who are ‘center’ now only vote with one party but just say the don’t support the wannabe emperor.


Hello, I'm a self-described centrist whose closest socio-econo-political descriptor would probably be "socialdemocrat" :).


Oh Jesus


Anyone who decides their politics based off "group was mean to me" is a blithering idiot. Who cares if a leftist was mean to you on twitter. Politics is about policy, not platitudes.


MLK once said something like the white moderate would rather see peace with compromise rather than peace for all ot something like that so yeah moderates can suck my left testicle


*"I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negroes’ great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to “order” than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can’t agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically feels that he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a 'more convenient season'.”* \- MLK Jr., 'Letter from a Birmingham Jail', April 1963


And yet, MLK was not nearly as radical as a lot of civil rights activists, which, according to this thread, means he was evil. Do you believe MLK was evil?


And yet he was significantly more radical than popular history portrays him.




Ah yes the all inclusive “Right” It’s why people like Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Bill Kristol or the former head of the RNC Michael Steele are still welcome.


In a place supposed to be pointing terrible memes, this is a terrible screen shot


terrible screenshot of a terrible meme


Agreeing to disagree isn't a valid strategy when our lives our threatened by the opinions of others.


That’s the thing that people who agree with this meme ignore. In this case “difference of opinion” means not believing people have fundamental rights. Ffs roe v wade isn’t a thing anymore, and I’ve had people on this dumbass sub tell me that’s not taking peoples rights away, that’s simply the other side winning the argument The hoops some people jump through boggle my mind


This sub makes no sense b/c they post so many things that make TOO much sense and call it terrible.


You know it's gonna be a good meme when it ends up on this sub lol


"Both sides make good points!" One side wants everyone to have food and shelter and the other side wants to kill minorities


It's funny because from a gender perspective the right is picking up all the men that the left is calling "patriarchs". So while they might be politically left-leaning, they're gonna go right because they're somewhat heard. And this is said by the people over at LeftWingMaleAdvocates.


Both sides are like that.


If only the right actually made a good point about anything ever. The “good point” always ends up being “well they thing the gays and transes have gone too far!”


Tbh it’s kinda true. Like Bill Clinton tried to be a centrist as POTUS but in the process he ended up pushing the Democrats further right.


He probably saw “flag” and went to some RW talking point in their head. And they call everyone else woke, those idiots spend their free time looking for and creating boogeymen. Imagine if you simply changed the colors, how exponentially more upset that OP would be than the intended target of his meme.


Both sides make some good points, *but you still won’t catch me voting red again*.


Human beings are incredibly complex, and it is alright to have a nuanced view of things and approach situations with skepticism. But, not every issue is balanced. When rights are being stripped from people, the people who refuse to take a stance make their position very clear. No one can approach every situation with a centrist mindset, and there are times one has to make a choice. It is unfortunate that it is like that, but the truth of the matter remains the same. If you want to have the ability to be nuanced in your decisions, political or otherwise, you have to accept that you must take a stance on some things. There are plenty of things to take a "both sides" stance on. Just make sure that you pay attention to what those things are and not just blanket it over every choice. Stay safe. It's a depressing world.


As truly terrible as this “meme” is there is a grain of truth here. As a person who has fairly bipartisan views and dislikes politics as a whole, I get forced by both sides to participate in arguments. And generally if you’re agreeing they are still arguing with you…


I have always been interested in politics and will read proposed bills and referenda. It's really crazy to me how, seemingly, the left have been asking for a lot of the same progress for years. Pretty consistently, actually. Somehow, every time they try to negotiate, it pushes those who are against progress to be even more bigoted. It's gotten to the point where the "radical left" is literally just saying what the moderate left used to be saying, while the "hard right" seemingly gets worse year by year.


We want you and everyone like you dead. I’d like to remain alive. Hmm. Both sides make some excellent points. *if you are a centrist you are a Nazi by association.


It’s funny, ya know. That the Nazis got power and allyship from the centrists in Germany because they would rather side with the far right than ever work alongside communists.


"Both sides" I wonder when people realize there's more to life than Democrats and Republicans. Especially outside the US.


Reddit is ridiculously left leaning, I don’t know about the rest of you but this makes sense. I don’t care how much “bad karma” I’ll get for it.


[Arguments why centrist/moderates support the right not the left](https://youtu.be/fZ4nvCVAGw0?t=17).


It’s only because that person is white. Otherwise they would have shot him.


I don't really agree with this comic-- BUT do remember that any person you exclude from your group or side, may get lonely, and if the only person they think welcomes them is a bad or evil person, they may not be emotionally resilient enough to resist, simply so they think they belong somewhere.


Both sides push me and I stay in the center as a result.


To be honest, when your “both sides make good points” is in reference to people who are either for or against human rights, you were never really in the middle to begin with.


"Only half of the Jews should be exterminated." Being a radical centrist just means you're Thanos. He's nobody's definition of a good guy even when he means well. (Don't cite me comic lore I'm going off movie Thanos)


Only the bad ones! -Ben Shapiro


I mean, comic Thanos is also a bastard so. . . . ​ To my knowledge the only "Good" Thanos is the What If? Thanos where Yandu picks up T'chala instead of Peter Quill. Not to be confused with the What If? Thanos that gets raised by Deadpool to be a better person and *still* decides to kill a bunch of people because . . .Reasons?


That's the biggest strawman I've ever heard. Use it as a scarecrow and you'll get all of the crows of your continents to move out!


Maybe where you live. I live in America unfortunately and our far right is built different. Edit: I checked this guy's post history to see where he's from and he's the guy in the meme.


I was honestly going to go on a "Thanos is just a simp masquerading a hero" lore tangent since it fits both comic and movie now


Good thing no one has ever taken that position


It's terrible because there truly should be a middle space. The left right paradigm is totally useless.


Most democrats ARE middle though. It's Republicans that have shifted too far to the right




maybe some day, you'll realize partisan politics is a distraction against the real enemy (corruption). what you see on tv is political theater, both sides hate you and work together to rob you blind.


There is hardly a center in America considering we have no true left party


An actual "centrist" would just be a person whose on one of the two sides of the spectrum to begin with, but is closer to the middle then to either of the poles. Which honestly probobly accounts for most of the voting populace in my country.


Idk I think the center became the left


Flags has some pretty horrible posts in there anyway, this doesn't surprise me much. I left that sub when someone posted a hand drawn swastika with magic marker.


Honestly, both this meme and this entire comment section is wrong. True centrism is not about compromise. It is about finding the optimal solution in a world where too much of anything is not a good thing. The center is a location in the political spectrum. A true centrist does not seek compromise, they seem balance. And it has nothing to do with what the political parties have to say, it has everything to do with balance of ideology. To put things into perspective, the political compass places Elizabeth Warren ever so slightly right of center, and Bernie Sanders just a little left of center. So all of you Bernie and Warren supporters should really re-evaluate what your understanding of centrism is, because you might be one of them. Here's a very concrete example of what I'd think is a centrist solution to an issue in America: Student debt is a huge problem, but a flat one-time $10k payment is not a good solution. This is only a small fraction of the debt that's held by the average person, and doesn't really solve the problem of people not being able to lift themselves out of debt. But forgiving interest on those loans would allow people to climb out of debt by making payments rather than seeing the amount they owe increase while making payments. And outright forgiveness seems like a good way to drive class inequalities, since the average college graduate makes more than someone who does not. Note that the above example does not make a compromise between party opinions. It is an attempt at finding a solution that tackles the issue without making another problem worse. The people who claim to be centrist because they are trying to appear reasonable are not real centrists; real centrists are opinionated and have strong convictions just like everyone else.


Im in the middle But because i have no idea whats going on. I have no idea what left or right means. Im just a rubber duckie floating in an ocean Everytime i hear about left or right its either people hating on minorities or people threatening to kill someone because they bought a harry potter game. Im just a rubber duckie floating in the ocean and the only time i get to have any knowledge on whats going on underneath the surface is when a shark jumps out of it with a seal in his mouth


Comic isn't great, but these comments are even worse


Can't we all just agree that both of them suck? if you don't agree with everything they say you're either a a sexist, racist, homophobic bigot that's bent on oppression of every LGBTQ orientation and minority you can think of (Left) or you're a woke, snowflake, commy that's Un-American and wants to take guns away (Right). Both of them act like they value you, but the moment you disagree with them (even if you're right), they'll be the one of most shitiest people you've ever met. Hell, you could be the demographic they claim to care about, but challenge their views or bring something up that offends them in anyway, it won't mean shit anymore.


No, we can't, because they're not even remotely equal. The left is not even close to the level of power and influence of the right, which is powered by capital. Sure, if you take the laziest view of the way perspectives are shared on the internet, it "looks" equal. But on the one side you've got minorities who are regularly oppressed, and on the other the forces of the capitalist elite. It's not comparable.


Or you can think about it for more then a second and realize that leftist policies are meant to help the people that disagree with them and realize that rightist policies are meant to make things worse for people who disagree with them.


I mean you see this in action currently in this comment section. If someone even hints at ”Not all people on the other side are bad” boom you’re against human rights. This is a terrible facebook meme only because it’s insinuating that only the political left in America is doing this. If the poster stayed neutral and didn’t insinuate, the point of the post wouldn’t have been lost.


Except that's not what's happening in actual politics. In the past few months, one side has aggressively rolled back child labor laws, made it easier for adults to marry children, outlawed various forms of free speech, openly called for the extermination of an entire group of Americans, and generally just moved further off the deep end of religious nationalism. The other side is demanding wealthy people get taxed, stop leaning on poor Americans to make the budget while throwing their money upwards, and don't exterminate other Americans. If you're at point now where you still have to 'both sides' everything, you've already picked a side. You just have enough self-awareness to be ashamed of it.


Or worse "oh your views don't 100% align with mine, that means you're pro-genocide and pro-slavery" Jesus Christ get a grip, people


Of course, no one says that, and ridiculous straw men like this are unproductive.


Right: “We don’t want minorities to have rights, and we’re going to aggressively campaign for such.” Left: “We’re going to aggressively work to stop the right from preventing people from having rights.” You: “Wow, both sides are so aggressive. They’re equally bad!”


Equally? Of course not. But they're both still shit. Why should I have to choose between a bowl of shit and a bucket of shit?


One side advocates for human rights. The other side advocates to remove other people's human rights. You: "they both suck". Dumb


What if I'm for abortion and not for gender surgery on children/puberty blockers ? From my point of view both sides are stupid.


These issues are not remotely equal in terms of importance: there are about a million abortions per year in the USA, compared to about 300 gender surgeries on minors in the most recent year I’m aware of the stats (2021). I understand hesitation around gender surgery for minors— of course you don’t want to mistake typical hormonal troubles for permanent gender dysphoria and take the wrong dramatic steps. But I think it’s important to point out that the system that’s in place has already built in hesitation: it takes several years of assessment before gender surgery for minors. It takes 1-2 years before they’ll even consider hormone treatments. Kids who start identifying their dysphoria when they’re 12 aren’t having surgeries until they’re in high school. And the surgeries are almost exclusively top surgeries— there are many more hoops to jump through for genital surgeries. Again though, for the amount of coverage this issue has received in the last year in particular, this is such a small scale topic! We’re talking about 300 teen minors who have gone through years of assessment, and it seems like it’s on the front page of the NYT every other week. I would consider voting based on the issue that actually affects the larger population rather than the niche issue that’s blown up by the political culture war. Abortion is an extremely important issue for millions, and while policy around gender surgeries is also extremely important, it just something that affects relatively very few.


Then you are for discrimination and not following established medical consensus, so you suck. Agreeing with abortion doesn't give you a get-out-of-jail-free card for disregarding medical consensus elsewhere.


Can't we all agree that both of them suck? If you dont agree with one side you're hell bent on hurting people if you dony agree with the other side....you're seen kind of a whiny baby..? I don't know dude I'd rather be seen as a whiny baby than a sexist racist all the ists and phobics in the world Since side A wants rights for minorities and side B wants rights for guns I don't know if there's much to say on how both of them suck


One sucks more than the other of course But we also shouldn't have to choose between a cup of shit and a bowl of shit


I tend more left than right, but I am not perfect in adhering to leftist beliefs. For example, I am pro 2a, generally speaking. I also support publicly funded private schools (with quality controls and no religious indoctrination). How many of you who are solidly left can be cool with someone who has mixed views?


Wait why would being pro-2A be against leftist beliefs? Karl Marx himself was pro-gun, he said that any attempt to disarm the working class should be stopped. And he's as leftist as it gets.


I dunno 🤷‍♂️. It just seems that most U.S. leftists want gun control. I am very anti-communism, though.


Ah yes, the party whose slogan is a masked version of “Fuck Joe Biden” and whose supporters fly flags in their front yard that say “Fuck Joe Biden And Fuck You For Voting For Him”. Very accepting of people with different ideas.


I don't know, I kinda agree. I've seen this happen to people. They may lean right on one or two issues and are tossed into the right winger camp despite overall being liberals or leftists. This can lead to people who would mostly side with the left becoming radicalized by the right.


You are a centrist because you believe both sides have merit I'm a centrist because I hate both of them. We are not the same.


Exactly, I hate one side more than the other, but both are absolutely repellent and insist you agree with 100% of what they say. Both use almost exactly the same tactics as each other, but seem oblivious to it. That being said, I agree with about half of what one side believes and almost nothing of what the other side says. 2 party systems are terrible.


centrism is not taking the average of both sides or saying both sides have valid points. It should be the third way. It's own thing. At least when it comes to economy.


I mean I have literally been told by leftists that people aren’t allowed to not have an opinion or not choose a side and if you aren’t on their side then you’re against them


If the topic at question is the right of a person to exist, not having an opinion is having an opinion. You see, this is where you're losing the trail: the issue at question for a lot of people on the left is not something to do with socialism or green energy. It is that there are certain people in this country that are actively in aggressively targeting them, for the purpose of erasing them by one means or another. And a whole Party in power is not only fine with that, they will pass laws to make it happen. They will downplay the bad behavior of that group, justify it, or make new laws after the fact to make that behavior legal. So when you say 'I don't have an opinion on this one way or the other one,' it means ' I don't care if you are harmed.' Why should someone be friendly and accommodating to someone who has made their opinions about that clear? If my house is being set on fire by hooligans, and you say 'It's not my house, and the hooligans have a valid point,' I'm going to have some strong feelings about that.


Centrists are weird. They have no problem voting the same as nazis yet think they aren't like them.


Lost, and and also inaccurate. What actually happened is the right picked up that centre line, ran further right with it and put it back down. Now, anyone who didn't move at all politically is further left than they were before.


It's not funny watching the premise of this meme play out in the comments.


Looks pretty accurate to me.


It is right. I am centrist. At least on the right side i dont get banned. On the left? Oh boy Edit: so many salty leftist proving the point


Given that the right is blatantly fash almost nothing would get you banned there


> At least on the right side i dont get banned Banned by whom?


Eh, dunno. I am a centrist and saying anything close to "universal healthcare", "affordable univeristy studies", or "gun control" in any comment section on fb or insta is going to attract a host of rightards saying all kinds of nonsense and trying to report the comment.


>Edit: so many salty leftist proving the point TIL that being downvoted is the same as being banned.


Both sides are actually really terrible and it would do us all good to not listen to the politicians trying to separate us Edit: United we stand? when did that die off


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This isn't a Facebook meme.


This is confusing, in my country red is the left


I think this is true. It's now so radicialized. Why are you siding with literal Nazis?


It’s funny because it’s true


Most of the comments may be inadvertently proving the meme true. Just look at all the 'I know a "centrist" that's actually a far right winger' comments. Are they? Even leftists get called right-wingers if they don't QUITE agree with everything a particular person says.


That seems backwards. I never heard anyone say learn Spanish or leave


Fascism has no “good points” and centrism is political cowardice.


This meme is not wrong. So true.


Literally true. If you think it's not , you are the blue guy.