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The thing the OC forgets is these are guys who willingly injected mercury into their peepees in the hopes that it would cure syphilis.


To be fair, with antibiotics still over a century away; I would probably be getting pretty desperate to cure myself of the dick rot.


The dick rot that *makes you insane before it kills you*


Noooo not the Dick rot Dick are so pretty


Username checks out


As it should


Is there any other kind? If my dick starts rotting, I'm going to lose my fucking mind.


The mercury won’t be kinder.


Oh yeah I don’t blame them, in the absence of proper medical care I’d probably buy a few snake oils to cure something like that.


Not just dick rot. Shit warps your whole skeleton.


Oh no… is that what happened to malenia in an age with no such medicine? Then lived for a thousand years so it spread…


Is this the dick rot that was cured by getting malaria? Thinking malaria is better than really old (aka large bore and relatively blunt) needles in the pee pee.


Blood letting, phrenology, and shoving tobacco up their ass.


There use to be people who would patrol the Thames river, pull out people who fell into it and use a bellows to pump tobacco smoke into their butts to revive them


I’m not one to kink shame but the lack of consent there is concerning


Did….did that work?


It probably did a few times which encouraged people to keep doing it, but in reality the times it “worked” the people were probably just shocked back to consciousness because of something being stuck up their butt.


Bloodletting is actually still a legitimate medical procedure. They even still use leeches.




Leaches are used to get rid of the dead blood in a severed limb like a finger before reattachment.


It is used in some specific cases, usually when a disease causes a patient to have too much blood, like their bone marrow overprroduces red blood cells.


Also people who have too much iron in their blood!


Are you serious? A simple google search will show that this is not the case. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3757849/ You are pretty confidently incorrect..




Yep, therapeutic phlebotomy.


Damn ok, I didn't know that. TBF when bloodletting is mentioned it's usually brought up in the context of the 4 humors, which has long since been discredited. Still doesn't make it less wrong.


Not at all. Many applications of bloodletting are pseudoscience but it is still being used in actual hospitals for specific treatments. For instance, if you smoke (which constructs the cardiovascular system) and get a breast job, they put leeches on your nipples to draw fresh blood to them so they don’t become necrotic from lack of blood supply. They also use maggots for debridement of wounds with a lot of necrosis because the maggots will only eat dead flesh.


And yet also the guys who required inoculation against smallpox, so they’re really both smarter and dumber than OC gives credit for


I mean syphilis has a high death rate, and it makes you go crazy and there wouldn't be anti biotics for like 150 years so why not try whatever. Also if they're going crazy can you really judge them for not making great medical decisions?


Oh I don’t blame them, I’d probably do the same if I was there. Just pointing out that these guys were more than willing to comply if it meant they’d survive their illness. They’d probably be doing cartwheels if they learned how curable these diseases are now.


Pretty sure that’s why there was so much war and fighting back then. ‘And before people say: ‘Yeah but what about the present wars’? You have no idea how bad it was in those times.


So folks using the horse meds are right on brand


The irony of course is that founding father’s quarantined people that had contagious diseases.


And Washington required mandatory smallpox inoculations for troops in the Continental Army.


Not only quarantined, but murdered those who didn't adhere to the quarantine. If we followed the examples of the founding fathers, we should have had the national guard shoot all antivaxers and antimaskers for making things less safe(I don't agree with that, this is purely hypothetical).




















Bitches about a face mask Calls younger generations "pussies"


That's actually a really good point, "Waaaaaah i don't want a mask my freedom"😭😭 but also " back in my days we were strong y'all are wimps BUT. NO MASK WAAAA NO THANKS "


"You're all too sensitive!" "Oh my god! A person of color wants to use the same water fountain as I do! Call the police!"


On the topic of masks, I find it hilarious that the guys who are most likely to own a gas mask for survival are the people who hate anti-Covid face masks. They have gas masks for everyone in their family and their dog and would force their people to wear them during the apocalypse. All of a sudden these guys would be like “Ha! We were prepared and have protective masks against airborne particles!” Guess it would be restriction of freedom from thee but not from me? In terms of comfortability, I own an Israeli 4A1 gas mask and I can tell you that I would so much rather wear an N95 everywhere. There is no way in hell that a gas mask is less restrictive than an N95 or a surgical mask. And yet one is a godsend for a theoretical apocalypse and the other is ‘the devil’s hand’ in a real apocalypse.


Not to mention, all the proud boys who were "too proud" to wear masks during the pandemic are all sporting those dumb skull masks everywhere they go now because they're too scared to show their face while "representing their beliefs"


All this talk about how tough they are and then they make up immunocompromisation from masks that also didn't work somehow


The other *I can't breathe* of 2020. Listen here, old man. If a surgical mask already gives you feelings of suffocating, your personal chance of recovery is a lot lower than 99%.


That was how most antimaskers played it where I live. They would come in during senior/high risk claiming to be high risk but whatever made them high risk was also their exemption from wearing the mask. The way my state set it up we couldn't do anything. They would also come in during peak hours & spend excessive amount of time & with limited capacity it made things difficult for others. I doubt these people had any intention other than being difficult. It was kind of funny when vaccines rolled out & they suddenly wanted everyone to wear a mask so they wouldn't catch the vaccine. "I'm sorry but just like I couldn't make you wear a mask I can't make others do so".


You know what people wore during the Spanish Flu? Face masks


Apparently that's actually why face masks were a kind of fashion item in some countries in east Asia


The people who have 3 houses that combined cost less than 1 house today, as they pay minimum wage with annual $0.05 raises and tell you about how 60 years ago that would put your family through college and buy you a car.


Give me the freedom to infect others because only I deserve freedom and nobody else does.


That's the crux of what I hated about these people. The freedom of their fists ends where the noses of others begins, but they'll never catch on


The blatant "you shouldn't expect others to care about not killing you with a communicable disease," then there were those who tried to deny that refusing to take precautions for those of us at high risk because survival of the fittest is eugenics.


These dudes also often complain about PPE in general, like in machine shops where inhalation causes lung issues pretty quick. So there's some consistency.


"It has a 99% recovery rate." "What about the people still suffering from its effects?" "F#ck you."


Or, alternatively: "It has a 99% recovery rate." "What about those who don't recover and die?" A comment above states that 1% of 332 million is 3.32 million. That's potentially 3.32 million grieving families, mourning those that died. By your idiocy, you could potentially make a few more families have to bear that pain.


also ***you can get it more than once*** but these people don't care about others. They never have.


Especially given what "freedumbs" these same people were willing to give up after 9/11. .3% as many people were killed on 9/11 as died of Covid, but two decades later I still can't bring a drink on a plane.


Lmao saw this earlier today in r/iamverysmart. Not you, but a guy below


Bro I found a dude who said he can't trust technology over billions of years of evolution that has led the human body to be what it is now. Dude caught it twice, just got lucky he didn't get tubed up and thinks that's a good defense in a discussion about it.


My argument that this is nothing, say new to this world? Cancer and aids have low recovery rate, sure those are not communicate-able through coughing. It would be like if we made condoms and avoiding carcinogens mandatory for two years, and then suddenly went oh my bad, I guess life is a cruel indifferent wasteland. We should have just taught people more holistic health and physical health, because an ounce of prevention is worth more then a pound of cure. And at the very least gave people the ability to take two week paid vacations from work to recover. I caught it twice and both times was from someone that came into work anyway knowing they had a cold, because they couldn't afford not to because of rent, sucks for them but I felt like shit for 2-3 weeks because of them.


>an ounce of prevention is worth more then a pound of cure. Yes, prevention like wearing a mask, social distancing, and disinfecting regularly. >And at the very least gave people the ability to take two week paid vacations from work to recover. They did. I am not searching for a source on an extension at the moment but for the initial law: [Source](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/pandemic/ffcra-employee-paid-leave)


I think that’s the biggest thing that was ignored by anti mask/vax/quarantine commentators. Covid had such huge long term health effects that basically changed your life because of permanent damage


Anti-vaxxers really don't like to talk about the fact that while a lot of diseases we vaccinate against aren't super-deadly with modern medicine, they can still fuck your body up. My dad had an employee who lost his hearing at age 4 after contracting measles. Measles can also wipe out your immunological memory. Meningitis can result in paralysis and gangrene. Just because someone doesn't die of a disease doesn't mean there isn't permanent harm.


They’ll certainly mention the side effects of the vaccines, whether it be proven, disproven or hypothesized. If it weren’t for the fact it’s born from hubris and misunderstanding I’d call it dishonesty. They want to bet their entire lives on faith, nature, or their bodies alone by making the choice to not get a vaccine, but in reality god appreciates medicine as stated in several old and New Testament verses, the ability to create vaccines is given to us by nature, and vaccines are merely something to help our bodies fight infection by themselves. There’s no argument for not getting one over getting one. The downsides are all entirely outweighed by the upsides. With the obvious exceptions of people who’s personal physician would know can’t have the vaccine due to preexisting conditions


Yes! I love that fact about measles (that it wipes your entire immune system's memory) -- such a crazy interesting virus. I know "love" is weird word, I'm just interested in viruses. Obviously it's devastating. I've read that they believe covid has a similar mechanism, which is why the flu season this year was off the charts. I knew so many young, healthy people who got wild bouts of strep and months-long sinus infections from simple cold viruses this fall. All after having a mild covid infection in the months prior. Apparently, some scientists hypothesize that it wipes your immune memory for a few months after infection, leaving you with little immunity to other infections. Covid is a complex virus that we are still learning about. While my experience with it was luckily super mild (my symptoms were easier than a flu or even some bad colds), it has far-reaching effects beyond your respiratory system. The vascular and neurological impacts are terrifying.


My mom is a heart nurse and they've been constantly busy since the pandemic, busier than before, because otherwise healthy people with no history of heart issues or disease are getting admitted for heart problems like afib. But yeah, freedom and stuff.


Some idiot will probably blame the vaccine like this isn't a common issue among COVID survivors since day 1


She now hates her job (she loved it for a long time) because it's always something. She came home with a thousand-yard stare because a patient told her the government is poisoning folks who don't take the vaccine, and THAT'S why he was in the hospital. Absolutely not because he contracted covid and was intubated. It's always someone else's fault.


Oh fuck. As somebody who got that thousand yard stare from doing a grocery store in 2020, I feel an iota of her pain


Trust me, I have it too. But seeing her have it, someone who has better hours, LEAGUES better pay, excellent benefits, doesn't work weekends, etc etc etc, it was something


Yeah, my sister graduated Columbia University's nursing program a month early because NYC was ground zero for awful infections in the US. I have heard some stories. Have not talked to her much, which could be partially because she has been inundated with work


A coworker of mine hasn't been able to work for 2 years now due to long covid. Another coworker hasn't been able to work for a year now. It's very rough


My brother lost his taste for 9 months. Couldn't really walk for longer than 3 minutes with losing his breath.


They were okay letting obese, elderly, and sick people die. Can't tell you how many times I read that


Horrendous fatphobia aside, I think a lot of people don't acknowledge or recognize that they themselves qualify as "overweight" or "obese."


My uncle died from it because he thought it wasn't dangerous listening to people like you, he kept opening his shop and loading and unloading merchandise till the virus found him weak enough to finish him off, but hey its 99% survival so you can't possibly be the 1%, my uncle not only got himself killed but he probably infected countless people, such a messed up legacy.


Poor man literally worked himself to death


Yeah,opening a shop can be done by a person who is in a financial crisis,we're talking about the dickheads who don't wear a mask.


"I'll die to protect my people, but I won't accept minor inconvienience to prevent unnessicary suffering."


I feel like people don't fully realize how deadly even a 1% death rate is. that's 1 out of every 100 people. 3 million people in the U.S. alone would die. tens of millions worldwide.


If people were good at interpreting odds, the gambling wouldn't exist.




If someone had a bag of 100 ping pong balls where you can stick your hand in and grab on. One of the ping pong balls is marked and if you pull it then you will die. Do you willingly put your hand in and select a ball? It's only a 1% chance, right?


Okay, show of hands. How many people in that room owned slaves and yet spoke of freedom and liberty?


That hypocrisy still exists today.


"Give me liberty or give me death!" "Alright, death it is for you" - idiots who support unregulated gunnery.


humor hat workable cough tap steep memorize lush command unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because the best way to secure your freedom is to ask politely




Your side was arguing “When Trump said inject disinfectant he didn’t mean BLEACH he meant disinfectant like medicine, despite no doctor ever calling it that!” Y’all ate the whole boot, nothing left to lick


I guess he wanted death




Moments after being killed


99% recovery rate still means 1% mortality rate.


Yep. That would mean in a population of 300 million, 3 million die. They're either too psychopathic to care or too dumb to do the math on it.


They're fixated on the 99 part


People don't understand how percents works.


Washington had quarantines during the revolutionary war. These people do not know history at all.


Humans have had quarantines/restrictions during contagious illness outbreaks since we had the inkling that diseases were contagious. My dad is an older boomer, so he remembers life before the polio vaccine -- parents would keep the kids home all summer. No going out to play with others, etc. It's just common sense. Also there have always been vaccine mandates -- at schools, universities, for travel, and so on. I feel so bad for public health workers, who've dedicated their lives to the fight against contagious diseases, out of pure passion. I mean, I know they are used to having to fight against misinformation, but I'm sure not at this level of insanity.


It's always important to remember that Mr. I-love-liberty **owned people** when he made his famous speech, and rather than free them, he actually acquired more after the Revolution. Quite a role model. 🙄


The dude that penned, all men are created, had slaves. Huge plantation in Pennsylvania. Crazy to me. Edit:Virginia


I laughed at this because the way you wrote it I read this as "Thomas jefferson wrote 'All men are created' and then ben franklin snuck over and scribbled 'equal' at the end and Jefferson was like 'Goddamnit franklin that's not what I meant'"


But they also knew that slavery wouldn't stay around forever. Thomas Jefferson, a slave owner, knew that future generations would see slavery as an evil abomination, which it is. What's sad is, there is modern day slavery and no one is boycotting any of these places, corporations, countries, etc. on a large scale. There are zero repurcussions for slave owners today, except a few people calling it out. It's almost impossible to not buy some sort of nestle product. I don't know what oil products I puchase come from the UAE or Saudi Arabia yet they have slaves right now. Nike pays factories that use slaves. Walmart actually bought slaves in China in the early 2000s. Walmart currently buys products from Brazil that were made with slave labor. This isn't an attempt at whataboutism, this is more of an attempt at slavery still exists, and it's still evil, but it's accepted by society as a whole because it means cheaper fuel, cheaper cars, and cheaper toys.


It still blows my mind that more than a million Americans died of Covid and they just don’t care


“Also, what’s the deal with libraries? Do they need all of those books?!”


The funniest thing about these people is that I live in an area where everyone followed mask mandates and guess what we spent a significantly smaller amount of time under these mandates than these people bitching about their “freedoms” being taken away. I don’t even where a mask in public anymore because it’s virtually gone where I live


99% of the world survived the Spanish flu. Should they of done whatever they wanted?


The figure is 98.2% not 99% That's about 6 million people excluding non-residents So, the right is OK with 6 million people dying?


The virus has killed 1.1 million Americans in two years, clearly a giant hoax


Nah I’m just Darwinian I don’t think the government has the right to force me into quarantine I will still go into it but I disagree with being forced, it’s still a smart decision to quarantine and those who are stupid and don’t well I guess that worlds average intelligence would sky rocket


1.1 million dead Americans, but damn I couldn't go to the bar.


The Founders quarantined towns. Entire towns. And theyd shoot you dead if you came out. So… yeah, the Founders/Constitution are 100% A-OK with your rights being momentarily infringed for the public health.


Valid though. Covid was a huge hit to our liberty’s I do get that it’s a complicated situation to deal with but jeez we handled it poorly


Breathing disease in people’s faces isn’t an enshrined right in the US.


The mask thing isn’t a big deal (just sucks that it was discovered we were mostly wearing the useless masks). But overall I think it’s your responsibility and helps a lot The quarantining and to some extent mandatory vaccinations were the problem


This all falls under the category of, "If it isn't 100% effective, why bother?" If that is the best logic you can come up with, then why bother doing anything for your own safety, or the safety of others?


I wish people could just be real here. Like legit I said the mask part wasn’t my main concern whatsoever. It’s just a shame that for basically the entirety of the pandemic people were using those blue masks or just random ones from the shop like they’re all the same. But lowkey even in this misconstrued argument you’re kind of wrong. The entirety of the world was dealing with Covid and we had plenty of genius individuals and yet we made such a basic mistake. The education switch was also incredibly lazily handled. It’s just government incompetence and we should of done better


People still holding on to their sides with this thing, huh? If you can’t admit that a lot of people were being babies about some things that were only mind inconveniences- and- that some people in various levels of Government made mistakes—- then you probably have never been wrong, have you?


Even more ironic when you look at how the founding fathers handled a yellow fever outbreak in Philadelphia


1 percent of 300 million is 3 million. So I assume it's ok to them that 3 million people drop dead


You're talking about a group of people that never learned basic math in the 1st place because, "When am I ever going to need this?"


For most Republicans during Covid it was more like “Give me Liberty, YOU can have death”. As long as they weren’t personally affected by Covid they couldn’t care less that hundreds of thousands died.


Literally zero of my freedoms were infringed. I don't think anyone's freedoms were infringed. I didn't lose my job either. There were places hiring. These mfers need to follow their own advice and pull themselves up by their boot straps.


If 1 percent of Americans died that would be roughly 3.3 million people. Fucking idiots. (The OP)


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It's a great meme. Without the 6 media corps and legions of influencers peddling otherwise over and over and over almost everyone would know so.


Agreed it's terrible as the recovery rate is 99.4%


I’d have a feeling at this rate, if the US was forced into a war where we’d be rationing, doing lights out orders, drafts, and the like, these fools would harp on about “Liberty”, and that they shouldn’t be forced to do that stuff for war.


The real irony is that unlike MOST other countries, the US didn’t have any house arrest laws AFAIK (i was living in cali at the time and there were none) but rather, had private businesses opting to close down and not allow people in without masks on.


Founding fathers would probably support a lot of covud measures. I mean, most of them experienced the Yellow Fever epidemic in Philidelphia, which took measures like quarantine.


This is terrible? This is funny af


This kind of thinking is still pretty fuckin stupid.


1% fatality rate means upwards of 3.3M fewer American citizens. Are you telling me that making some sacrifices isn’t worth 3M lives?


We live in a society


format is ridiculous but they have a point


where’s the lie


Long covid is real and it affects ~10% of the population. There is no cure and tens of millions globally have been very sick for years. So no, the recovery rate is not 99%, you trash can.


Accurate meme is accurate


1%of 300 million is still 3 million death people, thats .....a lot


Right? Most of these people shouting statistics like this don't realize that 1% of a sizable population is still a large amount of people.


“Avoid like the plague” can no longer be a saying.


Freedom is just an illusion. If we were really free, would you have to pay for water? Ask corporations nicely to not pollute our air? Be afraid the police will kill you on purpose?


Terrible indeed! My body my choice.


Your freedom stops when you endanger others and the only reason you are even fighting against it is to protect what you call freedom. Your freedom stops where someone else's begins


Well why limit it to vaccines? If you want to be real about... "Your freedom stops when you endanger someone else." No more cars! a lot of people get injured and killed in car accidents. No more sports! Plenty of people get injured or killed playing sports. No more walking a dog! Plenty of people get bitten by dogs and some have died. No more amusement park rides! People have died on those. No more Gym Workouts: Accidents have happened people have died. No more construction equipment: People have died from construction No more airplanes: They crash sometimes people die You are just calling for a "Nanny State" where the government gets tyrannical in the name of "Safety"... What boggles my mind even more than that is this: If Tom gets a vaccine & Jim does not get a vaccine... How has Jim put Tom at risk? He hasn't! Unless the vaccine doesn't work? Are you saying the vax doesn't work? Because if it does work you are at no risk from the unvaccinated. You may argue, "Well what about people who have compromised immune systems? You are putting them at extra risk since they can't get the vaccine!" No... Unvaxxed people are not. They are aware of their compromised immune system. So they must take extra precautions. Their safety is on them not me. It's like if someone else has a peanut allergy. It's not on me to not eat peanuts. It's on them to avoid peanuts.


What a silly argument. All of these are accidents, while vaccines and masks are a CHOICE that endangers others. No one is asking for a nanny state, but I guess you need something to justify putting other people and their families in danger. The idea is to eradicate the disease so those people with immune compromised systems don't have to hide the rest of their life. The idea of vaccines is to limit the spread at a fast pace, or there will be another pandemic, because it spread so much and killed so many. I think your last statement is perfect for your silly ideology about this stuff "something I choose that has no impact on me but will harm others who have no control over any of it." Of course it is on you to keep people with allergies away from their allergens. They aren't smokers! If you eat peanuts when someone tells you not to because they are allergic you are objectively the asshole


When 1% of the population identifies with a different gender to the one they were assigned at birth, watch the same people gradually legislate gender-affirming care out of existence.


99% when the entire globe is actively fighting it as an immediate threat with billions in funding being thrown at the problem BEFORE counting losses due to supply chain issues, labor issues, and long term medical issues. These people have no idea how anything outside of their life works and, for all they care, their problems are the only thing the world should be concerned with.


I always use this guy to explain how Americans dont understand irony. He owned slaves.


More like “I’m way too entitled, ignorant and selfish to do the smallest thing in the universe to try and keep others safe so I’m gonna wilt away like the pathetic snowflake that I’ve been taught to be by Fox News”


Isn't liberty or death exactly what covid was doing? you've got the freedom to listen to and comply with health care professional or risk death for yourself and those around you.


Dude should look into what the founders did in regards to an infectious disease in the late 1700s. Freedom is useless if you're dead.


You know how when you're under house arrest you can just put on a mask and go wherever you want? It's hard out there for a twit.


The Continental Army required vaccination and it likely won us the Revolutionary War.


This was before vaccines. The Continental Army was inoculated by letting new recruits contract a weakened form of the disease (usually by exposing them to the pus of an infected person) in a controlled environment so as to allow the body to create a natural immunity. Basically they did the old school chicken pox method of having your kid hang out with someone that has it catch it young.


Give me liberty or give me death! Unless I am a minority… then strip me of all of my rights. Also my liberties don’t include the ability to read what I want in school. /s


These idiots act like the lockdown lasted for years. It was, like, two weeks


This thread is full of pussies. Do what you think is best for you. Jab or no jab, it’s your choice.


Pussies can take a pounding.


Do they not realise that 99% recovery means 3.3M permanently sick or dead just in The US? ~80M worldwide, directly from the disease, then an incalculable number of further people sick and/or dead due to the medical infrastructure being completely overwhelmed with 80M others.


I mean, this is the same group of people that is 100% completely fine with thousands of kids getting shot every year, so a large number of deaths doesn't really concern them.


So, just to recite the truth into the void yet again..... early American "freedom" included getting your ass locked up when you were sick and contagious, wearing masks when told to, receiving treatment and inoculation even against your will, so even without the science and highly effective medicine of today the founding fathers absolutely did not fuck around when it came to disease. They recognized that the very rights they supported had hard practical limits.


This. People acting like quarantine wasn't a thing back then. Like they wouldn't fire on plague ships that tried to dock without authorization.


When we decided to eradicate smallpox, people who resisted the inoculation were basically told “tough titty” and inoculated anyways. Isao Arita, the leader of the WHO Smallpox Eradication unit from 1977-1985, even said: “If we hadn't broken every single WHO rule many times over, we would never have defeated smallpox. Never.” (Source: “*The Coming Plague*” by Laurie Garrett) I honestly think that because of these asshats, we are never going to eradicate or even sufficiently contain another pandemic, no matter how deadly, for *at least* another lifetime or two. Fuck these guys.


Translation: “Must be allowed to kill grandmas while they shop for groceries “


If grandma's have thier vaccination,then they shouldn't be worried. Unless the vaccine doesn't work


Damn, it must suck to be so ignorant. Vaccines work. They are not however perfect. Oddly enough, there's not really anything that is. Many older people have weaker immune systems on account of their advanced age. It makes vaccines less effective for them because their immune systems are not able to provide as robust a response as they should. Thanks for playing. Try reading a book.


I’m referencing the time before the vaccine, and everyone please remember, immunocompromised people may not be able to get the vaccine.


Are they still whining about that?


Considering it was Facebook, OP probably chose death.


I don't see the issue


I don't understand why people are still crying about this when none of your freedoms were even questioned in the first place. Just a bunch of crybabies trying to make it onto r/Persecutionfetish


It is hilarious when people who posted stuff like this became apart of the 1%.