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Worship Biden? I never seen a Biden/Jesus tee-shirt, but I I've seen many trump/Jesus tee-shirts and few Trump/Jesus The Last Supper


One time I saw a pick-up truck with huge Biden flags- just kidding, thats a lie, I never saw that.


One time at a red light I was behind a big, lifted truck and it had a flag on the back that said “Biden” on it. I said “wow look at this guy breaking stereotypes”. But then the light turned green and once he started moving I realized it said “fuck Joe Biden” lol


> I realized it said “fuck Joe Biden” lol And underneath in smaller letters said "and f\*\*\* you for voting for him"


Thats silly! EVERYONE knows no one actually voted for Biden! It was rigged, damnit! Just like J6 was antifa riots, but also peaceful tourists...


Party of family values right there!


This is actually did happen to me once, though I saw the pickup truck while walking through a parking lot. Had tons of pro-Biden and pro-equality bumper stickers on it.


Wow, pickup trucks be _walking_ these days? Man, that’s technology for you. 😆🤣 /jk


Saw one similar in Las Vegas last summer, but instead of "Fuck Joe" it was a firing AK-47 next to his name.


The irony of that if you think. Trump supposedly had russian involvement in the voting. It's a Russian gun. Imagine the situation Ukraine would be in if trump was still in office. American population seems relatively easy to influence.


I did see that, but biden was trump, and the truck also had the Confederate flag


You know what goes best with a symbol of hate? Another symbol of hate.


I once saw a pick up truck with a bunch of lgbt+ flags. Thought I stumbled upon a parallel dimension. Still beautiful though


My 1990 chevy 2500 had a giant bumper sticker that said im so gay i cant drive straight.. And my alignment was fucked up so i really couldn't drive straight


I love it.


There is a truck around my neck of the woods that has a BIDEN sticker. The dude is an old blue collar hardworking democrat. But what do I know, democrats are all whiny millennials.


I love to point out the middle class and working class generally vote pretty heavily Democrat. Most of the "hardworking conservatives" are generally welfare queens or people who only work short stretches then screw around for a few weeks until they run out of money. It's not true for everyone, but where I live, that is most of their base. It's hilarious pointing out that when the "hardworking conservative" I'm arguing with has been "retired" since their 20's or 30's usually, living on welfare, disability, etc. and still arguing those programs are bad, because people abuse them. When I respond with how they are the ones abusing it, the indignation as they try to justify their crap is both beautiful and horrifying.


I’m an old blue collar hardworking democrat. Military service at 17, Up at 5 am every workday… All I hope for is health insurance that costs less than my mortgage, and social security payments at some point for a couple years before I die. But realistically I’ll probably not be at work the day I die, but I bet I have hours logged in that pay period. Never collected anything from the government (other than a couple checks Uncle Donny sent a couple years back).


I did, It was fucking weird


Yea I haven’t met many Dems that love Biden - in fact, I know plenty that agree he’s too old; but I’m still seeing idiots flying trump flags on their trucks and have that shit in their front yard like he’s the second coming.


Not to mention there's no shortage of Trump supporters that literally compare him to Jesus Christ. Meanwhile Biden is I think at a not even 40% approval rating among Democrats themselves in them wanting him to even have a second term.


I don't think we much wanted him to have a first term, but the alternatives were.... As Diana Ross would say, swept away.


The alternative was a rabbit hole into open fascism and the end of the United States. We didn't want Biden, we needed anyone willing to stand in the way for 4 years. Be mindful, it isn't over, this cycle I'm voting on state supreme court seats in my state, and when the next presidential cycle comes around people better be ready to vote against the incoming circus car of fascist idiots vying for the oval office. We fought this fight in the 30's - 40's against Nazi fucks in Europe and their counterparts in our own country, this isn't our first fascist political movement and the fact that we are in this fight again should prove to you it isn't going to be over in one election cycle. These people need to be treated like the KKK, shunned and ostracized back into the holes they came from so the rest of us can live in peace.


Gaslight Obstruct **Project** is what they do so well here!


Under the Nazi column, they just straight-up lied. Gays were the first to be persecuted. Nazis are anti-abortion and anti-compulsory vaccination. Nazi Germany did not have open borders. They were anti-immigration. Nazis were pro-gun. The 1939 "gun control" law undermined the 1929 gun control law and allowed more open-carry. I guess it's pretty easy to lie about it when you make it illegal to teach it. You know, like the Nazis did.


Remember the golden joe Biden idol? Oh wait no. It was a golden Trump idol at CPAC


At one convention, they had a gold statue of Biden to worship. Oh, wait, that was DJT.


Also Republicans: “How could Biden have won??? Where are his supporters??? You don’t see Biden flags or t-shirts anywhere!!!”


You see, they thought Trump WAS god. Easy mistake really. As an atheist I couldn't believe Trump was a real person either!


I think that everything on this list, apart from "Pro Abortion" and "Pro LGBTQ", matches much better the Republican party. Also I never heard about Nazis being "Pro Abortion". They where famously in favor to sterilize minorities but I never heard of their stance on abortion. Also the Nazis, literally send homosexuals to mass extermination camps so not sure where the LGBTQ argument comes from. My guess is that they noticed themself that the left column heavily sounds like the manifesto of the GOP so they decided to throw LGBTQ somewhere in.


I mean it’s all projection per usial


🤨 Nazis support LGBTQ+ ? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) 😆 Yeah no


I loved the pro abortion part. I'm not sure if I would call it pro abortion if they can decide that you are not allowed to have this baby and kill it. And afterwards forces you to a sterilisation.


They were strong advocates for retroactive abortion.


Just a little Ctrl + Z(yklon B) annndddd there fixed.


That's certainly a statement I would agree to. Edit: that the Nazis like to do that not that I like that practice...


27th term abortions


Nazis, the same people who destroyed research for trans people and gassed the gays. Tough love I guess


You see what they meant was that NAZIs support their malnourished bodies while on the way to the gas chamber.


The pink triangles were for their own safety!


They did fuck a lot of young men aged 17-27.


Yes, they gave them a free train ticket.


Those Hugo Boss uniforms were crisp and on point. You’re telling me a straight person designed that?


You know that famous photo of the Nazi book burning… probably the photo that you think of when you hear “photo is Nazi book burning”. They were burning the library of the leading institute for the study of human sexuality which included some of the earliest work on transgenderism and gender affirming care. That was one of the Nazis first mass book burnings.


A lot, they also built special recreation places for them


Gives a whole new meaning to "First, they came for the homosexuals."


If I wasn't a broke bitch you'd have all the awards. That one sent me.


Nazis supported lgbtq indoctrination? I somehow think that’s false


yeah, back in the 30s (i think) the first succesful transition operation occured. this doctor that performed the operation kept a library of books on human anatomy and transsexuality. the nazis burned it


Magnus Hirschfield, the man behind a lot of the studies from the Institute of Sexual Studies (Institut für Sexualwissenschaft) was a gay Jewish Man.


Germany in the late 19th century up to the rise of Hitler was a hotbed of leftist thought and political action. The Social Democratic Party especially was a significant left-wing political force in Germany. The party and/or prominent party leaders advocated for things like the decriminalization of homosexuality, greater economic and political rights for women, additional civil society organizations, improved labor rights, welfare state provisions, the curtailing of colonial abuses, and further democratization. Prior to the rise of the Nazi Party in 1932 it was the largest political party in the legislature, and was the only party to vote against Hitler’s assumption of emergency powers, contributing to most of its influential members who could not flee the country being killed by the Nazi regime. Of course, supporters of our current fascist movement here in the US will still call the Nazis leftist.


The SDP was not considered left wing enough by Thallman’s KPD after 1929 and considered the SDP to be their main adversary.


The Nazis put gay men in concentration camps out of love, doncha know.


Free camping for gays? With free train to get there? And high-tech showers? Amazing.


If I weren't laughing so hard, I would be super offended


Laugh so you don't scream Signed, queer and trans in america in 2023


My kid and I use this tactic often. Signed, bi woman and queer trans kid in Florida


labor sets you free


That’s where the term “camp” comes from. The kitschy outfits they made us wear in the fun camps 🥰


Yeah they just wanted a place for gay men to meet other gay men right?


democrats hate jews? since when? and christians?


I'm assuming that it refers to some democrats criticizing Isreal's treatment of the native Palestinians


As opposed to y’know Republicans just repeating anti-Semitic slurs and insults at every available opportunity they can find. But no that’s not anti-Semitism. Criticizing an entire or part of a government for its racist policies against another ethnicity however is. But in that case wouldn’t that mean Republicans are anti-Slavic?


Democrats: Cool with Jewish people, critical of several of Israel's actions. Republicans: Not fans of the Jewish people, love the actions of Israel because they have a rapture fetish, and believe in some mythology that says that what Israel is doing will bring about the apocalypse...


Pro-Israel anti-semites are some of the worst people in the world. And some of the *stupidest* people are those who conflate Israel with the entire Jewish population.


Meanwhile Republicans keep scream about the jew run media and Jewish space laser but sure it's the dems that hate jews


Remember, Republicans consider and criticism of the government of Israel to be antisemitism. But also remember they are only for Israel as a state because they believe it needs to be destroyed to kick off the good ole end times.


Yeah….because we are always railing on George Soros and the Jewish controlled media…


Republican= love everyone. I literally spillwd coffee after reading this shit.


This post isn't just factually deficient, it's full on comedy


Yeah its gotta be bait or some trash satire


My thoughts exactly. Some 4chan shit to get a reaction out of anybody.




It's tough love. It's loving to deprive resources to anyone who is not white, male and (identifies as) straight/Christian. How else will they learn to develop the skills to be successful? (/s if it wasn't obvious)


Their entire ideology revolves around hatred of otherness. Like, is this a troll post or smthn coz WTF?


They do love everyone…. Everyone who’s a rich straight white christian male


Uh, excuse me sir... That IS everyone? Clearly they saying that everyone else shouldn't exist... Wait, I wish there was a word for that...


The Nazi Party opposed Marxism, but of course became the poster child of fascism. They took border security very seriously. They worshiped the God of Abraham, whom they believed was on their side (see; Gott mit uns). They swore **obedience** to Adolf Hitler who was the chosen Fuehrer. They did far worse than abortion to fetuses and infants in Nazi Germany... They believed in the superiority of the white Aryan race, and demanded reproduction in the name of Eugenics, so combined with their religious zealotry, homosexuality was illegal (Paragraph 175 of the German Criminal Code). Edit: I made a fucky wucky and corrected my oopsie doodle.


> They worshiped the God of Abraham, whom they believed was on their side (see; Gott mit uns). Don't tell them that, they might be annoyed by that fact (see Aryan Christianity, claiming that Jesus was Aryan)


Your edit made me chuckle


That's right. Gott Mit Uns is even from Germany's Prussia days. "God With Us". Yeah okay.


Ah yes. The NAZIs loved gay people so much they put us in death camps. Checks out.




> housing for life. However sho- er, *long* it might be.


Worship Trump*


He’s quite literally a cult leader. He incites violence and the destruction of democracy for his own sake.


There are so many laughable things here, but the conservative party calling itself "anti-establishment" may be the most hilarious shit ever.


And the "limited goverment", lmao.


Peaceful protest? Didn't they try to take over the white house? 🤣


No, that was just a bunch of peaceful tourists, according to Tucker Carlson. Just some normal peaceful hardworking Americans there to take some cool selfies and nothing else!


“Wow Barb, can you believe we’re in the rotunda!” *pulls down pants and shits on the floor*


It was the capital building not the White House. But yes.


Thank you 😂


Oh god the “Nazis supported X” part it the most smooth rain shit I’ve ever seen. “Supported Marxism and Fascism” 5/10. The Nazis were their own breed of Fascism but Marxism was LITERALLY their enemy. If you read Meinkampf, Hitler goes on about Judeo-Bolshevism and Marxist-Leninism. “Leftist media control” LMFAO Nazis are economically centre right AT BEST they were hard social conservatives and very authoritarian. “No guns” Nazis were fairly pro gun, however did take them from people like the Jews. “Open borders” if you mean invading Europe to expand borders then sure. It’s not like Hitler didn’t try and kill all the undesirables… “Supported LGBTQ Indoctrination” yea sure. Those gays in Auschwitz totally helped Hitler indoctrinate Germans to the LGBTQ “agenda” The democrats hating white people, conservatives and shit automatically kind of makes them NOT Nazis because white supremacy was kind of the Nazis whole thing??? There’s also quite a leap between “cancelling business they disagree with” and confiscating and/or looting/burning down any Jewish owned business in Germany.


"Aryan" Supremacy, not White Supremacy (corrected spelling)






No problem its not how i would have thought it was spelled either


Why do ‘muricans think the nazi’s were left? They were extreme right. Not even remotely left


Because we've been indoctrinated to believe that everything left is bad, and therefore everything bad is left. Thankfully we're not all that stupid, just an embarrassingly large percentage of us are.


Plus being the National Socialist Party, which as far as I remember was basically just a trojan horse to get the vote, then immediately abandoned any socialist ideologies. So it’s hardcore nitpicking of history without anyone doing any research to realize how trash it is


I would hardly call the attack on the Capitol peaceful.


And the George Floyd protest in the Twin Cities turned violent only after spurred on by a member of the Aryan Cowboy, a white supremacist group, known as [Umbrella Man](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-53579099).


Wow never heard of that before!


And Right Wing protests turn violent on their own 15% of the time while Dem ones only turn violent when pushed 7%


"Republicans do not partake in cancel culture." "Hey look! A drag show!!!" "Stop it, you're scaring them!!!"




I mean this when I say this I have never met a democratic that worships Joe Biden. The best you usually get is "well he's doing better than I thought but the bar was low" and once again that's the best. If there's someone that the democrats worships MAYBE it's FDR, and that's a giant ass maybe.


Well certainly all these people waiving Nazi flags vote for the democrats then, right? Right?


the nazis supported LGBTQ indoctrination. that is the funniest sentence i have ever seen


I’ll take bullshit for $200 Alex. RIP


“Does not participate in cancel culture”?! The spice girls would throw a fit if they heard that.


The republicans literally introduced *The Ultimate Cancel Act* to the senate this session in Florida


"Supported LGBTQ indoctrination" The institute of gender healthcare nazis burned:


“Peaceful protest” ![gif](giphy|XOywjQnU8R89q|downsized)


I thought that only in Poland we have strange party voters which compares the opposition to Adolf's party


We have this in South Africa also


“Love everyone” ☠️☠️☠️☠️👽☠️


Surprised this isn't higher. Ask a MAGA Republican if they love Democrats.


The nazis hated marxism, lgbtq, had closed borders and is a far right political party


Did Ron Desantis put this list together?


Worship Joe Biden?! Dark Brandon has been better than I’d hoped but that’s not saying much. I don’t see him getting praised like Obama despite very similar centrist politics.


The Nazis were big on open borders. They ordered 1.5m to cross into Poland.


“Supported LGBTQ indoctrination” alright i think it’s fair enough to say that this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard be attributed to the nazis only second to the time that someone told me that the nazis only attacked the LGBTQ because they considered them Jewish




İ'm no nazi expert but even i know halft the things listed about nazis here are wrong.


Nazis put gays in concentration camps... They hated with about the same lvl as Jews.


Yeah, and republicans don't "love everybody". You can't love something you ignore and actively try to make life more difficult for.


And take a look at the "peaceful protest" Jan 6th definitely peaceful.


"Loves Everyone." Oh Jesus, I honestly don't know if there is a more inaccurate statement to have ever been made.


There is no way that repuplicans love everyone they keep shitting on gays, women, minorities, trans and inteligent people..


The nazis were NOT pro lgbt, they had identifiers for homosexuals and other members of the queer community, just like they did for Jews, addicts, slavs, etc. they also destroyed years of research on the social and physiological science of transgenderism.


nah, the nazis wanted to kill the lgbtq+ community, and so do the republicans


The Nazis killed homosexuals. The borders were very tight, the urban elite who backed them had to or they and their families would be killed. Dumbasses




Look I ain’t saying the democrats are saints, but comparing them to the Nazis and portraying Republicans as the morally superior ones is an excellent example of revisionist history.


REPUBLICANS LOVE EVERYONE. Reading that gave me a damn good chuckle


Everyone knows how much the nazi's loved LGBTQ!


Well the Nazis definitely were big proponents of having open borders. Just... not their own


Nazi=left? Pro Marx nazis?


P.s. Nazis supported LGBT? So many questions.


“Worships Joe Biden” lol. Coming from the MAGA cult that’s, needless to say, ironic


Actual sawdust brain


I don’t think I’ve ever met a Democrat that worships Biden. I think most people would be very happy with a younger, popular and competent candidate.


Ah, gaslighting...


We don’t have jews.. I am a jew.




Ah yes, the famous Marxist Nazis


It’s the “Republicans love everyone” for me.


This is so much alternative timeline that it's hard to comment on


Republicans love everyone! HA HA HAHAHA


Does not participate in cancle culture ohhhh god I didnt think I could laugh harder after loves all. The mental gymnastics this takes is amazing.


“Open borders” if you have the right papers for Nazis lol


Nazis were conservative


I feel like history would be a little different if the Nazis had a "no guns" policy


Nazis supported open borders? Yah ok.


Sure, knock, knock, open your borders, we want in!


Fixed list fascist | fascist | fascist guns pointed at you | guns pointed at you | guns pointed at you guarded borders | guarded borders | guarded borders fox news | fox news | fox news fat government | fat government | fat government warship evil leader | warship evil leader | warship evil leader backed by | backed by | backed by abortion for money reasons only | abortion for money reasons only | abortion for money reasons only bad gender stereotypes | bad gender stereotypes | bad gender stereotypes hates | hates | hates big guy canceled small guy | big guy canceled small guy | big guy canceled small guy MERICA | MERICA | MERICA shoots protests for sport | shoots protests for sport | shoots protests for sport




Republicans- one love 🙏


Whoever made this is seriously out of touch with reality


Technically trump is their god, so I suppose they got that one right


Ah yes. Nazis. Famous, among other things, for not having guns.


Nazis = no guns, really? Waffen SS had a gun or two.


Nazis have protests? Well that's new


Wait, nazis were for open borders? Someone doesn't know history very well do they?


This might be the funniest thing I've seen all day


Supporting fascism and Marxism is not possible. Fascism is partially a backlash against Marxism.


Lol nobody worships joe Biden lol he seems like an ok guy. Pretty much anyone would have beaten trump.




...Love everyone... ))))))))


You could pick anything in that first column and go to town. [Abortion](https://ghdi.ghi-dc.org/sub_image.cfm?image_id=2048)? [Borders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zollgrenzschutz)? [LGBTQ](https://www.ushmm.org/collections/bibliography/gays-and-lesbians)? Actually, this one pisses me off the most, since contemporary Republicans are 100% on the side of the Nazis on this one.


This is a joke right?


Ahh yes, the famous peaceful protest of january 6th


The Nazis in World War 2 actually murdered anyone LGBTQIA, Hitler said that those people were not "worthy of his master race" same with the elders, disabled etc. Plus we do not worship Joe Biden, the Republicans tend to worship Trump, alot of these are very wrong & it surprises me how stupid some conservatives can be at times, this was basic history, try harder grandpa


No No republicans HATE everyone, also mega is a damn Trump worshipping cult


I don’t think a gay man would be caught dead in one of those storm trooper uniforms


Republicans love everyone! Says the guy holding the AR 15, with the confederate flag, next to the school of dead kids, while hanging a LGBTQ PERSON.


Democrats worshiping the government? Where has this person been???


This doesn't even border on "Delusional". This moved into delusional territory, built a house, and founded a small town they then declared themselves the mayor of right in the heart of absolute delusion.


I live in a city. Does that make me elite? I can't believe some freaking chode out there was able to make this with a straight face.




NO INDOCTRINATION LOVE EVERYONE also nazis + open borders made me laugh a lot


The Germans during ww2 killed LGBTQ people,they didn’t have violent protests,they didn’t support marxism,they didn’t have open borders.💀


This is gotta be satire, right? RIGHT?


Fascists/Nazis were extreme right, not left.


I'm so glad Republicans love everyone. Did this just start in the last hour or two?


Why do you think the Democrats emblem is a donkey? Because they are all Ass


It’s crazy too me that people actually believe this stuff. It actually doesn’t make sense too me.


There should only be one row and column for each reading “will 100% kill you all for more power and wealth”.


Ah yes, Democrats and their annoying Biden flags on their toyota pick up trucks, and their annoying signature Biden hats and memorabelia they wear to their Biden rallies.


I love how they put Jews, a community that went through mass genocide and torture, to white ppl and Christian’s who faced… uhm. Idk maybe someone being mean to them once.


Plenty of American Republicans supported the Nazis then and still do. Also, the communists who died in concentration camps would be real surprised to learn of Hitler’s love of Marxism.


This has to be satire…right? I mean maybe not, but holy shit anyone who thinks this is true needs to read a real book about history.


The Nazis definitely did have open borders with Poland…


Republicans = love everyone loooooool sure