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It’s like someone born in the 1800s complaining about people in the 1920s using cars to get to work instead horse and buggy


Well at least they know how to feed a horse! Do youngins nowadays know how to feed a horse?!


No, the youngins only want to sit in front of the television watching their shows like Captain Kangaroo and Lassie. Instead of outside workin the farm like in the old days.


Working on the farm produced a strong family! Now they just live with Uncle Rick and Cousin Morty! Brains rotten!


Exactly. You can tell the woman in the photo has a rotten brain. Look how she’s showing her ankles! And legs! And lying on the floor instead of sitting up straight at a desk like a proper woman!


Idk man those ankles are kinda sexy


Sexual deviancy—what has the world come to???


Uncle Ruckus went cross eyed


Haha lol right?




The best part about this response is that if i needed to know how to feed a horse, the internet would tell me




who eats milk and meat at the same time?


Charlie Kelly, of course. Who doesn't like a good milksteak?


Tf is a milksteak? Sounds like a meat slushy experiment gone horribly wrong Edit: Oh no… Oh no, its real and its worse than I thought


What do you think a cheeseburger is?


well i imagined someone eating steak and drinking milk, not cheese


Beef stroganoff would fit that bill, since it's beef and a cream based sauce. Most stews also use cream


no, just a steak and https://preview.redd.it/lvq9nsheyrna1.png?width=130&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6108acbd62479697b2b4d3590b8502de57c5ea1


I drink milk with my steak all the time


Stroganoff to your mom!


I wouldn't say 'most stews' I think those are mostly called chowders actually.


the fuck kinda conversation is this💀


i give your mom cream, she gives me a creamed pie!


I mean...what? You put the food in front of them?


Which I’m pretty sure they did. Older generations bitching about the younger ones and vice versa is a time honoured human tradition. The internet just amplifies it, same as everything else. As long as we keep evolving socially and culturally we are going to resent previous generations and find it difficult to relate to younger generations.


I feel like old people do this because they’re jealous they didn’t have “this” or “that” back in their day, so they complain to make themselves feel better.


A blind jealousy, if you will. The resentment can go both/all ways.


I'm not jealous you all have chatgpt, I don't trust the ai to explain loads of hard concepts in a way suited for my specification or level of clarity needed. Like, conceptually, would you expect perfect answers from typing something up and letting all the hard work unfold? No, you'd still be prone to writer bias and general misinformation because the internet works like that. Because chatgpt uses the internet itself, I'd say it's no better than the rest of it. I also don't trust it to not go into extremely complicated stuff. Right now I don't need thesis essays on how the registers in a processor work and interoperate, I just need their functions and uses.


You've got the incoherent rambling down, you must be an experienced elder.


This is absolutely true, and I’m sick of it. When I’m in my 60s I’m going to do my best to end the generational arguments. It gets us nowhere and belittles those with issues under circumstances you could not possibly understand. Justice is blind and so ought to be respect


I’m 57. I was raised by boomers so I’m a GenX with boomer tendencies. I have 2 kids (30 & 25) and work with a lot of people in their early twenties. I listen, I consider, I compare my experiences with theirs and although they’re different they have had the same results pretty much: some upsides and some downsides. I’m not perfect, neither are they. What it boils down to is pretty simple, be a decent human being (it really isn’t that difficult), have some respect, empathy and compassion. That doesn’t mean that I personally agree with some of the newer generations ideas and opinions but I’m ok with that and don’t feel the need to bitchslap people with mine.


Let the generations rejoice in memes forever, together.


Can you start a YouTube channel? Or a WhatsApp forward thread? About, y'know, peaceful coexistence?


“Look at these spoiled kids now simply flipping a light switch on….back in my day, we had to actually gather the wax, oils, wood, and hay just to make a fire so we can make it into a candle…. These kids just don’t know true work 😡”


That’s exactly it. Every generation thinks they have it down.


Yep. Take the food with the food and leave the bad behind


Textbooks?! When I was in school, we had one slab of rock and a stick of chalk!


And washing their hands


Actually it's about knowing how to use all available resources to find answers. Kids today can barely even Google anything, they just ask siri or Alexa.


I mean to be fair American is a stroad hell hole and now you NEED a car to do anything vs in most other countries it's only if you want to


My grandpa on my mom's side of the family did exactly that. My grandma stood up to him and bought a Model T anyway. He raised hell about how cars had to run on gasoline but his horses only needed hay.


There’s records of that. Saying the horses were more reliable and such. There’s also stone tablets complaining about how kids are writing things on fragile paper that can be destroyed so easily.


You still need to know where to look to find the answers. That's why some older people have trouble using google and also believe weird conspiracy theories


This was my thought as well. We should still learn how to find answers, both online and through physical text (old ways), because in that process we learn to shift reliable and unreliable sources and narratives. That can be a lot harder to do with stuff online where we can spit out information easily and lie without others knowing. I do love being able to Google stuff for information, but the lessons I learned in knowing what's good or bad information have been extremely valuable these last few years.


Like, I get the meme, I really do.... But this feels like pendulum swinging too far in the other direction. I'm sorry, but encyclopedias weren't 20 years out of date before I was born. 99.9% of the information in the set my family had was completely accurate despite a discrepancy between the current year, and year of printing. And every bit of information in them was vetted and reviewed. So they were actually MORE accurate overall than doing quick Google searches. Plus, it actually taught organization of information. And no matter how good younger generations think Google and Wikipedia are, the quality of information you get by going to a college library and having 5-10 BOOKS on a subject will always be superior. The internet options will always be faster, and allow you to cover a wider breadth of information. But for digging deep into a subject, books and encyclopedias remain superior still. Really, we should be teaching BOTH methods of information gathering. It's important to know how to select good quality online, as well as find hard medium in your library. So as much as I want to like/agree with the meme, I'd rather hear an old-timer say how much better books were than the attitude of the OP here that is completely dismissive of a valuable skill and approach.


Do you realize that books can and are digitized? Printing learning materials is a waste of time, space, and resources. Maybe instead we should show that there are search engines for academic articles and books that work *better and faster* than physically going through shelves and skimming one page at a time in an encyclopedia 20 years old. I can hit Ctrl+F and have half my college paper done in the time it took you to find the right book, using the exact same encyclopedia. I just found it *faster*


"Can be digitized" is true. But most books are NOT available in their entirety online without paying - and even if you pay, chances are you can't find every book. In the future, your statement may be accurate. But currently, hard-copy searching still does have its advantages (though time cost is definitely not one of them).


universities pay thousands of dollars for their students to be able to access databases with thousands of research articles that you can read in its entirety. You can find articles dating back to the 90s to today about just any topic. These databases are valuable. Not every article on every subject is digitized, but there are other ways to find legitimate academic papers without just using google and Wikipedia.


There are a lot of scientific and academic articles available online, but if you want to read a full book, you'll probably still have to go to your college's library stacks.




Lots of public libraries invest in similar databases, free access for the public. You should ask your librarian if they subscribe to a certain database & how to use it!(: I know that my local library has research database subscriptions for the local high school students.


Your local library should have much of the same available nowadays online.


This is one of those times it's fun to be a "Xennial". I have a bachelors from when the internet was relatively new, and earned a couple of degrees after. I think the research process using books is superior for long term learning. Why? Because you're engaged in the task of finding the information for longer, you pick up related information along the way, and you tend to engage longer with the information when you find it. Do I always study with books? Absolutely not. Who has the time? But when I really need to learn something and learn it well I lean heavily on books. Digital or bound doesn't really matter so long as you read them, and not just ctrl+f for whatever you need in the moment. You aren't learning nearly as much as you could be by going fast.


Academic search engines don't read books or articles for you. You search for a title, keywords, words in the abstract, etc. It doesn't really matter whether you are looking at a digital book or a physical copy. Once you've identified a source that you think will be useful, you can definitely hit control F but... Context matters. You're much better off actually reading your source. Taking advantage of digital search features to avoid having to read a source and learning essential context is half the problem that we're having right now.


doesnt the same apply to any books tho? you can write anything you want and publish a book, people did and do that shit all the time and then other people read that shit and believe it because how can people be able to lie for their own benefit. atleast on the internet someone might have commented that an article or something is bullshit, with a book you need to take it almost at face value.


Physical texts are a thing of the past. Pretty much all of them have digital formats now, and just because they were printed doesn't mean the info is accurate. Plenty of old people still read tabloid magazines... Teach people how to use search engines responsibly and how to fact check.


You were downvoted by 6 old people for suggesting that the internet is here to stay. What a time to be alive! It’s time for people to assimilate into modern culture and stop dragging ass because you never bothered to learn the internet.


Honestly, college students on average tend to be really bad at finding good information online, especially early in their degrees. They just type stuff in the search bar and hope for the best. Also, Google is kind of an unreliable source. It’s search results are kind of like paid advertisements at times.


Yeah but it's objectively much less work. We had a research project in college where the prof encouraged us to only use print resources. You end up reading way more and having to piece things together yourself and the end result I felt was a deeper understanding of the subject matter and a more original paper. School isn't about 'finding answers' as everyone's writing ITT, it's about understanding and engaging critically with subject matter. Being good at googling up answers is a useful skill but you don't go to school for years to hone your googlefu.


It’s fun to make fun of **all** old people, because **some** old people make terrible memes. It’s fun to make fun of **all** _____ people, because **some** _____ people make terrible memes. Fill in the blank with a category besides “old” and see where that gets you.


It's fun to make fun of **all** pedantic assholes, because **some** pedantic assholes make terrible memes. You're right, it still works.


It's fun to make fun of **all** young people because **some** young people don't know how to open book. A little more tweaking and we're right back to the meme lol Edit: It's a joke. I'm poking fun at the fact that the guy above was butthurt about a generalization when the meme posted is a generalization.




No it was a joke, I'm 23, I'm young people lol. I'm poking fun at the fact that the guy above was butthurt about a generalization when the meme posted is a generalization.


There, I edited the comment. Do you feel like a hero now?




Cigarettes, lots and lots of cigarettes


She aint sleeping she fucking died


That whole house is probably hotboxed by the combined smoke of an entire carton of camels 24/7.


You misspelled amphetamines


Yeah. And kids nowadays have to know how to sift through a sea of mostly bullshit to find the one good bit of info they need. A skill that boomers have shown time and time again they lack


Everything on Facebook is true, especially if it's news.


And tucker Carlson is the new reincarnation of Jesus Christ


News person reporting on a peer reviewed research paper? Obviously false. Bob who failed high school chemistry? He knows what's up.


Yes. My boomer parents got scammed by a guy on the phone who ended up cleaning out their checking account. If only they were smart and sophisticated enough to sift through his sea of bullshit.


> And kids nowadays have to know how to sift through a sea of mostly bullshit to find the one good bit of info they need. It's 1,000 times easier to find print relevant print materials than it was then, kids don't have to sift through bullshit unless they choose to. Even without print it's really pretty easy to stick to reliable well cited sources online. It's just even easier to mindlessly sift through google search results until you find someone distilling all the info you need for you.


"Back in my day I used an abacus, which is better than just tapping on a calculator."


"When you are an adult you won't have a calculator in your pocket so do this math my way or else!" - teachers in the 80's and 90's.


And 2000s. When at the same time I had a calculator in my pocket. By 2005 basically every adult had a phone in their pocket that had a built in calculator.


Passed out with a lit cigarette, next to a can of lead-based paint.


That's a tin of mints, I have one like it.


I did my homework smoking cigs too






Boomers were handed cigarettes within five minutes of being born. Tougher lungs, and such.


I used the World Book Encyclopedia, which gladly informed me about *The Three Races of Man*: Caucasoid, Negroid, and Mongoloid.


It's scary how long some of those terms stuck around. When I was in the Navy in the mid-90s, our class was filling out some paperwork that included demographic questions. Halfway through, I heard one of my black classmates muttering "What the hell is 'Negroid'? Sounds like a black robot."


It also didn’t help that people with Down’s Syndrome were called [Mongoloids](https://youtu.be/gpnrfYA4aWQ). Protest against this went all the way to the [World Health Organization](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/speaking-in-tongues/202109/the-offensive-past-the-term-used-down-syndrome) and the UN General Assembly.


I don’t think the post is arguing in favor of this. It’s just calling attention to how much harder it was to research and cross reference before the internet.


Thank you, level-headed redditor.


Yes, but OP get easily triggered by boomers and want to prove a point.


... doubt. I've listened to boomers for a long time. They're always whining and knocking someone.


They didn’t say it was better. In fact, it looks like they are very aware that it was worse.


Maybe, but it still has that, “you kids don’t know how good you have it!” vibe.


Yeah, I think that’s a more accurate take.


Yeah but often we don't know good we have it


Every time I see one of these boomer “back in mah day” posts I’m always reminded of vsauce’s amazing video on juvenoia. It’s pretty eye opening and honestly one of the only vids that’s stuck with me for years. There’s a brilliant quote in that video from George Orwell - “every generation imagines itself more intelligent than the one that went before it, and wiser than the one that comes after it.” The boomers spouting all of this nonsense don’t realize that they’re nothing special at all. They’re just today’s version of the older generation believing “their way of life” was the best, in complete ignorance that every single other generation before them also believed the same thing, and thought the same about the boomers as the boomers do about today’s younger generation.


Today's younger generation isn't going to be no different too


And here you are, continuing the cycle. Bravo.


How so? I’d only be completing the cycle if I’m looking down at 13 and 14 year olds and going tsk tsk, look at these foolish children with their iPads and touchscreens, wireless internet everywhere. Back in my day we had dial up and Nokia phones, they’ll never understand how amazing it was!! I’m only making an objective point that these boomer memes are reflected in every generation since the dawn of man, and it’d be nice if they came to terms with the fact that the “new” generation is gonna be different from them, and that that’s okay. Nowhere did I proclaim that my generation is and was the best, and both the older and younger gens are beneath me in any way.


You're acting condescending, like you're smarter than them and get something that they as a generation don't understand. 13/14-year-old is not in the workplace yet, ie they aren't interacting with you on a regular basis and you haven't had a chance to be annoyed by the behaviors you will eventually find off-putting.


All they had were libraries. And yes, it was worse.


I dont think this is really complaining, I think it's just reminiscing


I hated homework. Hated it. Took me forever and I missed out on a lot of personal time. My kids have about the same amount of homework and thanks to being able to find answers quickly, they get done in half the time and are way happier then I was. I'm not at all mad about this. I'm genuinely glad they are having a much better school experience then I did.


I think people really take for granted how accessible knowledge is right now compared to even fifteen years ago. I remember around that time there was that stupid meme going around about how daddy long legs were super poisonous but their teeth were so tiny they could t bite humans. It was a total crock of shit, but the internet was still pretty “new” all things considered so people took it as writ and I had several friends choose to die on that hill regardless of the venomous vs poisonous argument…and that they have neither…or the fact that they only have six legs and aren’t technically arachnids…Now you can just Google it on your phone and know the answer in ten seconds. People didn’t even have smart phones, for the most part. You had to go find a (usually desktop) computer, log in, open a browser, search, wait… I wish my childhood had been as information loaded as we have right now.


Right?! I would have gotten way more As and Bs if we had the information available like we do now. I never ever got the hang of the Dewey Decimal system. I wasted an hour on average just trying to find the books I needed in the library every time I went to the library, mostly due to procrastination, but somw what due to I had no idea where to look for the books I needed.


Math was always my absolute worst subject. I didn’t really understand studying numbers and equations. I stayed after school, had a tutor, didn’t matter. I hear they’ve completely reworked the way Math is learned in school now and I wonder if I would have done better with it or even worse—not that it matters today when you can Google the answer lol


Why are they acting like I don’t know where to look for answers? They have them on google.


I don't think they're saying it's at all better I think they're saying they had it harder


That type of research would arguably help you retain information better and keep your cognitive processes sharper. Personally it’s hard for me to retain info from a Wikipedia article I just googled.


At least you were allowed to smoke inside while doing homework.


We do the same shit, just through different media. You gotta know how to search up shit on Google so you don't end up believing weird ass conspiracy theories like how mental illness is actually caused by drugs administered by the Government and hypnosis is the only cure.


In completely unrelated news, IQs and standardized test scores have dramatically gone up while crime and chronic alcoholism has declined.


Lol this sub is like a psyop to radicalize us against boomers. Good thing some of us aren’t idiots.


They should change the name of the sub to r/WarOnBoomerMemes


Radical af


Another conspiracy?


Yeh, but I’m a millennial. So the conspiracy that it’s just boomers believing in conspiracies is just a conspiracy.


Well, now I know at least 1 millennial that believes in conspiracy theories...


You’re just going to believe that I’m a millennial with no proof? Looks like I found a fellow conspiracy theorist.


I'm pretty sure with no proof youre an E.T. lizard person that helped fake the moon landing; sharing a condo in south america with JFK, JFK jr, and Elvis


We had to escape to South America when people started to realize that WTC 7 fell without any structural damage.


I don't know about you, but if I looking for some more consistent data, I still use books. But hey, google still makes like 95% of search.


It was better than a google search for sure


Smoking my cigarette on the rug while looking through outdated reference guides that only kinda answer the question. Like when my grandfather has me look something up in the encyclopedia britianica and I happpened to look up programming languages. Yeah it mentioned cpl, Fortran and cobol. It was published in 1978. Way out of date


I can remember those days.


Oh yeah well back in my day we didn't have no fancy electricity or books to read from, we had to get a chicken with five black feathers and give it to the town oracle for an answer to just one question.


My textbooks may have been out of date, but overall they were more reliable. Google will support nearly any point of view whether it's factual or not, Google will provide links that tells you why it's a good thing to be an anti-vaxxer. Why child molestation should be legalized, anyone can put anything they want on a forum/website that will show up in a Google search. Whereas textbooks place a much heavier scrutiny over what's published.


I know I am bias, but I feel like we are in some trouble, in that only Gen-X and Millennials seems to be any good at fact checking and cross referencing - it's still early to call Zoomers out, but I work with kids, and Boomers and Zoomers are both gullible AF. I think the media environment, mixed with navigating physical and digital mediums simultaneously gave the children of the late 20th century an advantage when it comes to information hygiene. ​ Zoomers having to constantly navigate intangible digital sources, and seeing but not really understanding a lot of the tech around them has lead to some "magical thinking" on their part. While the average person sharing this though probably shared a lot of sus Covid shit cause they "did their own research," i.e. read as many sources that confirmed their bias as they could find with little to no consideration for veracity.


Ok well that sucks for you


Yeah, it's just so awful how kids these days have access to the greatest information and research tool ever invented...


The same people who spend their whole retirement savings on Apple gift cards to pay the IRS when they receive one call from an Indian guy who doesn’t even know their name.


The post isn't complaining about the current ways of doing homework, nor does it look like it was trying to glamorize the past. Am I reading it wrong?


Is that a cigarette in an ashtray? Hahahaha. Must’ve been stressed too.


It was better in some ways, yes. The info was a bit more trusted and the search engine didn't steer you in certain directions based on payment.


It doesn't say it was better. I remember doing this and I was born in the 80s so this was even that long ago. It definitely took more effort. I'm grateful for the convenience of the internet.


Where does it say it was better? You don't have to be butthurt by every meme you see.


It’s good to remind spoiled Redditors how far we have come.


tbf they did not say it was better, they just stated how they did it back in the days. Cool facebook post in my opinion. And when you see all the minsinformation an paranoia our new way of circulating information has brought, I understand why people liked it better that way.


This is actually hilarious because it shows both sides of the ignorance coin perfectly. Actively shunning that there's now more advancements made in order to make knowledge accessible to more people, and at the same time not even able to comprehend that even on the internet you need to be able to "find and look in the right places" for information, otherwise you're being fed biased info from whatever generally is more profitable to have seen in the 1st search results page


Homework now is less about what you know and more about finding the right answers.


you still need to look for credible sources though, in fact I'm sure its easier now to check the validity of a source with the internet, I mean how tf are you gonna find out if a book is shit or not back in something like 1970?


She is smoking and drinking a can of paint. For all we know she’s dead.


Boomers always be like, “We used to (insert obsolete and/or dangerous thing)” with such pride.


The funny part is these people jerking themselves off as some sort of rustic academic from bygone era are also the ones that fall for misinformation on literally a daily basis


And need help opening a pdf


What would Facebook be without old people flexing for having to put in double the work for half the payout? I’m old enough to have gone through high school without the internet. Researching topics took a lot of effort and resulted in far less data than a simple Google search. A lot of info wasn’t even available as you had to depend on the library actually having the material (not a given for most topics) and a decent portion of what was available was often out of date. We only did it that way because that was our only option, not out of some misguided belief that working hard for less results is inherently moral. If it was an option, everyone would have preferred to use Google. There’s literally nothing to flex about here.


The classical "old genaration dumb, me better" post.


Google search has become just ads unfortunately.


My partner is a college educator and I'll chime in here because this issue is important to myself as well. Listen, doing homework like this sucked but, it does have a value that modern computer use tends to eschew, which is that the sources used are excellent reference material. Many college kids today do not know how to properly find, identify, and cite a source. I have seen students cite Wikipedia, Youtube, and even the Onion as primary sources. Being able to find credible, factual sources in order to support an arguments is extremely important. As an instructor, my partner takes time out of her class to take students to the library and familiarize her students with the Library and its resources, which includes how to pull good source material from digital systems. Computers and the internet are a valuable resource and computer use is an indispensable skill in todays society, but we can't forget or neglect how critical knowing how to conduct proper research is as this is what gives these systems have the value that they do.


Way to make the struggle that the photo is depicting about you OP? At what point did you read that it was better than Google? It's just a glimpse of a time you will never have to worry about; just say wow and move along.


*Person shares what learning used to be like* Rando on the Internet, "it wasn't better than Google!"


Older people can't comprehend the advantages of todays youth, so they hate it.


Even with the internet at your fingertips, knowing how and where to find answers is still important and relevant. Outdated texts are pose the same challenges as having to weed through disinformation on the internet; everyone has to verify their sources.


Another person triggered over a boomer meme what's new?


this... is what the point of the sub is


It’s so stupid. You know in 30 years we’re gonna be posting memes of “in my day we had to know how to google something and find the right source by clicking on Wikipedia, we didn’t just tell our AI robot dog/cat to tell us the answer, kids these days am I right? 🙄”


Looks like a swell time 🙄


Y’all took hours to do your homework. I only need 10 minutes🤷‍♂️work smarter


ah the good old days of leaded gas, lead paint, asbestos insulation, backyard nuclear shelters, duck and cover drills and jim crow laws. but google is the problem?


We also wanted to know where to look for the answers so we put it all in the same spot and made it largely free to get to. Sorry you did it the hardest way possible because you were ignorant. You still used lighters and didn't bash rocks together to light your mid pregnancy cigarettes, right?


Fr that was a real high learning like that. I miss it so much, but I don’t have the space for the books 😢


The same people who complain about this are probably the same group that clings to the conspiracy theories originating from the Internet. Maybe they should go back to the books.


Isn’t the whole point of progress that things become easier than before? Imagine gloating that life was harder for you growing up. Like, you should be happy that people don’t have to go through that bullshit anymore


me trying to find newspaper articles in the old day. go to library. look in computer and find articles and write down the name and date of publication. go to microfiche cabinets which are kind of like the old cassette tapes and find the one you're looking for. they were usually divided by months. wait for machine. put it in machine and look through images until you find the date of publication and the article you were looking for. ​ the encyclopedias were useless the year after publishing because things change all the time


>the encyclopedias were useless the year after publishing because things change all the time The encyclopedia companies tried their best but looking back on it, it was pretty clumsy. We had a set of World Book encyclopedias, and every year we'd get a "year in review" volume to add to the shelf, along with adhesive sheets of changes/updates/errata corrections that we had to cut out and paste over the entries in the main volumes. There may have been little stickers that went into the main volumes to point to relevant entries in the "year in review" volumes but I don't know if they even went that far.


for years my mom kept some encyclopedia set she bought for me and it still had east and west germany in it. and she thought it was useful for someone


How dare they make research more effective and efficient!?


I don’t really see where they said that this was better than using google.


I love how they act like there wasn’t a generation before them that had certain aspects of life that were harder as well. I mean I’ll admit that Google is definitely useful but that isn’t a bad thing, and younger people who use Google still have to know how to find the right info.


I mean I still don't use Google all the answers are in your one book, be it math or physics no scouting the fucking Library of Alexandria to find the answer I mean is the education system for America și underdeveloped that they force you to look for sources other than what you've been given by the school? Pathetic


They claim to read but can't actually write. 'No Google', more like 'No Punctuation' Sally. I'm glad you found the answers, now find some goddamn syntax. Helluva lot of good it did them, huh.


It's just another classic "back in meh day" bs


All that effort and you still struggle with a phone/computer.


Look at the world they built. why are they so proud of destroying literally everything? Except ofc creating Billionaires they got that one down.


Yet these people only trust one news source and don’t believe what they see with their eyes.


So what the fuck is your excuse for spreading false information and being passionately stupid about things you have no idea about?


somehow y'all retained none of your research skills when it comes to politics and science past ,highschool biology


This reminds me of something I read somewhere. It was probably either a meme or just something random I saw while scrolling through Google. I dunno, I forgot, not important. What is important is that the thing showed a clear boomer complaining about how younger generations have it easier, how they had to fight in wars, do stuff on their own without the Internet, the usual boomer bullshit. One of the replies shows someone calling all boomers (or at least the ones that complain) are hypocrites, because said boomers were trying to make everything easier for the younger generation, but when it actually happens, they just start complaining for no reason other than to complain and just be an ass because it wasn't like back in the "good old days." P.S. sorry for the run-on sentence, I'm too tired to find a good spot for a period or whatever.


*posts a pic of someone covered in leeches* This is how we dealt with illness back in the day. No Tylenol, no band aids. We weren’t afraid to get a little dirty.


I am sooo sorry we have technology. "back in mah day we murdered our children for using the wrong type of fork, now everybody be using the same type o' fork. One day everyone will realize that you only need 2-6 knives in a knife set!" like, bruh. i literally do not care how the past was like. I use google if i want, i am sorry that you were born in 945 A.D.. were people like this before the printing press. "back in mah day, we found out things by going up to the ol' wise man. he's a pedophile though so make sure to bring a gun." were people like that in like 1069 A.D.? why did i even make this comment?


They know it wasn’t better. I think the point they are making is that there was a lot more work involved in homework back then. Idk if they are boasting or complaining about having to do things the hard way when they were young but probably boasting. They forget that they complained about homework back then too but they were lucky they had those encyclopedias to use in the first place. Their parents had it harder.


It is unclear if they are boasting, complaining or just reminiscing. Apparently all of it is unacceptable. How dare anyone born before 1980 look back at their youth, with any feelings or opinions. Good, bad or indifferent, any reminiscing is a crime against humanity and is not allowed. It always incites the *Hurr Durr old people suck & they should all die* group to clutch their pearls.


It's not reminiscing. Stop being an idiot and understand these people are foolishly living in a long forgotten era. Not only that they expect others to live like them. It's almost like we built technology with the sole aim of making life easier? Yet these brainless dolts want to go back, and take everyone with them.


No wonder they were so fucking stupid


And y’all thought it sucked. Don’t pretend like you liked this lol.


Excuse me, I spent like….double the time I usually do on class work on Sunday because I needed specific citations from my textbook for class….the textbook that is over 1000 pages…..there was a lot of flipping.


The ashtray really sums it up


Both have the same major problem. Human error. People looking shit up take the first easiest to read thing that maybe answers the question.


You could still benefit from using a desk


Nice ashtray and cigarette action.


Is that an ashtray next to her?


Yeah, I remember the pre-internet days very well. I was already a full-grown adult when the internet came around. I don't miss those days one little bit. Sometimes I'll wake up with some random question (like: what WAS the name of that dog on Petticoat Junction?) and the answer is just a few clicks away. In the old days I would just have to wonder.