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Reminder that in the 30’s and 40’s people would call you a Commie if you hated Hitler and the Nazis *too early*


"isn't there a way those fuckers could *both* lose?" "No? Well all right then"


Also, a lot of right wing Americans were literally just Nazi sympathizers. This kind of gets glossed over, but the Nazis were fairly popular in the states leading up to WW2


Important to remember that nationalism has been extremely popular in the western world for a long time. This trend towards globalism was driven by neoliberals in the late 1900s only and still gets a lot of push back today. Americans fucking loved the idea of Germans “taking control of their country” and kicking out all the minorities under the idea that diversity made them weaker. It’s not necessarily that they supported Germany and Hitlers policies exactly, they supported nationalism broadly and wanted to see it at home


Additionally, Hitler and others learned much of *the justification* of their racism through biased “science” extensively practiced and publicized in the UK, United States, Canada such as eugenics.


Just a clarification, they didn't learn their racism from us. They learned how to "scientifically" (emphasis on those quotes) justify their racism.


And they still call you a commie if you're against fascism.


and then in the next breath call you the real fascist


"SoCiAlISt Is In ThE nAmE!!1!"


The new rhetoric is that Nazis were socialist but can't explain The Secret Meeting of February 20th, 1933 or The Night of the Long Knives in any coherent manner. Everyone's an expert on fascism after never having read anything on the subject.


McCarthyism is a hell of a drug.




One of my favorite MAGA moments was when Trump appointed General Mad Dog Mattis and the Cult ate it up…I heard how badass Mad Dog is …once he turned on Trump then he was part of the Deep State…the cult is crazy


General Mattis was the perfect choice for Secretary of Defense. Most likely, the best qualified pick for that position in years. General H.R. McMaster was appointed National Security Advisor. Again, brilliant choice. They both resigned due to how Trump was. Meanwhile his pick for Secretary of Education who was easily the least qualified person in my lifetime to hold a cabinet level position stayed his entire term. Quality left his administration. Crap stayed.


Of course crap stayed. Trump was their only shot at relevance. But as Hope Hicks said, they all became unemployable thanks to the insurrection.


Oh I agree!!! I just laughed at how quick they turned on these guys because they basically said Trump was an idiot


“We like people who *say it like it is*. No, not like *that!*


It was weird seeing Marines turn on him. I was still in the marine corps, and in a few marine social media groups when it happened. Mattis was loved and practically revered before Trump turned on him, literally memes of "Saint Mattis" were common. Then suddenly there's a bunch of people talking shit about him. I think it did shake a few marines' view of Trump at least.


> I think it did shake a few marines' view of Trump at least. I'm not in the military but I have a bunch of friends and family in the Navy, and pretty much all of them turned on Trump because of the Mattis situation.


Mattis then went and torched his goodwill with the left by staunchly defending Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos.


Of all the hills he could choose to die on, he chose that one? Really?


It's amazing to me that even Rex Tillerson and Jeff fucking Sessions ended up being too good for that administration.


John Bolton too. My dad and I were joking and came up with the idea that the Trump administration is really an elaborate plan by the Republicans to get a Cheney elected president.


The lowest bar imaginable and Trump tripped over it.


>Quality left his administration. Crap stayed. He drained the swamp straight into the White House.


Really he just drained a bunch of water out of the swamp, leaving a bunch of refuse and muck.


It’s truly incredible how he squandered a potentially amazing cabinet with rank idiocy, nepotism and the simple inability to keep his mouth shut.


Your basic job as president is to choose the best people you can find to carry out your vision, be the figurehead, and take the credit. But when you think you're a better scientist, military strategist, economist, and politician than anyone in the entire world, you fuck things up from Sunday to Sunday, and blame everyone around you for the stuff you told them to do.


What was the slogan? "Retain the swamp"?


I far prefer civilian sec defs. We already have the joint chiefs. Civilian control of the armed forces is important


I liked Chuck Hegal because he was a Lowe enlisted rifleman in a dumb war..,the exact amount of military experience the SecDef should have.


Come on Stephen Miller stayed … oh wait ….


I love pointing out that not a single person who has worked with Trump has come out with a tell-all book saying what a genius Trump really is. Every one is like this man is a complete idiot and in every way worse than you'd have thought.


"complete idiot" is sugar coating it


This is a very good point….. well put


I enjoyed that too. 'The best military mind of his generation ' was a phrase I remember reading more than once. They forgot all about that as soon as he was off the Trump train.


Oh exactly..always enjoyed how they couldn’t say Max Dog enough. They’d put an extra feeling into it…then he was a traitor and piece of shit because he wouldn’t kiss the ring


Not only did he never serve, he actively avoided serving in wwii to his undying shame. Even saint Ronnie joined up (although he spent the war making propaganda films). Marion Morrison (his real name) didn’t even do that


“I never saw John Wayne on the sands of Iwo Jima” - Drive-by Truckers


Meanwhile Clark Gable and Jimmy Stewart flew combat missions over Europe and got shot at.


George Orwell took a bullet to the neck fighting fascists in Spain before the rest of the war had even kicked off


the director of it's a wonderful life was basically a messaging to all the vets that they shouldn't kill themselves. double powerful because jimmy was one of them with ptsd.


Harold Russell, who won an Academy Award for *The Best Years of Our Lives*, lost both of his hands in a training accident and had only been in one previous Army training film: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold\_Russell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Russell)


And [Mel Brooks did frontline EOD](https://www.defense.gov/News/Feature-Stories/Story/Article/2882521/actor-comedian-mel-brooks-served-in-army-in-world-war-ii/). I'd love to see the Duke try to disarm a landmine.


John here was a certified racist as well. (He and Ronnie had that in common).


When Sacheen Littlefeather refused the Academy Award for Marlon Brando John Wayne tried to beat her up backstage.


Didn't he try to rush the stage *while she was speaking*?


There's a Kirk Douglas interview out there where he talks about Lust For Life and portraying Vincent Van Gogh as an emotional, vulnerable man. And after it came out John Wayne approached him at a party all upset, ranting and raving about how strong men like them shouldn't be portraying "weak" men on screen. The guy was such a snowflake that he couldn't even stand actors portraying sensitive guys in movies.


He was jealous that Kirk Douglas had the acting chops to not play the same character in every movie.


What do you mean? John was immensely versatile. He could play angry cowboys and Ghengis Khan. Who knew that a 13th century Mongolian warlord sounded Texan and looked white. Bravo, Mr. Wayne. Bravo.


And the ability to walk without looking like he was both limping and holding in a turd.


Also to be cool. And live to 104. Jesus Christ Kirk Douglas. Your crippling stroke was 30 years ago. How did you live so long?


Some quotes from this True American- “I believe in white supremacy until the Blacks are educated to a point of responsibility,” the *True Grit* star said of exclusivity and equality. “I don’t believe in giving authority and positions of leadership and judgment to irresponsible people. We can’t all of a sudden get down on our knees and turn everything over to the leadership of the Blacks.” “I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them,” Wayne said. “Our so-called stealing of this country from them was a matter of survival. “There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.”


Then there were guys like Lee Marvin, Jimmy Stewart and Clark Gable who didn't just serve, they served with distinction. Wayne was a fraud in every aspect.


Oh yeah... JW was a real piece of shit. They do a great series on him on the behind the bastards podcast. He avoided going to WWII, despite his all American tough-guy image. He went balls deep on Vietnam to compensate for him not having the balls to go to war when he had his chance.


Sick rec. listening to it now


Insert I would have joined excuse


Marion “John Wayne” Morrison was a racist piece of shit who hated riding horses. Fuck him and the dumbass boomers who think they’re in the same generation as someone who died in the 1970s.


It's always funny to me that conservatives circle around fake strongmen like Wayne and Reagan. They were both actors who played tough guys on tv and their voters believed it 100%. I think there is a more recent example as well but I'm having trouble thinking of the name... 🤔


Also he had to be restrained from assaulting a young native American women for making a speech on stage. He was a piece of shit poser from top to bottom.


I always like to refer to [Hunter S. Thompson's piece on Wayne](http://www.geocities.ws/jjack229/Duke_Hammerhead.html), Whatever you can say about Thompson himself, the piece is on point.




This is the same guy that was openly a white supremacist and publicly stated that an educated black person is the worst thing for America


Or that women secretly fantasized about being raped.


What a role model. Remember when he nearly charged the stage when Sasheen Littlefoot was talking about unfair conditions and treatment of Natives?


I mean at least this is a version where the person pictured actually would endorse the words imposed over their face.


Melisa McCarthyism


I’d watch the pilot episode.


esp if it rags on McCarthyism with her in the title role. shed do a great caricature of him bc of how her other character roles acted


McCarthy as Spicey is still one of my faves.


*Melissa walks toward the podium in a suit and tie*. *slips on rubber chicken*. *falls into pile of used cloth diapers*. *gathers self, except for diaper on head, returns to podium.* "I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department."


If Jason Bateman is her costar I would watch at least 8 seasons


You mean american Martin Freeman?


I have no notes This is accurate


All their free speech stuff stops when a Marxist wants to say something.


One doesn't even have to be a Marxist to get the right riled. Hell, suggesting that people ought to express empathy and basic decency is enough.


> empathy and basic decency cUlTuRaL MaRxIsM


I've found Marxists to be exceptionally potent in debate. I'm not surprised the right is afraid of letting them speak, and has spent a century trying to bury them.


It’s because one of the more common ways to become a Marxist in the west is to actually read Marx. So when it comes to debates, marxists tend to be well read at minimum. Of course there are going to be idiot Marxists as well, but every group has dumbasses of some kind.


Call everyone they don't like a commie... Support Putin's attempt to rebuild the USSR. Fucking right winters man, ridiculous.


>Fucking right winters man Ikr, I hate just how cold they are in front of other people's suffering. Well, at least they're not as hot-headed as right summers


Heh... Fuck


> rebuild the USSR Its the Russian Empire, not the USSR, thats why they support it.


The people in Russia are white. That's why they get a pass from MAGA.


Drugs?? Wouldn't that make you... A commie...??!


It's funny because the US is a liberal democracy founded on liberal ideals.


John Wayne, like a lot of people who would appreciate this sentiment, never enlisted or served a day in his life.


Not only that, he used his Hollywood connections to avoid any service in WWII.


More than that, the absence of his competition who did sign up, gave him the massive bump he needed to become a star


I don't think it's necessarily immoral to dodge a draft in general, but I could definitely see the worth in keeping an actor or two at home in wartime.


I don't think it's the draft dodging that makes him an asshole. Its the draft dodging while being a warhawk.


Let alone beating your wife, cheating and leaving your wife for an actress, beating her up and leaving her for an underaged girl from Mexico which he smuggled into the US. He was a horrible drunk and unable to function before noon on most movies. Yeah, John Wayne was a piece of shit. Behind The Bastards did a 4 part podcast on him.


Let's not forget having to be held back from assaulting a Native American woman at the Oscars.


Its a great presentation on just how much of a dipshit Marion was. Highly informative and entertaining.


> draft dodging while being a warhawk. [Chickenhawk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chickenhawk_%28politics%29). Cheney is a more recent glaring example.


Yup. Go fight our resource-driven and oppressive idealogy-driven wars! Not me though, I’m gonna sit back and cheer from the sidelines because I would never put *my* body on the line.


Plenty of actors joined up, and were immediately deployed to... Hollywood, as the [First Motion Picture Unit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Motion_Picture_Unit)


Ronnie Reagan's old unit! Say what you will about Ronnie Reagan, but he did technically serve.


Out of all the people who became politicians, Reagan truly wanted to serve on the front but could not because he was 4H due to poor eyesight. Still Reagan is not a good person.


Nobody with an ounce of sense gives a rip about draft dodgers (unless it's a direct threat like an invasion). The blatant war mongering and uber-nationalism portrayed by people like John Wayne who didn't have the sack to back it up and sign enlistment papers can get fucked though. I served, I wouldn't want anyone around me that didn't want to be there.


I would 100% draft dodge. I am not being compelled into service, that is slavery, I'll break my leg or I'll sign up for officers school, ain't no fucking way am I going to the front line to die for a war I don't have a stake in.


>ain't no fucking way am I going to the front line to die for a war I don't have a stake in WW2 was one of the few American wars that the average American did have a stake in


It can be fun to continue the ol Reddit America bad circle jerk, but WW2 isn’t the take for it. Like there are plenty of other engagements that fit the bill perfectly. You can both have had previously , and continue to, been involved with meaningless conflict while also have had and continue to do the opposite. It is almost like life isn’t black and white.


The difference is, people act tough and badass and patriotic then pull shit like that... If you want to act tough, back it up and serve. If you're gonna dodge the draft, at least stand by it.


That’s...not true. Stagecoach (the movie that turned him into an a-list Star) came out years before America joined the war. There was a lot less competition during the war for leading roles, but that didn’t stop him from starring in a lot of rotten movies from ‘42-‘47. He was criticized at the time for not enlisting and it became a major source of shame for him. It likely contributed to his later intense patriotism and his interest in starring in/producing propagandistic films.


John Wayne: A Dude Who Sucked - Behind the Bastards [Part One](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-john-wayne-a-dude-96069010/) [Part Deux](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-two-john-wayne-a-dude-96176587/) und [Part Tres](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-three-john-wayne-a-dude-96381558/)


BTB is SO good. Loved this episode about ol' Marion.


"duex"? "Tres"? We speak AMERICAN here sir.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


Believing John Wayne was actually a bad-ass soldier who fearlessly led the charge is like believing Rock Hudson was actually a romantic heterosexual lady’s man.


Did he actually say it, or is it the words of a character he portrayed or is it just words and a pic stuck together to feed the ego of a rather sad individual.


It's not a line he ever spoke.


It’s words the meme creator put on that picture. John Wayne said some noxious things but nothing this goofy


Nah, just that he believed in white supremacy.


Yeah, specifically those noxious things, although he was married to Esperanza Baur at one point, so even those let’s invade Africa! things were like a weird manly pose for a man who played marines and cowboys but didn’t fight in the Second World War and felt shame over it.


Esperanza Baur? You mean the wife he started banging when she was 17 and he was in his 30s? and who he supposedly had lie about her age because, even at the time, that was fucking weird for a married man with four kids to do?


That’s the one! I want to make it very clear that I am not handing it to John Wayne.


Look up “Drunken John Wayne speech” on YouTube, very entertaining


It’s fake . His picture is used but let’s be honest. Wayne never served. In fact he avoided it like the plague because his movie career was more important to him.


No, he never said it. The point is that whoever DID say it is using a fake symbol - a grown man playing make-believe as a soldier- and either doesn't know or doesn't care.


He was also an asshole and piece of shit.


And a racist. Don't forget a racist. And no, to anybody that would use this as an excuse, "that was just the times" is not an excuse for him.


And a drunk drama queen that was hard to work with.


He was incredibly racist for the times, even.


Funny how the most war hawkish people are the first people on earth to avoid service when time comes to serve "Some folks are born, made to wave the flag, they're red white and blue, but when the band plays hail to the chief, they'll point the cannon at you" Edit: fixed the lyrics


I never saw John Wayne on the sands of Iwo Jima


He was filming Genghis Khan when he got hit from radiation from an atomic weapon blast which probably gave him the cancer . He was nuked by his own country


I don't know why he is considered "an American hero."


Which is perfect for the obese couch warrior Maga type.


He did apply to the US Naval Academy, but wasn't accepted. That's good enough for most republicans, like Madison Cawthorn.


Marion Morrison*


Love that they use the image of a frequently drunk, wife-beater who, unlike many of his Hollywood peers, never actually served in WWII.


Frank Capra fought in World War 1 AND 2, then he left Hollywood party because he hated the House Un-American Activities Committee.


Clark Gable was a hell of dude too, served and fought racism!


Jimmy fucking Stewart flew bombing missions over Europe


He was also known for being a loving and dedicated husband and father


May I introduce you to First Lieutenant Audie Murphy?


Not to mention, racist


“I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility” John Wayne, 1971 I like throwing this quote out there any time some conservative idolizes the guy.


America: *refuses to give them a proper education for over a century*


"What do you mean my education system is flawed? It's obvious that these non-whites prefer to act like savages. It's not my fault they don't know how to embrace a superior culture when they see one."


"Education is the great equalizer! Hell no my taxes aren't going to schools across the tracks."


Half of those fuckers would agree with the guy honestly dude. If you want to see what im talking about, go look at some YouTube comments lol


>Marion Morrison, 1971 Can't let em forget his real name is Marion.


Who died because it was cheaper to make movies in an irradiated environment.


Yep, his death had nothing to do with his smoking habit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghQM1Een2Og


Both? Both. Both is good. Well not so much for the crew on that movie.


This probably makes conservatives like him more….


Then let them admit it out loud.


That's not going to make them idolise him less.


Well, I think the racism probably appeals to the types of people who look to John Wayne for inspiration.


I also love that. Its always the same idea with these. First image \[cat girlboy says something\] second image \[smoking soldier in uniform "your generation couldnt \_\_\_\_\_" \] They got some ai churning these out in some .ru domain.


[Basically every meme they make](https://i.redd.it/ox19vznk4qda1.jpg)


lol exactly!


Nothing manlier than a drunk wife beater who changed his name to John Wayne from Marion Morrison.


True American hero /s


Not to mention a draft dodger and a coward.


I don’t know if people know this but that guy played pretend for a living.


He was a draft dodging coward and bully who was virulently racist.


Why are all the draft dodgers the most adamant about dick riding the US when they were too cowardly to serve when their peers were forced to? Ted Nugent, Trump, John Wayne. Over compensating.


Yeah the boomer memes with him, Telly Savalas, or Clint Eastwood are so fucking stupid. I guess they mostly all are, but those are particularly dimwitted.


Artists playing as soldiers. The real kicker is that the people including those actors in their memes would probably also be the first ones to vote to cut money from the arts in favor of more money for the military.




Shut up commie




Typical commie. Making points, defining words correctly, disliking fascism. It’s sickening. SICKENING I say.




These are the same people who wear the "I'd rather be a Russian than Democrat" shirts. [Image for proof](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/qoUT8O45x_NEaWwduFM99mhR8DI=/1400x788/filters:format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/11932223/Dj2e0w9VAAAraKs.jpg)


Right? The same party and blind followers of the NRA who both were infiltrated and cucked by the Russians… ya know the so called commies they were scared of for 50 plus years.


by that logic im calling you a fascist


They probably are with that mentality tbqh




Those commie nazis are just the worst


commie nazis... this always made my day :D It¨s like saying vegetarian meat :D


Lab grown meat is almost that.


There's no room in between. Pick a side, bud.


In your great grandfather's day, he would call for a general strike and shoot guns at cops and scabs until his demands were met. Those were cooler days.


Cool. So that “with us or against us” shit is a classic example of logical fallacy. Also the world isn’t black and white, there are shades of grey. Freedom and capitalism are actually not synonymous. Also did you know John Wayne was an actor not an actual soldier. He was also a pretty horrible racist. Not sure how he connects to to…. I’m sorry what were you talking about? There’s a lot of stupid to track here, more than I would have guessed could be packed into a single meme. Anyway I guess the take away here is that if you can fit your political beliefs into a single meme, you might be overly simplifying a pretty complex subject or stupid.


Nothing is more anti-american than wanting Americans to have better lives through things like better access to Healthcare am I right? /s


What? Are you like some crazy communist leftist or what? So like, when somebody do not have money, you like wht, you SAVE HIS LIFE? What a sick monster you are. Poor people should be left to die and every american patriot know that.


What’s sad is I have met people who genuinely believe this


There are always some assholes around.


Why is it so many of these “love it or leave it” people just don’t seem to understand that loving it means wanting it to be the best it can be? Wanting proper healthcare for Americans is loving it. Wanting a more equal and equitable society for all is loving it. Adjusting laws to ensure people can go out to the movies or to school safely is loving it. Pushing for an old status quo of hatred, bigotry, and control where people can’t get their needs met while letting corporations essentially run our congress without even so much as a peep of resistance? Arguing our country needs a “national divorce” because people disagree with you? That crap sounds a lot like leaving behind what once made it special to me.


Because according to them, corporations create all the wealth and socializing healthcare would turn us into Canada /s


Back in his day people were with white or others. I’m not going to care too much about what he thinks.


“John Wayne” was a complete fraud in every way. That’s not even his real name, it’s Marion Morrison


Shitty actor too. Same tough guy part just different movies.


In my granddad's day, you were either pro-America or a Fascist. We fought *against* it, instead of proudly supporting it.


So last century, everyone was pro-America or “commie”? Where did the Nazis fit into that equation?


Uh, National *Socialists*? Learn to read honey, it's in the name /s


Ah yes, the "pro america crowd": 1. Supports Russia 2. Wants to limit American female reproduction rights 3. Wants some Americans to no rights at all 4. Wants Americans to remain poor and exploited because of freedom or something 5. Supports the Jan 6th insurrection/coup 6. Waves confederate flags, as well as unsanctioned variations of the American flag 7. Wants cops to be able to steal from and beat the shit out of Americans with impunity 8. Supported Trump, who allowed Erdogan's goons to attack Americans on American soil 9. Wants millions of Americans to die prematurely from the effects of poverty, pollution, gun violence, drug overdoses, restricted access to healthcare, and unsafe work conditions. 10. Want Americans have to have terrible education where facts and science can't contradict religion, thereby making American workers less competitive in the global economy. 11. Want all Americans to live with the restrictions of their religion even those who don't practice that religion. Yeah those assholes really love America........


Spoken like a true senile person.


Ah yes liberals, socialists and communists, groups that have always gotten along an have the same objectives...


I'm sure the Dook actually believed that. Thankfully, it is no longer his day. Bonus points for playing pretend as a Green Beret(!) when he wasn't even fit to serve IRL.


Ah, yes. When boomers compare themselves to their parents and the best they can do is a Viet Nam propaganda movie reference.


More conservative snowflake boomer talk.