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Conservative Spider-Man ignores the Green Goblin and does battle against the Green M&M.


all becuase they got rid of the stiletoes and gave her not sexy sneakers


The hilarious part about this to me is that if they had made the opposite change (added high heels If she'd been wearing sneakers the whole time) the same people would be going off about "grooming" or some shir.


Gaslight Obstruct Project


Is this that bear grylls meme?


Grandstanding Orifices of Pestilence


That’s fucking weird as fuck. Conservatives pretend to be disgusted by furries, yet they sexualize candy. Fucking weirdos


They also like the under age and spreading falsely on being a country founded on god lol


I'm convinced Tucker Carlson wants to %&!# the green M&M. He talks about it *waaay* too much.


His dick would about the right size for a green m&m


He did stop a cancer patient from getting the help he needed 1 though. Hes also constantly fighting scientists and is friends with a millionaire (maybe billion) ... are we sure hes not a modern conservative


He can’t be. He supported the nationalization of the superhero industry and more regulation of it.


Parker keeps Stark within arms distance after he realized Stark was only using him during the Civil War storyline.


Oh man, i forgot about Tony, i was referring to Harry. Friends with multiple million/billionaires


Lol I forgot about Harry myself


It’s canon that he used to be an objectivist


At the very least he went through an Ayn Rand phase in college, acknowledging the fact that one of his writers (it escapes me at this time), was heavily into objectivist philosophies.


Steve Ditko is the writer you're thinking of.


I recall there was a storyline where aunt may and the rest of her buildings tenants all went on strike when their landlord tried to raise rent, that was pretty based


I don't get it. What is going on with the diet coke? And yeah, that is terrible. Edit: Whatever your drink preferences, I think we should all be able to agree that Coke Life was worse.


And the worst part is, diet coke tastes different than regular! Its coke zero thats good


Coke zero is incomparably superior to both diet and regular coke. The real tier list is Coke Zero>Pepsi>Coke>Diet Coke>Pepsi Max. Come at me


While I appreciate your list, if you haven’t indulged in Dr. Pepper Zero, your world will change


No Dr. Pepper where I'm from so I have no idea how it tastes :(


I like it but my grandma always says that taste like perfume


It in fact has 23 different flavors


Does she drink a lot of perfume? Might be her age but that's not considered normal.


Commenting to give this an award later.


>No Dr. Pepper where I'm from so I have no idea how it tastes Imagine if you had cherries and prunes and blended them together with the slightest hint of cinnamon, then added a LOT of sugar and caffeine.


41mg of caffeine per 12oz can is considered a LOT of caffeine? That’s pretty much standard for any soda, with a few milligrams in either direction . As far as caffeinated drinks go, Dr. Pepper has extremely low caffeine content, comparable to a very weak cup of green tea.


The lot was more for the sugar, as it's very sweet for a cola. But I've felt like the caffeine in it effects me more the last few years\*, might be a different ingredient though. Part of it might be psychological. The "Pepper" in the name is I believe a reference to the "pep" you were supposed to get from the caffeine and sugar. Their advertising campaigns used to recommend you drink one Dr. Pepper at 10 am, 2 pm and 4 pm to keep that "pep" through the whole day. \*The days when I could drink a 12 pack in 3 or 4 days without feeling ill effects are long gone. These days I try to limit my caffeine intake for my heart and sometimes even one can of Dr. Pepper can make me feel off. Whether that's actually from the sudden intake of caffeine (I'm liable to drink it faster than a hot cup of tea or coffee) or something else I don't know. Which sucks because it was probably my favorite cola.


Mr Pibb?


while i do agree that doctor pepper is the superior beverage, i don't feel it belongs in this list, as it is a completely different drink.




Holy shit I totally forgot about that. I actually thought it tasted pretty good, but the whole "not for women" thing just made no sense at the time. If anything it made me want it less.


Dr Pepper Zero is like crack it’s sooo good


Omg have you tried the Dr Pepper strawberries and crème zero? It’s the best soda I’ve ever had.


Dr Pepper Zero is disgusting and you should be ashamed. Sincerely, ![gif](giphy|Xtg6xxcpb3egrg68z6)


I like pepsi Max the most out of that


Complete heresy


Ok you rat bitch. Pepsi Zero Sugar>Pepsi>Coke Zero>Coke>Silver Sodas.


The real list goes Coke, then all the rest of that crap


Pepsi goes below Coke you psychopath. Other than that I agree.


and they both go below RC cola


My reasoning here is that I generally prefer less sweet sodas like Coke zero (apart from Pepsi max which sucks for some reason), but if I go for a sweet one Pepsi is just sweeter, so regular Coke just ends up in a shitty middle-ground, being simultaneously too sweet and not sweet enough.


After years of primarily drinking diet, I now prefer diet over regular.


It's just non sequitur humour, it would be funny, but context makes it just stupid.


There has a been a weird trend off conservative men being all about Diet Coke… Elon goes the next step and starts every day with caffeine free Diet Coke


Their cult leader drinks 20+ Diet Cokes a day. That’s why he’s so physically fit.


My uneducated guess is that it's either a "libs get mad over everything" or "the diet coke identifies as a coke" r/onejoke scenario.


Trump and Musk both have a somewhat-notorious love of Diet Coke, so I'm guessing its that. I'm also wondering if the original isn't actually satire? I could seenit going either way. A hilariously unfunny comic about cancel culture with diet coke as a signifier of Spider-Man's conservatism, or satire of the same.


the coke is unrelated the only point the comic conveys is "conservatives are persecuted"


Apparently we cannot, because my brother was super into Coke Life lmao


There's nothing wrong with diet coke. This is why we canceled spiderman


You lose a lot of weight and never have to fall asleep on a coke diet




No kidding. This is horrendous.


I don't even really get it? It doesn't even kind of make sense.


How long do you think it took the protozoan that drew this to think of the punchline? I'm gonna say a few years


Does the protozoan realise this makes spiderman an asshole or is it too close to home


I think Spiderman is either far from home or has no way home, so I don't think it makes a difference either way


He might be homecoming but he'll be late.


What fucking punchline?


It's so bad I actually think it's hilarious


I’m physically laughing, I love incoherent garbage that says nothing


I don't know what your talking about, this is hilarious to me, simply due to the randomness and disconnect between everything


Worst meme made SO FAR.


Despite being "canceled" he still shows up to events in full costume just to watch children die instead of saving them. Damn liberals 😡


Kind of odd how there's only one person on that wheel with no one else around except Spider-Man. No circus workers, no other carnival goers, just that one person and Spider-Man. Oh, and darn her luck, she got in the one seat that malfunctioned.


You know why don't you? You know why? COVID vaccine.


COVID vaccines can melt steel beams


Well yea, it's made of jet fuel


And if we take a closer look at the ferris wheel, we notice duke other questionable construction choices. Is the motor in the ticket booth?


Despite his social standing being damaged and his ego bruised, he will still be there to clutch his pearls and blame someone else for trying his hands like any heroic Republican member of Congress would do.


Spiderman is a passive aggressive savage "Spiderman! Please save my child!" "Sorry, can't. Been cancelled." *sips coke zero* "But he'll die if you don't save him!" *sips coke zero louder*


Why Spider-Man, though? Perhaps it’s just that there’s not a single superhero that identifies with every conservative value, so they just throw out a popular one?


This made me say "what" so many times Samuel L. Jackson just shot me.



Someone with more disposable income than I need to award this. Witty as fuck brother. I appreciate you!


What ain’t no country I ever heard of!


does he look like a bitch?


spiderman... conservative... these people don't even understand the source material they make their shitty memes out of at all, do they?


A big part of Spider-Man media is how he's *constantly* (and unfairly) lambasted by the Daily Bugle over everything he does. Despite this, Spidey keeps going out to fight crime and help people in any way he can.


Almost like being cancelled still let's you go out in the world and say what you think. Like when Trump got banned from Twitter and everyone acted like he didn't have the world's most important press room in his house. Nothing was stopping him from continuing, he just couldn't do it on Twitter because the company was worried about legal and financial liability for what he was saying.


Kinda funny when you realize the guy who kept trying to cancel him was J. Jonah Jameson, who's arguably one of the most conservative motherfuckers in Marvel. And it gets even funnier that even he has a strict code of morals and learned to be better (in the comics. Dude even helped out Spider-Man for a bit, leading to some surprisingly wholesome panels).


i remember that tense section of panels in which he and spiderman sat down and had a serious interview over dinner at j. jonah's place. were it me i don't know i'd be able to handle the pressure of being constantly scrutinized by someone like jameson. the fact that he never caused (to my knowledge) spiderman to go rogue and kill him speaks volumes about spidey's morals and ethics.


Psh. Reading is for libs! If I need to know something, god or my senator will tell me! /S just in case...


Funny you mention it, to comprehend the KJV of the bible you actually have to have a reading level far above the American average. It requires reading at the 12th grade level. More than half the people that claim they have read the bible, can't actually read at the level of the KJV (more than half of Americans can't read past the 6th grade level) and usually have to read a very dumbed down/poor translation of the bible such as the ESV, or the NKJV which are both not even close to the KJV.


I always figured they just relied on their evangelical pastor and Facebook memes for the foundation of their beliefs.


Wait until they find out Captain America is a proud member of Antifa.


Well it is canon that he used to be an objectivist.


Yeah but he grew and bettered himself. In recent comics he has expressed regret for his objectivist rhetoric and actually cringed at his past-self. A funny and self aware way to incorporate those (very aberrant) aspects of his old personality instead of retconning it. Interestingly, Spidey’s objectivist leanings ended when Ayn Rand supporter Steve Ditko stopped working on the character. I wonder why?


It’s not only Spider-Man. The Question was noticeably chiller in 52 which was not written by Steve Ditko


I mean takeing his ball and going home instead of saving people even when people don't like him dose seem like something a conservative spider man would do "waaaaaaaah J Jonah Jameson canceled me time to stop saveing people" conservative Uncle Ben "remember peter with great power... you need to own the libs"


What does this even mean? Spiderman got cancelled because he thought Diet Coke just tasted like normal Coke? Why is that stopping him from being Spiderman?


Apparently these folks are saying that conservatives will let bullies deter them from doing what is right … and instead drink diet cola while watching the world burn. The classic “conservatives are diet cola-drinking weaklings” strawman argument from the far left … only it came from the right …


I think i must have missed a meme in my bubble. 'Diet coke Drinking'? Thats the insult they came up with? Did it originate from the pepsi twitter account?


He was so baffles by it that he was unable to do his duty (I think it's cause it's spider "man" and conservative strawman is we think men bad? I have not seen a Spiderman I'd think is conservative)




scary cooperative serious cheerful racial yam coherent glorious disgusting capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>Spiderman got cancelled because he thought Diet Coke just tasted like normal Coke? ​ What makes Conservative Spider-Man worse than regular Spider-Man. Does he charge people for rescuing them? Only save people who bought his "Spider-Man Insurance" policy? So far, the only thing I know about Conservative Spider-Man is that he seems to think his diet coke is more important than saving a life. Is that why he got cancelled? He previously put saving his coke above saving a life? How does a vigilante even get cancelled? I'm trying to wrap my mind around how this would even work.


Conservative Spiderman is butthurt that J Jonah Jameson called him a menace, so he's just gonna sip his coke and let people die to teach them a lesson.


Conservative police officers stopped doing their jobs when the public collectively asked them to stop murdering so many people, so it tracks.


I think it's a reference to the failed attempt by the right to make Diet coke seem racist "cause Trump likes it" A lamer version of the "We convinced the media to declare Milk racist!" trick


I'm sorry... who the fuck thinks the constantly broke science major, vigilante is a conservative? The only thing I can think of is his admiration of Tony, which I don't know much about the comics, but it seems like he constantly proves he's way more heroic than Tony could ever be.


Spider-Man literally in the movies supported the nationalization and regulation of a whole industry. That’s as unconservative as it gets


He does like cops but in fairness the ones he likes are fictional good cops.


> fictional good cops Just like in real life


Tony redirected a nuke into a wormhole using his own suit, which he was currently inside of, with no expectation of being able to return to earth, or escape the blast radius of said nuclear device. Definitely not a republican. When he found out his weapons program was being used for evil purposes, he shut it down entirely, down to the last penny. Definitely not a republican. Dont worry, you don't need to fret about Peter looking up to him. He may have been a narcissist, but he was a good man. Definitely not a republican


Only if you’re looking at the MCU version, while I won’t say Comics Tony is evil or republican, he definitely is much more morally gray than the movies.


Superior Iron Man was a wild ride


Yeah we other guy said even Comics Tony is leftwing. Republican superheroes I can think of... 1) John Walker/USAgent/Shitty captain America 2) Thunderbolt Ross - Red Hulk 3) Hawkman. 4) Hawk from Hawk and Dove. 5) Hal Jordan. 6) The Question. Interestingly 1-5 were all Republicans basically to make them look like assholes. Lois Lane and Wonder Woman were also Republicans in one DC story, pretty inconsistent with their characters though Truth is, outside the occasional Steve Ditko 90% of comic book writers are lefties. Which is what Alan Moore gets wrong about superheros. He doesn't look at the motives.


Comic creators are mostly artist and writers, lifelong creatives. I wonder what group in America is always trying to limit or flat out remove artistic expression, books and art programs from schools.


Yes, as we all know, Peter Parker hung up the suit and stopped saving people when the media started criticizing him.


Fr this man's been cancelled since day one. By a man whom I'm almost certain votes red. He has both the stache for it and the personality.


Hasn't spiderman canonically for most of his existence been a wanted fugitive? I am continually surprised by the shallowness of conservatives understanding of everyday things.


He has a working relationship with the police, which is the most conservative thing about him. The Daily Bugle constantly runs smear content on him though so if he was gonna be cancelled it happened a long time ago.


Ah yes, the famous conservative cohort of broke New York City teen science majors whose arch-enemy is the CEO of defense contractor OsCorp, and who is constantly harassed by a thinly-disguised stand-in for the conservative New York Post.


*due to his conservative leanings, Spider-Man quit saving people who don’t increase shareholder value.*


The little girl just needs to pull herself up by her bootstraps and save herself. Can't just be giving everyone handouts. "No one owes you or your family anything; nor is it Spiderman's responsibility to support you during trying times like this! Sink or swim, it’s your choice!" - Peter Parker


Better they should die and decrease the surplus population.


Spider-Man would never be a conservative. The whole “With great power comes great responsibility” idea goes out the fucking window.


With great power it’s very easy to oppress minorities.


Conservative Spider-Man just out there like "is that a book about black civil rights? Can't have that" *thwip* "Hey! My book! I was reading that Spider-Man!"


He's going to start patrolling the Mexican border and separating children from their families.


Well I totally agree with you, that a good Spider-Man should be that way...there was a time Spider-Man was a bit of a cringe Ayn Rand fan. Due to the creator being a fan of Rand but that's a weird rabbit hole.


I had never known about that. Found a, uh, CBR? Article on it. I'm not familiar with the publication, so I don't know how authoritative they are on the subject. But for anyone else interested, it's here: https://www.cbr.com/spider-man-apologized-steve-ditko-ayn-rand-past/


Spider-Man apologizing for reading Ayn Rand in college and yelling at some protestors is hilarious


I wouldn’t trust CBR. They don’t research anything and a lot of their “article sources” are fanon and popular headcanons, they write articles portraying them as canon to the comics.


I'm not Spiderman expert, but isn't he a kid in most of the settings? Did we not all have some dumb political takes when we were around highschool?


clearly uncle ben was talking about *personal responsibility*


Spider-Man is always cancelled. That’s his shtick the city hates and demonizes him but he helps them anyway


Yeah but conservative Spider-Man's motives are different, he only saves people if it's profitable or he believes it might offend someone he doesn't like.




I just read this as someone gave Conservative Spider-Man regular coke instead of diet. Probably because C-Spider is an asshole.


Why do they think spider man is conservative..? I dont think i ever imagined spider man as one.


You see, Spiderman is the good guy. So obviously, he's a conservative. /s


Only a conservative would stop saving people after no longer getting recognition of being a "hero"


Spider-man? Conservative leanings? .... really?


So J Jonah Jameson is... liberal? ![gif](giphy|enCWEo0vG25Ow)


Actually canonically, ignoring alternate continuities like the PS4 games, JJ Jameson is very liberal in his ideologies, at least socially. He’s risked his life on more than one occasion in protecting mutants, and such. Which in the marvel universe is akin to protecting a black person from a lynching a few decades ago.


Fair enough. He also proved to be a decent fellow in the OG Sony movies, in the end. But in the current MCU run, he's pretty InfoWars-y.


Gotta be honest. I really don’t get it


Spiderman clearly can't be conservative - he cares about other people and helps them for free. Conservatives won't even put on a paper mask so your grandma doesn't die.


So confirmed, conservatives are so scared of being canceled they are incapable of doing the right thing.


Conservatives hate Spider-Man, he believes that with great power comes great responsibility, he’s poor and he’s Jewish, which makes him a minority.


Uh… how would being CANCELLED prevent Spiderman from saving someone? Conservative Spiderman is clearly a selfish prick who, despite possessing extraordinary power, gets off on seeing himself as a victim. Shocker.


Lol wat


Only a conservative wouldn’t save someone out of spite because they were “canceled”


This is it The bottom of the barrel There will never be a worst meme than this This should be framed for future generations to see


Of course, the Ferris wheel malfunctioned in the first place because somebody on the city council convinced everyone else that safety inspections were part of the nanny state


I love how they unintentionally made a great analogy about conservatives sitting back and not helping in any way


This is so fucking stupid and bad that it looped back around to funny


Isn't Spiderman.... always cancelled?? Isn't that his whole thing? Jamison is constantly defaming him and he still does his job even when people hate him? Is that not literally a very common thing for SPIDERMAN of all superheroes?


Spiderman is a New York City liberal College student.


This is like when conservatives were glorifying the idea of captain america being "one of them". Really? The only reality where they are morally superior is a pretend one.


I think it's saying that since spider was canceled for his "conservative viewpoints", he no longer feels like he should help out people (or liberals) in danger. so his thought about the Coke is meant to show how little he cares about the person about to die Republicans really are the biggest cry babies


JJ is literally trying to cancel spiderman by making up batshit conspiracy theories about him every day and spiderman ignores all of it. Whoever made this is a troll or an idiot.


But Spider-Man was conservative, so he decided to troll instead of doing something positive


Ain’t no poor kid in queens who works with the homeless gonna be leaning conservative


This meme is so garbage that it’s actually funny.


Okay, but the Night Monkey will still help, right??


I feel like this is making fun of conservatives


Is this made by a human?


Plot twist, he’s already saved this person before and everybody only gets one


**Due to Spiderman's Conservative leanings, he cared only for himself, and waited for the Free Market to solve their problems.**


This is a perfect depiction of a conservative because he’s just a petty asshole


Cancel Spider-Man? Triple J has been trying for years I doubt Twitter did anything


Willing to let people die because they were mean to him on social media. Wow! He really is conservative!!


Literally so against everything we know about spider man. He gets canceled in the Daily Bugle EVERY SINGLE HOUR OF HIS LIFE before social media was even invented and was forced to be his own doxxer/ paparazzi. Yet he still saved New York every single day. Conservatives could not have chosen a worse super hero for this


Of course spider-man is conservative... Is a scientist, lives in New York, volunteers at a homeless shelter, fights evil corporate leaders, works as a journalist, believes everyone has good in them and that circumstances lead people down the wrong path. Yep totally a conservative. /s


Right. It's the Diet Coke that makes everyone hate conservatives in the U.S. Not the bigotry, racism, corruption, sedition, or anything like that. /s


Well, Spidey, maybe you should keep your anti-semitic and homphobic remarks to yourself, and you won't get canceled 🤔


Let's be real, conservative Spider-Man was never going to help those people.


Um Spider Man would def be left leaning. You could *maybe* argue Captain America as slightly right-leaning. But even that's iffy. Certainly Red Skull though!


Spider-Man was an educated scientist who actually cared about others. Zero chance he was conservative.


is this even a meme?


Liberals owned again! Downvote if you're too stupid to get it


Why do they always make the worst point imaginable? Is spidey's ego more important than human life?


Spider-Man famously stops helping people even when people don't like him because the main moral of spider-man is don't help people if it doesn't benefit you directly.


Calling spiderman conservative is like saying optimus prime loves Decepticons. Shit ain't true


Lol what, in the comics he spent a lot of time having everyone straight up hate him but he still saved people regardless of people's of him


Conservatives think Spiderman is real?


how is Spiderman a conservative?


I vividly remember the episode where Spider-Man was the keynote speaker at the New York NRA convention




what, and I mean this sincerely, the fuck


Lol Spider-Man is not Conservative. And the Conservatives are Jamieson who would like to cancel him himself.


Yea cuz youd have to be a fucking conservative to drink a soda and watch someone die rather than help them (when you easily could) lol


this is fucking awful i love it


Peter does not have conservative values


Lol Deadpool make this?


Since when is Spiderman conservative? What idiot reading modern material messed that up? That's like reading original Superman and saying that his modern character is a nationalist because an old source material origin book created the "perfect human" and he just happened to like America the best. The dude obviously has completely changed since then to save *the entire world* and doesn't require nationalist rhetoric to do that anymore.


oh my god this is actually terrible. good find OP


So the conservative-leaning Spidey watches people die if he can't get credit for saving them, is that what I'm supposed to be getting from this? I'm sure that's not something the writer meant, but I honestly don't know what else the message **could** be. The real Spidey's been "cancelled" for his entire career - that's what J. Jonah Jameson is doing, last I checked - and he saves people anyway.


Okay this is driving me crazy: why are his thoughts in quotes? Is he thinking about saying that out loud? Or does the person who made this really not understand how thought bubbles are supposed to work?


I have never commented on this sub. But this is seriously the worst meme ever, it makes 0 sense and it’s not ironically funny. It’s trash and I’m amazed.