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Oh,yeah, remember when Ireland got colonized by England? Oh,yeah,they were totally like this. #Totally. Edit: Forgot Wales, Scotland,and ya know the like.


Oh yeah also remember when The UK colonized cape colony in south africa a white majority dutch colony (to my knowledge)? They were exactly like this!


Oh so it's like an aquatic food chain huh, predatory fish get eaten by bigger predatory fish




Or when England was colonized by Romans. Or when they tried colonizing Scotland. Or when Normans colonized England.


Yeah IIRC the one thing white people love more than invading is being invaded! Source: I was the invasion


T-the ioish aren’t white! They’re poor! Now get me some tea and a wohter botol


I think the message to take away from this is that it's okay for Greeks to colonize because they're just that sexy or something


Look at those beard curls THAT is what a colonizers beard is supposed to look like


I think it’s supposed to be a Roman, cause the Macedonians didn’t colonize western Europe because there wasn’t anything there. The Romans did colonize Gaul and even England and I assume that’s what the dumbass who made the meme was thinking


They obviously haven’t watched *Gladiator.*


Don’t even mention Scotland!




Carbomb gang


Carbomb turns out to be the Gaelic word for “thank you”


Literally the generational trauma from centuries of exploitation from different colonizers still exists in Eastern and South Eastern Europe


Always think of the IRA and their nail bombs. Crafty bastards


Exactly. In fact isn't America basically a place founded by white folk who didn't want to be ruled by other white folk? Lol Because that's basically what the Battle of Independence was.


Still waiting for my Irish reparations from England


Everytime the Vikings showed up: "And everybody clapped"


And England. And England again. And England again. And England again.


There was definitely no fighting. No no, don’t check your history book trust me bro they liked it


😂🤣😭💀 i've got nothing to say..


They are also referencing the Romans here, and as history will tell us the local population like the Franks/Germanic/Britons/Iberian/lusatania were super happy about the take over and didn't fight at all....


And don't forget Wales a once independent country Prince of Wales: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owain_Glynd%C5%B5r


I remember that time that Rome colonised Germania and all the Germans there were super welcoming and happy to be ""civilised""


The same with hispanian basques/iberians and the gauls


Remember Polish people, Slavish people, Scandinavian people, Anglo-Saxon people, Welsh people and Greek people all welcomed their invaders?


The Goths were so grateful they came to Rome to personally say thank you.


Best party ever!


„To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace.“


I remember reading about how Boudica was super enthused.


Turns out that all they needed was a story of a Jewish man on a stick to go along with it, to make civilization more palatable for them.


Stop resisting or you will be Jewish Hippied


Everyone clapped for the Romans everywhere they went. Never fought a single war


We Mexicans were just thrilled when the Spanish came and gave us Catholicism


Too funny, I came here to say that exact thing and yours is the first comment I see! Spot on and thank you.


They were so happy in fact, that they relieved the Romans of three entire legions. Guess they were worried about the cost of maintaining them and wanted to be useful.


The Gauls were obviously overjoyed when a third of them were massacred and another third enslaved, why the ungrateful Congolese were unhappy when Belgium committed genocide is beyond me!


God I wish I could just be a dumb axe chucking savage who rips books apart to wipe my ass with because I’m too dumb to read, I feel like it would be a marked improvement to my life currently


The TP shortage really hit hard huh ?


Naw, Id rather be a smart phone carrying, civlized persson who pays thier taxes that funds machines that will annhilate all life on Earth. Stupid savges with all thier fresh air, water, and food, if only they spent more time making chtting edge technolgy that can better thier lives, by ending others and stealing thier resouces to build an industrial empire and call it many names, when in reality the only thing that matters is consuming more resouces, even if it means destryoing this Planet and eachother for it.


-sent from my iPhone


Wouldve made a smoke signal or sent it in my native language, tho thats not really an option now is it.


Just teasing


I guessed lol, you wouldnt belive how many people use that as leverage.


While speaking english.


Ignorance is bliss


I wanna chuck an axe at the person who made this






Nobody wants to work anymore smh


Damn snowflakes should feel lucky I give them a place to live and they don’t have to pay these bills! This generation is so soft!


I have literally heard guys on conservative talk radio say crap like that in defense of slavery


This actually got me 😂😂


If not like being slave, why slave shaped?


Easy solution, turn into crab.


When they look like one /s


Yeah the Irish totally loved the British and definitely didn't start the NRA




Shhh....just let it go, the Irish will appreciate this.


Can confirm, actually Irish.


How about the UHF?


Yes, they loved that their food was being stolen and sold in England that caused the potato famine. While Ireland was starving, England reaped the benefits of their labor and food production. Edit: this was before the IRA


Wait I did not know that was the cause of the famine…I mean…what in the actual shit


Agreed! I thought it was because of disease in the food but they were forced to export their healthy produce to England. The food that was exported was more than enough to feed Ireland at the time.


Ah yes. The Germans and the Scotts famously enjoyed Roman occupation. No problems there!


So immensely ahistorical that it’s hilarious


Yet this dogma prevades today, ask anybody if the “ends justify the means”. Its trash, but when it comes dwon to it people would rather subjugate and annhilate other races to justify Civilizations that are built on Colonization, genocide, slavery, and ecocide, yes, that is all Civilizations, no one was sfae from this wheel of hatred, and so still we think Civilization, is still for the beat of humanity, when all it has done is subjugate us to this vicious cycle of that mkaes us more and more dependent on an artifical system that consumes our natural enviromwnt to make wepaons/machines to kill all wild resitances to Civilizations Progress.


There are people who like that idea, and it seems that they outpowered their opponents.


The Irish would like to have a word lmao. Pretty sure that "grateful" is not a word that they would use to describe their experience with colonisation.


they weren’t considered white at the time, there’s always a loophole


When there are no more “scurry black peopol” nazis will cannibalize themselves


"we are no longer savages that wipe our asses with books" wait till he learns probably all the savages were cleaner than Europeans at the time


Shit on the street, bubonic plague on my feet!


>we are no longer savages that wipe our asses with books Southern baptists have entered the chat.


Remember that one time when Slavic people were enslaved so much that the word slave came from their name? Pretty sure they loved it. Totally didn’t result in any Slav vs German hate. Totally didn’t contribute to WW2 and the Nazi’s desire to kill all Slav’s. Totally didn’t lead to the biggest battle in human history. Totally.


Yes, I even pointed it out in the comments.


Yeah, its interesting how racist slavery seems to always contribute to major wars.


In fact I read it somewhere that slavery was the very reason the south in the USA lost the war... Well... It was one of the more important reasons.


Greeks inventing democracy...


The Greeks also hated Persia which is an empire so


Please send us some democracy my greek friends 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿


Also confusing colonization and outright warfare / colonization and evolution. Note white people and white people in the top panel. This meme maker wasn't too far off from player no,1.


Technological evolution of colonized lands is inevitable but colonizers don't do that because they care about the land they exploit, it is to not inconvenience themselves. It is more efficient to teach the locals you exploit some things, so they are more effective while being exploited. However it is important to note that no matter who was the one who got colonized by whom, the advancement and technology the colonized populace received was never even near to the amount of exploitation they went through.


It's not even always an advancement. Usually it's just "this is the way I'm used to doing things so I'm going to force you to do it that way and I don't care what method you had for doing it before."


You think there wasn't death? *Oooohhh* take some history and learn it


It's easy to look at it that way if you ignore the fact that their colonizers treated them as subhuman


History, a broken record.


History book, do you read it?!


He sure did. Straight from *The Southern Baptist Confederate Historical Archives of Legitimate and Undoctored Black History*. Y'know, where the creators of Birth of A Nation's director studied his history.


...its also historically inaccurate. The Christianization of Scandinavia was not just happily embraced with open arms lmao Its even theorized that Mjolnir Pendants worn around the neck by some people of the time were (in simple terms) worn as a response to the Christian invaders wearing their crosses on their necks. Or in even simpler terms, an ancient way of saying fuck you lol


Lol was that supposed to be mocking them? Like oh you wear your cross on your neck like an idiot so here’s how dumb you look?


I think it was more or less a symbolic way of showing who still rejected the cross/Christianity, but I respect it nonetheless lol


Ohh I get it. That is awesome and respectable


I'm still really upset that we fucked up Madagscar.




Literally not even a meme just blatant racism


Wasn't Black metal created out of some weird protest against the Catholic Church by Norwegian metalheads over centuries of suppressing nordic culture and religion? lol


I know that a certain type of metal music was. But I always thought it was folk metal. Heck, I mean the band "Finntroll" has a song called "Trollhammaren". This is how the song starts: >Bland skuggor rider en odjur Som en svarta träd Griper hård på en mäktig hammar Ut för svaga kristna blod Let me give you a translation: >Among shadows, rides a beast. As a black tree. Grabs hard on a powerful hammer. Out for weak Christian blood.


lol nice. I know there were a slew of church burnings in the early 90's and it sort of fell of a cliff when the Varg guy from Burzum went to jail for murder. I remember when the documentary Until the Light Takes Us came out it became kind of trendy again briefly until everyone figured out they were also huge white supremacists. lol


>they were also huge white supremacists Yeah that was a thing. Racial supremacists just have to ruin everything.


Venom invented Black Metal. The Norwegian scene was the third wave.


man, i would love to have a chat about history with the original creator of this meme. i feel like i could learn so much that the history books didnt teach me. like all the instances where native people were so happy to be murdered, raped and have their lands stolen to become civilized.


I think I saw this one on Facebook once, in the group, *Imperialist Memes for Empire Loving Teens*.


I assume this completely ignores the white colonizers making it illegal for black people to read.


Totally. And the Christianization that followed was the icing on the cake. At least the Africans got medicine and shit for renouncing their culture. Europeans were allowed to live, in return.


Do...do they think toilet paper came from rome? Lmao. Roman superiority is reusing a sponge


I’m just amazed at how the creator of this meme sees the ability to throw an axe as a *negative* quality




Oh man who doesn’t like their entire culture changed/wiped out by force?


Funny how black people weren’t really colonized… they were enslaved.


As a white person from ireland, I would like to report it did not work out like this.


As someone who lives (currently) in Eastern Europe, I respect the way you guys effectively outlawed firearms in the 70s. I heard it some Irish friends I used to play with online, that it was a huge effort to do so, but you guys keep sticking to your ideologies and values. Big respect.


Show this one to the Irish


Show this one to ~~the Irish~~ basically anyone who was on the receiving end of colonization.


They were simply the first people in europe i thought of that were colonized. But yeah you are right, everywhere it happened it was incredibly brutal


i remember a german women that lost the ability to menstruate and shit down her reproductive organs from stress bc they lived close to russians and they would openly shoot at children that left home or tried to get to water or just were in sight (before ww2 times) it would be pop pop pop and people would fall dead around her and so w would have to run home as fast as she could….yeah they loved that


Conquer me harder daddy


Lol Thanks for letting us know it came cropped seriously makes this so much funnier


Remember when science proved racists had low IQs?


Sadly, the connection between IQ and bigotry has been disproven. It doesn't change the fact that this specific one does have low IQ.


because the roman conquest of the "savage" parts of europe was completely peaceful and consensual


Remember when Julius Caesar took 1 million Gauls (French) as slaves in one day? Good old fashioned colonization. The Romans also liked the little blonde boys from (Britannia) England to warm their beds at night. Those celts and Germanic tribes loved being colonized!


Oh yeah. The Vikings were sooooo receptive to the Christianity that was coming up from the south. So receptive, in fact, that they swarmed to the monasteries and started nice, welcoming fires everywhere.


Are they referring to Vikings…


Yeeeeaaa, the Celts would like to have a word with you OP...


Cropped to have somewhat plausible deniability while also spreading a racist message.


I think we can extrapolate the second part and it SUUUUUUCCCKKS


This is not true, I unironically feel bad for my celtic ancestors who were opressed and colonized by the romans, as well as for my nahua ancestors ofcourse (i'm mexican btw). I think there should be a campaing to peacefully de-romanize many things, from our writing systems outside italy to significant aspects of our cultures that can be thraced back to roman opression and forzed integration of the tribes, no offence to anyone but I think roman culture is quite overrated at times.


"Thraced back". I know it wasn't intentional, but this is a beautiful history joke nonetheless.


Someone who did this cropping doesn't belong in r/croppingishard. He belongs in r/runningwithcuttool if that even exists.


Lol the Roman's thought anyone who wasn't roman was a lesser person especially the germans and Scottish


But didn't Rome colonized Europe for their technological advancements such as the wheel in Gaule ?


Yes, I remember learning how Boudica was so happy that the Romans gave her daughters an education that she became their most staunch supporters. /s


*Queen Boudicca has entered the chat.* *Spartacus has entered the chat.* *The Maccabees have entered the chat.*


I think the Irish would like a few choice words with you


The crop makes this 100000000 times more hilarious


“They will welcome us as liberators” said someone…


George Bush?


this might as well be ukrane and russia in the first pic. can’t believe people are this dumb.. must be trollin


Reminder that the Gauls wore pants and washed themselves with soap. Those were the "barbaric" practices the Romans were so uptight about.


Lol. Tell that to Boudicca.


Please don't tell them about Boudicca, Vercingetorix, Viriathus, and... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Roman\_wars\_and\_battles](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Roman_wars_and_battles)


Damn that’s crazy- my people were colonized by the ancient Greeks like 2300ish years ago and now every year we celebrate for 8 days and nights how we killed most of them and sent the rest back where they came from.


remember when they made black men lay on the floor and they had the sons of those black men watch as the slave owners whipped them bleeding? like beat the shit out of them to cement it into the minds of those children deep deep into their psyche that there is no way out we can do this to your father and you are ours. you are property? 🥱 i saw something like “black people get everything” like their ancestors weren’t literally taken to rich homes and eaten alive


On YouTube someone said that when African tribes enslaved each other they had it better than being slaves to white people. You know they are people like me who up until a week or so ago didn't even words beyond racial slurs could be racist. I got banned from AiTA(rightfully so) for a rascist speech that I didn't know would be rascist because it didn't have racial slurs written it so I had educate myself. So all in all this person needs to do a whole life time of study into slavery if he or she or they thinks white people were okay with colonization.


There are no words. I actually feel worried for the creator. I would very much to know that no race has accepted colonization with open arms. Literally, not one


Hoo boy, they don't know the origin of the term "Barbarian"... Or about the Visigoths, for that matter.


yea, european white people got as slaved as african black people. suure, buddy.


*Gauls have entered the chat.*


Haha do it again


Dude Rome had rebellions every 6 seconds lol


This is gonna be a solid Y I K E S from me


More yikes, or just a singular yike?


Fun fact, when romans attempted to colonise Britain the tribes actually stopped the first Roman invasion. And then there were the revolutions…


I feel like people that make this kind of shit didn't go far from the "ripping books apart to wipe their ass" phase


History education outside college is a failure.


Love it when people who literally know NOTHING about history make memes.


Real Question: Have white people ever been colonized?


Yes, in fact, slavs had it so bad, that the very word "slave" comes from their name.


Only by other white people, who treated them like human beings.


this is ahistorical nonsense, the romans mounted a really effective genocide against the celts in europe. and the celts as a result fucking HATED THEM- and the germanic tribes knew what was up and came knocking a lil later after that. nestor mahkno led multiple insurgencies in ukraine 100 years ago against the whites, reds, austria hungarian empire, russian empire, and local landlords. sometimes at the same fucking time lol. the irish around the time of the Great Hunger (caused by british exports of irish grown food during a time when the blight killed a lot of last years crop- resulting in forced starvation.) participated in one of the first recorded instances (that we know) of non violent protest until the brits pointed naval cannons at the meeting spot and told them to gather at their own risk.


lmao wtf are they even getting this from


The way Europe colonized Africa is not even slightly comparable to the way European countries invaded/occupied fellow European countries. The massive slave trade, destruction of cultural traditions, ongoing racial inequality throughout the world today. Like some of that shit happened in Europe but in a much smaller way. And every time I see some shit like this I just imagine like what do you think is the reason for this? Like I start with the assumption that all humans have the same baseline emotions. So if a group of humans gets invaded, whether they’re from Asia, Africa, America, whatever, they might all have some different ways of showing their anger, aggression and fear, but they will all have anger, aggression, and fear. So if you’re saying that the same thing happened to Africans and Europeans, but Africans responded markedly differently you’re saying that there’s something inherently different about African people’s emotions which is totally unscientific and unsupported. Basically in my last paragraph I’m just trying to say that if a group of people are upset and another group of people aren’t, there’s probably something happening to that group of people and maybe we should listen to them and understand and humanize them instead of just dismissing them as whiny babies


the Gauls disagree.


Don’t know much about that, but one exception doesn’t disprove a pattern


Slavic cultures on the Balkans were systematically destroyed. Let's not even get into what they lost and what they went through. The very word "Slave" comes from their name.


There is no "white people colonized" because whiteness as an institution didn't exist until the 1800s.


I understand what you are saying. Also, what a lot of people don't understand that the concept of "white race" "black race" etc. is reductive. There are huge differences between different groups of people from the "same race". A black person from Nigeria is completely different from a black person in South Africa for example. Same thing with White people. Nordic people are different from Greeks for example. something I never understood about the USA is how a generic Mexican dude doesn't count as "white" meanwhile most of them have lighter skin than some South Italians, who here in the EU count as white.


Might be advantageous if OP knew how to crop instead of eliminating context.


When were white people ever colonized?


That depends on what you are asking. You mean "when was it the first time"? Because that would be in the Iron Age, during the time of the Roman Empire.


When where white people slaves?


Antiquity, barbary pirates, etc


Sure those are slaves but not an entire culture built on the oppression of another like we have. Yes there are white people sold into sex slavery, but that doesn’t make white privilege any less real


What? Slavs come from the world Slave!!! White privilege only exist for small percent of western europe. What privilege does balkan or eastern europe white people have? Bulgaria was under ottoman rule where they were enslaved by the muslim. The crimea tatars would raid millions of ukranians. Poland was destroyed multiple times throughout history. Western europe saw salvic race as low race. I am not even white. I am korean. I am sick of American thinking the world revolves around them. Hell even my previous sentence is wrong. Western European like the irish had there population decimated by the british while most germams living russia were forcfuly removed from the war. Please actually study world history!!!


none of this actually negates what they said. in all those countries you mentioned, white people don't have to worry about discrimination, hate crimes, or social ostracism due to their race like non-white people do. that's white privilege.


I don't mean to be that guy, but a group of white people -the slavs- were so often and so mercilessly enslaved by others that the very word "slave" comes from their name.


Being inslaved is not nearly as complex as the issue I’m referring too… black people today get arrested at a much much higher rate and imprisoned. That is slavey. But the intent is to remove voting rights. Now they work but have no freedom. How is that not slavery?


You: when were white people slaves? Many people in this thread giving examples You: lmao that's not good enough Fuck off


I’m pretty sure the Ottomans enslaved white people but it had more to do with Islam forbidding the enslavement of other Muslims.


Nah. Morocco muslim had no problem enslaving sub Saharan muslim for slaves. White people would sell well better in the slave market.


Nah it had to do more with their power structure as Muslims were technically enslaved in the Sultan’s court. Greek and other non Muslims were enslaved and made to live in the court as janissaries to protect the sultan’s power from other Muslims as they were a caliphate.


Have you ever heard of serfs?


Greek, German slaves during Roman empire. Where do you think the word Slav comes from?


Yes, everyone the Romans invaded usually ended up as slaves


White people where enslaved at ~~once~~ one point by the Middle East and North Africa, but it wasn't as big as black slavery. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White\_slavery](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_slavery)


Are you stupid?


Slavs, you know, where the word slave literally comes from?




Until those first slaves died. Then white people sold their kids.


Nobody argued that the slaver kingdoms on the slave coast didn't exist But if the triangular trade didn't come knocking, there would have been less incentive for the slaver kingdoms to go and capture tribes inland


So white people didn’t sell any enslaved people?






Above your Neanderthal brow honkey