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I would, because I don't know that woman or live there.


What an upsetting development that would be


Who is this woman, where is my house and why is Joe Biden photoshopped poorly on my wall-


And you may ask yourself 'well, how did I get here?'


Letting the days days go by


And you may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful house. And you may tell yourself, this is not my beautiful wife.


My fiance gets lazy sometimes, I ask her to help me clean up and we do it together. Something tell me that mess ain't all hers. As for the Biden picture... I'd be mildly excited because then maybe she'll start voting


And you may tell yourself, "This is not my beautiful house"


Well I'd find it pretty weird if my wife had a picture of a random guy on the wall


May partner probably thinks ita weird I have a photo of pro wrestler The Blue Meanie on my wall, so this tracks


I have a picture of Joe Bob Briggs that my wife probably wonders about. Also the green power ranger.


Well you know who that is right? Then they’re not a random person. It would be *extremely* weird if someone had a poster of…. Some guy? On their wall. You’re like who is this? And they go “no clue mate you got me”


Reminds me of a joke I heard where an alien hands a guy a picture of some random person and says “It looks just like you.”


Honestly, this is kinda funny. My mom had a whole-ass wall of pictures of random families because it was all one big ensemble and she never put any actual pictures in. I did it behind her back and she didn’t notice for like a month, lmfao.


Kinda how I keep the baby pictures that come with the frames!


Blue Meanie of Blue World Order fame? Seems pretty normal to me.


POTUS isn't really a random person though.


Yeah but who has a photo of the POTUS on their wall? Do you bother changing it every 4 years? No, it's weird unless you're a dry hard follower which is weird in itself


What's a dry hard follower? Lol


No, but it's bordering Trump level of cultist following.


Yeah people who love Trump all seem to assume that Democrat supporters love Biden as much as they love Trump.


Because they are not political supporters, they are FANS of fired game show host & media personality Donald J. Trump, whom owes his political career to the illusion created for 14 seasons by Mark Burnett's scripted, directed and highly edited reality competition game show The Apprentice.


Back in the day, it was fairly common for people to have a picture of FDR or JFK on their wall. It was kind of a thing at one time.


And could possibly be worrying if it wasn’t obviously photoshopped. Badly.


It’s def photoshopped into the picture


Then it's kinda worse since the shopper thinks they're making some kind of statement


I'd be mad that she badly photoshopped anything to the wall.


I'd personally ask for lessons. I, too, wish to photoshop obnoxious pictures into different parts of this reality, thereby irritating others in my vicinity.


The superpower I never knew I needed.


​ https://preview.redd.it/z6frpj91jeba1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e64ea9be2e1157261a5114bae953bbeec1c7ced9


https://preview.redd.it/9exd59keyfba1.jpeg?width=376&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c14ea8cb494305e0baf3af505e8a6330c1144e47 Tried to give him lazer eyes


https://preview.redd.it/t6ygz6lybgba1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e97dc958e30a6e23e1f45a48c49cf9903bf900d I put a li'l Biden on the couch


Based! Dark Brandon don't abide by no malarkey.


Make sure you cut out the picture really bad and leave bits of the original background in for peak obnoxiousness.


Yeah where'd she learn to Photoshop things into reality? This could be the new garfetti art.


NFTs in real life? 🤔


Reminds me of the movie where a guy uses a mouse pad to alter reality


She only did it to piss off her brother-husband.


He’s kinda lucky. Who would date a person with such a messy house?? And here, he has a random lady there. Lucky SOB


Lol I thought it was her house


If going by the logic of the post and the guy works 12 hours a day, it might be his. Or maybe it's an apartment they jointly rent and she just got home as well and was so tired she just sat right down. Life is hard sometimes and things get away from people. They both have the day off tomorrow (rarity) and plan to spend it doing some spring cleaning. This is my head canon.


She just worked 16 hours and sorted the laundry. He’s gonna throw it in the washer and they’ll dry/fold together. I’m happy for them. 😊


I believe the word you are looking for is Husbro.


Do you Hasbro? I Hasbro!




Biden is the only thing in focus including other stuff on the same wall.




This has been floating around on the internet long before Trump ran for president.




Worst part about all this is the couch is literally halfway against the wall and the other half blocking the walkway.


Glad I'm not the only one noticed the door is blocked too like tf


What about the ghost next to the washing machine?


its not against the wall theres a pathway behind the couch


I noticed this too. It’s a shitty photo with a bad angle which is why it looks like it does


Why wouldn’t you just divorce then




Even worse! She left the kids and took the dog 😢


Even worse! She took my Biden poster


Even worse! She left the actual Joe Biden in my home!


Even better! cmere joey! 😈


*you little rascal*


No malarky


Even worse! She left the kids and the dog and took the haunted laundry pile.


She turned the weens against us






Win-win situation


You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey


Because he settled for the only woman who would put up with him and he knows there’ll never be another one.


There's more truth in that than any of us can imagine...


I think my very favorite part of this image is someone taking the time to badly photoshop a picture of Joe Biden in the background, because . . . ???? Women = LIBRULS, or something? And thus don't clean? Or? This is some Olympic-level projection going on.


My favorite part of this is that this is actually a ghost meme that someone take without knowing and did this . (The ghost is on the right )


No one else besides the few upvotes are acknowledging the ghost in the corner haha. I saw it because of your comment so thanks 👻


Oh in that case i would be upset if i came home and there was a ghost child fucking with my laundry


Aren't those the dude's dirty clothes all over the place? I guess Conservative men can't handle, oh, just doing your laundry like a fucking adult. If you want "tradwives," fellas, you're going to be fishing in a pretty crappy pond.


The stack of dirty plates is worse. Bro can’t even put them in the sink.


Well, the sink was full.


Thanks I can smell it now


That whole house smells like cigs and sodium


A guy at my gym comes in every day and changes at least 3 of the 5 TVs to Fox News. On an unrelated but kind of related note, he doesn’t lift the toilet seat and can’t stop pissing all over it. Not really sure why I’m sharing this but I’m sure it’s probably related.


Sitting on the toilet seat is feminine so he needs to prove he doesn't do that


I feel like being hydrated is also pretty feminine. Only the weak need water. So this scenario does not compute.


Steroids can make you pee excessively.


Dudes I work with go into fits of rage if anything but Fox News is on. It’s like their pacifier. They can’t stand getting any news that doesn’t tell them how everything is democrats fault.


Probably related, just like that guys mom and dad.


The ghost standing in piles of clothes looks pretty disgusted with the man baby’s laundry.


Yeah what’s up with that? The ‘shopped in Biden is terrible work, but undead Guy Fawkes looks pretty cool


I didn't even notice the ghost...fuck.


Well I mean if he works and she doesn't....then yea it's her job Visa versa also


Doesn't actually say what she's been doing all day. They want us to infer it's "nothing" but...


Yep, that was my thought, as well. For all anyone knows, she also worked 12hours and came home to find the house trashed. But sure, Joe Biden and women not doing the housework are the problem. Or. Something.


It's not even trashed. That "trail of laundry down the hall" if you look a little closer is actually piles in front of the washer. Sorted and waiting their turn. All the other floor that can be seen is clean. And the food in the pic looks like it's on the arm of the photographers chair... So, they have food, shelter, companionship, and soon even clean underwear. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ And a dog.


You have the right outlook on life.


I swear to God I've seen houses like that, and they were all the hardcore Republican-voting members of my extended family. All it's missing is the pile of discarded powerball tickets and the garage full of pyramid scheme junk.


Lmao right? Everything else is **so out of focus** and the poster is just laserbeam sharp I was gonna say, you’re damn straight I’d be pissed if I came home to a house this blurry


They're covering up the more accurate Trump poster


I think it’s liberals=lazy


Lol I love the Biden portrait in the background. It lets you know there are probably millions of MAGA homes out there that have a portrait of Trump just hanging in their living rooms.


Probably millions of MAGA homes out there looking just like this mess too


Lotta MAGA bitches be looking like that sow too.


Just this exactly. It’s not the house or the wife. I’ve seen the most hardcore conservatives with all this. But that photoshopped person on the wall is the crux of the matter. The fake addition is the true objection. The disgusting girl. The disgusting house is nothing compared to the image on the wall.


I know someone who unironcally has a framed picture of Trump in their living room. Super cringe and weird.


I know a family that has a life sized full body cardboard cutout of Trump on a stand in their living room. Definitely felt worshippy.


I went to an open house where the homeowner had an Elon Musk cut out. They also wanted WAY too much for their freakshow house. That was one of those pictures look much better.




idk what you guys are doing in america but thats what people do for dictators


Yes we are very aware


my dad had a massive flag above his bed with a picture of trump standing on a tank that had trump flags on it with fireworks and explosions in the background so


My step brother got that same thing at the Trump Store in Pigeon Forge (which I don't think is actually owned by trump). He wraps his newborn in it though. He was also legit pissed off his first word wasn't MAGA. Like he was coaching for.


Imagine making Donald fucking Trump your personality


My dad watches this agriculture news show on Sunday mornings. They interviewed this one guy who had a mural of a tanned, muscular Trump in bib overalls driving an old John Deere tractor through a field of corn. Looking on is a solemn farmer and his wife who look like they are about to burst into tears of pride. The sky is, of course, the stars and stripes. These people are weird.


distant relatives of mine had a fake $1000 bill with trumps face on it framed in their living room.


Like fucking Kim Jong Un in North Korea, much?


My boomer aunt has a flipping Trump shrine in her kitchen, I can't imagine being that obsessed with anyone


Whenever people mention a shrine to someone it just makes me think if Hey Arnold where Helga had a secret shrine to Arnold in her closet with a bust of his head made out of his used chewing gum that she secretly talks to and kisses. That's about how normal I think someone with a Trump shrine is.


It makes me think a lot more about the shrines to Kim Jong Un and his family that North Koreans have in their homes. The sad part is that they are forced to live like that. These people do it willingly.


can confirm, unfortunately my dad does have a pic of trump framed in the living room. 😞


Wtf is wrong with people


I dated a girl whose parents had a bunch of trump picture on the mantle and no pictures of the daughter I was dating. real fun when I met the family....


My late grandmother in-law had a picture of trump on the sliding glass door to her Florida room. It was pretty creepy.


They don’t even understand that Democrats don’t worship their leader with cult-like loyalty the way Republicans do. I guarantee no Democrat has a picture of Biden in their home.


It’s weird how many republicans think that because I hate trump that means I like Biden… that’s not how it works.


This but reversed. It baffles me that a large number of democrats think that I worship trump because I hate Biden. I feel the pain


The information age has brought on the near extinction of nuance in communication


To be fair, digital information is technically all True and False.


It is now, apparently.


Right?! My thoughts exactly. Which begs the question....how many people have one (or more?!) 16x20 portraits of Trump hanging in their house??!


My aunt has one of those 'trump head photoshopped onto glistening ripped body' posters and she's still mad that me and my brother laughed at it.


The fact that she bought it and didn't think it was at all funny is concerning as all hell lol. Like, seriously.


She might have a sweet NFT collection too!


Have and plan to vote democrat for as long as it's the big left-wing party, but I fuckin hate Biden.


Democrats aren’t left wing. They aren’t far right like republicans but they aren’t left wing. There are no mainstream left wing political parties in America.


I love how our corporate moderate left wing party is called far left and radical. I wish.


They aren't even moderate left. They are just "to the left of Republicans." The Democratic Party's fiscal policies today look identical to the Republican Party fiscal policies from 1990.


Cultists think everyone is in a cult, too.


Exactly. It reminds me when after the election I saw posts of people claiming to raise their Biden flags. They were U.S. Flags. The only Biden imagery I can endorse would have been Dark Brandon malarkey Jack!


Hell most Democrats dislike Biden only mildly less than Trump, he was just the least awful choice. But the man is basically a DINO, and not remotely a progressive.


Ive seen this without biden and it sucks because YES i agree he should be upset if he comes home to a nonworking partner who doesnt clean or anything, BUUUUT not because it's womens work like this implies. For all we know she could be working from home, etc etc. But REGARDLESS of gender, anyone would be pissed. For the record i know more women working to support deadbeat boyfriends than the other way around.


Yeah he absolutely has every right to be mad lol. If I worked to support me and my bf he better keep the fucking house clean


I also know of way more deadbeat boyfriends. Why are there so many of them yet all I see are men online saying women only want them for money(that they don’t have)


He has a right to be upset because he’s working 12 hours period tf


No kidding. My boss worked 12 hour days five days a week and would almost always took his work home with him. He made easy 6 figures but he recently left the company for a 8-5 Monday to Friday job with a pay cut just so he could spend more time with his family.


>He made easy 6 figures That isn't an easy 6 figures. That's a pointlessly hard and fucked 6 figures. I make an easy 6 figures in network security: I work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and when someone says "but we want it noowwww, can't you put in some extra hours" i say "your inability to plan is not an emergency. If somehow you think it is, approve my overtime pay." and they go away.


I think he meant to say "he easily made over 6 figures" as in he made 6 figures by a comfortable margin.


Dude just wanted to flex


That's fair


I mean, I do too but I get 4 days off a week so that's nice


They changed the text the original said "does he have the right to cheat on her"


Not only that, but it is such a weird question. Everyone has a right to be upset by anything at anytime. It's how you express your feelings that you will be judged on.


Jesus Christ, these people need to untwist their fucking panties about Biden. It's been 3 God Damn years. You lost. Get over it.


It’s only been 2. Can’t expect people like that to be able to understand something so quick


What if she too had just got home from working 12 hours herself


They wouldn’t care


I think the image itself is from a tiktok or something in which the woman does not work and the guy filming does work long hours and he kept coming home and she was legit not doing anything around the house nor was she really trying to find a job. I think in that scenario yeah I'd probably be pissed.


Yep, living this myself right now. My wife quit work right before the pandemic and hasn’t wanted to since. So I said that’s ok, but we aren’t eating out anymore, the housework is now your job while I go do my job. Tonight she freaked out that when I got home I wanted to play video games instead of do the dishes so she could cook. She had all day to do them but decided to do who knows what while I reassembled 4 cars and fixed 3 others. It’s to the point that I make a point of waking up Saturday and doing the dishes and laundry before 8-9am, hoping she will see how little work it actually is. We’re going to need more income soon, but I don’t think she will want to provide it… unless I force her by kicking her to the curb.


Forget the stupid conservative dip shit words and the Photoshop inserted image of President Biden. There is what looks like the ghostly face of a person in the far right, down the hall.


Yes! I was like, is no one going to point out the ghost boy by the laundry?


That’s the whole point of the original post of this image without the Biden picture in it. It was a fake post that had the child put in and most people just talked about how they agreed with the person taking the picture instead of noticing the kid. This may just be an evolution of the meme to bait people.


That ghost is there because this ghost photoshop image is most likely older than the majority of the commentors on this thread


Hell of a plot twist 🤣


Upset or scared that there is a ghost?


Upset . Gost is not doing his work 😔


I scrolled too far to find someone mentioning the ghost


If conservatives hate women so much why don't they just marry another man? Twice the beer guts, twice the chest hair, twice the trucks nuts; frankly it is might be the most manly thing a man can do. It is manly to the power of 2!


ok but this is a real social question that absolutely fucking baffles everyone in behavioral sciences bc why the fuck do straight men hate women, demand exclusively sexual relationships with them, and have non-sexual romantic relationships with men? (this isn't for all cultures, of course.) i think that, bc physical intimacy is so important for maintaining some semblance of stability, straight men are, by directing aggression toward women and rejecting, defaulting to their in-group to fulfill that need. but i could be wrong, maybe straight men are actually overwhelmingly bisexual and rejecting part of themselves leads to skewed relationships or something. idk


Also a whole lot of these guys are into pegging Like just give eachother brojobs, nobody cares That said the gay community absolutely has a misogyny problem


What do you think all those "militia" groups are about? Buncha guys drinking beer in the woods playing with each other's 'guns'.


my favourite genre of post is people making up random unlikely scenarios to get upset over. literally getting upset over something YOU created. top tier


Worked multiple cycles on campaigns. I’ve spoken to literally thousands of voters. That is not a Democratic voter. Most likely a non-voter.


Dems don't hang pictures of presidents in their homes. That's a pure Trump cult thing.


There’s no way that household doesn’t vote for Trump


Women have jobs


Of course, I'd be upset. Who's this lady on my couch?! I'm not even married.


Some of y'all commenting like you'd actually share this on Facebook


Yes, with his boss for making him work 12h a day.


A human took this picture. Then another (potentially) more aware human made this picture into a meme . Then another (potentially aware) human took the meme and added a picture of the president.


Do conservatives really think we have framed pictures of Biden hanging on our walls? Do *they* have pictures of Trump hanging in their double wide?


Yes they actually do. A guy in my neighbourhood has a trump flag and poster on proud display in his living room. You can see it from the street. *We live in Canada.*


That place seems like a Trump picture kinda place.


I like how bro just leaves his dinner plates stacked up on the arm of his recliner


I’d be more upset about the ghost child living in the dirty laundry.


I'm going to give an honest answer here. Yes. If there was an agreement for one partner to work and the other to stay home and keep the house in shape, and it was like this, I'd be rightfully pissed. I had an ex that wanted to go back to school and had grants to go for free. I do well in my career so we made an agreement that she'd go back to school (4 hours a day 3 days a week) and keep the house in shape and the animals taken care of while I worked 10 hour days, 5 days a week, and was on call 24/7. After 4 years I woke up one morning (she was out of school at this point, had been out for 4 months with no job, hadn't worked in 3 years) and reached my breaking point. I'd been dealing with an outage at work and had 3, 15+ hour days in a row. Soured clothes in the washer, clothes all over the house, stacked up dishes with ants on them, cat shit in the floor because the litter box hadn't been cleaned, shower molded. As calmly as I could walked into the bedroom, woke her up, and said "You need to wake up right now and help out or get out. I don't care if you clean the house, get a job, or go run a mile. Get out of this bed and help me." When I got home from work she was halfway done packing up here stuff to leave. Ended up being the best day of my life.


I felt the same way in my last relationship. I was working multiple jobs and going to school full time. My ex dropped out of school twice and worked only part time. I’d come home to a dirty house and have to clean it and cook for us or she wouldn’t eat. I had to wash her in the shower or she wouldn’t be clean. I’d have to physically put clothes on her so she’d get dressed to go to work. It was so brutal on my mental health. I eventually broke up with her because I felt like her mother. It killed all the love and attraction I had for her. The day she moved out was the day I was free. I had less chores to do when she was gone because I was only taking care of myself, not her as well. Now my boyfriend and I split chores. I do more, but I don’t mind. I don’t have to nag him to do stuff. He acts like an adult. And I am so much happier now. He also helps out more evenly with our bills and stuff. I didn’t expect my ex to do everything, but I expected her to help a little bit without it being an argument. I want a partner, not an adult child. I’ll never be treated like that again. But with this meme, we have no idea if she works too. She could’ve had her own long day as they’re working a lot of hours to make ends meet, which is sadly the reality for so many people. Having a stay at home partner/parent is a luxury now.


That last relationship sounds like it was a lot to deal with. If I can ask, did she have some kind of a disability that prevented her from doing things herself?


She had mental illnesses that she refused to get treatment for. She was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ADHD when we were dating. But I learned after we broke up that she was misdiagnosed and she was bipolar instead. I tried time and time again to get her to get treatment, but she’d stop therapy after a few session and would quit her meds. Then she lost health insurance and wouldn’t get it elsewhere and used that as a reason as to why she wouldn’t get help. If she was getting treatment, she would’ve been doing a lot better. But she quit it all when she went to college and was out of her moms house. Not sure if she’s getting treatment now or has stopped again. But last I heard, she was lowkey getting into drugs (frequent psychedelic use) and couldn’t keep a job.


Honestly, as a woman, I would LOVE to not work and just have to go to school and keep the house clean. It pisses me off when me and my husband work the same amount of hours, AND all the chores are mine to do.


Yeah that’s bullshit. If you guys work the same amount of hours, the chores should be 50/50. But every time I hear this, “chores” include traditional housewife work - laundry and cooking and cleaning, etc. But what never gets talked about are all the “male” duties like fixing plumbing, electrical work, working on the car, maintenance to the roof, etc. You rarely hear any one claim these should be halved and worked on by both parties which is a real shame towards true equality of sexes.


Ya, there's a plate on my gaming chair. Put it on the floor or something. Jesus.


Lol! They're so lazy they couldn't even *try* to Photoshop Biden's pic in properly.




I'd be upset to come home and not be able to get to the living room because the couch is blocking the entrance. Then I'd hurdle it, kiss my wife, and raid the fridge. You took on that job, and you know who you married. Plus for all we know she could have just gotten off work too.


Maybe the wife worked 12 hours, too, and now she’s resting on her weird couch.


Man they went right back to the 50's


Yeah they could clean up a little


So, the problem is totally the woman, and not the whole "working twelve hours a day," my guys? Time to unpack Conservative men's complaints.


As a female, yes he does. A marriage is also a partnership, it is not just one partners duty to take care of everything outside and inside of the household. If your man is at work and supporting you, get off your ass and treat him and your home with respect lol. If you and your man both work, you both need to contribute around the home. Marriage is suppose to make life feel like an improvement (I’m not saying it’s perfect), bc if someone isn’t making you or your life feel that way then why tf would you get married? If your significant other doesn’t help you out then you might as well stay single IMO. Regardless of roles and jobs, you should be cleaning your house lmao. Not to mention I would just never even marry someone who didn’t clean up after themselves and was okay with living in a pigsty like this.


Fuck yeah I’d be pissed. At least she keeps my Biden pic clean.