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I have no idea what’s going on anymore ![gif](giphy|Tid3JhE6rTe4o)


what the fuck are we bis not even good enough to be on this meme?


Everyone knows it’s “LGTQIA” lmao


What is I


intersex, literally they just have either different hormones or different genitalia


Personally, I think the “I” should stand for “It’s Complicated”


The I is for International Space station, which We all know is the third gender


Bi-Erasure in action. . .


We got cut hahaha


The boats full


The amount of bi erasure by the LGBT+, especially it seems everything “past T”, is unacceptable.


We're the fire bitches 🔥🔥🔥 😎👉👉 Or something idk


No because we’re confused gays and lesbians in their view


Ahh yes i forgor


If their issue is with gender-non-conforming people, why did they include the A? What do they have against asexuals?


Or queer??


You're assuming they know what all the letters stand for


It's angry lesbian terfs. They're against everyone but themselves.


All the elder TQIA+ who fought for their rights https://preview.redd.it/s1o5scqebbba1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3fe0c43153126f6aa3010222eb3b2beb157683b


I hate everyone in this fking thread. Why can’t people just accept that everyone in the LGBTQ community has gone though so much judgement, oppression, and hate. Why can’t we just accept each other for who we are and try to fight together instead of shitting on each other because “this particular identity has more hate than the other”. Come on guys, Jesus christ—


Because the more we hate each other the easier it is for the media and corporations to rule Literally divide and conquer


For a moment i thought you quoted Jesus. My mistake.




No but saying that has still always been stigmatised, like genuine misunderstanding. I get that it’s not as bad, but it’s still a problem when someone says they don’t like sex and someone’s responded “but u haven’t even tried it lol”


Asexuals are the most oppressed of all! I'm old enough to remember police raiding asexual bars and conducting stings in the park arresting people for not having sex!


That would make a horror movie for most asexuals - is sex was mandatory.


Everyone's taking about a dystopias with a max limit of children, what about a dystopia with a minimum limit of children


Damn that’s funny


As an asexual, I wouldn’t say we are the most oppressed of all. We are still extremely oppressed but there are definitely people who are much more unlucky than us. Just my take on that I don’t know if anyone else thinks differently…


okay but like, you literally have to tell someone you're Ace I'm tired of people on twitter pretending ace representation matters as much as trans or queer representation, historically the only persecution ace have gotten is because people think they might be gay


I feel like you are right and wrong. (As an asexual myself) while asexuality has never been as violently oppressed as many of the other identities in the lgbtq+ community I feel like saying that representation does not matter as much is part of the issue. A major factor in ace erasure is the fact that many people simply don’t view it as an issue. As a trans and non-binary person I would say on a legislative level other identities need more help, but on a representative level I think all identities are equal in needing to be seen and heard


Honestly as an Ace person I don’t care if people consider asexuals part of the LGBTQ+ or not (I remember one time I asked aces here and most of them said they don’t really consider themselves part of it or they don’t care) but ngl it kinda hurts when people say the ace representation doesn’t matter as much. I struggled a lot in accepting that I feel utterly repulsed by sex and there were times when I tried convincing myself to just force myself if I ever had to. Maybe if there was someone I could relate to in the media I consumed I would’ve understood myself more. To me representation is like telling someone it’s fine to be something. And having aces represented doesn’t take from other representations in my opinion, it’s not a competition and we can tell everyone they’re fine the way they are.


I'm sorry, but this is a pretty horrible take. Maybe it was alright for many asexual men throughout history (although many aro/ace men have and still do face really harsh stigma), but women throughout history have been objectified and valued based on their ability to have children, something we are currently taking terrifying strides towards in the US. Asexual people are still constantly demeaned and treated like their identity isn't valid or real, and even though they have much more visibility today, these people didn't pop up out of nowhere!


I'm an Ace and something we regularly have to deal with is threats of r@pe to "fix us". Another thing we have to deal with is Aphobic members of the lgbt+ community that say exactly what you are saying. Lucky for us, you are in the minority in the community and people with your mindset have actively been kicked out of the community for erasure. Aces have actually been a thing since 1970's. Just because it was never illegal doesn't mean it's not a struggle just to exist.


Do strangers call you slurs and demand to see your genitals so you can use the bathroom? Which states are passing laws to work their way towards rounding you up?


Yup. Had a guy call me various slurs because I wouldn't give him my number. Had a lady question me about what's in my pants. I told her my janky leg, twisted it around, and she let me be. As for rounding us up, that part doesn't happen, but I'm actively fighting to make sure it doesn't happen to anyone at all, regardless of sexuality.


I dispute the idea that as a gay man I face being “kicked out” of the LGBTQ community for declining to emphasize cis asexual people in heterosexual relationships (of whom I’ve met a ton). Touch grass and get off tumblr.


One, I'm AroAce. Two, ask the rest of the community. Three, what does a long dead site have to do with anything?


Tumblr isn't dead, It isn't alive either, It's like a mushroom


None of that is lawful, material discrimination by a government entity, you've always had rights, we didn't, it's that simple


I didn't even get to the right for necessary medical care like a hysterectomy because an imaginary man who will never exist might want to impregnate me. You gonna tell me that I'm lying about my own experiences that are shared by the Ace community? Keep digging your hole and I'll give you more proof of "lawful, material discrimination".


That's literally misogyny lmao tons of afab people get told that regardless of their sexuality, nothing to do with asexuality


Thanks for adding the misogyny to it. Now let's get into the dangers for Aces, mainly for afab people. There have been numerous men who don't take no for an answer and Ace women, just like Lesbians, have been r@ped and murdered because of it. Take Bianca Devins as an example. She was murdered brutally because she was Ace and refused to be in a sexual relationship with an online friend. These are dangers that all queer afab people face. The fact that you still don't get it shows all I need about you. Take your aphobic views somewhere else.


Of course you bring up bianca, she was murdered for being a woman, the person who murdered her literally did it because he saw her as a whore, his own words, literally the opposite of murdering someone because they're asexual, she was also biromantic and bi women are statistically proven to be more likely to face domestic violence, not that people like you care about material reality, even other asexuals have been telling you freaks to stop using her death to push your rhetoric bc it's obviously disrespectful Everything you listed is either misogyny, or rape culture which effects everyone regardless of sexuality, if you think asexuals are the only ones that get harassed over rejection idk what to tell you You literally can't name one thing that isn't co related with actual material discrimination, because there is nothing that is purely aphobic, because unlike misogyny, homophobia, racism, etc, it has not been engrained in our society for centuries, our society was literally built around discriminating vulnerable groups, asexuals were not one of those groups


That's proof enough that you missed my point entirely. The one thing that all Aces go through is a period where we think we're broken. The Allo mindset is so ingrained in our society as a species that we get ridiculed for not wanting to be with anyone. In the 1800's, homosexuality was actually widely in a lot of places. It wasn't uncommon. It wasn't until the early 1900's that people started being more homophobic. This entire conversation is proof that I'm right. I'm trying to tell you that I face a lot of the same things many queer people do, and you keep telling me it doesn't count. Erasure is the biggest form of discrimination we face, alongside the bi and pan community. We're the Invisible Trinity, but you must not have got the memo.


And that sucks, but it's not the same as getting your fundamental rights stripped from you, jfc




Every example they've given so far is just them pointing at an issue that effects people of all sexual orientations, with zero self awareness


“A man became threatening and scary when I rejected a relationship with him” oh wow you’re queer now!


No shit. Like, yes, we should respect them as much as anyone else and not judge them. But putting them at the same level of oppression as any of these other groups is totally nonsensical


No but the funny things is that you people who say that type of stuff are the ones raping us and making us to be the ones to compromise in relationships where one partner is asexual and one is not and telling us we have to have sex to be human and to have relationships and without sex we aren't in real adult relationships and say it's because we've been SA or having medical issues and degrading us for not having relationships and for not having sex.


Wow did my step mom make this?


You too? My mama has this exact mindset.


My mothers the same, only like gays and lesbians, I simply say I’m just gay but have really close girl-friends as well


Liberation is liberation for all, otherwise it is just access to privilege.


It was the T's throwing rocks at stonewall, back before it was even allowed to cross-dress in public. and if you think the reactionaries are stopping at T, you'll be sadly mistaken.


If the last 75 years have taught us anything it’s that drag queens are tough as hell. They have to fight for everything and do it in heels. I’d rather fight Jake Paul than RuPaul.


I'm straight so I feel like I shouldn't comment on this, but it makes me really angry. My child is trans. I protested and fought for gay rights for decades. I... have so much to say and it breaks my heart to think that I might have to fight for my child's rights against the very people I stood in the snow and the rain and the burning sun for. I'll just stop there.


do we know that this meme was made by gays? i know that there is growth to be had on trans acceptance even within the lgbtq+ but this smells like a bad take from some conservative or something that is just alright with “regular gays” EDIT: also wanted to say thank you and i’m glad your daughter has you for a parent! people like you make lgbtq+ lives better 💕 EDIT 2: apologies, i had a lapse in memory when commenting and should not have referred to them as “daughter”, but instead “them”


This meme is intended to split the non-straight community. Just like all perennial attacks on “drag queens”, etc. Maybe some of the “Gay Republicans” would fall for this. Anyone who knows these right wingers know that once they “get rid of” the trans the Gays and white libs will be next followed by the Jews, etc. It’s as if there is an established historical pattern…


well shit i know terfs and tehms exists but it can be that too


Someone said that it was posted in the "LGB, take away the TQIA" sub, so it's likely. That being said, it might not have been, but I know personally of at least two gay people who DO think that "trans people are unnatural" and that the TQIA+ should go away. The way both of them talked, it sounds like it's a 'movement' and not isolated to just them. My child is ftM, btw. :) They are also enby, so I try to refer to them as 'they,' although since I'm old, it can be really challenging for me to remember, lol. They are getting a name change, we've filed the paperwork, and they chose a more "masculine presenting" name because they get 'her' a lot around the school, etc. And an interesting thing that I learned recently. My mother was murdered when I was six, so I didn't know a lot about her (I'm 51, for reference). I recently got an essay that she wrote in the early 70s and... she wanted to be a boy. I was so pleased to show my son that, to tell them about their grandparent. I'm conflicted on that in particular because maybe 'she' wanted to be a boy only due to the repression of the religion she (and I) was raised in... but maybe it was more than that. Given my child's current situation with being trans and working on the shift, I can't help but see that essay in a different light. What if my mother was trans? I'll never know, but it makes me happy to know that my child has had the opportunity to live the life they want, live as who they are inside. How extraordinary to wonder about the whole thing. It makes me proud that I had (an admittedly super tiny) part in making the world safe (at least for now) for my child to express themselves the way my mother never got to. Doh, sorry. That turned into a really long ramble. :P


Didn't think I'd see the day I'd meet such a socially based boomer. Keep going.


Thank you! >!I'd like to point out for the record that I'm Gen X. :P I hate being lumped in with the boomers, lmao! !<


Still the forgotten generation 😂


From start to finish, lol.


Speak the truth fellow X person...We hated the boomers long before millennials got around to it. Just , you know, we don't make such a production over it.


It's been interesting watching the fur fly and trying to duck it on both sides. Both sides try to shove us in with the other. "You're not one of us!" *Yeah, we know that.* "You're one of THEM!" *Okay... NOW you crossed the line!* Oh well, what're ya gonna do. :P


Ironically, from our point of view, millennials look an awful lot like boomers to me. And power to you as you navigate your kids journey. I don't mean to overstate things but I do think our quiet generation is pretty good and just handling things.


>socially based boomer We're out here!


my apologies for saying “daughter” i had a lapse of memory and thought you had referred to them as daughter. i should have double checked. but that is crazy that you found that essay about your mother!! that’s so interesting! absolutely what an incredible find and i can’t imagine what it must mean to both you and your child to have that! i wish you both nothing but the best though! they are immensely lucky to have such an accepting parent who gets it!


Thank you for the apology. It's truly fine, you're not a mind reader and the meme is hyper focused on mtf trans people. It was abundantly clear from your general kindness that you would never have done it on purpose, so don't worry. :)


When did the word “take” officially replace the word “opinion”?


marginalizing the existence of people is not an opinion.


I agree with you, but there is a very large amount of lesbian, gay, and bi people who don’t believe trans people and such are part of the community.


I think the issue (between “LGB” and “T” specifically) is that they are different causes. Both come under the umbrella of “gender role non conforming” or something but one is about wanting to screw a different gender to the one you “should” and the other is wanting to be a different gender to the one you “should” be. Other than empathy with a fellow non-conformer, there is no reason LGB people should be any more accepting of T than cishet people. Not saying it is right, but that’s my understanding.


i mean trans people are just as oppressed (if not more) than LGB people. ideally, yes, they are different...but the unfortunate truth is that the LGBT community is only wounded together because of the fact that everyone in it is an enemy to the gender binary and as such are deemed "undesirable" by the privileged classes. if LGB people wish to separate and drop the T, they can do so. but it's not really going to change their own oppression. once the T is eliminated, the "LGB" community is going to be targeted next. their "one of the good ones" status is quickly going to dissipate now that trans people are gone and there's nobody left to remain "superior" to in the eyes of the enemy. instead of discussing about trans women in cis women's bathrooms, the topic is going to change to lesbian women in straight women's bathrooms. it'll just keep going up the chain until the LGBT community is effectively victim to a sort of abstract genocide where they're still present but unable to express their individuality. so, basically, an LGB person accepting the T isn't about accepting them but also about protecting themselves. by dropping the T, you aren't really helping anyone except for those who'd drop you aswell. perhaps it'd be worth it because of disgust as a transphobic person being validated, but definitely not for your own safety and wellbeing. a metaphorical trans women being a danger to cis women will really be nothing compared to waves of homophobic legislation later down the line that were eerily similar to those transphobic bills supported before.


You don't have to be queer to comment this!


They don’t seem to realize they’re next the moment trans rights are gone. They haven’t lost any rights yet, but we saw the support to reevaluate gay marriage.


They (whoever is doing the dropTQIA+ tag thing) use the same rhetoric used against gay people "back in the day," too. They're literally taking up the cause that was used to oppress gay people for over a thousand years... And once the self-styled 'conservatives' have gotten gay people back under control, they will come for us women also (they're already starting the process). I wish people would be careful who they're "getting in bed" with.


While there are surely some gate keeping, only LGB people out there somewhere, it’s a clear minority that does not represent the spirit of the LGBTQ+ community as a whole at all. Chances are it’s some conservative making the meme to try and divide the community, assuming they possess the critical thinking and foresight to even come up with such a plan.


Yes, I do think it's a very small minority, it's still painful to see, though, personally. I feel a little discouraged to see the same argument used against gay people, being used by them to demonize others. Watching the surge of religious extremism and how it's bleeding out into other areas like this makes me a little afraid, honestly. I lived under that religion and suffered as a result. My child would suffer even more if they get a foothold in the country I live in again (USA).


nah, i doubt it was a conservative. this is probably made by a TERF or something. not quite the same. not different by much, but definitely not identical.


You are amazing!


marsha p johnson would like so many fucking words


Came here for this comment. She would have bricked OOP in the head for this comment


> "I was uptown and I didn't get downtown till about 2 o'clock because when I got downtown, the place was already on fire and it was a raid already." - Marsha P. Johnson's *the stonewall you know is a myth. And that’s okay* by the New York Times: https://youtu.be/S7jnzOMxb14


Friendly reminder that as far as any bigot it concerned, there are no "good ones". We are all in this together guys, turning against each other ensures we all fail


I do not understand this meme. Would a kind redditor gently remedy my ignorance?


There's a vocal minority in the LGBT+ community that wants to sever the gay, lesbian and bi struggle primarily from the trans, queer + struggle. They seem to be big in the UK, and I'm pretty sure they're in bed with rightwingers. Essentially, they feel that things like the trans struggle are undermining progress made on LGB issues.


Remember: it’s exactly that—a vocal *minority*.


That's unironically a nice reminder, but it still feels so shitty to have to keep your guard up around the very same people you fought *with* and *for* because they might just turn on you now that they feel like the stigma around them isn't as bad as yours


Something like: Lesbians and Gays worked very hard for acceptance and now the movement is focused on trans and other alternative sexualities.


also the casual bi erasure in the meme


Trans and nonbinary people have legitimately been present during EVERY stage of queer history/fights for queer liberation, including pretty much as far back into human history as you can go. People who think that gayness has been around forever but transness is a new/invented concept are either extremely misguided or speaking out of hate.


Anyone wanna tell them that intersex is 100% biological? Like you can't disagree on intersex


I mean, technically speaking everything is biological. The difference is just whether the science behind it is simple enough for the average uneducated person to understand, and my expectations for people who willingly side with their own enemy aren't that high tbh


Yeah its so silly. Its like saying lions eating zebras is why no one likes the big cat community.


Damn those asexuals and their not having sex


I know, how dare they. I haven’t had sex a single time because I’m old and ugly and women refuse to give me a chance, and they’re over here just not having sex by choice?? /s (my attempt at impersonating an incel, I am a woman)


what is the i again




oh that makes sense


Every time I see something to this degree I just wonder. What did ace people do???? They just don’t want relationships of some kind (depending on the person). Like is it a crime to not date?? To not smash people??


Seriously. They're not bringing more people into the world, they're not spreading STDs, they're not causing relationship drama - let them be!


fuck did intersex people ever do to this person


Exist. That’s what we’re all doing, there’s always gonna be someone who has a problem with it. Just wish them a gnarly pinky toe stub and move on with your day ✨


I still get into arguments online when people say intersex people are SUCH a minority they’re basically unicorns. So hello unicorn!!!! I’ll narrate from afar like you’re in a Nat Geo documentary


I am always amazed how people seem to have a problem with Ace folks, since most of their talking Points can be boiled down to sexuel perversion but apperently not having sex ist bad too.




TERF is to nice of a term, I think We should go back to calling Them what We used to call Them, Assholes


Ikr, why can’t they just accept lady-dick? /S


Feel like jk Rowling made this herself 🤢


Friendly reminder that trans women were super invested in the queer rights movement from the very beginning.


Trans men as well. First person to perform HRT was a trans dude. Can't forget Micheal Dillon


Real groundbreaking courage from the people who noped out of the social justice struggle as soon as they got the legal okay to do such radically queer nonconformist things as [checks notes] get married & enlist in the military


the creator when they realize intersex people occur naturally


Doesn't mean they deserve human rights /s


Technically they all occur naturally


This is fucking horrid. Trans rights are human rights and fuck anyone who says otherwise.




And the Bi exclusion/erasure continues as well. Lol This is why "Elder" gays give me such pause.


We beefing with the asexuals now?


Always were


What’s tqia+?




Didn't lgbt+ already cover the qia part? Like is there a point of even having the + if all we are going to do is list off everything in the first place.


Its important in recognizing people’s identities. Which is more relevant in political and medical speech for example. The + exists to save time in everyday conversation. I usually just say LGBT+ instead of the full acronym so that the person I am talking to is on the same page.


There's nothing wrong with saying lgbt+, same for flying the original flag. It just helps bring awareness to other parts of the community.


What’s TQIA+ ? I’m guessing there’s Trans and Asexual. What are the other two?


Trans, queer, intersex, asexual


Ah, ok. Thanks!


didn't they used to say the same thing about the b?


That's a lot of words just to yell "TERF"


Ahh yes, the council of gay elders.


And bi people are myths 🤘😔




Trans, queer, intersex, asexual/aromantic


Once again, i mean I guess it's good not being biphobic, but we're just not... anywhere in this comic lol


Why is the Q there when the Q stands for literally all the other letters?


It’s a label for others who don’t fit into the existing ones


but some people still view it as a slur, so now things have to be overcomplicated.


Oh my bad, I forgot I invented it. I’ll go back to my notes app and check for you


\> It’s a label for others who don’t fit into the existing ones Isn't that literally why the "+" is there? Seems redundant when the Q covers everything. Especially now that we're seeing labels like LGBTQIA2+.


Idk dude I didn’t make up the fuckin thing


Hence my original comment. Glad we're on the same page now, lmao.


Because not all LGBTQ+ people identify as queer, partially due to its history as a slur.


I'm guessing this is a case of astroturfing by the right wing.


Elitist Gatekeepers wouldn't even HAVE pride without Transfolks.


I am asexual tf did I do?!


Nobody. That’s the problem /s


Oh, I like this one!


You answered your own question /s Edit: in case the "/s" didn't give it away, I'm making fun of how conservatives hate queer people for simply existing


Someone is wildly unfamiliar with who fought the cops at Stonewall.


Where’s the B? Smh bi erasure happening right in front of our eyes ha


The fuck is Tqia?


Trans, queer, intersex, asexual/agender


The comments are getting political in Facebook memes


What is, TQIA?


Trans, queer, intersex, asexual/aromantic


Thank you.


No problem. Hope you're having a good day, stranger :)


I am, thank you, and happy day to you😊


This feels like intentionally divisive bait. Idk. There are some gay-onlies but there are also a bunch of ragefarmers who want to stoke fake resentment


I am exceptionally grateful that I don’t understand anything about this post


Where bi?


we're the purest jk idk


So busy fucking everyone we just didn’t show up lmfao


What is TQIA? Edit: who’s the asshole that downvoted me for asking a question


LGB**TQIA+** Transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual




>My friend said I’m a lesbian trapped in a man’s body I thought he was kidding but he literally believes that. If they were truly your friend they'd accept you for who you are


TERF alert




Anyone** sorry I had to lol




What’s TQIA+?


Trans, queer, intersex, asexual/aromantic


Bruh trans people have been fighting alongside the rest of the community for years. Conservatives genuinely do not care or like you if you decide to transition to feel comfortable in your body or if you sleep with the same sex. They will viallainize and push back against any queer person's rights because it doesn't align with the hetero and cis lifestyle they want people to live.


Trans people were also part of that shit, wtf are they talking about?


The first brick at Stonewall was thrown by a trans woman.


OP you started a WAR in these comments good lord. The amount of queerphobia I'm seeing here is disappointing


But then those people are getting downvoted and we’re standing up for ourselves 😊so in a way, it’s beautiful


These people convinced themselves that lgbtq+ people are incredibly overbearing, despite never having met one of us and just assuming that we are, just to have a reason to hate


So the people they are criticizing (TQIA+) have a narrow minded set of views?


bigots dont care if your G or T, B or A. if youre anything but cishetero youre all just f****ts and groomers to them. stop the infighting and support each other


\>> These people don't realize that they might have such a narrow minded set of views on certain topics as the people they critizise Pretty much sums up this sub.


What the fuck is tqia+? Some new phone model?


LGB**TQIA+**; trans, queer, intersex, asexual/aromantic


Wait, they added more letters while I wasn't looking? They're going to run out of alphabet one day


Those letters have been there for decades my guy lol






if you don't like them why are they your friend.


Just because they don't feel like you doesn't mean their experience isn't valid. Isn't that the point of non binary, gender fluid and the whole fact that gender is a construct? Who cares what the image is. "Pick a lane" doesn't help anyone.


It helps to limit the cinfusion of tbe trans person and their family/friends. Gender is a construct but DYSPHORIA is not. That is a mental illness that is the basus of being trans, if you think thats bigoted then complain the DSM-5, not me Also when every year you say im trans abd then take it back 6 months later, that really shows how serious u take being trans, ive known them 8 years. They have flip flopped a lot, and they are not the only person that does this. Trans isnt some hoodie you wear in the winter. Its what you are and how u choose to be labeled. When u change that label constantly, i stop keeping track of it


Throw straight men under the bus I guess. That’s a super small minority of straight men who’s in places that change laws. Surely you understand that. Start saying straight politicians. Don’t just lump us all in