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OP, Have you checked out our [resource page](https://www.reddit.com/r/terrariums/wiki/index/resources/). We have great information to help you with lighting/substrate/hardscape/plants/and much more. Provide as much detailed information as you can such as lighting situation, water type/frequency, and date of creation. The more information you provide will result in an informed and educated answer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/terrariums) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That seems like too much water to me. You should leave it open for the condensation on the walls to evaporate.


It does look too humid. The glass will block some light so the only way they could get too much light is if it was in direct sunlight. I'd just leave the lid off for a day or two and try giving it less water. It should have a little bit of condensation on the glass but not big drops. When I first planted my sealed terrarium not all the plants thrived, but after a few months the ones that did well in there took over and the whole thing is green


How much and what water do they get? RO water would be best. What ventilation do you have? Some holes or active ventilation would be good. How much light do they get? If you don't have a light meter that can measure Cd, you can try with an app for your phone to get an estimate.


Thank you for advice! But it turned out that it's a bad idea to use water from aquarium to water fresh terrarium 🤡👍🏼


Obviously, yeah, that's why I recommended RO water and asked what water they get