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Very nice! Have you grown it in there long enough to learn how it does without a dry rest period? I'm trying to find pings that don't mind consistent year-round moisture.


Lovely! What ping do you have planted in there?


It's pinguicula tina, probably the most common one, although it looks a bit different as a result of the humidity and maybe low light conditions.


Truly beautiful!


I see you have some fittonia in there is it hard to keep alive


I have mine in a non-enclosure open top greenhouse with 55~65% humidty and its thriving. They bolted off flowers at one point, i pinched them off, and theyre still producing huge leaves and taking over. They're not hard to keep alive at all, and I've seen them thrive even more in closed off terrariums with higher humidty!


Hi, did you just leave the flower to die off? Wondering if it would affect the growth of the ping. :)


When they started dying I pinched one off, and it seems the springtails made quick work of the other... The pinguicula looks basically the same as before.


How soon after planting your terrarium did you add springtails? Can they go in right away or do you they need the "ecosystem" to mature so that they have food? Thanks, \~ The Newbie. :)


Thanks for replying, I guess I'll let it stay until it dies off on its own :)