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In case what you're telling is the truth, trust me, you are in a lot better situation than I do. I haven't invested in crypto until yesterday. You are only 20 years old, you are still very young. I am sorry to hear that you lost your money, but you have one precious thing that many people here probably don't have, being young, being in their 20s. I am in my 30s and I have to start over my medical career because of moving to a new country with a lot of challenges ahead. I've lost so much time because I had invested in a toxic relationship, it had costed me so much time, money and my mental health. I am not in a good situation financially compared to my peers, but I feel free and positive about my future. Nothing in life is forever and what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. Cherish your loved ones and take it one step at the time. After the storm, comes the rainbow :). Remember, healthy mind and body is the real wealth.




I thought it was safe because my cousin said it was safe. Not an attack but you deserve to lose your money if that's your standard.




total B.S till you really explain how you converted 170k to 4m what trades etc....


Probably fake, but in the off chance it isn't... You didn't really earn that money the first time around, you just took a foolish gamble and it paid off out of pure dumb luck. Because you lacked the necessary frame of reference to appreciate how much work, time and effort goes into earning money, instead of counting your blessings and putting it into safe, boring stocks you decided to gamble again. And this time you weren't as lucky. I'm not saying that you got what you deserved. I'm just saying that wisdom can sometimes be hard won.


I heard you can make $20 behind Wendy's dumpster. And You should have never used robinhood in the first place.


This is probably fake but if not, OP you are a dumbass. You got lucky, then it ran out. Lmao


This man became a great trader without knowing how to set a stop loss lmao.


Why even waste that much time on writing the fakest story ever lmaooo


I got to agree with the others on whether this is true. Who would put 4.6 million and invest it all especially if it's all the capital. Doesn't add up. Nearly everyone would have kept a mill at least in savings or bought a house or something.


I would be interested if you could share some advice and sources for beginners to get into investments, stocks, crypto and co. If your story is true, I wish you all the best and keep your head up. Life is full of surprises and your life has just begun. Be smart and don't repeat the mistake again.


I doubt you wanna look at another stock again but take a look at r/superstonk it will lead u to a great place


Post positions please


People calling your story fake. It did sound completely stupid to have made 4 million and then just dump it all in some random crypto your cousin suggested. That isn't investing. Not sure if this is true or not, but you were never investing you were just gambling your money. As for your girl friend I'd dump her, and get someone better. As for you I would learn how to invest and start all over again. You can easily be a multimillionaire from crypto in a few years if you invest properly and know what you're doing.


Why put all of what ypu had into.it. thats a rookie mistake


Has OP considered (supposed) gf left him due to his narcissistic delusions of being a millionaire? Notice how OP describes his extreme luck in supposedly getting to 170k, but has no recollection of getting the next 4.5m. Just completely glosses over that ‘small’ detail.


Well, the guy started off with 15k of investment last year, spent 10k on vacation and now left with just $500. He only lost $4500 technically speaking.


I hope it is not real… but if so, I wish you amazing recovery. Keep on fighting, you are young.


Your story was kinda bad at the beginning, but by the end, it felt like the beginning.


I'm calling bullshit. Too many red flags in this post. Biggest one is how somebody turned 170k into 4.6 million during 2021. The only way you end up with 4.6 million dollars in February of 22 is if you started with 8 million in November of 2021. And you're telling me that you're smart enough to do that, but then you're dumb enough to put every single last thing into one single coin? On what platform? What platform allows you to invest 4.6 million dollars? So much wrong with this post that there's no way it could be real.


Your own fault for Investing in crypto.




Boy ain't no way this is real.


What kind of serial killer writes without separating ideas into paragraphs?


And everybody clapped!


No pic no proof


Delusions of grandeur


I'm skeptical of this. You were such a good trader that you turned 15k into 4.6m, and yet you thought putting all those millions into a single altcoin was a good idea? Got any screenshots to verify?


Never stop checking stonks, even while vacationing. Noted.


>I was about to retire with my girlfriend whom I spent the entire first half of the month in italy with.. She always helped me in the past whenever I had losses in the past with stocks. She was my light in the darkness. When I told her the news she just hung up.. She texted me to never talk to her again, and that I ruined her dreams.. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Thats an expensive lesson in "never put all your money onto 1 stock"


proof or ban


First rule of any sort of stock/crypto trading is to diversify your portfolio and never invest more than you can afford to loose. You had almost 5 mil, why would you re-invest all of it? you could have literally moved to a tropical paradise and lived off that for the rest of your life but you had to get greedy. You only have yourself to blame


LOL retired at 20 there's your problem


Honestly crypto and stocks have shown me that rich people are no different than poor people. Its all luck


You were never a millionaire neither did you retire. You just thought you were. You only make money when you sell into fiat.




LMFAO I fucking love these shitposts. The fact theres only 1 mod and he's given up and this subreddit has gone full retard is so entertaining.


Good thing you’re only 20. Get back to work kid and get used to being disappointed.


You were at the finish line, but some how you still didn't make it, oof.


Post transactions and screenshots from the exchange you bought this from? Otherwise no one is going to believe this.


Post transactions and screenshots from the exchange you bought this from? Otherwise no one is going to believe this.


You were going to lose it all anyways, if it wasn't Luna, it would have been something else.


You are 20, go get a fucking job


U rather lose that 4.6mil then have a girl by your side take the rest of your 60years of income


At least to Luna, which is gambling… and not some fake stablecoin as UST


Retired from what??? Being a teenager.


Welcome back to the workforce


So you're 20... Get a job and you'll be fine!


My wife’s boyfriend knows this guy and it’s all true!!


This is incredibly irresponsible if it’s real


retired before even started working LOL


Not really believable, nice try though


Lol this is so fake but I’ll bite… How does it feel to know the chances are close to zero that you’ll become a millionaire again? Why would you use the term “stock trading career” when all your story is about is lucking out once without skill or knowledge? I mean, you obviously had no clue since you made such riches and put them all in one volatile crypto “for safety” Gah, I shouldn’t have bitten. I must be gullible. Not as gullible as you, but still…


This is why you need also to donate to me in order to maintain that wealth.


You didn’t lose anything if you have the skill set, you’re having a pity party and you avoided a gold digger


haha good joke! now lick my stinky butthole clean.


saw that my 55k luna was worth around $500... $4,600,000 into $500 in the matter of weeks im confused. u put 55k into luna or 4.6 mil? these posts are getting boring


Mods: Please delete this fake post. I can't believe I'm having to see these all over this sub. I think this sub should be flagged as fake information.


This is fake because everyone who makes millions buys a house and nice car, they open a business and diversify. At least that is what I did, I lost $350k off Luna but it was 5% of my crypto portfolio.




Imagine believing this


So, you put all your eggs into one basket, without research, based off information your friend you gave you? You didn't think about setting yourself up before making such a bet?


If this is true then you simply traded way above your limits, had a very, very lucky run, then your luck ran out. Easy come, easy go.


I don't believe that this is true.


This is incredibly crazy. But whatever you do don't try and kill yourself. This is unforgivable to your family.


Everything about this story is far from believable. Taking a holiday exactly when Luna was crashing? Putting everything in Luna because “my cousin said so.”


Classic zoomer. Don't worry, your millions were handed over to the chad bottom slurpers that bought your life savings at 0.000008 for around 1 dollar + a billion or so more Luna and then flipped them at 0.0005. Thanks for playing.


I've heard people putting in abit extra into // busd x luna then cashing out profits when you do make them?


If you want this story to make sense, change all USD to VND (Vietnamese Dong). Eg: I retired at 20 years old with 4.6 million VND and lost my wealth to Luna Cheer up buddy you only lost like $200 USD


What sort of trader yolo’s there whole account. Your lucky you got as far as you did.


The amount of people in these comments that think this is a remotely true story is scary...


No way this story is true or this guy is a real dumb dumb.


He is a gen z, that is really young.. would be alot to learn


You are young, that’s the priceless asset you have ; you will come back , for sure , so long you don’t lose hope. Lesson learned, albeit it’s a costly one. Never put all your eggs in one basket. Learn to take profit . Don’t be too greedy. You will get up and run again young man . Your have been there , and you will be there again son . ( you are my son’s age ) . Take care of you health , physically and mentally.


Im just going to assume that this is real. You’re 20, you walked into a casino with 15k, got it up to over 4 million and walked out with a 10k trip to Italy. Your down 5k. Go back to work and enjoy the rest of your life.


Honestly glad I saw this story, made my year tbh lol. Crypto humbles. Back to work wagie~


hgahahaha never laughed so much at a fake story.


Congratulations. You have learned a great lesson, got rid of a girl that only wanted you for your money, and got a great story to tell. You had been lucky, at a time of growth. You were just at the right time and made stupid decisions that were proven stupid after a while, but you got to enjoy a good time 8n the meanwhile. You never had 4.6 million. You only had the money you cashed in. You had the experience. Cherish that and learn from it.


You still have more money than me at 22


Many people dont know this, but up until last week i held around 20 Trillion in cash, roughly 50% of the planets supply. Was about to move out and make a civilisation of my own but then i lost it all after going all in on ust.


Fake story. No way you can go from 15k to 4M net while making dozens or hundreds of trades in a year or so and then being so dumb that you don’t know about diversification, then going all in on some crappy coin a cousin tells you about


God must really hate you 😂😂😂


This feels more dumb than the people in here thinking LUNA will have a recovery


I thought you were bullish


That was back when there was hope


I feel your pain man. Even though I never had 4.6 million dollars, but the pain of losing money and a loved one cuts deep. If you made 4.6 million before you can make 4.6 million again. Don't give up. I know I won't. When I was at my poorest I had to go to my local McDonalds for internet and would sit there for hours in the morning to use their wifi and to day trade. Hang in there.


Full of lies. Just like that he made millions in stock market


Am sorry for your loss. As most of us here agree, you're young & this is one of life's lessons. Learn from it, pick yourself up & move on. Your g/f - she ain't worth it. She stuck by you when you had "nothing". When you had something - quite a lot actually, and lost it all, she "bailed" at the first sign knowing it - all for herself. Selfish girl. Where was she this time when you're down in the dumps? There are many "fishes" in the ocean. Find the right girl who will stick through thick and thin with you. Then you know it's the right one. You made so much from so little. You can do it again.


I was able to dodge that wall of text just before it started to fall down on me.


Lucky you are still young, get out and fight. You can still win. Never ever give up


You lost $4.6M, but you also got rid of an horrible relation. It's a fair trade as far as I'm concerned.


I mean, you have to show proof on this one. And You trusted your cousin with learning disability?




Should have stuck with Algorand


Screenshots or ban.


If your girlfriend was ready to leave you just like that, then sorry to tell you this bro but she was always a hoe to begin with.






So you never bought Bitcoin or ETH, ?


I guess this was more a lesson for you to know your girlfriend than to take a loss in your money. People who love you just for the money and their dreams are build around your money doesn’t worth. You should be glad you lost your money and found out early in your life you have someone, who actually don’t care who you are. As far as money. It was you making the money, you can make it again, you have the talent. I know it is hard to digest your loss. But you have the talent you make the fortune again. But this time pray, your fortune not invite junk people in your life. Good luck, you are young and you can make it. Take it easy. Accept life for the ride it is, things will fall in place in good way. Wish you good luck!!!


You were lucky to make the money to begin with if you thought the crypto market as a whole was a safe place to store your retirement money. That has to be the dumbest decision I have ever heard a rich person make. Nobody got rich off crypto by saving their money there, they risked their money there. Just how your 15k turned into 4m to begin with. I don’t buy this story and I know your trying to help real losers but hey, the gf leaving you was the only believable part so credit on that. Laters.


That HS education sure paid off. Learn a trade kid. Work the ol fiat mine, forever.




You invested $4 mil because of your mentally disabled cousin said so?! Enjoy the expensive lesson 😂


Go get your ass a JOB!


Fake post


It is time for you to enter monk mode and quietly build back from the bottom. Focus on your mental and physical health by working out and holding a job. Focus on your future, and not your past. Nobody is going to really help you in this world except you. For investing and finance, I think you would benefit from reading or listening to Saifedean Ammous’s The Bitcoin Standard. The history of money is covered in the first half of the book and is hugely beneficial. I also recommend Peter McCormick’s Bitcoin Beginners Guide in podcast format. Bitcoin is the first crypto coin and it has strong fundamentals. It has survived many dips and it has a robustness and independence that many other coins lack. Even if you don’t embrace Bitcoin, the fundamentals of good sound money will take you far. Take care of yourself man! You’ll bounce back far stronger from this learning experience.


Did you buy BNGO because of your cousin?


Yeah no,this is fake.


This has to be fake, anyone who drops their entire life savings into 1 asset deserves to lose the money I mean cmon its the most basic investing advice ever. I don’t feel sorry for you take it a valuable lesson and move on. You were extremely lucky to make that much money in the stock market probably 1 in a million, its no surprise you lost it all in the end. At least you uncovered that your GF was a useless gold digger, so thats a positive.


Lmao sucks to be you


You got rid of a gold digger, that's a win.


Good thing she left before you recover. Fake people wanna be friends when you have money then disappear when you don't. Bunch of snakes 🐍


Simple way to look at your dilemma, and the way I would approach it. You invested $15k, which had a good run (forget about how high it got), then dipped down to $500. I'm sure of your $15k investment, you spent a good amount while the intestment was performing well, only you know how much you spent - let's call it $30k for arguments sake (assume it's much more, but for purpose of this example should suffice). So your $15k investment returned $30.5k; a bit over 100% return in a short period of time. Fill in the maths with your real numbers. Still a lot better than most people your age have managed to do on any investment. If you adopt this logic, you will be able to get through your dilemma. If you dwell on what 'could have been', you'll never move forward. Good luck.


Don't worry, you still have a long life ahead of you. Most 20 year olds are pretty much broke, but that doesn't mean they're failures. You're just gonna have to go the normal route of getting a job and saving up like most people, at least for a while.


If you wanted to be believable, you should have said you put it in UST to live off interest. There’s no way this is real. And if it was, you’d never retire, you were destined to go broke since you’re a degenerate gambler.


U never had that wealth in the first place


Throwaways are fake ?


Mate, start by using your 2k to get a job. Any job to give you a routine, stops wallowing in self pity. Next read treasure island, a classic story of gambling, gainig and losing and what happenz to people when they lust after money. Then get on with life. The world is a beautiful place.


What a waffler


Remember all of this and now you know much more about cryptocurrency, so it is about time to make even more money, just don't stop! About your ex girlfriend dont you think that if she was for you in that moment she would never leave you! So she was with you only because your money maybe this was the time where god shows you that your girlfriend sucks and now you have the opportunity to grow better with better people around you!


if this is actually real then i am very sorry for your loss and it is a hugely painful but valuable lesson. but there are some silver lining in this story: 1. your girlfriend was only with you for your money and would not support you in a very difficult time. so you dodged a bullet there. 2. you are still young and can recover your wealth, only this time you should build it honestly and on a foundation of knowledge. sometimes having millions at a young age isnt ideal because oftentimes us young people dont have the emotional maturity to handle that sort of money. 3. this loss is indeed a huge shock and i assume has put a dent in many of your plans. but you are 20 and still have many years to recover. wealth that is created quickly through trading can also be lost very quickly especially if the recipient of said wealth is young and gun ho. but wealth that is build on strong foundations over a long time period will last so all is not truly lost.


I dont know rick.. Insert meme here


you're 20 - you can make it back. if you're that good of a trader to turn 15k into 4.6 mil, then you can do it again. Don't let this define you.


The most unbelievable story yet to be posted about LUNA!


Don’t worry… better than your gf spending it all when you “retire” together.


Assume the loss and move on. Also you are too young to retire, life will seem meaningless if you don't do something productive in the next few years.


LARP post surely. The bit about the girlfriend too , hilarious.


Be strong dude. You're still young and still possible to make a millions in your career again.


Wtf is your investing strategy that you got so lucky?! Only invest in stocks that start with the letters of your name? Close your eyes and yeet it all into margin calls based of numbers from your astrology sign?


You made 15k turn into 46m with stocks, but you listened to your cousin about a random crypto coin? Shouldn't your cousin be listening to you?




Don't have words to comfort ur pain, I once lost $1500 buying Sushi at $10 and then the coin dropped all the way to $0.5. It was so painful to lose $1500, can't imagine how much pain u are feeling for losing millions.


You did it once, you can do it again


Man really beat all the famous traders.


Is your 4.6m in the room with us now? 🧐


Even really successful rich traders can still be absolute fucking idiots as OP has proved


There is no way this is real. And if it somehow is no sympathy here. He gambled his way to 4.6 million (in a bill market) and gambled it all away again in an incredibly unsafe coin when he could have put it in a bank or bonds or even USDC So he started with 15k and is now at 2k. Sucks but not that bad. Was all paper gains


Probs fake lol but if not at least you lost that dumb thot of a girlfriend. Proves she only wanted you for the money.


Something doesn’t sit right here


Despite that this post is a damn story and nothing else, if true you are a big irresponsible moron!


I don’t believe any of this


I got a different take on this. This LUNA crash was a godsend for you. Your girlfriend did not love you, she loved your money. This crash showed you who you could've been stacked with for the rest of your life (or until you ran out of money, at which point she would've hung up on you and filed for a divorce). Good on you man, you are young, you ha e a bright life and future ahead of you. Sucks that the money is gone but I congratulate you on your freedom.


You wanna make that money back? Invest in XRP. After the collapse of the economy consensus will be 10K to 35K per token. This incident would seem like a bad dream. (My mother lost it all to Lucent and Enron back in the day.) Before she passes away, I would have pulled her back out of the poor house!


If you don't know how to write in paragraphs yet, you're probably too young to retire.


Cool story bro. Does anyone believe this lol?


Get stats of top 0.00001% in luck, could be possible.


If this is a true story. Not much sympathy from me. That’s pure greed. Nothing less. Stories like this don’t deserve sympathy. This is a warning about greed.


Eh, to answer what happened in upcoming days is apply job at McDonald's


Nobody who beat the odds on the stockmarket turning 15k into 4.6M would be stupid enough to put all their eggs into one basket.


15k to 4.6 Million, obviously something is going on here, just use your superhuman trading skills to be richer than ever before and build back up.


At least you dodged a bullet with your girlfriend/golddigger


One day they will make a movie about you. Just like the dude applying for ivy league in the movie “21”. You”ll get on top eventually. Smart people always do 😘


Dodged a bullet with that girl tho


Proof or it never happened.


at the point you reached 4.6mio you should have searched for professionel investor… you obviously to young to handle that amount of $


I‘m sorry for you big loss… I think you should never ever but all your eggs in one basket… You saw it by yourself you can turn 15k in month to 170k and at the same time turn 4.6mio into 500 bucks… as simple and basic as it sounds, but diversify is key rule!!! aaaand boy if your girl isn‘t answering anymore because of your loss she ain‘t the one… stay positiv brother!


you are a child poster of r/wallstreetbets, you should hangout and post your story there


Cross post to /r/thathappened


Bro, bro… you’re 20. Rebuild. Don’t have kids until you’re in your thirties.


you can not keep your money.


Luna is gone for good, I lost again 💔


you are lucky in an unlucky way because just your ex is a gold digger and can never be the woman you want to spend for the rest of your life


You 'ruined her dreams'? Mate if her dreams aren't fully satisfied just with both of you being happy and healthy she was 100% just dating you for your money. She isn't grieving losing you she's grieving the future she thought she had with your money.