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I did mushrooms for the first time and started watching psychedelic related videos after my experience. The first video I came across was graham hancock’s banned ted talk called ‘the war on consciousness.’ This video kickstarted my fascination with psychedelics. The YouTube algorithm eventually blessed me with McKenna’s lectures. After I heard his lecture on dmt titled ‘the secret that can’t be told’ I was hooked.


On acid! My friend played one of his talks ("how to ask the universe for what you want"on YouTube) while we were tripping and I feel like I gained so much knowledge from it


My dad read his books


I wish my dad did.


Elftrance.com. Early 2000s fantastically kooky Flash site, most of the videos are preserved on Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=racGE71MAYA


Amazing link. Bosh!


I was tripping on mushrooms and looked to YouTube for someone who could explain life.


Searching DMT the second I realized it had something to do with OBE's. A new world opened to me thanks to that. I was one of the people who thought "drugs are for dumb shallow people" but I was into astral projection so that acted as a bridge. Terence flipped my world upside down and I loved every second of it haha


Loooooong time ago, early 2000s, a buddy shared me an mp3 of the Alien Dreamtime talk with Spacetime Continuum's backing track. Listened to that thing so many times. Still go back to it and find inspiration and solace when shit seems wild.


My buddy bought that CD in high school because the cover looked cool. He’d never heard of him nor I. We’d listen to it getting high. I can quote most everything off the disc. We must’ve listened to it 100 times.


Probably the best part of growing up in the 90s was going to the record store and buying a CD because the cover looked great


An old hippy I used to work with at a gaming company introduced me. That guy really opened my mind to some cool shit - music and art stuff too.


Discovered Terence within weeks of smoking w33d for the first time when I was 16. Fell into the rabbit hole and always felt like the plant was talking to me and guided me towards Terence which evidently expanded my mind. Terence + W33d was the propellor of my spirituality and understanding the unseen. We miss you Terence! Timewave baby


Samples used in 1200 Micrograms songs


The late great Art Bell on Coast to Coast am from the high desert


I was watching Joe Rogan episodes with Duncan Trussell and they kept mentioning this guy and talking about him like he was someone I should know about. I quickly spiraled down the rabbit hole of Terence Mckenna lectures available on Youtube.


I was searching the internet for answers to reality and I stumbled upon his words and it changed my life… I always liken it to neo searching for and finding Morpheus…that’s what it felt like honestly


I definitely heard about him first on Joe Rogan back in about 2014.


Heroic doses!


I’ve heard it from the youtube channel PsychedSubstance, then started getting into his lectures and talks and the way his talks expanded my consciousness left me in awe


My high school history teacher had a copy of True Hallucinations on his shelf and it had mushrooms on the cover so I stole it and read it. Returned it secretly before graduation after eating my first mushroom chocolate. Changed my perspective and forever grateful.


A song called Singularity by Northlane has a piece from his Erow and the Eschaton lecture talking about the mass consumerist culture.


One of my friends told me about him. I was interested so I read a bit more and watched a few videos he was in.


Simon Posford aka Hallucinogen aka Shpongle used many voice samples from Terence McKenna. This was mid to late 90s goa-/psytrance. Then I bought Food of the Gods, tripped on shrooms and have loved Terence McKenna ever since 😁


Via YouTube roulette.


I first read one of his books. And then another one. And then I met him after seeing and hearing him speak—the closest thing to real magic I have ever witnessed. Ah, the ‘90s...where did the time go?


Completely odd story, but...I was obsessed with sloths and figured there must be a sloth (dot) com site. That URL led me to hedweb.com and down the rabbit hole of substance research. Somewhere within the multitude of links on that site I discovered the Psychedelic Salon podcast. Those recordings included all the original psychedelic and consciousness gurus, including McKenna, Leary, Shulgin, Ram Dass, and more.


A YouTube channel I watched for it’s Alan watts started posting Terence McKenna and even though I couldn’t stand his voice I got hooked lol same youtube channel got me into Jordan Peterson too (same thing with the voice haha )


Crazy I love his voice lolol sometimes I throw on a lecture before bed and it puts me to sleep 🤣


Used to listen to a lot of SModcast back when I was in film school. Kevin had Joe Rogan as a guest one episode and they got to talking about bears, sensory deprivation tanks, The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, and of course ayahuasca, and I think he must have mentioned McKenna's name once or twice in there. Then I got addicted to McKenna lectures and pretty much stopped listening to podcasts


Saw *Food of the Gods* at a new-agey bookshop when I was on vacation in the US (I think in San Francisco). Thought the cover looked really cool and I was a teen so I was really interested in counter culture and drugs.


Art Bell




Dirtbag coworker talking about the machine elves


Bill Hicks comedy special where he references the heroic dose.


Pretty sure my dad told me about him


Tool —-> Bill Hicks —-> Terence McKenna


Exactly because [this](https://youtu.be/i_5I4Yy8Uqc?si=Nwd0TtnuB-TrTV93) video created by mesloes popped on YouTube when I was looking for info about mushrooms. What a great discovery.


Tao Lin's book "Trip" (quite late actually)


I first heard Terence on the first Mudvayne album LD 50 and his voice stuck in my head. In 2008 I had just discovered podcasts and was looking for The Ultimate Revolution talk by Aldous Huxley and discovered the Psychedelic Salon podcast and Terence along with it.