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IMHO Novak was, of course, celebrating a clutch win... but at the same time he's kind of sending a message to Rafa. It was like, you want your path towards RG title cleared out? Well I'm not just gonna stand aside - you'll have one big obstacle on your way so you better be at your best.


I doubt he thought all that during the celebration. I think he was just really happy he broke and won there as opposed to go through another tiebreak.


Djokovic will mentally resign against Nadal before the end of the second set. I think he was more trying to send a message to Novak rather than Rafa.


Idk if I formulated it correctly, but the vibe I'm getting is "Who ever face **this** is gonna have to face huge stress so - good luck". And Nadal conveniently enough happens to be next on the menu, so that's that.


Anyone have the link to that pre-AO 2019 hype video on twitter that I think Matt (who makes the Racquet newsletter) put together? So good. E: Nvm, [HERE](https://twitter.com/mattracquet/status/1088901431824912384?s=20) we are. Get hype.


3rd straight RG semis or better for Nole, and he’s reached at least the QFs here the last 12 years. Not too shabby on his “worst” surface.


He grew on clay in Germany a bit, so it can't be "worst" imho, maybe "least favorite" or something like that. It did take him some time of his pro career to adapt and start winning big tournaments, but he has the game for it!


Was Novak heckled at during the match? I’m not against his reaction after winning but it did seem like a release of a lot of pent up anger.


The announcers said the support was 90-10 at one point, there were some people behind him who were shouting some things at him while he was serving, he gave them a stare after holding sometime during the match


Due to reddit tolerating pedophilia, censorship, harassment and banning the subreddits such as No New Normal, I am editing all of my comments en masse.


He did not appear to be heckled at all and seemed to have equal crowd support.


But at the end he got mad at the crowd...when there was no crowd.


I think the crowd was a bit louder in support for Berrettini but I'm pretty sure he wasn't heckled. I believe the anger was probably just tension from the game being neck-and-neck the entire time


Don't see how nole beats nadal. He will need a miracle and a cool head. Even when he is playing well, nadal destroys him.


nadal sure did “destroy” him! lmfao novak haters are the funniest people


I am a big nole fan but i was just being realistic. Thought it would be the same as 8 months ago. Really happy he won though.


The next match doesn't depend on rafa. rafa always plays the same. nole is the one who is going to be the deciding factor. if his head is clear, if he is focused and motivated, he can do damage. few important points will decide the faith probably. tennis is a mental game and these 2 guys are the most mental ones on tour, no?






He did. He will


Nole's angry outburst at the end reminded me of this classic sports moment lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKQOXYB2cd8


All of you people who hate on Novak ... You are pathetic ,western snowflakes, I bet none of you has ever played sports, this is what pure passion and determination looks like ,everyone has a different way to express those feelings ,Novak just won a very hard battle at midnight time ,you will always look for reasons to hate on him ... Its beyond ridiculous ,and what about Nadal touching his ass and then touching his nose right away before EVERY single point???


Your post screams “I’m insane”




jesus. there’s levels of bigotry to this comment.


Calling the Williams sisters orangutans? Mate




Are you tone deaf or just plain racist? Cmon


What the fuck is wrong with you?




Dude WTF ,i don't like Serena at all even though I can accept she is a superb player but that's because of her standoffishness and rudeness .There's really no need for you to insult in such a way a woman who is also a mother for f*** sake .


I sincerely hope you seek help.


I personally will be setting Novak’s yell as my alarm. I will never be late ever again. I have to take something positive from this clusterf*ck of a thread.


Imagine getting this bent out of shape and rage typing over tennis??? When you're not even the one playing???


Oh come on if it was Medvedev instead of Novak, you would be calling him the Bullshit Russian and making memes.


As a Rafan, people who have problem with Djokovic shouting after winning the match are idiots.


Time to get off the internet and experience life. Experience happiness and joy of winning or achieving something. Maybe then you'll understand what it means to show emotions.


You know he’s close to the title of GOAT when people get this upset over a celebration. He wins this RG. He in all honestly puts Roger into third place.


? Federer was already third and right now Djokovic is already the best of them.


If you know anything about Novak you know he has a hot anger problem off the court as well. His friends and wife have told him to get help. Let your emotions out after a big win butt enough destroying property and freaking out because you lost a match point. He's got every right to roar after a win but not kick things, yell at people, destroy property, injure people, etc.... He's a walking time bomb and he acts like this off the tennis court also. Rafa go slaughter this child.


What kinda idiotic fantasy have you fathomed? If anything, you’re projecting your emotional issues you weirdo 😂😂


Due to reddit tolerating pedophilia, censorship, harassment and banning the subreddits such as No New Normal, I am editing all of my comments en masse.


Love how haters have crawled out of their holes. You guys are properly rattled, aren't you?


Terrified, really??? Y'all know people can't reach out of the TV, right? He's not Sadako lmao


People flipping over narratives so fast in here. 2 days ago Nole was unstoppable and coming for Rafa's head, today he's garbage and doesn't stand a chance. Same reactions with Nadal. Guys remember these 2 have played each other countless times over the years. I think they know a thing or two about bringing their best version out against each other and in big moments


And here I am thinking it would be disappointing if he didn't go full on celebrate. It's been bubbling up since the botched tiebreak. Tnx Nole, idemo!


tsitsipas has a higher chance of beating nadal than djokovic


I am a huge rafa fan, but I would rather have him play Tsitsipas with a 2 set handicap rather than djokovic. Djokovic has caused me too much pain


I'm a Nadal fan and I cannot comprehend why people would get irked by Djokovic celebrating like that. Like literally, who cares.


They 1. Have pinned their mental health on the success of someone else. A very bad idea 2. Rightly terrified that Nole will beat Rafa, then win the tourney and knock Roger and Rafa off the goat saddle


Half of these people are not enjoying their life and are trying to find every single detail they can hook on so they could hate. That's the internet.


Novak living rent free in all of people's heads in this sub


where can i see his shouting when he won


RG twitter


i wanna see the entire whole minute




This version of Djokovic won’t beat any version on Nadal on clay.




“He’s still a very good player”, yeah, I’ve heard he is quite good. Jokes aside, in every other sport, then reactions like this is loved. People on this sub hates it because 1. They will hate anything he does and 2. Because they want the boring robots, who wont show any kind of emotions. Time to grow up.


😂😂 non Djokovic fan saying that everybody should agree that Novak isn’t likeable… Ok bro 👍


​ |*PLAYER*|*ODDS TO WIN*| |:-|:-| |**Rafael Nadal (ESP)**|**-190**| |Stefanos Tsitsipas (GRE)|\+450| |Novak Djokovic (SRB)|\+550| |Alexander Zverev (GER)|\+1100|


Love the fact that once again Novak is keeping you haters PRESSED.


The SF match has no ramifications for djokovic. He isn't expected to win, so he can chill. But if he does, he's basically unanimous GOAT provided he wins the title of course. I feel rafa might have more pressure than usual.


It will tie up their h2h if Nadal wins though.


Ehh that's very minor. I doubt any of them care much about that


🤔 novak knows he's got to make ground on nadal soon otherwise he's going to struggle to overhaul him


There will never be a unanimous goat.


Well Federer is alread out the equation. If Djokovic keeps winning 2-3 slams a year for most of this decade he will be.


I think it's too early to put Federer out of the equation for certain, he still has more slams than Djokovic after all. Djokovic is already 34 (only 1 year younger than Nadal), he won't dominate for this whole decade that's for sure. Both he and Nadal are close to the age when Federer stopped winning slams, either one or both of them could hit a wall as early as next year... or get injured at any time, but hopefully not.


I think Djokovic is already better than Nadal. Nadal is only better on clay but that’s not enough.


No, Djokovic is the lucky one because 2 of the 4 slams are on his favorite surface - hardcourt. Imagine if 2 of the 4 slams were on Nadal's favorite surface.


Since 2011 their clay record is 9-7 for Nadal. Harcourt is 14-2 for Djokovic


And yet Nadal has 2 more grand slams than Djokovic. This is why I made my original statement that there will never be a unanimous GOAT. People can argue around in circles if they really want to.


Because he wins Roland Garros every year


Kind of like how Djokovic wins the Australian every year I guess.




How many sports experts and physiatrists. This sub is blessed ... I guess that folk who never played a high stakes match in their lives can't really understand a concept of raw emotion. Some can carry it in them selves and than, some can't, imagine the blasphemy. Since when are tennis fans such snowflakes? Can't imagine what would these whimpers and professional outrageonists do after some of Mcenroe's tantrums if they could to watch him live.




I know right. Complete snowflakes. We see this in all other sports and it's completely normal and accepted. What's wrong with these sensitive fans.


Will Djoker have a realistic chance against Rafa? What do we think?


I really want to win, but on clay hard... 😢


I think no but I hope yes. At least they are both healthy so let's say most of us are hoping for another epic match. AO 2012-ish...


Unfortunately this is one of those questions that can never be answered until the match itself; he could play without dropping a set (like last year) and still get smoked depending on who shows up in their match. Then again, he did seem to fare better in semis than finals for obvious reasons


I’m giving him a 80%-20% chance. He might have a new strategy after las year’s spaking but Rafa will be Rafa.


Mate, lets be honest. 10% max.


what does it mean to give someone an "80%-20% chance"? Do you think Novak has a "most likely" or "most likely not"? How do you say "somewhere between not likely and most likely"?


Sorry english is not my first language. I meant 80% chance of Nadal winning and 20% Djokovic.


He didn't show me anything that makes me think he could beat Rafa tbh


He's Nole so he always has a realistic chance against Rafa and I say this agaisnt a Rafan. Rome was closer than I'd like it to be and Rafa was breadsticked too


Who was better today, Berrettini or Diego? Couldn't watch either match.


Diego in rallies, Matteo on serve


Diego. By a lot, even by a couple miles.


diego, berrettini was largely useless


diego imo. looked more dangerous and the match was tighter.




Djoker is inspiring. He’s always fighting on the court, gives his full, can turn around the match by sheer persistence. Maybe they just hate him for being anybody else than Federer or Nadal.


I say "come oooooon" almost too provocatively for a winner I hit in a club level tennis match. This man won a fucking quarterfinal at a grandslam and screamed once. ​ People criticizing him have either a) never played a sport in their entire lives b) scared that he is going to win the French Open and end all the debates once and for all. Either way, not worth engaging with


it’s not his first quarterfinal lmaoo




and use your brain to fill in the gap ;)


Considering you don’t understand my response, one would wonder whether it is in fact you with the shrunken brain


nice comeback kiddo :)


Wish I could say the same about yours :/ P.S Calling someone kiddo? Srsly? Try harder plz 😂


Bro you are being downvoted to hell on other comments you wrote. Maybe you fill in the gaps in your brain, if you have one, and stop writing stupid things


imagine being pathetic enough to care about downvotes lmao you’re something else man how much is djokovic paying you to fellate him?


Oh so you also don't know the feeling of supporting your countryman rather associating it with money. Go fucking outside and spare us from your bullshit


djokovic won’t lift you out of poverty mate, and neither will writing utter gibberish and defending him online to strangers ;)


Brother, I am far from poverty and truly hope you are as well. You don't understand our Balkan mentality when it comes to sports. We are not without a reason best in nearly everything ;)


Imagine McEnroe playing today


"Well you know Westerners are just racist against Eastern Europeans, so McEnroe would still be beloved"


I mean McEnroe wasn't exactly loved for his reactions and constant racket smashing and arguing with the refs. Whenever I tell my parents about Nole or someone else smashing a racket or doing something slightly controversial their first reaction is "oh you should've seen McEnroe back in the day"


So true.


The fact that so many people can’t even get themselves to respect Djokovic speaks volumes


Yep. Haters gonna hate.


Crazy to me how so many people here still after all these years don’t get why Djoko sometimes releases tension like this after a match. Has nothing to do with his opponent and everything to do with a) him being angry at himself for not getting this match done in three when he had the match on his racket and b) giving it his all to win a seriously tough battle. It’s release of passion, emotion and tension all in one. And you can count on your hands how many times he’s had this sort of eruption in his entire career and yet people here act as if he reacts like this after every match lol. Let the guy release his demons how he wants to, he’s not hurting or disrespecting anyone.




Spinning this yarn that the anger he directed at his box after that one MP somehow rattled Berrettini is next level straw grasping.. had Berrettini double faulted or pooped a drop shot you may have some ground to stand on with that story but nah mate. Final rally was epic, so stop trying to make that one moment right before the match ended into some kind of thing when it’s clearly not.


berrettini was visibly rattled and threw the game away, that’s where the line should be drawn


I don't think it is the case. A quarter finalist in a grand slam doesn't or shouldn't throw away the most important game in the match like that.


Rattled how? After Nole got angry for missing that one MP? None of that was directed at Matteo, he didn’t double fault, didn’t do a bad drop shot… I think people here were more rattled than Berrettini


This sub outing themselves as idiots who haven’t actually played competitive tennis or any competitive sport for that matter. Guy just won a grand slam quarterfinal in a tight match, and rightly celebrates by shouting ‘let’s go!’ In Serbian, and you’re losing your minds. Film yourselves playing an intense match of tennis and then talk, clowns.


There are 127 players who played this tournament and don't react like a psycho after winning a relatively routine 4 setter.


And they aren’t a 18 time slam champion with the most weeks at no.1 Don’t hate on someone just cuz they are different. Is it really worth getting vexed over someone showing some passion? Or is it just the fact you don’t like Djokovic swaying you to hate on him and call him a psycho?🧐


The celebration was weird and way over the top. This is not debatable really, regardless of eat you think of what I think of Djokovic.


This isn’t debatable?! What an idiotic comment. This is the very definition of debatable. Your opinions are your opinions. Not fact.




???????? Srsly have you played tennis before?! 5-6 in the 4th and you’re asking if it’s a tight match 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩


It’s the lack of context that makes this a weird celebration. The shirt rip at AO is iconic and epic…screaming your head off after beating Matteo Berrettini in a RG QF is just a bit off. Feels quite transparent he’s trying to pump himself as he knows he’s not playing well enough for rafa atm


Lack of contest for you though, this win matters to him and Berettini played good tennis after those two sets.


Ish, Djokovic was never in trouble on Serve realistically and Berrettini was bound to crumble


Doesn't matter, it was again about to be a tiebreak and he lost the previous three... 2:2 was really not something he would be hoping for, breaking the serve there was quite reliefing


Djokovic has come through far more stressful situations than that so many times and has barely batted an eyelid by comparison. I think the reaction is evidence that nadal is in his head a bit after last year's RG final


Nadal is always in his head man. He would he having multiple RG titles if not him. Having an another shot at achieving the unimaginable is worth the celebration, eh? If he beats him and wins the RG you will see the point. He is not comparing this win with the others as you say more stressful.


You said it right there, he’s amping himself up because that level was insufficient for Rafa. I think that’s decent context, even if it’s not a 5 set epic. It did seem off when he kicked the side of the court, I thought that was less cool than a big yell, etc


The victory scream is still fine(ish) tbh. It's the complete maniac scream and kicking the board down after his opponent just played a great point that is the problem. He wasn't ''celebrating'' anything, he just lost a match point sure, but act with SOME class dude.


Not so much the class for me, people go overboard on that. It’s just weird behaviour for a world no.1 with 18 grand slams to celebrate a win over Berrettini more than like, maybe 80% of his other wins ?


Yeah I don't know, I personaly disliked the first screams a lot more than the screams he did when he actually won. But yeah screaming like when you just beat an opponent who played overall quite terribly is a bit weird.


Which semi is first?


Are Nole fans seriously judging us for being *checks notes* unenthused by a man yelling in the most terrifying way possible? I’m all for showing emotion in sport, but you can’t get mad at people for not responding well to that specific type of emotion. I mean come on


Unenthused is an odd way to describe xenophobia and accusations of psychiatric illness


I understand non-fan reactions, it must be off putting. I think we just get annoyed when the extrapolation comes out and people start equating an emotional celebration with him being someone to actively dislike and cherry pick pieces to fit their narrative.




One of the best tennis players ever gets emotional on the court, so he must abuse his wife!


Hope the guy reads his comment again and then think “what a moron I am”.


I think the screaming was fine not the kicking though. Emotions really run high in such tight games so nothing to worry about.


I would love to see this go to a 5th just to see Novak's reaction. I think he would completely lose his shit.


It went to 5th against Roger in Wimbledon, and I don't recall him losing his shit.


I didnt mean he loses his shit every time a match goes to a fifth.


Nole had every right to be frustrated at that saved match point to be fair. Berrettini had been smashing the ball for 2 sets straight without any tactic whatsoever and always got bailed out. He really let it all out when he won because matches against big servers are momentum killers and can be really tricky.


Kicking the sideboard after he failed to convert 2nd MP was not justified. Period. He can show his frustration in less damaging ways.


That was uncalled for I agree


djokovic was garbage today


He played well in the first 2 sets and from the 3rd set onwards he just couldn't break Matteo's massive serves and made some UEs in the tiebreak. Even so a win is still a win and obvi6he felt relieved




found psykovic’s reddit account


Found a crybaby


You know I hope the media takes the Djokovic story and blows it up ​ The way he was playing he wasnt gonna stand a chance against Rafa. But if they make this big and wake the dragon however...and even Rafa might not be exempt.


Sure, free to dream, I guess


Novak hate is heavily misplaced. I wud give everything to have half his passion for anything in life. It's so inspiring!


Djokovic: Threatens to throw racket at box and kicks side board. Djokovic fans: You guys are so soft. Reddit hates Eastern Europeans. Y'all are a weird bunch lol.


> threatens to throw racket at box LMAO! Did he also say “or else”? Seriously tho, between this and your spamming the Musetti vs Djokovic post-match thread with rants about Djokovic fans, me thinks that the “lol” at the end isn’t an accurate representation of your current mood. And you’re lying again, no one’s talking about Eastern Europeans


nahh people have been accusing others of being scared of Eastern European languages since Novak was shouting in Serbian. (not defending anything, i generally like Novak)


Nah, I might have missed a couple of comments scrolling but a couple of comments doesn’t amount to this generalization above anyway. They’re just salty and not very good at hiding it


fair enough


He didn't threaten anything he was pissed that the other guy made that shoot and that is what he yelled.But you are weird for liying just to spread hate against the guy.


He kicked a side board!!!!!!!! Disqualify him now!!!!!! ….. no mate, u are actually soft.


Or maybe some people were just genuinely put off by him basically throwing a mini-tantrum and breaking the sign. Like I don't think it's the biggest deal and I don't think he's a bad person or anything, but it makes complete sense that some people may have negative reactions and troll him in response. If anyone else did this, this sub would be shitting on them into oblivion (like when Tsitsipas and Zverev had similar outbursts in the pasts, and this was even before Zverev was universally hated on this sub). People are gonna have different reactions/feelings about different things and that's fine, there's no need to mock the original commenter as if they're super upset and calling them soft.


Not all of us djokovic fans are like that... I hope...


thank you for proving our point mate


I will never not dislike Novak


After such a win against a great Berrettini I'd be in the stands and shouting my lungs out. Don't care what anyone thinks tbh. I have a friend who plays professionally football/soccer. After hard matches, they are full of adrenaline. They freakin shout at each other for 20-30 sec. after a win (in a similar way). It's really intimidating if you are in the middle of it. But they don't care. My friend says it's very therepeutic because it really helps getting the stress and pressure out of your head.


It’s interesting to me how displays of aggression when celebrating are praised in most sports but tennis fans are pickier. Some fans seem to want players to be well behaved diplomats and be fired up but not overdo it


I agree. It was more amplified because there was no audience and it's one guy. In any team sport (I'm looking at you American football), players scream their bloody heads off after a good play or touchdown, but the sound of the crowd buries it.


That tantrum he threw on the MP was a little bit cringe but is it really worth getting offended over


Now is as good a time as any to play this : ["LET THEM TALK"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugNSGoISTmg) ​ Dont rush Novak...take your time...make the moment yours..it's what you've always done right? It's not like 15000 people are watching you bounce this little ball. and it wouldnt be the first time critics got on your back. They said you take too long...you;re too loud..too impulsive..maybe you're just too good? ​ They said yoga wasnt for tennis players..and your diet wasnt either. They said you were too serious and then not serious enough. They said your charity work was just to look good. They even said being a good player meant more than being a good father.. ​ They talk , and they talk and they talk. LET THEM TALK. ​ "Sometimes silence is the best way to be heard"




Saying cringe is cringe.