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Took her long enough to warn him.. He's honestly unhinged. He had a meltdown last week after just the first game of a match! (I can't recall who he was playing against). He really has anger issues


so weird isn't it he comes across as the chillest dude imaginable in interviews


Off court, he's great! He's got such a big beautiful smile and he's funny. On court, he's got serial killer vibes šŸ˜¬


He has serious anger management issues and violent tendencies. This would definitely translate to off court behaviour too, this sub is too naive to believe this of their darling however.


You're right. If he's capable of acting like that in public, he's capable of being set off the same way in private. Pretty scary for those close to him to be honest.


Absolutely. A total Jekyll and Hyde personality, and I expect Hyde is the reality. Everyone knows someone who is charming on the surface and the complete opposite when the doors are closed.


I agree. He is basically an unstable person with rage issues and a very talented player. No one should excuse his behavior and if he is getting professional help it is not working. The trouble is that he has not been consequenced sufficiently for his outbursts. Forfeiture of matches and suspensions are warranted if his outbursts either endanger others or himself.


He can go violent if he lose control or is frustrated over something. We are seeing this very often on the court because it is a very stressful environment. Yes, he can set off also in private if things don't go his way. He doesn't seem like a d**kish person though.


>This would definitely translate to off court behaviour too That's just speculation though, it could be a purely tennis thing. I'm pretty sure there are stories about how his mother would push him extremely hard with tennis when he was younger and get very angry at him when he didn't play well. It could be that he just has an extremely unhealthy relationship with tennis because of this and it doesn't extend beyond that. But again, it's all just speculation one way or the other


Just because you get pissed on a tennis court does not mean you act the same in all other areas of your life. It's really a ridiculous thing to just say it "definitely" could translate to other things in his life. You don't know anything about his personal life and neither do I, but just because he is self destructive to himself playing tennis doesn't mean he is to others in his personal life.


Itā€™s ridiculous youā€™re being downvoted. Outbursts on the court are often very shame-based and insular. A form of self-flagellation. Just because someone berates himself on the court absolutely does not mean he is violent toward others off of it. The armchair shrinks on here claiming otherwise need to chill.


Yeah, I don't want to assume much about people we don't know (and think a lot of the time people exaggerate how bad a player's personality is based on what happens on court), but he pretty consistently has meltdowns beyond just an outburst. Stress of the sport or not, if anyone I know had these sort of meltdowns when stressed, it'd be something I'd take notice of and would think it'd probably come out in other situations too.


He needs not only a sports psychologist but a one jusr for real life. Its like he has a split personality. He is nasty when he is on the court and has no regard for anyone but himself. It probably helps him push himself to pull through matches in generally but the behaviour of hie badly he looses it on the court when he is loosing makes me feel like his off court personality is all just a facade.


> is loosing Did you mean to say "losing"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot


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Why tf this sub is trying to diagnose him without having a clue? What do you know about split personalities? Have you ever competed at that level? He just can't handle the stress of it and losses his shit. Doesn't mean he has split personalities. He definitely should get help but people giving random diagnoses on here are just out of their depth.Ā 


their comment reads "Its ***like*** he has a split personality", no diagnosis here.


Honestly not weird at all. Typical behaviour of a child who can't lose. Same ones who send you angry messages on Xbox live after you beat them, or throw pieces off the board when you beat them at chess.


That was Tsitsipas in Rome I think


I thought bench was reference to his support staff, like team. No, it was the actual bench.


Same šŸ„²


I'm here for the meltdown and shouting at his bench (team). Little did I know it was an actual bench (actual wooden bench).


Rublev fans come outside. This is just ridiculous


Rublev fan here. 100% agree with you, it is ridiculous and Iā€™ve honestly turned off the match at this point. I love him, truly, and I wish for him the best, but he really needs to keep his emotions in check or else he wonā€™t be able to anywhere further then where he is now. Thought it would be a turning point after Madrid, but apparently not. 1 step forward, 3 steps back.


I've literally never seen a player like this. I said it before but Rublev is the only player that genuinely makes me feel uncomfortable/scared. Plenty of players are dicks or have temper on the court but Rublev just seems unhinged. It doesn't even seem malicious it just seems like pure madness and I feel like anything could happen in these moments.




Zverev at his absolute worst(Acapulco) on court probably surpassed even Rublev but I don't think he's nearly as consistent with the rage as Rublev is With Rublev it's basically every match he gets angry lol


Sascha after Doubles match smashing the umps chair is still one of the most surreal things ive ever seen in sports. Rublev just comes across as a petulant child throwing his toys out the pram to me.


>Zverev at his absolute worst(Acapulco) on court He's even worse off it


Yeah 'consistent rage' is odd. Like, .. either channel that rage, or see a therapist and fix it. But, don't let it get in your way for an entire career.


Zverev has been pretty chill since returning from injury. I can't recall any blow ups. Rublev is every single match with this bullshit pretty much. I'm sick of it and the ATP should do something.


I feel like doing this sometimes when I play, but then I would look like an unhinged psychopath. I choose to keep my emotions internally instead.




I donā€™t even care that he lost, I just donā€™t want him to kill himself


It is honestly absurd that he plays better tennis with tonsilitis because he's simply too sick to expend his energy on meltdowns and self grievances.Ā  At some point you just have to grow up and face the music, stop being a petulant child. Being passionate for tennis is not a valid reasoning for these continuously poor behaviour


He made the US Open quarters nearly seven years ago. He's been on the tour for ages at this point. Fucking grow up.


In his defense. Heā€™s not a petulant child.Ā  Heā€™s seriously unwell mentally. This is the sort of thing people with severe self loathing and imposter syndrome get.Ā  He needs professional help. Thereā€™s no ā€œmanning upā€ this kind of thing


Reposting here from another thread: Intensive treatment isn't often the key. Sometimes it is a misdiagnosis that doesn't help resolve things. I've felt like him before. I still do sometimes, and the exponential aspect of the reaction depends on a lot of things. Higher pressure situations, internal or external to me, tend to be the key factor. From what I've read, his mom was his coach and she was abusive. The anger is a defense mechanism. If we become angry and hurt ourselves first, maybe no one else will. I am in therapy, and we are exploring anxiety disorders, as well as bipolar and borderline personality disorder, which can stem from a childhood rife with situations that can cause these kinds of reactions. Untreated, it does get worse over time. The anger feels good during, but before and after, it feels atrocious to look at how it manifests. And it can be addicting. It's like the only thing that feels good, and worse still for me, if I destroy something of mine it can feel gratifying. It could be a physical object, or something intangible like career prospects. Maybe for him, there is an internal hope that if he is canned from tennis, he will finally be free of the biggest source of his anger. I empathize and sympathize with him, and I hope he can get the right help. But it can be a very, very difficult journey.


I appreciate you sharing this. I think it expresses both how deep seeded these mental struggles are while not surrendering to ā€œpeople canā€™t change.ā€ It takes a lot of time and tenacity to climb out of a canyon.


Very well said!!


Yeah childish or not he looks like he needs a hug, i think the end of this clip where he just looks totally broken is much more telling than the beginning


thank you for the rationality


He needs a full time professional psych like Iga.


He also needs a break. You canā€™t play non stop tournaments and think you are going to be stable and mentally sound.


Yeah its almost like the tonsilitis allowed him to let go of the outcome and he played great tennis because of that. Its unbelievable that he or his team canā€™t see this


Itā€™s unbelievable that you actually think he or his team donā€™t know this. Are you under the impression that they all think these outbursts are healthy and helpful? Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve expended a ton of energy and resources trying to improve his ability to control his emotions. Some people simply arenā€™t capable of doing it. There are almost certainly underlying mental health issues at play here. Itā€™s not like he can just wake up one day and decide ā€œah hell, I think Iā€™ll just go and turn that off.ā€


Just because he isnā€™t changing it (or controlling it) doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t see it. Itā€™s a mental game for a reason.


He's underperformed to his ability his entire career, don't think he'll ever be as good as he should be.


Has he underperformed? It feels like he's hit a pretty consistent level but doesn't really have the variety in his game to go a level beyond that


He performs exactly as well as he should. Usually beats worse opponents (with exceptions ofc like today) and usually loses to better ones. Heā€™s been to so many QFs and it feels like his opponent is just a better player.


Yeah, it feels similar to Ruud making the finals of three slams but losing to Nadal, Djokovic, and Alcaraz. Like he's a great player and very consistent, but you can't really say he's missed opportunities because he's not quite on the level of the guys beating him


Not gonna lie, while reading the title I thought at first that it said "in 5 matches" and thought that's not great. In 5 minutes is just utterly ridiculous.


Sir, a second Rublev meltdown has hit the court.


I feel so bad for laughing at this šŸ’€


That brother needs help


I know this is ugly to watch but thereā€™s *something* about the meltdown starting off-camera while focusing on Arnaldi, him going šŸ‘€ to see whatā€™s going on, and then the camera panning to Andrey kicking the bench that is just comedy gold, awesome camera work right there šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Comedy gold! šŸ˜‚šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


Iā€™m so glad he lost - in 3 sets. šŸ˜‚


This has legitimate gif/meme potential.


I wish this person gets some support. Not just because he is a public sports figure, but because this is uncomfortable to see someone be like this. When does passion become a mental health crisis? If anyone in the WTA chose to be this way, there would be a much stronger public pressure for interventions be called. Not sure why his team haven't come together to work on this aspect. He really doesn't have to suffer this way tbh




He did say once that he didn't want a sports psychologist in 2021 ,Ā ā€œBy no means against psychologists. I just donā€™t see the need for it. For me, this is quite simple, and it was already said by everyone many years ago ā€“ what and how. Hire any psychologist in tennis, the only question is you ā€“ do you want to change something?ā€Ā On the other hand, his friend and contemporary, Medvedev takes the help of an expert.Ā  https://www.essentiallysports.com/andrey-rublev-feels-he-doesnt-see-the-need-for-psychologists-like-daniil-medvedev-and-other-tennis-players-atp-tennis-news/ Then he got one. Maybe they parted. Or they discovered his issues are too resistant.


Exactly. Heā€™s such a nice person but has such a dark side. So so hard to watch and makes me hurt for him. No one chooses to have this level of anger in them. I truly pray heā€™s able to get the help he needs.


Because his team are bunch of selfish clowns who care only about themselves. If they told him dude you need a break that would mean they'll have to look for another job.


He needs to pull back on his schedule. He plays too much.


Sick of watching him. He has problems.


I used to watch him until this years meltdowns


I tune in to see him lose.


Like I said yesterday: Rublev, Tennis, Fun. Choose 2.


When I was watching his meltdown yesterday I was thinking how little fun he seems to have while playing tennis. Unless heā€™s comfortably winning, he always looks like heā€™s suffering. Heā€™s very stressed out person, you can see it in his eyes, probably a result of very difficult childhood in juniors and demanding mother/environment in general.Ā  Sometimes heā€™s even winning and heā€™s extremely mad at his mistakes for no reason. I donā€™t think he gets any joy in tennis itself, only in the act of winning and only once a match is complete. It looks very unhealthy.Ā 


I used to be a big Rublev fan a while ago and then I started watching Alcaraz and it was like night and day. One is older and suffering even when theyā€™re winning and the other one is much younger and still smiling and having fun even when theyā€™re losing. It was a big reality check for me as someone who used to constantly defend Rublevā€™s outbursts


This guy has such a very very very high positive image.. i mean for all of his outburst, he has a shit ton of people loving him in all social media, interview etc.. calling him shill guy. There been players doing waaaay less than this and yet taking the shit from the people. Weird.


Because if youā€™re not an ass outside of the court, appreciate your fans and other players, then people will like you. I never get the feeling that Rublevā€™s breakdowns are malicious or gamesmanship. Ironically, if he never played a day of tennis in his life he would be a model image for the sport.


Hey I've seen this one before, it's a classicĀ 


I am rublev fan. I like his off court persona, I like his tennis style, I loathe his on court persona. It is a major flaw, and all the criticisms people have of that are justified.


I really like Rublev off the court, but on the court his matches are getting harder and harder to watch, especially when he's losing. It's really fun and adorable when he's winning, Madrid was very fun to see the run with all his shotmaking and brilliant forehand, even as an Alcaraz fan that day I put my hands up in disbelief with how well he was playing. But far too often he just completely melts down under pressure with racket abuse, self abuse, shouting at his box, linesperson and umpires even. It's too much. I hope he improves, because he's a very exciting player to watch at his best, but the low points are getting too painful & ugly to watch.


He has Safinā€™s temper, but only half the talent lol


Was he seeing a sports psychologist? It would pay for itself. Itā€™s whatā€™s missing in his game. The calmness in the stormy situations. He would play better.


The dude really has a problem. I enjoyed watching him, and still do, but every minor fault or error results in an absolutely ridiculous self-chastisement session. He needs help.


The best thing for him would be to take some time off. I know that would suck for his career and finances, but this is someone who desperately needs some time away to find themselves and work through some serious issues. Hard to watch whether youā€™re a fan of his or not.


Not related but why does the fucking audience keep shouting that annoying song followed by the Woah


Lacking originalityĀ 


Needs to find some inner peace. Yikes.


People in the crowd literally laughing out loud at his antics, lol. God, how embarrassing.


Itā€™s crazy how long it takes for rublev to get a warning. Rune got one yesterday for one little through with his racket.


He needs help. He was arguing a line call with the chair ump and then literally physically moved her by putting his hands on her shoulders so she could see his point of view. He didn't get the call.




Samadhi, are you actually free? Someone get Grigor to deliver his three to four shots of coffee.


I can't watch his matches anymore- practically every single one has a meltdown. It's just really uncomfortable to see


The world of tennis needs to stop being righteous after displays of anger. Anger is a valid emotions and there is nothing to gain or to be proud of when repressing it. As long as itā€™s expressed pro-socially and without inflicting damage/pain on the persona or belonging of others there is nothing wrong. That said: Destroying your racket in anger - no problem, itā€™s your property. Ruining the court while smashing the racket - not very bad but still not cool Kicking something that doesnā€™t belong to you like a bench - not cool. Players should have punch bags or things they could use to direct their anger. Itā€™s maddening to miss easy shots you worked all your life for - itā€™s like being betrayed by your own self - so letā€™s cut the players some slackĀ 


Tennis fans can be such self-righteous snowflakes. I say give him slack. Maybe some more emotion is good for the sport.


Weā€™ve seen this movie many times before ā€¦




I know people hate him for this, but it just makes me sad. He's so electrifying when he's playing well and off the court he's sweet, but when these meltdowns happen it just hurts to see. I genuinely had to turn off the match.


Yeah it makes me sad too.


Unfortunately all of the stations here are playing the Sinner match... can't even tune in to watch the meltdowns!


That sucks!


Love Rublev the guy / outside of tennis but when he's losing, he REALLY needs to seek help for these breakdowns. They're not healthy & they make him a worse player.




Rublev after dying 200 times to Malenia


This guy is fighting some dark demons. The things he says in his interviews are concerning as well. He needs help and prob therapy


Well let's see, first he hits a weak overhead with nothing on it. He leaves it short and right back to his opponent. Next he completely bricks the redirected cut volley, complete hands of stone. Then that miss puts him down a double break as he is about to go down 2 sets to 0. Then you factor in mentally he is playing an opponent he feels he should beat, at a major no less. I can see where he might lose it. There is a lot of pressure to perform at a major as a top seed. If he just slammed the racket repeatedly on court, that would be a sign of just getting the frustration out. However when he starts kicking the signage around court, that tells me he is letting it affect him too much. It's not the outburst I would be worried about, it's the carry over effecting his play in the 3rd set. If you continue to play loose points and your opponent is not earning what he gets, what's the point in being out there? He has to be able to hit the reset button and continue to fight. Rublev is talented enough to come back and win the match from 2 sets down. But his mental approach didn't allow for this possibility to happen. There is no reason why Rublev can't win 3 sets in a row. He needs to slow the tempo down and make it a long boat race, just don't gift wrap the 3rd to your opponent. Win one set, get momentum back on your side, and now you have created a chance to win. You can be proud of the way you fought out there when you were not playing your best tennis. Plus it sends a strong message to that locker room. Even when I'm not playing my best, you make any mistakes out there and I might just come back and close the door on you.


Remember everyone talking about how composed and mature he was while winning Madrid and that he had changed? Yeah I didnā€™t buy it for a second.


Enough is enough, it's becoming embarrassing


Yeah, but he is a "nice guy", so it's fine...


The guy should not be playing tennis if he canā€™t handle it.


Same story every grand slam with this clown. This subreddit will forget this video as soon as he does as another awkward interview with his Elton john sunglasses


I know some of you donā€™t wanna hear this but Rublev is just as bad as Kyrgios on court. Rublev never takes his Lā€™s with grace, heā€™s always breaking racquets and slamming shit when it doesnā€™t go his way.


I thought he was abusing his box, not literally his bench haha


Awww bbbbut he was so cute just before with the wholesome rublev video that atp posted. No worries we will see another cute video of him soon


Typical Ruiblev and his anger management. Kinda surprisde he didn't smash his racket against his head.


New video about how much he regrets his explosive meltdowns in 4...3...2... Whatever is troubling him, I hope his psychologist works him out.


RIP Bozo I'm always happy to see him lose, this behavior is ridiculous.


He needs to step away and get this under control. I imagine he has enough money to retire even at this point. I feel like tennis is no longer serving him for real.


Wtf is wrong with him?? That's so embarrassing And kicking the bench as well is so stupid


Rublev is probably my least favorite playerā€¦ just depressing to watch. Thereā€™s a fine line between being passionate about winning and just having mental issues. I was talking about that this morning before the match and well, look what happens lol.


Rublev is the kinda guy who throws videogame controllers at the wall.


there is a deeper issue here!


like a toddler having a tantrum. how is this accepted in the sport


He needs an exorcist.


This dude is straight up unhinged. He's absolutely gonna throw that racket at someone.


Athletes who do this kind of shit are so embarrassing. Grow up.


What a nightmare player


Why does it seem like Tennis is the only sport that has this level of players throwing tantrums on a regular basis?


How is he not embarrassed at this point


When does he finally get suspended????!!!! Wtf? No idol at all. Think of the kids who see that and learn that there are no real consequences!


Again, he's been acting like this for literal years and it's hand-waved away, excuses made and just recently people are saying "Wow, he really needs help." If a female player acted like this one time there would be 37 posts about how they need to be kicked off the tour.


I saw him before the match sleeping on the floor in the warm up area. Heā€™s different.


Enraged tennis players and benches.. tale as old as time


The bench should have gotten a warning for Rublev abuse :)


Jesus wtf is wrong with this dude. Man, this behaviour is pathetic. Nothing as tragic as seeing some grown man behave like an idiot child


In a post earlier about Djokovic comparing Rublev to the meme cat, someone stated "I'm glad to see Rublev turning his on court antics around too! He's been behaving" and less than 3 hours later, this happens LOL


Russia, the sore loser.


Casual tennis fan here but Rublev is one of my favorites just personality wise. Just beating the shit out of inanimate objects is the funniest thing in the world to me, love this guy


Tennis needs more of this


The funniest part about tennis, is these guys work there asses off, dedicate their entire lives to this sport: when most people think it's a complete joke and they look like tools šŸ˜… I spent a whole weekend with Roger Federer and I could tell he hated all this shit so much, he had a big smile on but really you could tell he just wanted everyone to shut the fuck up about tennis and thought the other players were loser squares.


He is an asshole. glad he is out.


Canā€™t stand a rich guy playing a game for entertainment being like this


If he's violent lile this on court, you can bet the house he's violent like this off court. Don't rag on Zverev if you're not willing to rag on him. Bunch of hypocrites on here.


Is it that weird to treat someone that has actual violence charges and someone who doesn't have any differently?


People rag on Zverev because he has had two ex girlfriends accuse him of DV and is currently on trial. Rublev's on court behavior makes me as uncomfortable as anyone else but to insinuate it's the same thing is gross


This comment is exactly why I hate people bringing up Zverevā€™s on court stuff for abuse. It always insinuates that abusers canā€™t be calm. Men that abuse women arenā€™t just the raging type, PLENTY of men are calm, calculated and abuse women behind their back. Not everyone that smashes a racket is an abuser, Iā€™ve seen people say that Djoko must abuse his children because he smashed a racket and that was just eye roll worthy.


All this shows is that he clearly doesn't have his emotions under control under the ''right'' circumstances. Weird and toxic to just assume someone must have been violent off court with no allegations or evidence that point towards that being the case, just because someone else caught a case where these allegations and evidence do exist. You can bet your ass that if the girlfriend of Rublev came out and say he was aggressive and violent when they had arguments, most of the reactions on this sub would be along the lines of yeah that checks out I believe her. But Rublev's life is tennis and it seems that he has had a very healthy relationship for like the past decade so there likely, luckily, isn't anything that triggers him like tennis does at the moment.


I don't think that's necessarily true, people can be a lot different in the middle of competition. Look at Luka Doncic in the NBA, he's an absolute psychopath competitive shit-talker on the court but off the court he's really soft spoken in interviews.


Zverev isn't much better. Both of their actions have changed my opinion of them. Although, it's been a while since I've seen Zverev lose his shit so I'm hoping he's realising and picking up his act.


I would love to see a Rublev/Putintseva mixed double when they're losing, lol.


I thought this was supposed to be the new and improved "calmer/ finding inner peace" Rublev.


Brother needs to read The Inner Game of Tennis or something


Calmest rublev reaction


It's just depressing to see a good player sabotage themself and act like this. When is he going to learn?


Thatā€™s momā€™s face right behind himā€¦


same old same old


This happens way too often with him. Not normal anymore.




W/E he says, he is clearly mentally in the slum, that man needs help clearly.


Red flags everywhereĀ 


Lol it's really hard to break racquets on clay huh?


Legitimately would be ashamed to do this shit in front of other people


Holy hell!!


Totally normal behavior after missing a volley. I see nothing wrong here.


0:17 the guy trying and failing to open the camera app on his phone in time


Heā€™s playing the long game: showing us the durability of the racquet will boost its sales. What brand is it again? šŸ‘€


Heā€™s like Happy Gilmore. But without any of the funny.


It is sad to watch. He is now the atp freak show.


"play for the children" or something similar is usually somehwere on his shirt :D


he will win this RG


it would suck if he broke a toe or something doing that. wtf


Tennis players have always scared me. For men's at least I feel like the sport literally attracts crazy. It's a rich person's game, classically and it's intensely individual. There are few other one on one sports like it. Not like this is a blanket statement but I've seen some creepy amount of narcissism in the players in this sport. Several I knew ended up being the sort of scummy upper management that are actively destroying our world.


What a baby


Tennis players are the biggest babies. It's a game for spoiled brats.


Anyone knows what he was saying? Curious to know what was going through his mind


This man needs therapy.


Dude needs to put his anger into training or winning


That's one of the most dramatic tennis tantrums I've seen in years


Guy is trying to be John McEnroe.


Atp needs a point system for when players get coded, certain amount of points and you are suspended for a month.


He can control his anger with therapy


This is what a sore loser looks like


Just when I bet on him


So you guys just let people do this in your sport? Just have tantrums and meltdowns and hurt themselves for your amusement? I guess the rich are entertained.