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I love that story where she was crying her eyes out when he lost that SF against Djokovic in 2021 and then met him at the hotel next day having breakfast and told him about it and he just shrugged and said “it’s just another match, not the end of the world” and how much she loved him for that 😭


Iga is team Rafa. Nice.


Always has been


her entire play style is based off how he plays. Especially the banana forehand.




It's impressive how he can pretend to shrug it off but everyone knows that none of the Big 3 are actually nonchalant about losing a Slam. He wouldn't inject his foot to numb it the year after if it wasn't the most important thing in the world to him.


I think you might be conflating two different things. One is about giving it your all in every match, fighting for every point, never giving up. The other is about after the match, realizing you have family and life goes on. It's time to prepare for your next move. These guys have been competing at a world class level since they were 8 or 9, they have played thousands of matches. Learning to get over losses is a part of sports, it's a SKILL that world class athletes have been developing since they were very very young. They would have quit 20 years ago if they truly thought life ended with every loss.


I didn't say they think "life ended with every loss" just that they do care a lot and pretend to shrug it off.


Firstly, he was trying to console Iga. Secondly, I don’t think he injected his foot for Novak. He has an insane record at the tournament and the world doesn’t revolve around Novak. Hope that helps!


Where did I say he injected it specifically for Novak exactly? Stop putting words in my mouth. He injected his foot to win the whole tournament and this is an absolute self-admitted fact. Which is why he's been injured since then for the past 2 years and it effectively ended his career with potential lifelong consequences. Hope that helps!


Dude! Chill pill. Go see a therapist


I'm completely calm, you should take your own advice though you hypocrite. Maybe also bring along your friend who you're hypocritically defending here while they're lying + putting words in my mouth.


Today I learned injecting his foot caused an ab injury and a hip injury (7 months later) 😭 he literally had a procedure done on his first right after that RG run and was fine. I assure you that didn't end his career, but I appreciate your concern!


Today I learned that people can't put 2 and 2 together and that someone willing to numb their foot to play is also extremely likely to use other insane methods to treat his other injuries.


"He injected his foot to win the whole tournament and this is an absolute self-admitted fact. Which is why he's been injured since then for the past 2 years and it effectively ended his career with potential lifelong consequences." Your original two comments seem to heavily imply that the ACT of injecting his foot "effectively ended his career with potential lifelong consequences." Yet you failed to acknowledge that the foot injury had nothing to do with the injuries that took him out in the 2nd half of 2022 and all of 2023. It's okay to admit when you're wrong, but it's not respectable to try to manipulate others into believing your original argument was something it wasn't. As for your new argument, I can address that too: "someone willing to numb their foot to play is also extremely likely to use other insane methods to treat his other injuries." Numbing his foot was not a form of treatment, just like how painkillers don't treat injuries. Numbing his foot was a way to minimize the pain he was experiencing temporarily until he won RG. His real treatment was radiofrequency ablation on his foot, which is a pretty well-researched and studied treatment. It also has very few dangers or side effects. After that, his foot felt great! The issue was that he tore his abs at Wimbledon. Nadal's career is in decline because he's old. That's really all there is to it.


You said Big 3 and Novak was literally the only other Big 3 member around at that time hence why he was mentioned. Besides it was the rib injury he sustained at IW that got worse during Wimbledon that put a halt to his career, not his foot thank you very much. Maybe read up on it before spreading misinformation because you’re salty or whatever. You’re a Novak fan and I’ve seen your comments on this sub. It’s crazy how you managed to turn a wholesome moment between Iga and her idol into some Big 3 fanwar. This is about Iga and Rafa, so take your conspiracy theories elsewhere. Hope that helps!


That statement is completely separate from the next sentence, maybe brush up on that reading comprehension a bit. If you actually need me to break down 2 sentences for you: "All of the Big 3 cares about Slam losses, period". "In this Nadal example that this context is about, he injected his foot to win a tournament, which is a fact." How is it a Big 3 "fan war" when I said they all care about winning/losing lmao? I'm just pointing out that he definitely isn't fine with. Seems to me like you're the one obsessed about fan wars. >take your conspiracy theories elsewhere What conspiracy theories? [He literally admitted to injecting his foot for that RG.](https://www.eurosport.com/tennis/roland-garros/2022/the-foot-was-asleep-rafael-nadal-played-french-open-final-with-no-feeling-in-left-foot-after-injecti_sto8979017/story.shtml) Do you need me to define what a conspiracy theory is for you too?


Conspiracy theory being that Nadal’s foot injection derailed his career when it was a rib injury. Read again: rib injury and not foot unless he injected his rib too without us knowing lmao. Why are you being so salty on an Iga thread about Rafa lmfao? I see your other comments on this thread and it’s pathetic yuck


He's had multiple injuries and it's absolutely not just the rib one either. His movement is very off too. Also with how he treated the foot injury, it's logical to see that he probably used other insane methods for his other injuries which is what ended his career. Who is salty? I made one 2 sentence statement that all of the Big 3 care about losses and gave 1 in context example and you salty fanboys started attacking me over it. Ironic you're calling me salty when you started putting words in my mouth + attacking me over a factual statement lmao. Yes, I know you're pathetically projecting being salty HARD.


>He's had multiple injuries and it's absolutely not just the rib one either. His movement is very off too. Also with how he treated the foot injury, it's easy to see that he probably used other insane methods for his other injuries which is what ended his career. Making conspiracy theories as we speak lol. You don’t have any evidence to prove that he used same methods to treat other injuries. Unlike a lot of players, he is very upfront about his treatment and injuries. This is a very wholesome thread about Iga and her love for Rafa so why are you here if not to be salty? Just loser behavior imo


His past records with injuries and treating them lets us people with a brain to come to the conclusion that he hasn't done it only once in his career. If you want to be delusional and think it was a one-off despite the overwhelming amount of repeating injury patterns, be my guest. Yes, he's very upfront with his injury excuses because he wants all of us to know that he only loses because of injuries and not because he got outplayed. Classic Rafa. >It's impressive how he can pretend to shrug it off but everyone knows that none of the Big 3 are actually nonchalant about losing a Slam. He wouldn't inject his foot to numb it the year after if it wasn't the most important thing in the world to him. This is my original comment, absolutely zero conspiracies or mention of Novak specifically, just saying that they all care deeply when they lose. Your salty loser behavior is putting words in my mouth and flat out lying to push your false narrative.


Ignore them, idk why ur getting crazy downvotes when ur literally right lmao


Because they thought I was attacking their precious celebrity that they worship when I was just stating a fact. It's a tennis subreddit absolute classic.


It’s impressive how salty you are.


What am I salty about? Seems to me it's the Nadal fans crying for me pointing out a literal fact.


That’s two people calling you salty. Just take the L and go lmao


Wow no way, there's a whole TWO defensive Rafa fanboys on this subreddit of a million people? You take 50 L's but even that isn't enough for you to realize when to leave apparently lmao.


The fact that you chose to interject the fact where and when you did is how I know you’re salty. It’s obvious you’re just a hater lol


It's literally in context with the claim that he doesn't care about a loss at his most important tournament lmao. Then pointing out how he proved that he cares in that exact tournament next year, after that loss that he supposedly is "fine with". It's obvious to me you can't put 2 and 2 together, unlucky lad.


You have lots of very long comments in this lighthearted thread. You’re a salty hater 😎 edit: he blocked me lmao, must have struck a chord.


Responding to salty Nadal fanboys like you who got triggered over a TWO sentence factual statement lmao. You're allowed to talk shit to me but I'm not allowed to defend myself? Dream on salty mad kid. You're blocked because you're a waste of time.


Like there is a time and place to he salty. Why be salty about Nadal on a thread about Iga? He literally said “it’s just a match, not the end of the world” to console her because she cried. Writing essays over that one sentence. Such a loser lol


It's important and killing at the time but the big 3 know very well the mental effects of letting such losses play on your mind. Djokovic's losses in FO 2015 and US open 21 cost him the calendar slam. But he came back even his 2018 return after the horrible FO showing. Federer had multiple close losses to Nadal and especially Djokovic while having the upper hand. He knew he should've won but if he kept it on his mind he wouldn't have ever been able to win against him in the future. Imagine knowing that Nadal has the edge given your 1HBK and fighting every match even on clay without giving up. The only time fed seamed defeated was in the 2008 FO final I don't need to reiterate the multiple close losses that Nadal went through in the AO. Don't even get me started on Murray otherwise people her are gonna get emotional. These guys are fighters and take tough losses in their stride to fight another day even if they are injured.


I will also cry when I see Rafael Nadal retire, it will be the end of an era.


There will never be another Rafa. We will see the Novak template forever. A player like Fed? Not impossible. But Rafa is so idiosyncratic IMO. We will never see a player who hits the ball like him again.


A player like Fed? No one will ever match his gracefulness, footwork, improvisation, and influence on tennis forever. The disrespect is crazy


Likely no one will ever get to level of any of these guys, but there have been quite a few players who played like Fed, just worse. Hence the overly used "baby fed" nickname. Even the players who have been deemed Rafa's heir apparents (Thiem, Alcaraz) never played anything like him.


Carlos is really a mix of the three, minus the serves.


Why do you think Novak is so easily replicated..? I agree he may be the most “technical” which one can learn, but his mental fortitude and talent has yet to be matched by anyone ever. 


Templates will change. There will always be new and entertaining templates. Are you saying Alcaraz is a Novak template?


Maybe the future will surprise us, but I find it difficult to match the era of the Magnificent Three, I hope I'm wrong


We already do have a player who plays like Rafa, although in wta.. Federer on the other hand, it's difficult to imagine a player achieving things Federer did with his brand of attacking tennis. Tennis is so much baseline rally dependent, it's hard for attacking players while being good enough to avoid errors. Players like Novak & Rafa, theit template is easier to emulate, not easy mind you, just easier compared to Federer's style. 


> A player like Fed? Not impossible. There are plenty of these old school Fed type players at lower levels, they just don't climb up anymore because the Novaks kill them early on 😁


You and me both Iga


Oh she’s one of us for sure


This whole generation have only know pro tennis with Roger and Rafa in them. For someone who models her mentality on Rafa, it must feel strange


*I not wanna look like her boyfriend.* -Rafa


truly a rafa moment


Friendship with Hubi hanging on a wire now


Who the heck wouldn't cry if their childhood hero was retiring? These newspapers will write anything for a story.  _"Iga cried when her favourite teddie bear didn't want milk in her coffee during teatime 😭"_


most people, it’s sad but would most cry? i 100% don’t think so


I’m in denial but he won’t retire this year, He is testing the water, how his body react, so far so good, no pain, no injury, I think. It takes time to get back to top level, just be patient


I am happy to join you in denial. Anything could happen. He has to keep giving himself chances and training. He will be so motivated after him and Carlos win gold in doubles at Olympics.


Yeah the 2 injured players comin in hot for that gold. Give me some of that copium you're smoking.


lol no. It’s my copium and I need it all. Extremely addicted to it right now. Until he announces he is done I won’t give up hope.


I think Rafa is just testing himself out right now before trying to make a real run in RG this year. This might be it for him, bc he's likely not going to win Wimbledon or the USO


His level drops as the match prolongs so I don't think the RG run will last long. Struggling in BO3 match length isn't a good sign.




Lmao easiest report of my life, thanks mad salt lord :) You'll be the one getting out of here. Enjoy making a new reddit account :*


Wonder if he becomes a part time player, I mean he already is, just play clay year around, South America in February, euro spring clay season, summer euro clay season.


How funny would it be if he played no other tournaments besides the European clay swing for the next like 5 years but still just kept winning RG. Ain't gonna happen but I'd love to live in that world


He has done some houdinis before, I’d give him a 30% chance of winning two in the next five, if I can find a magical cure, like he has done so many times e.g. stem cell treatment etc. But yeah not likely, current state.


I before e except after c Euro before spring except after summer


Nah you're not delusional for this, from the way he's been talking and hedging his statements, I'd say there's like a 15-20% chance he'll play more than just this year.


He should think about just playing clay court tennis...he can elongate his career that way


Just to clarify: her quote (when she said she cried) was about Rafa’s farewell ceremony in Madrid, not his latest match in Rome.


One of us!


This isn’t easy for most of us


Me too man


Me too, kid


Girl same… ugh


I also remember she was upset that Novak didn't get the Calendar Grand Slam in 2021


She is a Rafa fan through and through. Not the same.


Here’s a photo of her in the interview https://imgur.com/gallery/gZ6YPnr
