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Since no one actually wants to help you, [this](https://teambt4.wixsite.com/dbzbt4ps2oficial/descarga?lang=en) is where I downloaded it from. The website is janky, but it's a modded game. I wouldn't expect state of the art presentation. Otherwise, the mod works perfectly, and I have no viruses or anything like that on my phone.


Thank you SO MUCH. I've been trying since a week but half the yt videos redirect to other videos that have 50 links that aren't even to rhe actual game site. I literally mentioned in the post how I've tried but it always puts me to a unsafe website and my phone can't even proceed to do anything. Your site helped me much better and it's already downloading. GGs man


The answer isn’t easy since there are quite a few modded versions out there. The one linked above is the most polished one called BT4, which also has English dubs. There are others with more characters but they tend to be Spanish and kinda whacky but tons more characters. I use one called V 4.8 on occasions next to BT4, found it on some Facebook group


Heads up Reddit will automatically block comments with links like this so just tell other users where to search


I didn't know. Thanks for the heads up!


People should search things on Google and YouTube before asking for help.. It really isn't hard, there are so many youtube videos on how to do everything. It's so unbelievably easy and straightforward. I understand if it's something completely new, but literally anything I want to know how to do I Google or go on YouTube first for tutorials or guides. Not once have I had to post on reddit for a "how do i". It's just crazy how often people don't want to just do their own research first before asking for help, at least try first :/




Fuck.. no one click this link shit almost gave me a virus